• Published 24th Feb 2019
  • 836 Views, 11 Comments

A Day In The Life Of Jedi Master Hooves - FourShadow

Just a regular day at the Jedi Temple with Master Derpy.

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A Day In The Life Of Jedi Master Hooves

Author's Note:

This one-shot was... an experiment. I've been doing a lot these days, but I wanted to experiment with this idea as well. Hope you enjoy the floof, and may the Force be with you. :raritywink:


The lush green and blue planet was far out in the Outer Rim of the solar system. Anyone passing by in space could see this planet as just your ordinary lush looking planet, probably inhabited with all sorts of marine life and nature. But this planet in fact was a home. A home to the defenders of peace, the warriors of light; The Jedi Knights. These knights were masters of the Force, an energy that binded the galaxy and everyone around them.

The outside vastness of space was quiet. Not a sound could be heard in the cold vacuum. But just then, in a millisecond, a starfighter was above the planet's atmosphere, connected to a hyperdrive docking ring. The starfighter connected to it was released from the ring, and it blasted off heading towards the planet's atompshere. The starfighter's paintjob was painted in a light gray with white highlights. And in the center of the ship, just in front of the cockpit was a little astromech droid, ready to provide any assistance or help required.

The pilot behind the wheel was a gray-skinned girl with blond hair, dressed in a tan robe. But the most distinguishable feature clear about her was her eyes which were facing two different directions. Regardless, she was able to keep the ship steady and flying.

"R4. Contact the Temple. Tell them we are arriving back very shortly."

The droid's head swiveled around to stare at her while she was in the cockpit, replying with a small series of bleeps. The ship whooshed through the clouds, bursting through several clusters until the location she needed was in sight. The skies were very bright blue, but with a few clouds in the air.

Just up ahead, they could see a temple down below, surrounded by more lush. It was closeby to a massive waterfall, leading down to a river that crossed the front of the temple. Only way to make it to the other side was by bridge.

The temple itself was tall, almost tall enough to touch the skies. The main tower in the center of the temple was the area where the members of the Jedi Council gathered, ready to discuss any current issues surrounding the galaxy, or for any threats that they needed to be ready for. And all the way down below, on a platform, she could see the landing pad for her to go to.

The ship zipped down and it's landing gear unfolded. With a light tap on the ground, the ship had powered down and was docked. The cockpit opened up, and the master jumped out of the pilot seat. The astromech droid jumped out too, out of it's spot on the ship, dropping on it's own two legs. It arched back a bit, pulling out a small wheel below, and started to follow after Derpy. The droid itself was mostly aqua blue, but the main dome was glossed in teal.

As the two walked close, they were greeted by another Jedi who was awaiting them. Dressed in a rather light purple robe with black leggings and brown boots. Her hair was coal black and her skin was dark gray, with her eyes accentuated with purple. And clipped to her side was a small metal blade, a handle for a weapon.

"Welcome back, Master Hooves," She bowed.

Derpy bowed back. "Thank you, Master Melody."

The droid next to her let out a series of beeps.

"Oh, my apologies. Welcome back, R4."

The droid's head swiveled back and forth, replying with some more beeps.

"How did the mission go?" Octavia asked.

"Oh I'll explain everything! But if you don't mind, I could use some food, I didn't eat before I left this morning," Derpy rubbed the back of her head. "Also, um..."

She reached to her side, pulling out the similar blade. "I'm afraid my lightsaber's fried. It didn't survive being splashed on."

"Oh dear," Octavia said, observing it. "We'll have to get it fixed."

Her face drooped hearing Derpy's stomach grumble, sounding like a hungry gundark.

"After we get food, of course. Lets go get some grub," Octavia nodded, gesturing her to follow. The two Jedi's footsteps echoed along the concrete, walking into the hangar. There they could see some other Jedi working; either on repairing their ships or moving some cargo with some droids. Over in one part of the hangar, they could see a familiar bespectacled girl and her personal assistant working on their craft.

"Hello Master Sparkle," Derpy waved.

The girl looked up and smiled, waving back to her. And lifting some cargo with some loader droids was a blue skinned Jedi with rainbow colored hair and goggles.

"Master Dash, good to see you again," Derpy greeted.

Rainbow smirked and winked back. Derpy and Octavia walked through the door, entering one of the hallways. It was provided with plenty of light whenever it came dark, along with some red carpeting. Maroon colored arches to hold a majority of the platforms and floors in the temple, keeping a stable structure.

As they passed through another room, they found the main mess hall where several other Jedi were hanging out and eating. The two grabbed some mugs and trays, and eventually got some food. And soon they found their table. Derpy raised her hand up, manipulating her chair to pull out so she could sit down; Octavia doing the same.

"I hope the trip to Naboo went okay?" Octavia said, sitting down at the table. Derpy sat across from her, smiling.

"Oh yes. Oh, you would have loved Naboo. The people are nice, there's lots of great architecture, oh it's so beautiful," Derpy sighed. "Though I didn't get to meet the Gungan society."

"Gungans?" Octavia asked, taking a bite of her food.

"They have an entire underwater society, though they don't like the Naboo people that much," she replied. "But I think that was the rumor."

Octavia nodded, taking in her friend's explanation. Derpy then shook her head a bit, trying to snap herself awake from the long and arduous journey.

"Anyways, w-what happened with you? Did anything exciting happen?" She asked be

"Well while you were playing peacemaker, I was with Master Wreath protecting a temple on Devaron. Shadow was there," Octavia grimaced. "Once again, she got away."

Derpy frowned.

"If we had the chance, if we could have captured her, we could have learned so much more about the Storm's plans... we could have turned the tide in the war."

"It's okay," her friend smiled, patting her hand. "We'll have other chances to capture her. But let's not forget, the Storm Army has many allies and planets claimed." She clicked on a button her wrist, showing a holo-screen with a few faces on a chart. All of these faces were the faces of their enemies, as well as any associates. "And based on how many there are... it's going to take some time to stop them."

Octavia sighed. "Yes, I suppose so... but still."

"We'll be able to stop them, I'm sure of it," Derpy smiled. "But I think we should at least enjoy these moments of peace that we have."

"Right, I suppose so..."

Some time after they had their meal, they walked back out into the halls of the Jedi Temple. They greeted a few other Jedi who were passing by, some were new faces, some were familiar friends. A few astromechs passed by as well, clearly too focused on whatever job they were tasked to do.

As they walked, they stopped. Octavia could sense electrical devices in work in the room they were standing next to. Curious, she walked over and waved her hand to open up the door. Inside, she saw someone was busy at a crafting table. And strewn around the room were dissembled arms, legs, heads, and torsos belonging to battle droids. Some of the pieces were still intact, while others looked like they had been cut violently as if a sharp blade had gone through them.

He was dressed much like everyone else in the temple; Jedi robes with a lightsaber clipped to his belt. He was a little shorter in height, just a few inches than the girls. His hair was short and purple, and he wore a set of goggles over his eyes.

"Um, hello?" Derpy called.

"Master Hooves. Pleasant to see you again," Micro nodded, stopping what he was doing. "I trust the mission went smoothly?"

"It did!" She then looked down at the table. "What are you building, you making something?"

"Technically. I am attempting to study these battle droids

"How come?" Octavia tilted her head.

"So I can reprogram them to obey us," Micro nodded, pulling out a pair of pliers. "Their intelligence levels may not adequate, but if I can boost up their intellect programming, as well as install some memory chips that will ensure they won't turn on us... we may have some more ways to handle the Storm Army."

"Very impressive," Octavia complimented.

"Thank you," Micro nodded, continuing to work.

"Are you sure you can get them made to follow us?" Derpy asked. "I'm not questioning your brain, but--"

"--No, no, I understand your inquiry," Micro nodded. "While I don't think I will have them together in a nano-second, I am taking as much time as I can to study them. If I can find the way to override their previous programming, we may very well have ourselves some means to counterattack."

"Great! Oh, um... I almost forgot, if you may, my lightsaber was fried," Derpy showed with some distress. "I think it needs water-proofing."

Micro Chips took the weapon that was passed to him, studying the damage. A set of magnification lenses flipped over his goggles so he could take a closer look.

"Mmm... I think I see the problem. Give me some time, and I think your blade should be able to be up and running again."

The Jedi smiled with a cute little squeak escaping her throat. "Thanks!"

"Fixing technology is my specialty," Micro smiled before pulling some tools out to work.

And just like that, Micro got straight to work.

While Micro continued to work on Derpy's lightsaber, the two friends walked down the hall, going outside to an open hall that showed the outside landscapes around them. Derpy stopped for a moment, just to enjoy the sight. She rested her arms on the railing, admiring what her eyes were seeing. So many domestic animals out in the land around the temple, so much nature and life around them.

The water from the falls sparkled from the sun, looking like crystals. Fresh jogan fruit was flourishing on their trees, and down below she could see two Jedi were busy picking some of the fruit and dropping them in baskets.

"You know something, Derpy?"

Derpy looked back to Octavia who leaned on the railing, arms holding her face as she gazed out into the wide rich land in front of them. A admiring smile was formed on her lips.

"I've been out into battle, destroying clankers and obstructions so much that I've almost forgotten how beautiful some of the planets we go to can be," Octavia gazed.

"Except for Mustafar, that planet's too hot," Derpy wiped her head, just thinking about it.


There was a moment of silence between the two, as they just stared out into open space.

"You know, I never said this to anyone, but... you promise not tell anyone?" Derpy asked.

"Of course," Octavia replied.

"Well, I never told this to anyone... but I don't know. I've been thinking maybe when the war's over, if we win... maybe I might try to settle down and get married. Have some children, find someone to love..." She sighed heavily.

Octavia just stared out into the open stretches of paradise with a smile on her face.

"One day, Derpy. One day."

Comments ( 11 )

Didn't even start reading, and it's already in my faves
A surprise to be sure, but a welcome one.

This was a charming little read, just quite pleasant. :twilightsmile:

You will be watching her career with great interest.

See, this right here, Four...this is why we all love you. Jedi and ponies, and a good story that seems like the beginning of a larger one that we want to unpack. You did great.

Although I never did take you for a Star Wars fan before...

Although this was only a one-shot; I wouldn't mind a sequel to this

"One day, Derpy. One day."

Yes, indeed


"One day, Derpy. One day."

Yeah, too bad you'll probably all be killed after the war ends by your evil chancellor who's been behind the conflict all along. But keep dreaming!

Also the fact that you would be expelled from the Jedi Order.
Oh buck. Run for your life! That's even scarier than the original.

Before I read..... This has got to be one of the WEIRDEST premise for a story involving Star Wars that I have ever seen. EDIT: And was just as fun as I thought it would be.:)

Fours, need your help.

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