• Published 19th Feb 2019
  • 2,241 Views, 47 Comments

Sweet Scootaloo - Krystal Clearskies

A human decides to adopt a filly to save himself from loneliness. Who will he choose?

  • ...

Making New Friends

Author's Note:

Hey guys. So, here's this chapter. This one's pretty long, and i put some effort into it. I just wanted to remind you, though, that while Scootaloo is a huge focus in this story, this is Jordan's story first and foremost. As such, in the future, the story might focus on his story just as much, if not more, than Scootaloo's. Also, i got big things planned for this story, like i have a timeline planned out and everything, so i hope you enjoy!

I woke up the next morning feeling something…strange. Looking at my window, it was still clearly morning out, as evidenced by it being dark. So why the heck was I up now? I never woke up before sunrise. It just wasn’t my thing.

A movement on top of me gave me all the answer I needed. Looking down, I saw Scootaloo, laying on top of me as if I were just a big body pillow, or a living mattress. I chuckled a bit and moved my hand to the back of her head, lightly rubbing the back of her head like that.

“The world must be ending. You woke up before me? What’s wrong, are you feeling ill?” I teased the filly with a chuckle, but to my surprise she didn’t even react to me rubbing the back of her head. Instead she let out something close to a whimper and looked me in the eyes.

“I…I had a nightmare and I…I really wanted to be with you…” Scootaloo admitted in a low, very sad voice, which made my heart swell from sadness as well. Suddenly, I moved my arms and wrapped them tenderly around her body, holding her body very close to my own, her head laying on my chest.

“Don’t worry, Scoots…daddy’s gotcha. You’re safe. I’m never letting those nightmares get you.” I said in as tender a voice as I could muster, holding her tightly to my body. I watched her as she closed her eyes, and watched her body as it relaxed. A few moments later, she began to snore. I smiled at her and gave her an affectionate peck on the cheek, before closing my eyes and falling asleep as well.
I woke up again a few hours later, and upon looking downwards, I found that Scootaloo was still laying on top of me, and still sound asleep. I slowly shook her awake. “Scoots…Scoots, it’s 7AM…you need to get up and get ready for school.”

Scootaloo made a very unhappy sound as I made her wake up from her sleep, and she begrudgingly lifted her head off of my chest. “Unf…but I’m so tired daddy…do I have to go?” She asked me tiredly, rubbing the crust out from her eyes. I sighed a bit and gently pet her mane, trying to make her a bit happier if I could.

“Sorry Scoots, but you need to go to class and I need to work. I can’t afford to miss another day.” I slowly moved her off of my chest, and I got out of bed myself. When I realized I was naked, I opened my eyes wide and ran to grab a pair of boxers before Scoots could see me naked, slapping them on at superhuman speeds.

After that I slipped on a shirt, along with my pants. I then clapped my hands a few times to get Scootaloo’s attention. “Scoots, I’m serious, come on! Go get ready for school!” I told her in a strict tone, noticing that she had once again fallen back asleep. This time though, she sprang out of bed and scurried to the bathroom. While she did that, I walked downstairs to the kitchen.

Once inside the kitchen, I quickly slapped together some lunches for her and I. I made her a cucumber and daisy sandwich with some peach jam, and I made myself a radish, cucumber and lettuce sandwich. As I made my sandwich, my stomach began to grumble unhappily, and I sighed. God, did I miss eating meat…I willingly gave up eating meat, so ponies wouldn’t think of me as some carnivorous monster, but it was so hard sometimes. What I wouldn’t do for just a bite of ham, or a bit of fish…

I shook those thoughts from my mind, reasoning that if I didn’t think of them, they wouldn’t be a problem. I also packed Scootaloo and I an apple and a soda each, and closed up our lunch boxes. Her lunchbox had the Wonderbolts on the front with, no surprise, Rainbow prominently featured. My lunchbox was a lot more simple than that.

A few minutes later, Scootaloo walked down the flight of stairs and into the kitchen, yawning tiredly. She had her saddlebags on and was seemingly ready to go. “I just remembered, today is gonna be bad…I’m not allowed to hang out with Sweetie Belle…and I doubt Apple Bloom is going to hang out with me over her…” Scootaloo said very sadly. I turned around and tapped my chin with my fingers, trying to come up with a solution.

“Well…there’s a lot of kids in your class, Scoots. You could always try making a new friend. I know they’re not going to be the same as the other Crusaders, but you never know. The two of you could end up really hitting it off. There’s no law in friendship that says you have to keep the same group of friends, is there?” I opened up her saddlebags and dumped her lunchbox inside.

“Ready to go?” I asked her, and when she gave me a nod I walked to the front door, slung my coat on, grabbed my keys, opened the front door, closed the front door, and locked it with the key when she stepped outside with me.

The walk to the schoolhouse was spent in mostly silence, listening to the sounds of birds chirping, ponies hurrying where they needed to go, water flowing in the creek, etc. We finally got to the schoolhouse, with fillies and colts outside, excitedly waiting for Cheerilee to unlock the doors.

I then got down onto one knee and looked Scootaloo in the eyes. “Alright, Scoots, I gotta get to work. Try to have a good day today, alright? I love you with all my heart, daughter of mine.” I then moved my arms and wrapped them tightly around her neck giving her a very tender, affectionate hug.

“Love you too daddy! See you later, okay?” Scootaloo said with a smile to me, and after we hugged goodbye for the day, I walked away from the schoolhouse. But I decided to stick around for a few moments to watch her. To my surprise, she walked up to a filly…I think Diamond Tiara was her name if I remember correctly, and they began to chat. This made me smile, happy Scootaloo was branching out in the friends department. Maybe she and Diamond would hit it off, like I was telling Scootaloo earlier. I loved Scootaloo, but she needed to work on making more friends.

I painstakingly got myself to quit watching her from afar, remembering I had to get my butt to work. I turned around and began to walk into the “downtown”, if you want to call it that, of Ponyville. I walked through the hustle and bustle of ponies scurrying where they needed to go, and after a short while, finally ended up at Colgate’s practice.

Luckily, today it wasn’t too busy when I walked in, and I smiled. Usually, Mondays were murder, but it didn’t seem like today would be too bad. I walked around the counter and sat down at my desk, getting ready like always.

“Hmm…let’s see…Berry Punch? Looks like you’re up first, Colgate should be ready to see you now!” I said as I waved the mare into the back room, and got down to work.

The day was uneventful for a few hours, almost painfully so, until a mare I had sent to the back to have her appointment came back out to the front desk. She didn’t leave, as they usually do, though. Instead she stayed in front of the desk until I looked up from it. And then her eyes and mine met in a mutual gaze.

Earlier, I hadn’t actually seen her, because I had merely called her name and shoo’d her to the back to see Colgate. But now, as I looked up from the desk and gazed at her…it felt like I was looking at the very definition of sheer beauty.

She was a pegasus mare, and her coat was a brilliant shade of white, which almost appeared to me to also have a hint of mint in it, with fur so floofy I just wanted to snuggle her and hug her. Her mane and tail were in a very long, very poofy styling, in fact her mane and tail covered up large portions of her body. At her head, her mane fell down both sides of her face, and her tail was so bushy it was insane. Her mane and tail were streaks of pink, fuschia, magenta and very pale yellow. Her eyes were fuschia, to match her hair, and I found myself flabbergasted as I gazed at her. I’d never seen a pony with such complimentary colors in their mane and tail, and her style was…amazing.

“Hi.” The mare said to me simply, giving me an innocent little smile. I was a bit surprised she spoke to me, having figured she was just curiously gazing at me while I worked.

“Uh, hi.” I replied back to her, my voice sounding more than a little shy and awkward. It wasn’t that I was afraid to talk to her, I was just seriously taken aback by how gorgeous she was.

I think she could notice how flabbergasted I was by her presence, because she just gave me an adorable little giggle, a sound which seemed like it came from heaven itself. “My name is Serenade Melody. What’s your name?” The mare asked me, and again, I felt myself tense up slightly, a lump forming in my throat. Also, her name made sense, because right then I saw that her cutie mark was a double music note, surrounded by four pink hearts.

“Uh…uh…my name is…uh…” Dammit, why couldn’t I talk all of a sudden?! What was I, 16 years old back in high school again?! I took a sudden gulp, to both calm myself and try to get rid of that lump in my throat, before speaking to her.

“My name is Jordan. Do you need something?” I asked the mare a bit shyly. It was very weird for Colgate’s patients to speak to me, usually the business was like a revolving door. Customers come in, customers go out. Not a whole lot of in between.

“Oh, no. I just wanted to talk to you!” The mare said with a lovely little grin, using her hoof to wipe her mane out from in front of her eyes.

“Talk to me? Well, I’m honored! Normally, patients don’t even bother with me. I’m just the man behind the desk.” I said with a bit of a chuckle.

“Well, I’ve never seen one of your kind before, and I guess my curiosity got the best of me. What are you?” She asked me with another one of those heart-melting smiles.

“Oh…um, I’m a human. You’ve never seen one of my kind before because I’m the only one in Equestria. I’m from another world. Possibly another dimension, but Celestia, Luna, Twilight and I haven’t gotten that far in the study of it.” As I said this, a thought came to my mind…with Luna and Celestia retiring and Twilight taking over, our research into why I was brought to Equestria would have to be halted. Now, we may never find out how I got here.

I shook those thoughts from my mind, for the time being, deciding to focus on the conversation at hand. The mare smiled at me, batting her eyelashes at me.

“Well, it’s a shame you’re the only one here, because you’re such a cutie. You must have dozens of mares wanting you!” The mare said in an adorable tone of voice, and I felt a blush spread upon my cheeks due to her words.

“Y…you think so? Well, thank you, you’re really easy on the eyes yourself…and no, actually, I’m single.” I said with my blush beginning to intensify. The mare giggled at me once again.

“Well, I’ve got to get going. Hope to see you around, cutie!” With that, she turned towards the door, and began to leave the building. Before she left, I called out after her.

“I’m sure you will!” Was the last thing I said to her, before she left. After she left, I couldn’t help but feel an intense sense of loneliness. Not like, I was truly alone, because there was always at least one patient in the waiting room, and Colgate was in the back. But that mare leaving made me feel a little empty inside, even though I had just met here. Was this a normal feeling? I had no clue.

I couldn’t stop myself from thinking about what she said, about her thinking I was cute. I’d never had a girl call me cute before. I thought I was the literal exact opposite of cute. I mean, I guess I was thin and decently fit, but I didn’t think I was cute, being about six foot and one hundred and eighty pounds. I supposed I had some muscles but didn’t think anything of it.

The rest of my day at work was painfully uneventful, and after the run in with…what was her name? Serenade? Yeah that was it, Serenade. After talking with her, the rest of my day just drug on painfully slow, every minute felt like an hour! It dragged on painfully slow, and not even my lunch break was as enjoyable as it usually was.

Mercifully though, the day finally came to a close around three o’ clock. With a loud yawn, I stood up out of my chair and stretched, feeling my joints crack and pop as I did so. After I stretched, I collected my things and punched out at the time clock, putting on my coat and leaving. Colgate always left late, and always locked up herself.

After I left the Colgate’s practice, I walked back through downtown Ponyville back to the school house, where class hadn’t quite been let out yet. I propped my arm up on top of the wooden fence, and I began to wait there, knowing they’d be let out of school any minute now.

Sure enough, a few minutes later I heard the bell ring inside the school, signaling class was out for the day. Immediately, a sea of fillies and colts spilled out of the school, running out of the gates to head on home. There, I saw Scootaloo emerge from the flooding of ponies.

I saw that she was walking out of school with Diamond Tiara, and they were chatting up a storm. Suddenly, Scootaloo’s eyes found my form at the fence, and her eyes lit up. She suddenly ran towards me, a big, bright smile on her face.

“Daddy, daddy! Can Diamond Tiara come over to our house tonight?!” Scootaloo asked excitedly, her body shaking from the excitement. “She and I were hanging out at recess today and she wants to come over! We’re gonna study and play board games and stuff!” She said even more excitedly, her tail swaying to the left and right from her energy.

I looked down at Scootaloo, and then Diamond, rubbing my chin gently. “Well, I wasn’t expecting to have a guest tonight, the house is a bit of a mess…you don’t mind, do you Tiara?” I asked the filly, who shook her head happily. Smiling, I nodded at the duo.

“Alright you two, it’s a date then. C’mon home!” I said to the two fillies as I turned the opposite direction from the schoolhouse. Making sure they were following me, I began to walk through town once again, this time not stopping until I reached home.

When I got there, I stepped onto the front porch and reached into my pocket for my key ring. I grabbed the key ring and grumbled as I fiddled with the thing, trying to find the right key. “Dag nabbit…stupid key…where are you?” I said out loud. When I found it, I let out an AHA, and stuck the key into the door lock, unlocking and opening the door thereafter.

I opened the door and ushered the two fillies inside, grumbling to myself as I realized the house could be much cleaner than it currently was. “Sorry about the messes, Tiara, I hope it’s not a problem.” The filly seemed to not even care though. She and Scootaloo just bustled up the flight of stairs up to Scootaloo’s room, leaving me to chuckle a bit.

I kicked my shoes off and flopped down onto the couch, my mind swirling with thoughts. That Serenade mare…I couldn’t get her off of my mind. Her mane, her coat, her voice, everything…I just couldn’t get her out of my mind. She was perfect, and she had dominated my entire mind. I just had to see her again. I hoped she would have a followup appointment with Colgate, so I could talk with her again.

Letting out a sigh, I got up from the couch and went to the table, deciding to finally go through the mail, something I’d been dreading since it was bound to be nothing but bills. Yep, sure enough, a slew of bills were there. One from the Ponyville Water Company, 30 bits. Ponyville Oil, which I used for the oil lamps in the house, were hitting me up for 20 bits. Mortgage on the house, payment was to be 50 bits. That one made me gag. That was a lot of bits, I hoped I could budget accordingly. All in all, these bills were 100 bits. I made 150 in my paycheck, so getting groceries and such might be tough. Thank goodness for that quarterly bonus from Colgate!

Shoot…maybe I shouldn’t have been so frivolous with money lately. I’ve enjoyed spoiling Scootaloo, but there’s no point in spoiling her if I’m an idiot and I lose the house. I’d have to be more careful from now on.

As I looked down at the papers before me, I realized something. With romantic relationships, they call the period after the wedding the honeymoon phase, because obviously the couples celebrate with their honeymoon. After that, reality sets in. That’s kind of what’s going on here with Scootaloo and I. The magic is starting to wind down, and reality is beginning to set in, in the way of me having to adult. I hate adulting, but I signed up for this, literally.

And another thought I had was how things have changed since I ended up in Equestria. Back on Earth, I was religious. I wasn’t a bible thumper, and I didn’t attend church, but I absolutely believed in god. Coming to Equestria changed things. No churches, no bibles, nothing of the sort. But I missed religion. Having faith, and believing in a higher power, I missed it. Back home, my family would always have Sunday be our rest day. No electronics, no outside drama, just our family resting together. I missed things like that. Maybe I could try to employ something similar with Scoots. Try to have some real family dynamics.

Looking up at the clock, I noticed it was about five o’ clock. A bit early to start cooking dinner, but Diamond being here changed things. I wanted her to eat with us before she went home. I got up from the kitchen table and walked to the fridge, trying to think of what to make.

After looking at the ingredients I had available, I finally decided on what to make for dinner. Breakfast! But not just breakfast, breakfast ring. What a breakfast ring is, is those premade croissant dough thingies. Turns out, Equestria actually has those. Anyway, you lay them flat on a baking tray, and on top you put eggs, cheese, potatoes, onions, mushrooms, bell peppers and other stuff. You cover them with another layer of croissant dough, and form it into a circle, hence the “ring” part. Then you bake it all at once.

I grabbed all the ingredients I needed, and got to work. First, the croissants on the baking sheet. Then, cracked the eggs and scrambled them. Then, I grated fresh cheese, cut some potatoes and sliced a few onions, as well as mushrooms and bell peppers, and I formed it all together and placed it in the oven.

It would take about half an hour to bake, but it would be worth it. I had a feeling it would knock both Scootaloo and Diamond Tiara’s socks off, even with how high class the filly was. I knew about her family, and knew she came from the upper class. I was hoping I could impress her with my cooking, so maybe she would want to hang out with Scoots again. I didn’t want her thinking we were peasants, or anything.

Soon, the smell of the ring became nearly intoxicating. All those ingredients came together in a cacophonous symphony of smells, and the house became inundated with them. The girls must have smelled it, because I heard the door upstairs open and they both walked down the stairs to the kitchen, where I was.

“Daddy, what is that? It smells amazing!” Scootaloo said as she sniffed the air deeply, letting out a happy “Mmm!” as she did so. I chuckled at her, smiling, happy she was excited for the food.

“It’s something new, my little filly, and it’s a secret! You two will find out in about five minutes.” I smiled at the pair of them, sitting back in my chair at the table and waiting. The two fillies each pulled up a chair and joined me, and we just sat there for the five minutes left until the food was ready.

Suddenly, the timer dinged, and I quickly popped out of my chair, going to the oven. I put on my oven mitts and carefully pulled the baking sheet out of the oven. If this thing smelled good before, it smelled fifty times better now that it was out of the oven. I heard the two fillies let out another “Mmm!” as they once again smelled it.

I grabbed my pizza slicer and began to cut the ring into appropriately sized portions for me and the girls, putting the food onto three different plates. When that was done, I carefully brought over the plates to the table, and served them the food happily.

“Ooo! What is it?” Diamond Tiara asked me curiously ogling the ring. I had really outdone myself; the croissants baked perfectly. They were golden and perfect, and looked delicious, and the contents on the inside looked like they baked just as perfectly.

”It’s called breakfast ring! Those are croissants, and inside are eggs, mushrooms, onions, potatoes, bell peppers and cheese. Hey Scootaloo, before we dig in, can I do something different tonight?” I asked her with a curious face. She gave me a nod, and I looked at the pair of them.

“Well…back on earth, my old family and I would do this before every meal. It’s something that meant a lot to me, and I’d love to share it with the two of you.” I said as I looked down, and closed my eyes. The two fillies quickly followed my lead, and did the same, looking down and closing their eyes.

“Dear maker…” I said softly, replacing god for the maker, figuring that was a universally accepted entity. “Thank you for watching over us, blessing us with good health, fortune, laughter and happiness. Thank you for allowing Scootaloo to make a new friend in Diamond Tiara today, and may the two of them succeed at school and at life together. Thank you for this food you have afforded to us, and we eat it with the hopes that it may nourish our bodies. Thank you for watching over us.”

With that, I looked up at the duo again, and they quickly followed suit. They both looked at me for the longest time, silently, not making a peep, before Tiara spoke up.

“Wow…that was…really pretty.” She said simply, and I gave the two of them an appreciative smile.

“Thank you, Diamond. Now come on, let’s dig in!” I said as I picked up my fork and began to dive into my food, moaning happily. Damn, I could cook! The fillies were similarly happy with the food, Scootaloo on more than one occasion proclaimed that it was probably the most delicious thing she had ever eaten in her entire life. That made me grin like an idiot.

Dinner other than that was pretty quiet and uneventful, and when we were done eating I grabbed their plates and placed them in the sink, opting to wash the dishes later. I looked up at the clock and noticed it was six o’ clock.

“Diamond? You should head home in about an hour. That’ll be sunset and I want you to be home by then, alright?” I asked the filly, who nodded at me. The girls stayed at the table, talking about stuff, and I sat back down at my seat, hoping I was infringing upon their conversation.

When I sat down, Scootaloo spoke to me. “Hey, daddy?” She asked me, and I looked over at her in surprise.

“What is it, Scoots?” I asked her, rubbing my full, happy belly. Damn, that food was good. Scootaloo looked at Diamond, who nodded, and Scootaloo turned back at me.

“Diamond Tiara was wondering if she could borrow your recipe for the breakfast ring? She thinks her parents would love it!” Scootaloo said with a smile, and that made me blush a little bit.

“You…really think so? Well, I’m honored! Absolutely! I don’t have it written down but give me a minute and I can do that…” I said as I quickly garnered a piece of paper and a pen. I then got to work writing the ingredient, the amounts needed, and how long to bake it for in a neat, uniform order, like a regular recipe sheet. When it was done, I smiled and handed it over to Diamond.

“There you go, Diamond. If your parents enjoy it, please let me know!” I said to the filly with a smile.

The next chunk of time went by in a blur. The two of them grabbed my Guardians of Harmony board game. It was kinda like Candy Land from back home, but instead, there were tiles with villains on them. Discord, Sombra, Chrysalis, Tirek, etc, and they could pick one of the mane six to play as. It was a fun game, I had to admit.

They managed to play two games of that, before it got to be seven o’ clock. When it was seven, I coughed to get their attention.

“Alright you two, it’s seven. Time for you to go home, Diamond. Can you make it home safely? I can walk you home if need be!” I said to the filly, and she politely shook her head.

“No, I can get there safely. Thanks for the recipe! See you tomorrow, Scootaloo!” Diamond said happily as she gathered her saddle bag, strapped it on, and walked out the front door. After the door closed, the place felt eerily empty and quieter. Sensing Scootaloo felt it as well, I walked up to her and planted a kiss upon her forehead.

“Scoots? I love you. I’m so glad you made another friend today. You two seem to have really hit it off.” I said with a smile. Scootaloo chuckled.

“Yeah, I guess she and I did. Funny how I used to hate her…she changed a lot.” Scootaloo said quietly. She then turned her head to look up at me.

“Hey, daddy? I got some questions. Could we…go sit down and talk?” Scootaloo asked me, and I pet the back of her head gently.

“Of course we can!” I said to her happily, and I ushered her to the living room. I sat down in my usual spot, and she sat down in hers. She rubbed her hooves together for a minute, almost nervously, before speaking.

“Alright…well, I was wondering if you could tell me about your old family, daddy. What were they like?” Scootaloo asked me, her eyes very curious. This question took me off guard, since I hadn’t expected it and other than earlier, hadn’t thought about my family much.

“My family…hmm, let’s see. Well first off, I’m the youngest of four kids. I had one brother, and two sisters, so it was always us two versus them two growing up.” I said with a chuckle.

“My mom and my dad loved each other very much…even when things got really bad, they found a way to work things out and stick together. My dad was always Supermane in my eyes. He worked, did repairs around the house, and lots of other stuff and he hardly ever took a sick day from work. Maybe that’s where I learned to work so hard, from him. My mom had a lot of issues but she was still my mom. And while my sisters both ended up going to college, my brother didn’t. But he married a girl and had two children. A third was on the way when I ended up here in Equestria.”

As I was speaking, I felt my heart sink into the pits of my stomach, realizing I would never meet baby #3. That suddenly took my heart and shattered it into a million pieces…but I tried not to let my sudden sadness show, not in front of Scootaloo.

“I think that about covers it. At least for now, Scoots. Would you be okay if we saved other questions for another night?” I asked the filly, who happily shook her head to signify it was ok. I looked at the clock and saw it was now eight, and I let out a tired yawn.

“Alright, Scoots, I’m going to go to bed. Do me a favor and please don’t stay up late, alright? It’s a school night, missy!” I then leaned down and planted a kiss upon her head. Scoots responded by wrapping her hooves around me in a tight, loving hug, one which I gladly returned.

“Alright Scoots. I love you. Goodnight.” I said as I once again kissed the top of her head, and moved away. I gazed at her for a moment before turning away and walking upstairs.

Once I got to my room, I went through the usual ritual of stripping myself naked, and got into my bed. Usually, my head was swimming in thoughts before I went to bed, but tonight, after such an eventful day, my mind was just blank with tiredness. I literally crawled under the blankets, rolled onto my left side, and quickly fell asleep, wondering what surprises tomorrow would hold for me as well.

I didn’t know for sure, but I was excited to find out.