• Published 19th Feb 2019
  • 2,237 Views, 47 Comments

Sweet Scootaloo - Krystal Clearskies

A human decides to adopt a filly to save himself from loneliness. Who will he choose?

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Important Second Day

Author's Note:

(I know it's been a lifetime since my last chapter. I really have no excuse other than life has been hard. Some days, I would just forget to open WPS Office at all. I'm going to try to do much more regular updates. I hope you can forgive my absence, and enjoy this chapter)

I woke up the next morning to the annoying, screeching sounds of my alarm clock and immediately sat upright, rubbing my tired eyes as I annoyedly glanced over at the clock. I hit the button on top to make it stop blaring and read that it said 7:30. I whipped the covers off of my body and went into the bathroom, taking care of all my morning “duties”.

Once I was done in the bathroom, I walked to Scootaloo’s room and opened the door. I saw that she was laying on her side, snoring cutely, out like a light. I felt bad about waking her up, since she was sleeping so peacefully, but I had to do it. She had school today.

So, I walked over to her and gently shook her. “Scootaloo…” I said in as soft and warm of a voice as I could muster. Scootaloo only groaned, and rolled onto her other side.

“Scootaloo, it’s time to wake up. You have to be at school in an hour. Come on, get up!” I said, continuing to shake her but to no avail. Luckily, I had a bit of a trap card to use.

I began to walk away, and once I got to the door frame, I spoke. “Alright Scoots, but I guess that means I get to eat all those pancakes by myself.” I said with a bit of a chuckle, and just like I planned Scoots immediately hopped out of bed, zipped past me and hurried to the kitchen, getting there before me.

“Note to self, just bribe Scootaloo with food.” I said with an amused chuckle, joining her in the kitchen. I got the wrapped up pancakes from yesterday out of the fridge, figuring we may as well eat them now instead of making more. I put them in a skillet on the stovetop and got to cooking. I was just heating them up, I didn’t want to cook them twice. They would burn that way and just get water logged.

Once the pancakes were properly reheated, I took them off of the stove and served them onto two plates. I placed them down at our places at the table and I began to dig in, Scootaloo following my lead.

I also sipped some coffee I had brewed. I was never a big coffee person back on earth, but Equestrian grounds tasted so fresh, perhaps…magical? And the nutrients the liquid provided me helped a lot.

Soon, Scoots and I finished our food and I got up, walking to the closet in the hallway and grabbing something out of it, immediately after walking back to Scootaloo.

“Hey, Scoots, I got you something. I figured you would need a saddlebag for school and, I didn’t know if you had one, so I picked this up yesterday when you weren’t looking.” I said as I handed her a fully decked out Wonderbolts saddlebag, with Rainbow Dash displayed prominently on the front of it. Scootaloo’s eyes just opened wide and she looked at it in shock. I guessed because she didn’t get too many gifts.

“Oh my gosh! Daddy, I love it! It’s sooooo 20% cooler than Sweetie Belle or Apple Bloom’s saddlebags!” She shouted happily. That made me smile on the inside, but then I looked up at the clock, and my eyes opened a bit wide.

“SHOOT! Scoots we need to go now. C’mon!” I said to her as I grabbed my keys and ushered her outside. I quickly locked up the front door and led her away to the school house. Luckily, it wasn’t that far away from where I lived, and we made it just in time.

When we arrived, we both stopped to catch our breath, and when I finally felt I wasn’t going to die, I got down on one knee so I was as close to eye-level with her as I could get. I brushed some dust off of her face and smiled at her.

“Alright Scoots, this is where we have to split. I hope you have a good day, ok? Have fun.” I told her as I wrapped my arms around her and hugged her tightly. Scoots immediately reciprocated said hug, opting not to reply to me and instead just enjoy the hug goodbye.

“I know you’re sad we can’t be together today Scoots, but we’re not saying goodbye. We’re saying, see you soon, alright? Now, go on.” I said to her as I broke away from the hug and stood back up. Scootaloo gave me a big smile and turned around, trotting into the school house. As soon as she got in, due to the door being open, I could hear her peers asking her questions, such as who I was and what she was doing with me.

I began to walk the opposite way, back to my house, but I stopped about halfway through. I suddenly found myself very sad that Scootaloo and I were apart. I had to send her to class, and I know I did the responsible thing, but I wish I could have let her take the day off with me. I only adopted her two days ago, and yet being apart from her hurts so much already.

I decided I needed something to cheer myself up, so I started walking to Sweet Apple Acres. It was a bit of a hefty walk away, but I had a feeling going there would make me feel better. When I arrived, I saw Applejack, who was currently lounging on the front porch of their farmhouse.

“Well howdy there sugarcube, don’t see ya around here too often. What can I do ya for?” She asked me, moving so she was standing on all fours now.

“Well uh…I was just feeling a little bit sad this morning, AJ, and was wondering if there was any way I could snag a treat or two from you? A fritter or slice of pie or something?” I asked her hopefully, to which she opened up a cooler she had next to her and handed me a chilled slice of apple pie as well as a cool mug of cider.

“Was gonna have those myself later, but you seem like you could use them more than me. On the house, sugarcube!” She said to me with a smile, and I just looked at her in shock.

“Whoa, AJ are you sure? It’s really no issue to pay you for these, I can afford them.” I told her, but she just waved her hoof at me.

“Don’tcha worry none partner. I gotta get back to the farm now, but y’all take care alright?” AJ told me with a big smile as she stood up and walked away from the porch into the orchard, turning and tipping her hat at me before walking out of view into the apple trees. I chuckled a bit, knowing I made a good choice in best friends between Twilight and AJ.

I stuffed the treats into the backpack I usually wore, and not wanting to hang around the farmhouse alone, began the trek back to my place. I arrived there, opened the front door and sat down at the couch, deciding to read my new book I got from Twilight.

I vegged out there for what I thought was a long time, getting through a decent chunk of the book, maybe about 40 pages, but when I looked up at the clock, only two hours had gone by! Scoots would still be in school for another three!

I grabbed the book and slapped it into my forehead a bit, letting out a groan. Today was determined to just drag on forever, it seemed. Having had enough of my book, I got up and walked throughout the house, looking for something to do. Deciding I was really that bored, I began looking for something to clean.

The day dragged on forever, with me fully reorganizing my hallway closet, but finally, I looked up at the clock and saw that it read 3pm. I excitedly slipped on my shoes, put on my coat, and walked to the schoolhouse.

When I got there, the class was still inside, and so I decided to wait cool by the fence in the front yard. I had to wait a few minutes, but sure enough, the door to the schoolhouse opened and a sea of colts and fillies came flooding out. Scootaloo was near the end of the pack, and when she began to dash towards me, I suddenly scooped her up and gave her an ultra tight hug, which she gladly reciprocated.

“I missed you so much today, Scoots. I really did.” I said as I gave her a kiss on the forehead, setting her down on the ground. Scoots smiled at me and handed me a picture she pulled out of her saddlebag.

“I made this for you during art today daddy!” She told me as she proudly presented it to me. It was a very hastily sketched out in crayon picture of her, Rainbow Dash and I all sitting together under an actual rainbow, with what looked like ice cream cones in our hands.

“Aw Scoots, this is so sweet. I’ll hang this up on the fridge at home. But why did you draw Rainbow Dash in there?” I asked her, already knowing the answer but wanting to ask anyway.

“Well, duh! Rainbow is the most awesomest pony ever!” She said, which made me grin at her.

“I thought you said I was the most awesomest pony ever, Scoots.” I said to her, which made her roll her eyes a bit.

“Daddy, you’re not a pony. You can’t be the most awesomest pony. It doesn’t work if you’re not one!” She said with a grin, and laid her scooter on the ground so she could follow me home.

The walk home was rather uneventful. We got to the front door and after I unlocked it, Scootaloo parked her scooter in the hall and I locked the door. I looked up at the clock and saw that it was 3:30, and I walked into the kitchen.

“Scootaloo, come here!” I called after her, pulling out the half of the apple pie I had saved for her earlier along with the cider. Scootaloo walked into the kitchen and I handed them both to her.

“Feel free to eat these for a snack, alright? If you eat in your room, bring all the trash down here and throw it away. I don’t want to find any garbage in your room, alright?” I said to Scoots, who smiled and nodded.

“Yes daddy.” She told me before she scurried upstairs to her room. When she was gone I looked in the fridge at what ingredients I had, wondering what to make. I ultimately decided on some homemade pizza.

I got out a ball of dough I had made a few days ago which was still good and got to work prepping it for pizza, hand tossing it and all. I decided to load it up with cheese, pineapple, mushroom, onion and garlic. I carefully placed everything onto the discus of dough and popped it into the oven. Luckily it would only take an hour to properly cook.

I went to the couch and flopped down onto it, grabbing the TV remote and putting on some TV. I turned it to the news station. As per usual, nothing but gossip on the princesses, some updates from Manehattan, stuff like that. Nothing to get too engrossed by. But then, I saw a commercial advertising the upcoming Wonderbolts show. While usually, they did their shows at their compound in Canterlot, they announced they would be performing at this year’s Summer Sun Celebration. That planted an idea into my head.

Suddenly, the oven beeped a few times, signaling that the pizza was done cooking. I was left a big flabbergasted, since that felt like the quickest hour of my entire life. I could have used a quick hour earlier when I was waiting for Scoots.

I pulled the pizza out of the oven, and sprinkled it with Parmesan, and cut it up into 8 equal slices. I put one on a plate for me, and another for Scoots, and placed them at the table.

“SCOOTS! DINNER!” I called out to her, and right on cue she ran downstairs to the kitchen. She hopped up into the chair and look at it.

“Whoa, pizza? This looks delish, daddy!” She grabbed her slice and went to take a bit, but ended up dropping it because it was too hot. She looked a little embarrassed so I decided not to comment on it.

I poured her and I some soda, and once the pizza had cooled a bit, we both dug into it. I usually was a very modest person, but Celestia Dammit if this wasn’t the best pizza I’d ever made. Every bite was just as good as the first, and I felt like a complete pig when I ended up eating two slices of it for dinner.

But, life was too short to be filled with shame, and so I quickly repressed that feeling down inside me and look over at Scoots, who completely devoured her slices as well.

“So, Scoots, anything interesting happen at school today?” I asked her, to which she stopped chewing to think about it.

“Um, not really. Well, my friends did ask me about you, but that was it. Oh and Mrs. Cheerilee gave us homework tonight, but I got it all done in class!” She told me, but two and two weren’t quite adding up for me.

“Is that right? Let me go over your homework, then, Scoots.” I told her, to which her eyes went a little wide and I saw her body jerk slightly. Ha, caught her hook, line, and sinker on that one.

“Scootaloo, please don’t try to lie to me like that. If you start to lie to me, it’s going to ruin the great dynamic you and I have had so far. If something’s up, just tell me the truth. I want you to go up to your room, do your homework and get ready for bed, got it?” I told her, to which it looked like she wanted to argue but she just gave me a silent nod, walking upstairs to her room.

Well, if she listened that well all the time, maybe things would work out. If I didn’t have to be strict with her, things might be alright. I grabbed the dishes and plopped them into the sink, getting the sponge and scrubbing the muck out of them, putting them into the dishwasher after.

I ended up majorly losing track of time around then, and before I knew it, nine o’ clock came around and flicked me in the nose. I walked up to Scootaloo’s room, seeing her laying on her bed, above the covers.

“Did you manage to get your homework done?” I asked her, to which she groaned slightly.

“Yes! It’s all done! Check it if you want.” She said as she pointed to the paper laying on her desk. I walked over to it and grimaced as I read it.

“Scootaloo…there’s like fifty words here. Do you honestly think Cheerilee is going to give you a passing grade for this?” I asked her as I held the paper up, to which Scootaloo sighed again.

“I did the work, didn’t I? She can’t get mad at me for that.” She then got under the covers and laid on her side, apparently ready to go to sleep.

I felt a slight anger inside me as I looked at her. Could she honestly be saying that? There was no way she’d get a passing grade with a mere fifty words written. Deciding I didn’t want to start a big fight this early in our relationship together, I decided to let it go. If she did this again, then I would make it a problem. I just turned the light off, closed the door and let her go to bed, going to my room.

I slapped on my pajamas and got under my covers as well, sighing a bit. There wasn’t too much to think about tonight, other than Scoots with her homework. I felt really disappointed in her, and I didn’t know what to do about it. Would it be a wait and see scenario? Or should I talk with her about? Or do I demand she redo the paper before she goes to school tomorrow? So this must be the horrible side of being a parent, having to decide what to do when your child does something you don’t agree with.

I sighed and rolled onto my side, looking at the wall closest me as my eyes closed, and finally, after a long while of laying there, sleep finally overtook me and wrapped me in its warm and fuzzy embrace.