• Published 31st Jan 2019
  • 2,065 Views, 105 Comments

Sarah's Adventure's in Equestria - Zipp Storm

A Spin off of MaxTV123's Ren's Adventures in Equestria story with a a few changes.

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Chapter 93: Shimmer's Past Returns

Third Person POV

The morning sun began to rise in the horizon and started to bathe Ponyville in a warm and bright glow. Sarah Gem slept in her bed soundly with Shimmer Glow snuggled up next her. A few minutes later, a knock on the front door woke Sarah out of her peaceful sleep. Without waking Shimmer Glow, she picked her up, got out of the bed, and gently set her daughter back in the bed. She quickly tucked her and gave him a kiss on the forehead before going to answer the door.

When she opened the door, Sarah was greeted by all of her friends.

"Howdy, Sarah ." Applejack said happily before Pinkie bounced in front of her with her party canon.

Pinkie was about to start screaming but she saw Sarah give her a look telling her that Shimmer was still asleep and now was not a good time to start making noise. Pinkie immediately put her own hooves over her mouth to silence herself. Sarah softly smiled and giggled at Pinkie before allowing her friends in. The group stepped into the castle and went into the throne room and started quietly discussing.

It was Shimmer Glow's birthday tomorrow and Sarah wanted to do something special for her little one.

"Sarah darling," Rarity said "I finished your gift for Shimmer and I just know it will be her favorite gift out of all of ours. I will wrap it and bring it to the party for you."

Sarah nodded as Ren and the others spoke, "We made our gifts for Shimmer too, she'll love them." Sarah nodded and then Twilight spoke up.

"I invited Spike to the party and I found out that Princess Cadence and Shining Armor are visiting for a few days." she said calmly and quietly. "I've told them all about Shimmer Glow and they are excited to finally meet him. Princess Celestia and Princess Luna have also provided us with rooms for the night just in case it get's too late."

Sarah simply smiled as Rainbow Dash began to quietly express her excitement about tonight.

"Aw yeah, I can't wait to show Shimmer the sonic rainboom." She said happily "Pinkie and I came up with an awesome idea last night but I'm not going to say what it is."

Pinkie was giggling happily as she thought of the special surprise for her nephew.

"I asked Applebloom and her friends to come too since they are Shimmer's friends." Applejack said while smiling.

Words could not express how happy Sarah was right now. Every one of her friends were going way out of their way to make tonight a night for Shimmer to always remember.

"Thank you all so much everyone! I can't even begin to think about how happy Shimmer will be when she finds finds how much you all have done!" Sarah said happily

"Sarah, I think your counting yourself out." Rainbow said as she put a hoof on Sarah shoulder and smiled at her.

Sarah gave her a look on confusion, "Huh?" Twilight trotted up to her and smiled.

"You've done the most for Shimmer out of all of us." she said "You gave her a home, you made her your daughter, you have shown her more love and compassion than anypony else here. We love Shimmer with all of our hearts but she does not love anypony else more than you."

Sarah blushed and felt tears roll down her eyes and she wrapped Twilight in loving sisterly hug. "Thank you so much, Twilight." she said sweetly

Twilight smiled and wrapped her forelegs around Sarah.

"Your welcome, Sarah." Twilight said gently "I better get back to the library. I'll meet you at the train station tonight."

Sarah nodded as Twilight left her cottage. Everyone else followed her out the door so they could go to their homes. With all of her friends gone, Sarah closed the door and went into the kitchen to make Shimmer a special breakfast. When she finished she went upstairs to wake her sleeping daugher.

Entering her bedroom, Sarah went over to Shimmer and gently kissed her on the cheek, "Shimmer, It's time to wake up, sweetheart." Shimmer opened her eyes and rubbed them with her little hooves. She looked at her mother and wrapped her forelegs around her neck. "Good morning, Momma."

"Good morning sweetie, happy birthday."

"Thank you, Momma."

"Your welcome, sweetheart," Sarah replied with a smile on her face. "Now, let's go downstairs. I made a special breakfast for you."

"Oooh... what special breakfast, Momma?" Shimmer asked.
Sarah chuckled and rubbed her head, "Follow me and come see." Shimmer nodded and fluttered her little wings. She followed Sarah to the kitchen where she saw her breakfast. On a plate was a stack of delicious pancakes that had whipped cream on the top as well as a few sliced strawberry's.

"Is this my breakfast, Momma?" Shimmer asked curiously

Sarah giggled and said, "yes it is sweetheart. I wanted to make you a special birthday breakfast."

Shimmer fluttered into one of the chairs and she began to eat her delicious breakfast. After she was finished, Fluttershy took the plate and put it into the sink before returning to her daughters' side. When she looked at her, she began to giggle. Shimmer had a patch of whipped cream underneath her lips. Sarah continued giggling as she took a napkin and wiped her face.

"Thank you for my delicious breakfast, Momma." Shimmer said happily

Fluttershy smiled at her and nuzzled her cheek lovingly in response. Shimmer wrapped her hooves around Sarah's neck and laid her head against her chest. The two stayed like that for a few minutes until Ampharos and the other pokemon and AXL came into the room. "Naiir..." Shimmer giggled and climbed out of Sarah's arms and before bounding over to her mother's pokemon and robotic dog. The pokemon nuzzled her happily while Sarah smiled. "You wanna play with the pokemon, sweetheart?" Sarah cooed.

Shimmer nodded and her, "Please?"

"Hehe, alright sweetie."

"Yeah..." Shimmer cheered. Sarah chuckled and watched as Shimmer went outside with her pokemon and AXL to play.

A few hours passed before Sarah came outside, "Shimmer~" she called. Shimmer came bounding over to her mother. "Yes Momma?"

"Come on, sweetie. Your aunties, uncles and I want to take you somewhere very special." Shimmer looked at Fluttershy curiously.

"Don't worry sweetheart, you'll see where we're going soon enough." Sarah said sweetly before giving Shimmer a gentle hug. "Now come, let's go to Twilight's Library." Shimmer nodded and the friends went to Twilights'.

The sun was beginning to set when they arrived at the Golden Oak Library. After Sarah knocked on the door, it opened and revealed a smiling Twilight Sparkle and all her friends, including her mother, Sapphire.

"Hi, Sarah, please come in." she said while motioning a hoof to come inside.

Sarah entered the room and saw the rest of her friends and Shimmers' friends there as well. Shimmer held out her forelegs to Twilight who scooped her into hers and hugged her.

"Happy birthday, Shimmer, sweetheart." Twilight said as she kissed her on the forehead.

Shimmer smiled softly and said, "Thank you, Auntie Twilight."

Twilight went over to the rest of friends as Shimmer fluttered in the air with her wings. "Well hey there sugarcube, Happy birthday!" Applejack said sweetly.

Everyone else said Happy Birthday as well and Shimmer thanked them all. "Thank you so much everypony, this is this is the best birthday ever!" Shimmer cheered.

"Your quite welcome darling," Rarity said gently. "But we have a special surprise waiting for you in Canterlot."

"Canterlot? Isn't that the place where the princesses live?"

Twilight smiled and said, "Yes it is sweetheart and we have something special for you in the castle."

Shimmer's eyes went wide with excitement. "Ooh what is it, Auntie Twilight!? What is It!?" He asked excitedly.

"Sorry kid, you're not knowing that easily." Jack teased him. Shimmer gave a cute pout.

"Alright everypony, let's quit the small talk and get to the castle before it gets any later." Rainbow Dash said before flying out the door.

"You ready to see Canterlot, buddy?" Scootaloo asked Shimmer earning a nod in response.

Everyone smiled and made their way to the train station. Once they arrived at the station they gave the conductor their tickets and found the a car to sit in. Shimmer and his friends were all crowded together laughing. Fluttershy smiled at her daighters' happiness, she was so glad that she was enjoying her first real birthday with her family and friends. When the train arrived at Canterlot, everyone made their way to the castle as the moon began to rise.

Entering the main hall, the group walked through the corridors with Shimmer looking around the castle in total awe. She had never seen a place so beautiful in her life. When they arrived at the ballroom, Twilight opened the door and everyone in the group went inside except Sarah and Shimmer who had a foreleg over his eyes so she couldn't see her surprise.

Sarah removed her foreleg before saying, "Okay, sweetheart, I need you to close your eyes."

Shimmer nodded at and closed her eyes. Sarah smiled and took her other hoof and lead her into the ballroom. "Alright sweeite, open your eyes now."

Shimmer opened her eyes and they immediately went wide with shock.

"Surprise!" Shouted the room full of ponies

Shimmer looked all around the ballroom.. It was decorated with streamers, balloons, and in the center of the room was a banner that said in large blue and green colored words, "HAPPY BIRTHDAY SHIMMER GLOW" Shimmer couldn't help but cry tears of joy.

"I-is this for m-me" Shimmer sobbed happily

"Happy Birthday, Shimmer!" Everyone shouted in response

"This was the surprise I told you about, Shimmer, sweetheart." Sarah said sweetly

Shimmer continued to cry happily as flew into her mother's chest. Sarah nuzzled little Shimmer Glow. Everyone in the room dawwe'd at this sight as four more ponies entered the room.

'Shimmer," Twilight called out. "May I introduce you to some ponies?"

Shimmer nodded his head flew over to the new group that had entered the room. Shimmer saw the new group and observed them. One of the ponies was Princess Celestia. The other three were new faces to Shimmer. One was an alicorn with a dark sapphire blue coat and a flowing dark blue mane that had stars shimmering out of it. The other two ponies were a pink alicorn with a mane and tail that had streaks of pink, yellow, and dark violet, and white unicorn with a dark blue mane and tail.

Princess Celestia walked up to Shimmer and said in her usual soft and motherly tone, "There you are Shimmer, happy birthday my dear."

Shimmer bowed her head respectfully and replied politely, "Thank you Princess Celestia."

The dark blue alicorn walked up to Shimmer and smiled at her gently.

"Shimmer," Princess Celestia began "I would like you to meet my sister." The sun Princess stepped back to the other two ponies to let the dark blue alicorn introduce herself.

"Greetings young Lightning, I am princess Luna, the princess of the night. My good friend Twilight Sparkle and My dear sister Celestia have told me many things about you. It is great to finally meet you." She said gently

Shimmer once again bowed his head in respect now that he knew she was a princess.

"It's nice to meet you Princess Luna." she said politely

Luna let out a small giggle before putting her hoof under Shimmer's chin and gently raising his head. "Please young one, there is no need to bow to me. This is your birthday, you are the guest of honor not I." she said sweetly to the young filly. Shimmer nodded his head as Twilight stepped forward with the other two ponies.

"Shimmer," he said "This is Princess Cadence and my brother Prince Shining Armor."

Princess Cadence and Shining Armor stepped up to Shimmer.

"So your the young filly that Twilight has told us about, well you certainly are adorable." Cadence said making Shimmer blush.

"It's great to finally meet you Shimmer. Twily has told me all about you." Shining Armor said happily

Shimmer gently smiled and said softly, "It's nice to meet you both, Auntie Twilight has told me all about you and told me all about the Crystal Empire. I've never been there before."

Shining Armor smiled and said, "Well sweetie, if you ever come to the Crystal Empire I'll have to give you the grand tour." Cadence playfully jabbed her husband with her hoof. "We'll have to give him the grand tour." she said before giggling. Shimmer giggled as well he really liked these new ponies.

Before anyone else could say anything the Cutie Mark Crusaders came up to Shimmer and tapped her shoulder.

"Hey Sarah, can we take Shimmer outside for a few minutes?" Applebloom asked politely

"Yes you may, Um...you will be nearby right?" Sarah asked.

Sweetie belle nodded her head vigorously "We sure will, Sarah, we'll be just outside the door." she said

"We just want to give Shimmer a special surprise." Scootaloo said as she floated in the air beside Shimmer.

"O-Okay, girls." Sarah said and the girls went outside.

Outside, The CMC were now all wearing the crusader capes as they stood in a circle around Shimmer. Sweetie Belle stood in the center. She cleared her throat and began to speak.

"Fellow Cutie Mark Crusaders, we are here today to swear in our newest member, Shimmer Glow. Is there anyone here who objects to this?"

Scootaloo and Applebloom gave Sweetie an unsure look.

"Do what now?" they asked in unison.

Sweetie groaned and slapped herself in the face with her hoof.

"Is there anyone here that says no to Shimmer becoming a Crusader." She said flatly

"Oh!" the two fillies said in realization before shaking their heads.

Sweetie smiled at this and said, "Then it is with great honor that we now make Shimmer Glow a fellow cutie mark crusader!"

The other two fillies cheered as a smile grew on Lightning's face from ear to ear.

Applebloom handed something to Scootaloo. It was a crusader cape just like theirs. Scootaloo went over to Shimmer and very gently wrapped the cape around his neck to where it fit but didn't choke him.

"We now present our newest member with his very own crusader cape!" She said while tying the cape. "Wear it with honor and pride!"

Shimmer giggled, "Thank you girls," She said softly before giving them all a proud smirk "I know that if we work together we'll all discover our special talents and get our cutie marks."

The now four crusaders all bumped their hooves together before cheering and laughing.

she turned her head she immediately gasped in shock and horror.

Shimmer was tackled onto the ground by a tall very angry looking Pegasus stallion with a dark red coat and a black mane and tail. The stallion was trying to get a grip of Shimmer as Shimmer began screaming for help.

Inside the ballroom, AXL and Lucario perked up, which didn't go unnoticed by the group. "AXL? Lucario? What is it?" Ren asked.

Lucario grunted and AXL growled before they dashed outside. "Hey wait!" Sarah called as she and the others followed.

Meanwhile, The stallion tried to get a hoof over Shimmer's mouth to silence her, "Hey leave her alone, you big bully!" Sweetie yelled.

Applebloom and Scootaloo tried to attack the Pegasus and break Shimmer free of his grip. However the Pegasus slapped them with a great amount of force and set them flying into each other. Shimmer gasped in horror, but before she could say anything, The stallion put a hoof over her mouth and held her to the ground. Just then, AXL pounced onto the stallion with a growl knocking the stallion away from tiny Shimmer. "AXL!" Shimmer cried in joy. The stallion got up and growled at the robotic dog who stood in front of Shimmer along with Lucario as the others arrived.

"What the hell is going on?" Jack exclaimed.

"That mean stallion tried to take Shimmer!" Sweetie Belle exclaimed.

"What?!" the Mane 6 exclaimed in horror. The stallion moved into the moonlight and Shimmer gasped in horror.... "D-Daddy...?!"

"HUH?!" Everyone, except for Sarah, exclaimed.

"That's Shimmers' abusive father!" Kaede exclaimed in horror.

"Thought you've seen the last of me did you?" He said cruelly. "I've been looking all over the bucking place for you boy!"

Shimmer whimpered in fear. "The royal guard showed up at my house months ago and tried to arrest me. Then they tell me you've been adopted by somepony named Sarah Gem!" Brute Hoof napped

Shimmer still said nothing as she tried as hard as she could to not look into her fathers eyes.

"I've been forced to live in this old piece of junk, and It's all because of you!" Brute Hoof screamed making Shimmer cry even harder "You're the reason your mothers dead and You're the reason I'm here now! Ever since then, I swore I would find because If you wanted to ruin my old life, I'm going to ruin you're new one!"

"Not on our watch, you creep!" Rainbow exclaimed, raising her hooves.

"Yeah what Skittles, said. You're not going near the tiny brat." Jack stated. Brute Hoof growled and lunged towards Shimmer but Lucario countered with Aura Sphere, sending him flying back. Brute Hoof fell on the ground and yelled, "I'm not finished!" he lunged again but this time, something white and fluffy bounced on his head, knocking him to the ground.
"What the-?" Jamie asked.

The ball of white fluff rolled over to Shimmer Glow and uncurled, revealing a sheep pokemon, "Baaa..."

"... What is that sheep?!" Skye exclaimed.

"Aww... a little Wooloo." Sarah cooed.

"Woo-who?" Applejack asked.

"Wooloo, it's a normal type sheep pokemon that can curl into a ball and roll around like a ball." Sarah explained. Brute Hoof got up and Wooloo turned to him and gave an angry, "Baa..."

"What can you do to me, puny thing!" Brute Hoof snapped and Wooloo curled into a ball and charged Brute Hoof, slamming into his face and knocking him to the ground and AXL pinned him to the ground with his red eyes and a growl, baring his razor teeth. The Wooloo rolled over to Shimmer and uncurled itself. "Sniffle... thank you.."

Wooloo cooed and nuzzled Shimmer Glow. "Shimmer..." Sarah rushed over to her daughter and hugged her tightly. "Are you alright?" Sarah felt Shimmer nod and sniffle. "I got you, honey... I got you.." Sarah cooed.

The group watched as Princess Celestia's guards took over to AXL and arrested Brute Hoof, "Brute Hoof, you are under arrest for child abuse and avoiding arrest." Princess Celestia snapped as the guards began taking him away.


Shimmer whimpered as the guards took Brute Hoof away. Sarah and Sapphire came over and comforted Shimmer.

Soon, Shimmer stopped crying and Sarah wiped her tears, "I'm right here sweetie.."

"Momma..." Shimmer said and she hugged Sarah Gem, happy to be in her arms once more. Princess Celestia walked up to Shimmer, "Don't worry Shimmer Glow. We'll make sure you father can't hurt you anymore."

Shimmer nodded. "T-Thank you..." Wooloo cried out and tried to get to Shimmer, to nuzzle her, Sarah chuckled and let Shimmer go over to Wooloo. "Thank you for saving me.. Wooloo." Wooloo baa'd and rubbed against Shimmer making her chuckle. "And thank you too, AXL and Lucario."

Lucario grunted with a smile and AXL blinked at her. Sarah then went up to her daughter, "Now I think it's time for a certain birthday filly to blow out the candles on her cake." She said gently before playfully nuzzling her daughter, making her giggle.

Everyone went back into the ballroom where Pinkie was busy lighting the candles on his cake. She then brought the cake to one of the windows that showed a beautiful view of the moonlit sky. She then ran outside with a large canon but she stopped in her tracks and smiled happily at Shimmer.

"Hey there, Shimmer," She said cheerfully. "Your Auntie Rainbow and I have a special present we're going to give you as you blow out the candles."

Shimmer saw his cyan colored aunt fly up to the window and wave to him. Shimmer waved back as Rainbow Dash shot out of sight and Pinkie ran outside to the field.

Shimmer hovered over to the cake and she looked at the beautiful night sky one more time before looking at all of her friends and family.

"HAPPY BIRTHDAY SHIMMER!!!!" Everyone cheered.

Shimmer took a huge breath and blew out everyone of the candles. Next thing she knew he heard a loud explosion outside and was greeted by a beautiful rainbow streak forming in the night sky as well as fireworks that spelled out, "Happy Birthday Shimmer!"

Tears of joy flowed down Shimmer's face as Pinkie and Rainbow returned to the room. Shimmer flew over and hugged her two aunties, lovingly. "Did you enjoy that buddy?" Rainbow asked her.

With tears in her eyes she nodded her head before placing her face in Rainbow's chest. Then Sarah tapped Shimmer on her shoulder, "Here you go sweetheart," She said sweetly. "This is a gift from me, I hope you like it."

"Ooooohhh...." Shimmer took the box in her magic and she opened it. Her eyes went wide in awe, seeing the gift. Inside the box was a necklace with a silver chain that held beautiful rainbow heart-shaped gemstone as it's centerpiece similar to Sarah's Element of Faith. Shimmer had never seen anything so pretty. She felt like he could stare at it for hours.

Sarah gently took the necklace out of the box and gently put it around Shimmer's neck. Tears of happiness formed once again in Shimmer's eyes as hugged his mothers neck.

"Th-thank y-you so much M-Momma! I l-love it!" she sobbed happily

Tears of happiness formed in Sarah's eyes as she held Shimmer close to her. She gave Shimmer a gentle kiss on the forehead and nuzzled her cheek and Shimmer did the same. Everyone in the room d'awwed at this site and smile at the moment between mother and daughter.

"Th-thank y-you all so m-much for th-this w-wonderful b-birthday." Shimmer cried happily to the rest of the ponies in the room. Everyone simply smiled at the young filly before he once again started hugging and nuzzling her mother. They stayed like this with everyone watching on happily. This was truly a night for Shimmer to remember.

With her loving smile still on her face, Sarah gently kissed her on the forehead and said, "Happy birthday Shimmer. I love you."

Comments ( 9 )

Did you change your name?

Yeah, decided to was time for a change. :)

Ok do you remember the old one think I fellowed your profile before?

Yeah, when my username was PikachuSkitty

Cold Wind is a GunsNRoses365's OC

Oh, okay I can change that.

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