• Published 30th Jan 2019
  • 19,655 Views, 1,328 Comments

Knowledge is Power - hydra30

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5 Test part 2

Twilight kept ascending the stairs at a calm and steady pace, casting looks to the two books she levitated next to her. She was unsure what their significance was, but after letting her mind wander while climbing these stairs, she realized their titles and contents were kinda like riddles. She always found riddles to be a great past time.

But before she could start breaking them down, the image of the two books floating next to her stirred other memories to the surface. Of when she suggested a Daring Do book to a hospitalized Rainbow Dash, who just folded her hooves in irritation. And of her providing Rarity with a book on fashion like she requested.

Extreme loneliness hit Twilight's heart as these memories brought up others related to her friends. She was still slightly upset that none of them believed her when she went to them for help, but now that she had been occupied with a pretty good distraction her aggravation had dimmed. When would she see them again?

With time in Equestria pretty much ground to a halt, how long would she be in this place, studying under Hermaeus Mora? Now that she fully understood what staying here meant, Twilight longed for her friends company more then ever before. If only she had managed to persuade them to her side before she made that scene at the recital, maybe at least they would have been sent beneath Canterlot, same as her, then they would be by her side, here in Apocrypha.

She knew it was pointless, they all had had too many stars in there eyes to fully listen to her. She loved her friends, but she knew how stubborn they were when it came to their individual passions. And this wedding gave them each an opportunity to practice them in a way they never had before.

Tears streamed down Twilight's eyes as she stopped and sat on the stairs.

She now realized she was back to the beginning of her life, studying alone. No, this was worse, for even Spike had been caught up in the wedding. Who would have thought a baby dragon would be chosen to be the ring bearer, that anypony would think to trust him not to eat them?

"Wait," Twilight gasped, lifting her tear stained face up, her logical mind piecing together a new part of what happened. She knew Spike to be a decent, well behaved person, but others would know dragons were notorious for eating gems.

Why would anyone give a baby dragon access to rings with gemstone in them, unless to get him wrapped up in everything that had happened on purpose. When Twilight had confronted Cadance, the repercussions had caused all her relationships to fall to the ground around her, leaving her alone, broken and helpless. Vulnerable to attack.

"That was part of her plan as well," whispered Twilight, new rage flowing through her soul.

She was not letting this fly, that filthy, conniving cur had not only manipulated her brother, but also her friends. Now they were going to be standing next to the bride, as her bridesmaids and ring bearer, while unaware that their friend, whom they were upset with for acting out, was in more trouble than they could imagine. And if Cadance had plans for her brother, she might also be planning something horrible for her friends as well.

"Rarity...Applejack...Pinkie Pie...Fluttershy...Rainbow Dash...Spike," said Twilight, resuming her stride with more conviction
then ever before. "Our last meeting with each other may have been kinda a catastrophe, but I do this for you to."

Twilight remembered that when she saw them again practically no time will have passed for them, so they most likely will still be peeved at her, but that doesn't matter. They were in danger, even if they were unaware. And nopony, nopony threatens her friends.

Another few minutes of climbing brought Twilight to a door that surprisingly led outside. At first she thought she had made it to the top, like Hermaeus Mora told her to, but then she noticed that it was only the roof of a lower part of the building, and a higher roof stood before her. And what an unusual roof this was.

Long walls surrounded the area, stretching up at least fifty feet. The area itself looked like some bizarre stone courtyard, the most noticeable feature being the large pool of ink situated in the middle. Behind that was a wrought iron stairs that lead up to a platform that extended down to the left, Twilight spying another book stand at the end.

With a determined nod, Twilight walked forward, eyes on the staircase to the other side of the pool.

But she had to duck down and cover her head when the pool before her exploded in a shower of ink, covering Twilight head to tail. She stood up, flipping herself like a wet dog to clear her coat, she liked ink, but not like that. Looking before her, Twilight sought what had happened, only for her pupils to shrink as she brought her view up higher.

She thought it was a dragon at first, but then she noticed that wasn't the case. The dark gray creature before her stood on long muscular legs, tipped with huge webbed feet, the torso also muscular, which shoulders extended out into long arms adorned with sharp fins, ending in wicked webbed claws. Twilight stared at it, it stared right back with the beady eyes on its fish-like head.

Then the horrific monster let out a deafening roar, lifting a foot to obviously try to stomp on her. Twilight screamed, vanishing in a flash of purple right before the huge foot impacted the floor where she stood, the impact sending the two books she left behind across the courtyard. Twilight reappeared at the opposite side of the pool that the monster emerged from, her first thought was to teleport to the entrance and try to flee back into the building. But when she looked, she found that the entrance had been sealed by a wall of books.

But the monster spotted her again, and she had to teleport as it lunged for her. But when she reappeared something wet and slippery wrapped around her throat, gagging her as she was yanked off the ground, into the air. Choking, Twilight gripped the offending limbs around her neck, eyes widening in terror to see that the hulking monster had her by the throat with thin black tendrils extruding from its mouth.

She gasped in pain as the tendrils tightened further, growing disoriented as her air supply was cut off, as well as the flow of blood to her brain. Was this it, was she going to die here? Was she never going to get the chance to save....

NO, it was not going to end like this. She was not going to give in, not with so much riding on her. With the image of her friends appearing in her foggy mind, Twilight cast an angry glare at the monstrosity that dare stand in her way.

She could see that it stood before the stairs, whose sidebar was decorated in wrought iron picket fencing. A devious and vicious plan formed in Twilight's mind for the first time, and she channelled all she had into her horn. In a blinding flash, Twilight vanished, the light blinding the creature. But it stumbled over its feet, Twilight having teleported behind its foot, crouching to catch its heel on her side.

With a shriek, the monster fell backwards on the railings, the spikes piercing its back all the way through and out its chest. Twilight stood up, gazing in terror at what she had done. Now that she was no longer in mortal danger she couldn't believe she did this.

The creature gave one last stutter then lay still, the last shred of life leaving it, black blood flowing from the wounds on both sides of its body. Twilight was reeling, she had just killed a living thing. How could she, how could she be so cruel? What would Fluttershy and the rest of her friends think if they ever found out?

Then Twilight suddenly imagined that it was Cadance there, impaled on the fencing, and her regret vanished in a blink. If it had been Cadance, all this would be over. Her and her friends would be safe.

Glaring at the still corpse, Twilight scooped up the two book from across the roof and began climbing the steps.

"I would prefer any other way," Twilight told herself, her voice full of resolve. "But if it comes down to it, I know what I must do."

Twilight stopped at the top of the stairs, turning to look at the sight behind her one last time. She never thought she could ever do such a thing, and it left her feeling slightly different than before. She had killed, nothing else about it.

Thinking of her friends safety helped numb the pain though, so she pressed on, approaching her third book stand. Just like before, it had a book laying atop it, Twilight reading the title, Boneless Limbs on the spine. With a deep breath, Twilight flipped it open and read:

A writhing mass of heaped appendage
Slipping grasp the squirming slick
Extended the reach to touch the face
Burn the mind, reveal the quick.

Twilight looked down to the slain beast below, to the still tendrils still protruding out of its mouth, the things black blood oozing between them. With a shiver, Twilight wrapped the book up in her magic and turned to see what would happen. While she wasn't expecting a door this time, she did not expect for a large metal grill object to appear on the roof of the structure above her, unravelling from its rolled up look and settling atop of the stairs, flexible as a tongue.

Intrigued, but eager to move on, Twilight climbed the new platform, up to the next roof. Nothing was up here but another book on a stand, but unlike before, this one was at least three feet wide, sprawled open on its stand. Curious, Twilight moved closer, noting how this book had the same moving runes across its pages, like the other Black Book, unlike the readable text in the books she had found.

But when she moved to pick it up in her magic, Twilight felt the world go dark for a second, and when she turned around, she found herself in a new room entirely. It was closed in with the book made walls and ceiling, same as the others, a door to a lit corridor stood before Twilight. Turning back, Twilight examined the book again, and when she tried levitating it again, the process repeated. And she found herself on the roof, the dead monster visible when she looked over her shoulder.

"Amazing," gasped Twilight, gripping the book again to reappear in that new room.

Looking at the interesting book one more time, Twilight exited out the small space and into the next room. This one was just as big as the ballroom where the Grand Galloping Gala was held, Twilight gasping as she beheld the large oval shaped objects drifting around, lighting the room with their glow. One drifted before her, and she couldn't help but touch a hoof to the large leaf shaped object that held the glowing oval orb beneath it.

"This place...," Twilight gasped, watching the object drift away. "Incredible!"

She spied a book stand across from her on the other side of the room, shaking off her interest in the strange light source and moved forward. She approached cautiously this time, nervous if something else might attack. But she reached the book without incident.

"Gnashing Blades, " Twilight read off the spine. "This should be interesting."

She flipped it open:

Bone extrusions gash and grind
In moistened depths of smacking heat
While tearing flesh from averse bone
The body whole prepares to eat

Twilight actually had to lean on the stand to stay up right. This thing pretty much made her flash back to when she, Fluttershy, Applejack, Pinkie Pie and Spike were almost eaten by a hydra. Not one her better adventures.

Still, it was obviously important, so Twilight picked it up.

And screamed as the entire floor fell out from under her, sliding into the wall to leave Twilight to the pull of gravity. Onward she fell, the light vanishing as she left the vicinity of the glowing objects, wind pushing her mane and tail up. She could not see how far her fall was.

But she needed to do something, and she could only think of one thing. She wrapped herself in her telekinetic spell, putting her all into stopping her descent. She took in great gasps of air, trying to calm herself.

She snapped out of it though, when she saw the four books plummeting in the light of her magic, gasping as she tried to catch them. Only to quirk her eye as she heard a thud not a second later. Adding a light to her horn, Twilight was stunned to find she had only been about three feet from the ground when she caught herself, the books splayed out below her.

Calming her breath, Twilight lowered herself to the ground to all fours, scooping up the books once again. She took in her surroundings, she was in a circular room about the size of a basketball court, the walls made of stone actually. But the most distinguishing features were the four book stands evenly spaced from each other.

Walking to and examining each one, Twilight soon noticed all were empty.

"I knew it," Twilight said, looking to the books in her magic.

Grinning, Twilight placed each one on a stand, looking around eagerly. But Twilight saw nothing happen, much to her surprise. Frowning, Twilight picked the books up again and moved to the stand closest to her.

"Was I wrong?" Twilight asked herself, examining the fine wood finish of the book stand. "Is that not what these are for, I was obviously supposed to bring them for something?"

She looked down, tapping her chin. Maybe a certain order? She looked up to the stand again.

"Wait," said Twilight as she noticed the luminescent carving.

It was a depiction of two creepy looking orbs. Pulling Prying Orbs close, Twilight placed it on the stand. It glowed with a green light.

Grinning again, she moved to the next one to find a different carving glowing upon it. It was a depiction of a gaping maw, sharp teeth visible within. Taking Gnashing Blades, Twilight placed it, same results as before.

Getting excited at being halfway there, Twilight moved forward to the next stand. This one depicting a mass of pinching scorpion claws. Taking Delving Pincers, Twilight moved it in place, Twilight extinguishing her horn, for the light of the glowing books was sufficient.

With Boneless Limbs in tow, Twilight approached the final stand, a mass of tentacles carved into it. Looking to the book, Twilight had a feeling something was about to happen. But she had come this far, so with a deep breath, she placed the final book, lighting up like the others.

Twilight backed up as the floor split in half and receded, a cone shaped object popping up and spreading open in eight parts. Stepping up, Twilight saw a large book on a stand in the center, identical to the one that had led her here. Next to it on either side where large pod like objects, mouth like structures at the top.

Approaching slowly, Twilight watched as the objects mouths opened, orbs of different colors popping up above. Twilight recognized the green light as like the one that restored her strength before, but the blue one was a mystery. Twilight approached the book, anticipating at what would happen now.

When she was close, both orbs of light flew into her, and as she expected, her fatigue vanished. But much to her surprise, she felt all the magic she had used till now return to her in a blink. The blue orb had restored her magic to full strength.

Shaking herself out of her marvel at her restored state, Twilight gripped the book in her magic.

And she found herself looking over a similar book, the whole of Apocrypha below her. Squinting, Twilight could see the building she had entered who knows how long ago, intermingled with other land masses far off in the distance. Looking down, she could see that she was on a spiralling tower of books that was so tall it granted her this view.

Turning around, Twilight quickly noticed that other then a low wall of books surrounding the perimeter, nothing was up here except a large wrought iron metal grilled box structure about the size of Applejack's shed in the center, two vortexes of pages framing either side. Twilight approached the object, wondering what to do now.

"Well done, my champion," Twilight heard the voice of Hermaeus Mora above her, looking up to see eight black whirlpools of tentacles slip into existence. The same eye as before appearing in the largest, a second eye appearing in one of the smaller ones. "Your valiant efforts have lead you here, as I knew they would."