• Published 30th Jan 2019
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Knowledge is Power - hydra30

  • ...

31 You need only ask

The party continued well into the hours, though none knew how long due to the never changing sky of Apocrypha. But this was more than just a simple Pinkie party (or as simple as a Pinkie party gets) for them. This was healing. After having such a crippling blow to their emotional bond, this helped restore the faith that had in each other.

Though a Pinkie party would not be complete without an unexpected surprise, which came in the form of Spike sitting down and eating some crystals from his pockets.

"Spike!" Said Twilight in a horrified voice, walking up to her number one assistant as he sat reclined on a pillow in the corner of the room. "Where did you find those?"

Spike swallowed his glittering mouthful and flashed her a grateful look. "In the room me and Rarity explored when you sent each of us to different places," answered Spike, pulling another from his pocket and looking at it with a hungry expression."I have never tasted anything so wonderful." He bought it to his mouth.

"SPIKE, NO," Shouted Twilight, her raised voice drawing the attention of the others.

But it was too late; with a tinkling sound, followed by wrapped crunching, Spike to a bite of his gem. He chewed with relish as the magnificent taste danced on his tongue, tear's rimming his eyes, which were closed in ecstasy. With near regret, he swallowed.

"I have no idea what these beauties are, but I can't get enough of them," said Spike to Twilight, oblivious to her look of dread. "Do you think we could find some of these in Equestr...?"

Suddenly, Spike sat dolt up, trembling from head to tail. His eyes flew open wide, his pupils dilated to the point that his whole eyes turned completely black. Then, without warning, he fell onto his back with an unceremonious thump.

"SPIKE!" They all shouted, surrounding the baby dragon as Twilight scooped him into her hooves.

"What's wrong with him?" Asked Fluttershy worriedly.

"I... I don't know," answered Twilight, casting a look at the half eaten gem on the floor.


The small white fox hissed as it backed up to a fallen log, glowing slightly purple. A tall biped stood before it, lowering a hand that had been glowing a similar purple. The fox growled as a small glistening dagger was produced from the hemline of the creature's black robe.

It lunged, the dagger posed to strike.


Spike snapped out of his unusual state in a second.

"Oh, thank goodness you're okay," said Rarity, nuzzling Spike as Twilight held him.

"Are you alright?" Asked Twilight as she set him back on his feet.

"I...I think so," answered Spike, holding a claw to his head as he wobbled on his feet.

"What happened?" Asked Fluttershy, looking at the crystal wearily.

"I don't know," said Spike, also looking at the crystal. "After I took a bite, suddenly I was a fox. It was being attacked by one of the creature's Twilight showed us when we discussed Nirn."

They all look on in worry.

"And... what happened?" Asked Twilight, though she had a theory.

"It...used a spell that made the fox glow purple," explained Spike, finally over his weariness and was standing straight again. "Then it came forward with a knife...that's when I woke up."

"What was this person wearing?" Asked Twilight seriously.

"Uh...a black rode with a red skull on the front," answered Spike, though he failed to understand why that was important.

"Twilight?" Inquired Rarity, looking at the half eaten crystal on the floor. "What is this thing?"

Twilight only looked at the crystal with slight disgust.

"It's called a soul gem," explained Twilight.

"A soul gem?" Inquired Spike, scratching his head.

"Sound kinda ominous," said Applejack, her intuition telling her something was up. "Does it do something?"

"You could say that," replied Twilight. Her initial instinct was to suppress the truth, but she had learned in the recent hours that she should trust her friends, and no matter how horrible, she should share what she knows. Even something like this.

"The people of Nirn who practice necromancy," explained Twilight, looking at each of them regretfully. "Use these gem to house the souls they collect. The purple spell Spike saw is called soul trap, the spell that draws the soul into the gem, where after the individual who cast the spell is done with it, it becomes the property of the Ideal Masters."

They all look on with a shocked look once again.

"But...I have have eaten a ton of these," said Spike, turning slightly green. "Why didn't it happen till now?"

"They must not have had a soul in them," said Twilight, giving Spike a sympathetic look.

The little dragon wretched, then speed from the room at top speed, likely to the nearest bathroom. It was a slightly awkward talking to him after that, it was also not everyday you find out you can see something’s memories after ingesting their soul. Needless to say, Fluttershy had something to say about that.

"That poor fox," said Fluttershy hysterically. "How could anyone be so cruel?"

But luckily, the atmosphere of the party managed to brighten up, though it wasn't surprising with Pinkie there and all. Though unfortunately, all good things come to an end. And Pinkie decided to call it quits when even she started to get yawns.

"Thank you, girls," said Twilight as she and the others headed to the rooms provided. "I really needed this."

"It's not a problem, darling," said Rarity, giving a comforting smile.

"Heck, it's the least we could do," said Applejack, walking in front. "Especially after what you have been through."

"Getting sucked into a dark cave, where you meet an ageless evil you had met years prior, who then gave you the power needed to defend Equestria from a threat only you could see, but at a cost that took you from your home," listed Pinkie, looking at Twilight worriedly from behind. “And there's also the 'fifteen years' thing"

Twilight could only roll her eyes at Pinkies antics.

"Hey, that's actually a lot, if you consider it," said Rainbow, walking on the floor with the rest of them, too pooped herself to fly.

"I only wish there was more we could do, other than just be here for you," said Fluttershy regretfully.

Twilight cringed inside at that notion, averting her eyes to look down. What Fluttershy caused her to remember what she realized before she collapsed from exhaustion earlier, about how she contemplated that if more ponies could assist her in freeing Durnehviir, it would get done so much faster. Her friends even had Hermaeus Mora's image on their flanks now, same as her.

But how could she burden them with that?

The Thu'um was no Stare, Sonic Rainbow boom, or Party cannon. Learning it had been the most difficult thing she had ever endeavored, and having its power weighed heavily on her conscience. Nothing was impossible with the Thu'um, and trying to restrain herself in Canterlot was incredibly difficult, how could she burden somepony else with such a responsibility?

But her thoughts derailed when her muzzle impacted into another.

"Twilight," said Pinkie, her eyes squinting in mild irritation. " What is it you're keeping from us?"

Twilight fell onto her rump in shock, a nervous grin on her face.

"I...I don't know what your talking about, Pinkie," said Twilight, fat drops of sweat running down her forehead.

"Twilight," said Applejack warningly, her and the others sitting in front of her, forming a wall.

Twilight dropped her fake smile with a huff and flashed Pinkie an annoyed look. "How did you know?"

"My left second rib got tingly," said Pinkie sternly. "That one means a friend knows a solution to a problem but is afraid to ask for help."

"Twilight," said Rainbow, lifting off the ground despite her exhaustion, and giving her purple friend a look. "Is there something you're holding back? Something we could do to help you? You know you need only ask us."

Twilight wanted to hide it, to tell them no, but then remembered all the time she spent here in Apocrypha. How long would it take for her to fulfill Hermaeus Mora's desires on her own? Her friends were right here, and plus, she also knew they would do anything for her.

"I know how to free Durnehviir," said Twilight silently and with resignation. "The method I already have used works, but I have run into a complication."

Her friends gave shocked looks when they heard this news.

"And what is this complication?" Asked Rarity eagerly.

"Yeah, Twilight, spill," said Rainbow Dash, also excited.

Twilight felt her urge to back down surface again, to hide the truth. To protect them. But she beat it back like a lion tamer would a lion.

She was their friend, and they were hers, they would do this together. "Pinkie is right."

The others grew excited looks.

"The spell I have been using works, Durnehviir confirmed that the hold the Soul Cairn has on him grew weaker as I cast it," explained Twilight, her friends all giving her their undivided attention for the umpteenth time that night. "But the problem is, the longer he is out of the Soul Cairn, the stronger the pull back becomes, and I can't seem to get the spell to work any faster. Durnehviir is pulled back to the Soul Cairn before the spell can work."

Twilight could only stare as her friends looked on with confusion.

"Are you sure we can help with something like that?" Asked Rainbow doubtfully.

"Yeah, besides the fact that only one other of us is a unicorn, we don't have near the book smarts you do," exclaimed Applejack.

"And you're leagues ahead of me in that regard, darling," said Rarity sadly.

"Come on, my Pinkie sense has never been wrong before," consoled Pinkie.

"The solution I have in mind doesn't have anything to do with my spell," explained Twilight, her resolve gaining strength the closer she got to her theory. "That spell is as powerful as it can be....but if somepony else were to keep the pull of the Soul Cairn back for a longer period of time, it might work."

"Hold the pull of the Soul Cairn back?" Inquired Fluttershy, her face contorting with confusion. "How?"

"If..." Twilight had a lump form in her throat. "If somepony else used the Thu'um while I used the spell."

The air grew deathly still. Her friends may not be as smart as her, but they were not idiots. They could put two and two together, and even could see the fundamental side of it. It made sense to all of them, but what she was implying, could she really mean...

"Twilight..." began Fluttershy, somehow beating the others to the first word. "Are you saying... if one of us used the Thu'um while you cast the spell...that would work?"

"Not one," stated Twilight with a sad smile. "The more using the Thu'um the better." She focused on Spike, who was just as stunned as the rest. "Pony or otherwise."

Spike stiffened up and pointed to himself in confusion.

"How can this be possible?" Asked Rainbow, obviously very confused. "Most of us are not unicorns, we can't do all that fancy magic mambo jumbo."

"Earth ponies and Pegasi can't do magic unicorns can do," explained Twilight, looking up at the ceiling in contemplation. "The magic that originated from Nirn is a lot different. It is so compatible, any creature can use it."

Their looks of doubt were replaced with a look of excitement again.

"Twilight, does that mean any of us could learn to do shouting that can make rooms explode?" Asked Pinkie, bouncing with excitement.

Twilight only nodded.

"But, it took you fifteen years to learn all this fancy stuff," complained Applejack, the others agreeing with a nod, even Pinkie was slightly let down.

"I have a solution to that as well," said Twilight, her look growing slightly prideful. "The magic I learned while here in Apocrypha was unlike anything I have ever seen, but I am sorry to say, the method the people of Nirn use to harness it is completely obsolete."

"Twilight, it's not like you to talk down on others who study magic," said Spike, looking surprised.

"But it's true," said Twilight, shaking her head. "All the processes documented in those spell books I have studied were full of flaws and unnecessary steps. Equestrian magic may not be on par with Nirn, but ponies corrected these types of things long ago. My best guess would be the people of Nirn have yet to fully grasp what magic generally is."

"As interesting as all that sounds, what does that have to do with the fifteen years you spent here studying?" Asked Rainbow impatiently. "And how does it help us now?"

"I didn't just study, Rainbow," answered Twilight. "While I was at it, I corrected all the flaws and replaced some of the equations with less obsolete ones. In doing so, what I had to do to learn the Thu'um, plus the more common magic of Nirn, will be reduced to a mere fraction of what it was."

Their look of excitement only grew.

"Are you serious, Twilight? " Asked Applejack.

"Yes," said Twilight simply. "But only if you're willing to..."

"You better believe it, we are," said Pinkie, slamming into Twilight with a fierce hug.

"Yes darling, of course we'll do this," said Rarity, also joining the hug.

"You did it, so can we," said Rainbow Dash, hugging Twilight from behind. "Plus, if I can control the weather with but a word, that would be awesome."

"I agree, we are all with you," said Fluttershy, hugging Twilight's neck. "And if I could calm animals the way Hermaeus Mora calmed all of Equestria, I think I'd like that."

"I am in," was all Applejack said as she joined the group hug.

"Hey, I have always wanted to be able to do magic the way Twilight can," said Spike, last to join the hug.

Twilight fell into a world of bliss. Why did she ever think it was a good idea to exclude her friends from the prospects of learning magic from Nirn, especially now that they were here, in Apocrypha with her? She needed to stop playing the role of guardian with them, they were her equal.

And now that they were on board with her, she now had a door to several more possibilities.

With reluctance, Twilight separated from the group hug and head in the opposite direction of the sleeping area.

"Twilight, where are you going?" Asked Applejack worriedly.

"Girls, go get some sleep," said Twilight with conviction, looking at them over her shoulder before she left out the door. "We have a big day tomorrow, but before I can go to bed I need to see a Daedric Prince about a book."

The others could only stare as she left, but knew better than to try and stop her. And if all she said was true, tomorrow was going to be a big day. In fact, it was likely to change their lives forever.

Taking their friends advice, they all turned in.


"HERMAEUS MORA," called the weary Twilight as she stood upon the gazebo that housed a huge book. "I KNOW YOU CAN HEAR ME, I REQUEST YOUR ASSISTANCE."

"Such gall, my champion," said Hermaeus Mora as he materialized above, multiple eyes staring at Twilight. "You would do well to remember who you are speaking to."

"Don't act like you don't know why I am here," said Twilight sternly. "I should have guessed you knew this would happen, with how willingly you let my friends stay here, and how out of your way you went to insure they could without harm."

"Indeed," said Hermaeus Mora, multiple books covering subjects from magic (including the book on the Thu'um) and history floating forward and merging with the book resting on the stand beneath Twilight.