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Author's Note:

The MAIN decision of the story where the following chapters will connect to

“I want to live.”

“You're sure? It's not too late to change your mind,” Sundown asked

“I'm sure. What do I have to do?”

“Just wake up,” Sundown replied

Inside the hospital room Thursday morning; the monitor started slowly increasing in pace before settling at a regular interval of 90 beats per minute.

“Doctor; you need to see this,” a nurse called over her shoulder

“How to you feel? I'm Doctor Hardline,” he asked

“Sore...as...Tartarus,” Sunset replied through breaths

“I don't understand the reference,” Hardline commented


“Another name for ‘Hell’ I take it,” he guessed

“I'll contact your family; but you'll have to take it easy. Your throat is still very tender,” the nurse said “I'll bring you a whiteboard and marker to use for a little while.”

Sunset carefully lowered back onto the pillow as she fell asleep. Doctor Hardline assisted to make sure no injury transpired.

“Discord? I am sorry to wake you but I have good news. Your adopted daughter Sunset Shimmer has woken from the coma we placed her in,” the nurse explained “You'll have to visit her tomorrow. As you know; visiting hours have passed.”


“No need to apologize for waking me up. That's wonderful news. I will be there tomorrow.”

“Sunset’s awake; I take it,” Chrysalis asked


“That's the best news ever! I'm happy to hear that,” she said cheerfully

“I'll let Reaper know now.”

“I haven't heard that name in a while. You've never referred to Luna using her codename,” she mused

“I'm just glad Sunset wasn't visited by the reaper.”

● LUNA ●

“You're serious!? I'm thrilled to hear that!”

“Oh thank Faust! Sunset is alive. I can't fathom trying to set her funeral up,” Celestia said

“It's not fun; I'll tell you that.”

“I'll take your word on that,” Celestia mused


The next morning; Discord threw on a pair of pants and shirt long enough to cover the tattoos before heading out to the hospital. Chrysalis had to head to work, but would join her family later.

“I'm here to see Sunset Shimmer,” Discord stated

“I'll take you to her,” a nurse replied, before leaving

“How are you doing,” Discord asked

I still bucking hurt

“Your mom and are just glad to know you're alive,” he said

Thank you dad. I don't deserve to have a family

“Of course you do. Everyone needs a second chance.”

You don't think I'm Anon-a-Miss?

“Not in the slightest. Especially after everything you went through to get here.”

Thank you again. Hopefully I can return to school

“Not until after the new year. Sorry to be the bearer of bad news,” Hardliner added

That sucks. But it's for the best

“Your neck will heal over time. For now; you'll have to use the board to communicate,” Hardline said

“We're both glad to see you up. It'll take a while; but you have your parents by your side,” Chrysalis said, entering the room

Thank you mom. I'm glad to have family here

“I don’t know how to tell you this; Miss Shimmer. You actually died for a few seconds in the operating room. When you woke, we saw wings next to you. You're lucky to have a guardian angel watching over you,” Hardline mused

More like guardian demon. It’s a long story

“I understand. It has to do with the incident from months ago at Canterlot High School,” Hardline asked as she gave a thumbs up in response


“Has anyone received an update on Sunset’s condition,” Fluttershy asked curiously

“Nothing. I am hoping it's good news,” Pinkie replied

“Girls; would you all follow me,” Luna asked

The Rainbooms along with Vinyl and Octavia were directed from the front of the school to the principal's office. Each swallowed knowing it was on Tuesday they were in the same position. Before going there; Luna had them pass by Sunset’s locker to see the memorial.

It's beautiful,” Rarity mused

“My sister awaits in the office,” Luna said

“I have news I believe you'd like to hear,” Celestia started, before taking a breath “Sunset is awake from her coma.”

“That’s fucking awesome,” Rainbow exclaimed, before all heads turned towards her “Sorry. I'm just glad to hear good news.”

“Right. I'll believe that when pigs fly,” AJ replied sarcastically

“My sister and I were glad to hear the news as well,” Luna said

“Can we go and see her,” Fluttershy asked curiously

“I think it would be beneficial. Although, your sisters may not be entirely welcome,” Celestia commented

“Class; I was going to continue my lesson about suicide; but I don't feel it's needed. I would, however; like you to try and remember anything good about Sunset,” Cheerilee said

“She did go out of her way to help others if they needed it,” one said

“When I was in danger of failing math, she tutored me and helped bring my grade to a ‘B’,” another added

“Even if she was trying to mean; she had a limit to everything.”

“It can't be stated enough about how we drove her to take such actions. The school isn't the same without her.”

“I'm not religious; but may Faust be with Sunset.”

At lunch; Rainbow Dash was still exiled from her friends after blaming everything on Sunset. To her surprise, Scootaloo joined her.

“I'm sorry for everything sis,” Scootaloo said

“As am I. I deserve the treatment, Dash replied sadly

“Were we right to do that,” Fluttershy asked

“We lost two friends in the past few days. Sunset is in the hospital and Dash is abandoned,” Pinkie mused

“We failed Twilight. She asked us to teach Sunset about friendship; but we don't know anything about it,” Applejack added sadly

“When Sunset broke up our friendship originally; we should have confirmed what was really said. This time; we turned our backs on Sunset without giving her a chance,” Rarity added

“Let's go and see her. I know we'll never make up for everything; but we can be there to see her,” Fluttershy suggested

“Yeah. Let's do it,” Pinkie added as the others nodded

After contacting their families and receiving permission; the four headed to the hospital as soon as they could. Vinyl and Octavia agreed to go apart from the others for privacy and personal reasons.

“Here to see Sunset,” Applejack stated

“I don't think you need to be reminded of visitor limits,” the receptionist asked, as they shook their heads “Go on up.”

Inside the room; Sunset was sitting upright with the usual hospital gown on. A bandage was around her neck; which was hard not to focus on.

“You look better,” Fluttershy commented

I still feel like shit

“Our sisters are here with us. I hope you don't mind,” Rarity said

I'd rather they not be here; but I know they don't listen to anyone

“When are you returning to school,” Fluttershy asked

After the new year. I did slit my throat right in an important vein

“Maybe when you're ready we can have a party,” Pinkie suggested

We'll see. I am still disappointed with all of you. You left me without allowing me to prove my innocence

“I can't speak for the others, but Granny gave me a punishment. I still have a pain in the ass,” Applejack added

“We'll let you be for a while,” Rarity said before they left

“We're sorry you're here,” Octavia said sadly

“I'm glad we were able to stop the bleeding,” Vinyl added

Thank you both very much. I owe you for that

“I couldn't see someone else die again. You don't owe us anything,” Vinyl answered

I'm sorry for your loss. I wasn't thinking about others, but myself. It was selfish and stupid

“When you choose to return to school; you're free to play with us,” Octavia commented

‘I'd like that very much. Thank you for the offer

As Vinyl and Octavia left the room; the biggest group of unwanted visitors were waiting. Discord had to hold his wife back from doing anything she'd get arrested for.

“Hey Sunset. We're sorry for everything,” Scootaloo said sadly

Sorry doesn't undo the damage. You're lucky I'm not the same person as I was years ago. Our places would be reversed

“We needed to see what our actions led to,” Sweetie Belle added

Well; now you know what a razor can do to flesh when you're not shaving. Get out now or else

As the trio quickly left the room; one more visitor arrived.

“I'm sorry you were put through such torture,” Celestia said

As am I. Please let Twilight know the good news

“Since tomorrow's Friday; I'd like to have an assembly. The doctors and Discord will help out with it.”

What do I have to do?

“He is going to connect his laptop here for a video conference at school. The girls will be giving an apology while you can say or write what you need to.”

I like that idea

“I will have Twilight come through the portal tomorrow.”

Although Sunset was making some progress in her recovery; the doctors wanted her to be on an IV to be safe. Most of the other cords had been removed at her request. She knew it would still be a long wait before tomorrow's assembly.


“Lulu; could you pass me the journal?”

“Are you sure about this,” Luna asked cautiously

“She needs to know.”

You should know that Sunset is awake from her coma and the culprits have been found.
-Principal Celestia

Thank you for letting me know. I'll be there tomorrow to see Sunset

It'll be after school. She is going to be in the hospital for a while

I will see you tomorrow Principal Celestia

“Friday is going to be hell. I just hope we don't get reamed too badly by Twilight,” Celestia said

“And unfortunately; the others will be too busy to provide protection,” Luna added

Luna and Celestia were waiting outside by the portal the next day when Twilight emerged before school started. Without a word; the three headed inside directly to Celestia’s office.

“Sorry for the secrecy. No one knows about you being here and we wanted to keep it that way,” Luna said in a low voice

“I understand. I'll stay here until the assembly,” Twilight replied

“We'll let you know when it's time,” Celestia added

True to her word; Twilight stayed inside Luna’s office, reading some of the law books to pass the time. A salad was brought to her for lunch.

“I figured you'd like something to eat. I hope I didn't insult you,” Celestia said

“It's fine, thank you. Ponies don't eat meat,” Twilight said “I never knew there were so many laws in this world.”

“It's time for the assembly,” Luna added



“Are you sure you need to do this,” Hardline asked

“They...need…to...know…how...much...it...hurt,” Sunset rasped

“Take it easy on the speech. Your trachea is still tender after slicing across the jugular,” Hardline warned as she nodded


“We have called you here to announce a few things. First; the culprits of Anon-a-Miss have been caught,” Luna started

Hearing this announcement; Principal Celestia wheeled in a laptop and projector before turning it on. To everyone's surprise; Apple Bloom and her friends stepped up to the display and logged in to MyStable as a small screen popped up on the bottom of the screen.

“Why'd you do it,” someone yelled

“Jealousy. Sunset had taken time away from our sisters,” Apple Bloom said

“I stole the her phone and posted the pictures in order to get back at my sister for kicking me out of her sleepover,” Sweetie Bell added

“I joined them because I thought it was the right thing to do,” Scootaloo finished, as some students started complaining

“Many secrets were sent in by Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon regarding the freshmen and sophomores. As to the nude photo; Lightning Dust sent that herself,” Sweetie Bell commented

“Why am I not surprised,” a voice called “And for such a stupid reason; too.”

“Princess Twilight. It's a pleasure,” Scootaloo started

“Don't bother. There's another person who's been listening,” Twilight said angrily

I heard everything. Yeah; I'm alive

The computer had a video screen pull up with a view from a hospital bed. Sitting next to Sunset were the school's janitor Discord and a mysterious female no one recognized along with a doctor.

To some of you; I thank you for the well-wishes. Others; not so much

“Dash. You…wish…I…was...dead? Fine. Our…friend…ship…is…dead,” Sunset said through breaths “Two…faced…bitch.”

“Sunset heard everything you said to her. And now you all can see what the damage is. Our daughter was lucky to survive having her throat cut. Miss Scratch and Miss Melody; you have our thanks for saving Sunset,” Discord stated

“You're lucky I'm being generous right now. The three that started this Anon-a-Miss should be arrested for cyberbullying,” Chrysalis added

“Scootaloo; you along with miss Bloom and miss Belle will no longer be permitted to be together on school grounds at all. In addition; your classes will be changed to reflect that,” Celestia said

“Loyalty is not your strong suit; is it Rainbow Dash? I should strip you of that Element of Harmony; but I won't. You should be thankful I don't sent you to Tartarus for what you did! Once I leave; don't expect me to return for you,” Twilight commented sarcastically

“Computers will be blocked from accessing any site not approved by staff. Cellphones will no longer be permitted except in extreme emergencies,” Celestia said, causing some students to groan

“Due to the amount of people sending secrets; none of you will be punished. However; any reports of bullying will result in immediate suspension,” Luna added “Dismissed.”

With that; the students headed to the lunchroom in silence. Those that didn't believe Sunset was guilty were glad to see she was alive, despite the injury. Many others realized they had taken out their frustrations on the wrong person.

“Mind if I join you,” Twilight asked

“Feel free. We're sorry for our actions,” AJ replied sadly

“We abandoned Sunset without thinking; but Dash blamed her for everything,” Fluttershy said

“I'm just glad to hear Sunset is still alive. Vinyl, Octavia; thank you both for saving her,” Twilight said, hugging the pair

“We did what we had to. No one wants to see that happen,” Vinyl answered

“After we eat; let's go see Sunset,” Pinkie said

“Vinyl and I will see her another time. You girls need to be together,” Octavia added

“Principal Celestia; thank you for everything,” Twilight commented

“Are you ready to go,” Celestia asked

“Let's go. I need to see her,” Twilight decided

With that decided; everyone headed to the parking lot. Twilight was helped inside by the others before they took off with Celestia trailing behind.

“This is a hospital? It's so different from home,” Twilight mused

“I forgot you come from a small town. They don't have the machines we do,” Applejack replied, before mouthing “Just play along.”

“Sunset is expecting you ladies,” the receptionist said “You're new here.”

“I'm Twilight Sparkle. A friend of Sunset’s from out of town. I heard she was injured,” Twilight explained

Applejack led the group towards the room as Twilight followed behind. Equestria specialized in using magic to cure any problems; but she noticed more equipment used to try to do the same thing.

“Hey. Long…time…no…see…Twilight,” Sunset said

“I want to see the injury,” Twilight directed

“You came just in time, then. I need to change the bandages. Pardon my rudeness; I am Doctor Hardline,” he commented

“Twilight Sparkle. Nice to meet you,” She replied

Sunset sat up as Hardline reached behind her head and started to remove the bandage, revealing the damage. One side of Sunset’s throat was a cut; followed by the stitches holding it in place. He left the room to give the girls some privacy and to collect the materials necessary.

“Goddesses above. Principal Celestia told me about the incident; but I couldn't believe it. I'm so glad not to lose you,” Twilight said through tears as she hugged her

“I'm lucky to be here. Tell mom I'm sorry,” Sunset whispered

“Will do. You're free to head home when you're ready,” Twilight promised

Twilight backed away as Hardline began to gently swab the scar before rewrapping it with a clean bandage.

“Sunset will remain in the hospital for another few days for safety. We want to make sure her throat is healed enough to eat solid foods,” Hardline explained

“I can't wish for a ‘speedy recovery’; but we hope you eventually recover,” Fluttershy commented

“Thank you for coming by girls,” Sunset said, fighting the pain of speech

“I won't be able to visit you on Monday. I'll be returning to school; but I'll get the assignments from your teachers,” Discord promised

That's fine. I just hope I didn't miss too much

“Twilight; you'll be staying with my sister and tonight if you don't mind. If you head to Sugarcube Corner; we'll pick you up later,” Luna said

“Thank you for that. I'll see you later,” Twilight replied “Bye Sunset.”

“Alright. Drinks are on me,” Pinkie said cheerfully


The girls loaded up into the van and headed out. Once at Sugarcube Corner; Pinkie headed to the back and brought out a six-pack of cider for everyone.

“Mrs. Cake; I hope you don't mind if I take one,” Pinkie asked

“Of course not dear,” Mrs. Cake answered

“Let's toast to Sunset. May she recover from her injury,” Applejack suggested

“To Sunset,” the others added

“Have room for one more,” a voice asked

“Oh course; dear. She's welcome; right Pinkie,” Mrs. Cake asked sternly

“Come on over; Dash,” Pinkie said with a sigh, handing over a bottle of cider

“Why'd you come here,” Applejack asked

“I was wrong. It was my,” Dash started

“Stupidity and arrogance,” Twilight interjected

“Yeah; that. I figured I would come by in the hopes of apologizing for my actions. None of us could have predicted the actions of Scootaloo and the others; and I took my frustrations out on the wrong person. I'm sorry,” Rainbow Dash said, bowing her head

“I can't accept it outright. Your actions did leave a friend in the hospital,” Twilight replied

“The Rainbooms were supposed to our band; not just yours,” Fluttershy stated

“As of now; you're here on your own. Until further notice; the Rainbooms are dead,” Applejack decided, as the others nodded

“Fair enough. I deserve that,” Dash said with a sigh

“You might have apologized to us; but Sunset needs to hear it,” Rarity stated

“That's my next stop. I wanted to make sure I didn't burn any bridges with the rest of you,” Dash answered

Dash left the shop and decided to walk to the hospital; figuring it might give her time to think. Once there; she was directed to the room.

What are you doing here!?

“I just came to say my piece. I know I seriously fucked up and said shit I shouldn't have. It was my stupidity that made me blame you. I honestly don't expect your forgiveness; but I had to try,” Dash replied desperately

You're right about being stupid. Any time I was with you; I was excluded from the group. All the work I did to redeem myself felt like it was for nothing

“That was not my intention to exclude you. I didn't know my sister would frame you as Anon-a-Miss,” Dash said apologetically

Right now; you're not forgiven. I honestly never would posted a test score to hurt you. I'd have helped you, had you asked

“I realize that now. Thank you for at least giving me a chance to apologize,” Dash finished

Just don't give me a reason to regret my decision


“Are you ready to go,” Luna asked

“I am. Thank you for picking me up.”

“You're welcome. My sister and I are glad Sunset is alive,” Luna mused

“As am I. It hurts to see a friend in that situation. Could you drop me off by the portal. I still have work to do at home.”

“Please be safe,” she added

“I will try. Hopefully I can come back soon and see everyone again.”