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Punishments & Regrets



After dropping the others off at their homes; Applejack took the family pickup truck back to the farm. Neither sister spoke on the ride after the revelation from earlier.

“Welcome back you two. Why the somber faces,” Granny Smith asked “You find that Anonymous person you talk about?”

“Me. My friends Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo helped as well,” Bloom replied sadly

“Mac; could you grab the board for me,” Granny asked

“Yes ma'am,” Big Macintosh replied obediently

Mac stepped out of the room and headed into his grandma's room looking for a particular object. Inside the closet was a box containing the desired item. He picked up the box and returned to the living room with it. Once it was opened; Granny removed a board with holes drilled throughout it.

“Assume the position,” Granny ordered “Both of you.”

Applejack and Bloom obediently dropped their panties and raised the back of their skirts so their bare behinds were exposed and bent over. Granny Smith proceeded to give four hard smacks with the paddle to each of them; leaving the sisters with red marks and a burning sensation that would make sitting down very uncomfortable for the next few hours at the earliest.

“Why'd I get hit,” Applejack inquired

“What did I teach you,” Granny asked simply

“Don't betray your friends,” AJ answered “Help them out at all times.”

“And I deserved to get a spanking. I just wanted to spend more time with you,” Bloom added

“That is the least of your problems. I pray Sunset Shimmer wakes up, for your sake,” Granny stated menacingly

“Yes Granny. It won't happen again,” both girls said

“Hand them over. Neither of you will need your phones for a while,” she decided

Granny Smith proceeded to shut off each phone and put them up on a shelf out of the way. The girls pulled their panties up and sat down gingerly on the couch.


“Sweetie Belle; I'm disappointed in you. Why did you think this was a good idea,” Rarity asked

“I wanted payback against you. At the party; you kicked me out to hang with Sunset. I snuck in and borrowed her phone to download those pictures,” Sweetie Belle replied

“I need an assistant to model my dresses and you're going to help me.”

“And if I refuse,” Sweetie inquired

“You won't. I could just sent you packing to mom and dad. See how you like that?”

“You're right. I did screw up,” Sweetie added

“I agree with that. It hurt to see Sunset like that in the hospital. Hopefully she does wake up.”


“You both are in trouble,” their father Bow Hothoof said sternly

“I apologize for my actions. It shouldn't have happened as all I wanted was to spend time with my sister,” Scootaloo commented

“You'll be spending time together alright. Your sports teams have been canceled. No soccer at all. From now on, both of you will focus on your studies,” Windy Whistles added

“After school, the two of you will immediately head home and get your homework done. This will be for the rest of the school year,” Bow replied “I'm also taking your phones and laptop. No electronics are to be used until your mom and I approve.”

“Yes dad,” Dash and Scootaloo said, hanging their heads


Fluttershy and Pinkie were the only two that did not have to deal with family punishments. Instead; the two decided to create their own. Fluttershy notified the animal shelter that she would be unable to assist for a while. At the same time; Pinkie told the owners of Sugercube Corner that she wouldn't be coming to assist them.

“That is for the best,” Pinkie said with a sigh

“We caused Sunset so much pain. I just can't believe it was Applejack’s sister and her friends,” Fluttershy added sadly

“We fell for it. That makes it just as bad,” Pinkie replied


Both musicians sat in the living room of their apartment; but no dubstep emerged from Vinyl’s equipment. Instead; she was playing a somber melody on Octavia’s cello.

“Alright; I'll bite. Why'd you drag me over there this morning,” Octavia asked bluntly

“I never told you; but my uncle committed suicide when I was younger. He was found in the bathtub with slit wrists. Watching Sunset brought back how helpless I was at that moment and I knew what had to be done. Thank you for helping me,” Vinyl answered, wiping her eyes

“I just hope we were able to save her. I don't want to think about the other possibility,” Octavia said before shaking

“That Anon-a-Miss shit was ridiculous. It wasn't Sunset; but I don't know anyone else that might be culprits,” Vinyl commented

“I agree. With us being roommates, that information could have been used to portray us as lesbians; but it wasn't. Same goes for Lyra and Bon Bon; who actually are a couple. Neither was pointed out by Anon-a-Miss and I have to wonder why,” Octavia mused

“Even at her worst; Sunset never targeted someone due to religion or sexual preferences. But most of these were useless. Bulk Biceps sleeps with a teddy bear? That hardly seems to harm anyone's personal lives,” Vinyl added

“I don't know. I really wished this was a joke,” Octavia said sadly

“As do I, Vinyl mused “Or a dream we could wake up from.”


After leaving the hospital; the pair decided to head to a nearby gym. They found themselves spending the past few hours on a punching bag; using it for punches and kicks.

“I hate this. An innocent girl in the hospital due to the actions of three others out of jealousy,” Discord emphasized with another kick

“I may not have met Sunset until now; but this was certainly uncalled for. I honestly hope she wakes up so maybe things can be rectified amongst her friends,” Chrysalis added


The sisters found it hard to concentrate the rest of the night. Luna suggested they play videogames; but had to quit due to lack of interest. Currently their TV was playing a movie marathon that was only needed to provide noise.

“I think it would be time to let Twilight know,” Luna commented

“I suppose you're right,” Celestia replied with a long sigh “This is going to be the hardest thing I'll ever have to do.”

Princess Twilight Sparkle-
This is Canterlot High School's Principal Celestia. I regret to tell you that Sunset had been hospitalized earlier this morning.

Greetings Principal Celestia. What happened and does this have to do with what Sunset told me previously
-Twilight Sparkle

Yes it does. Due to the Anon-a-Miss problem; Sunset attempted to take her own life by slitting her throat. Currently she is in the hospital in a coma.

Please keep me informed as to what happens. I will be paying a visit to the school if anything bad happens

My sister and I will let you know what happens.


While Sunset was in her coma; she was still able to hear what transpired inside the room. In her comatose state; she entered the dream realm.


“Where am I?”

“Glad to see you functioning,” a voice said

“What happened?”

“I'm here only as a guide. Currently; you're in a coma in the hospital after your suicide attempt,” the demon replied “Let's make this comfortable.”

The demon proceeded to snap her fingers; causing the area to change. Instead of a plain white, endless world; the area became an exact replica of Canterlot High School.

“You know; I never had a name for you,” Sunset mused “Sundown. That way; I can properly address you.”

“That's fine to me,” Sundown replied

“You mentioned you're a guide. What does that mean?”

“I am here to guide you to the afterlife if you so choose. Only you control what's going to happen,” Sundown explained “I had to save you after that scare. You need time to reflect.”


Early Wednesday morning; Discord headed to the hospital in order to visit Sunset. Although she hadn't moved; he felt compelled to keep vigil by her side.

“Any progress,” a voice asked

“Chrysalis. Nothing's happened,” he replied

“I have two pieces of good news. First; I have someone to perform a simple wedding, right here and now,” Chrysalis replied

The guest took that as his cue and headed inside the room. Although not traditional; they didn't care about rings right at the moment

“Discord; do you take Chrysalis to be your wife,” the clergyman asked

“Yes,” Discord said simply

“Chrysalis; do you take Discord as your husband,” the clergyman asked

“Of course,” she answered

“I pronounce you husband and wife. May Faust watch over you,” he declared

Once the two were officially married; she gave him the other news, as the priest left.

“I have adopted Sunset as our daughter,” she added

“Thank you so much. I'm glad we get the chance to give her a family.”

“Now that you have a family; please wake up dear,” she begged, kissing Sunset’s cheek


Wednesday at school; the atmosphere felt different with the students. Although Anon-a-Miss still was present; no one could get over what happened with Sunset. Celestia was shocked to know that school would continue as usual.

“Ms. Dash,” Rarity said coldly walking in the front door

“Ms. Belle; Ms. Jack,” Rainbow Dash countered

“Class; I think we need to talk about suicide. This is a rather sensitive topic; so I will try not to offend anyone,” Cheerilee said with a sigh “Those that believe suicide is their only option, have different ways of hiding it.”

“Ignoring everyone else.”

“Change in appearance.”

“Giving personal items away.”

“Yes; all of those are possibilities. Unfortunately; no two people have the same situation; making it a bit difficult. If anyone sees someone acting differently; try making friends with them. It might be the kindest gesture for them,” Cheerilee added

“We really treated Sunset like shit these past couple weeks. Her appearance changed drastically,” someone commented

“She lost the shine that made her stick out.”

“Even if she was Anon-a-Miss; we're all just as bad for assaulting her.”

“I think everyone here knows just how much damage rumors can cause,” Cheerilee started, as everyone nodded “A student is in the hospital due to a rumor that went too far.”

Lunch found most of the members of the Rainbooms scattered around the lunchroom, with only Pinkie and Fluttershy sitting together. In fact; even the Crusaders willingly split apart, with no urging from their siblings.

“I hate seeing everyone like this,” Fluttershy pointed out

“I know. Even our friends are split and it's partially our fault,” Pinkie replied

“Either of you know how Sunset’s doing,” Vinyl asked, sitting down

“No. She is in a coma; but we hope she wakes up soon,” Fluttershy said in a low voice

“Thank you for the information. It already feels like Sunset’s dead,” Octavia replied “Judging by everyone's expressions; that is.”

“How's she doing,” Flash asked

“We don't really know. All we can do is wait,” Pinkie answered

“Fuck! I can't believe that we broke up on such a shitty note. I really hope I can apologize for my actions,” Flash replied, slapping himself in the back of the head

“We all want her to survive. Just think positive,” Fluttershy added

Rarity removed a drawing out from her backpack and just stared. It was a pink dress created for Sunset she hoped to give her.

“Do you mind if I borrow that picture,” Flash asked

“What for,” Rarity countered

“To show to a friend,” he replied vaguely

“I'm coming with,” she decided

The two left the cafeteria and headed to what was supposed to be an empty room. Waiting inside were the members of Flash’s band.

“You have something to use,” one asked

“Yes. I just hope we can get permission,” Flash said

“Just do it and beg for forgiveness later,” another replied

“What do you have in mind,” Rarity asked

“A mural using this as a base,” came the reply

Taking the time to redraw the image; Sunset’s likeness was added as were a pair of wings.

“Sister? Any news,” Luna asked

“Nothing. Sunset’s still out,” Celestia replied “I hate not knowing what's going to happen.”

“We just have to have faith,” Luna said reassuringly

“Principal Celestia? May we enter,” a voice asked

“What is that,” Luna asked, pointing to an object at Flash’s side

“A picture we'd like to put up,” Flash replied

“Once school is out, carry on with the cleanup before putting that on Sunset’s locker,” Celestia decided

“Yes ma'am,” he said


“What's up,” Sundown asked

“Just thinking.”

“Anything in particular,” she inquired

“My fuck ups. That; and what I heard earlier.”

“Congratulations on that; by the way. It's not your birth mother Princess Celestia; but you have a family,” Sundown said, hugging her

“I still can't believe how dumb I was all those years ago.”

Sundown sat by what was supposed to be the teacher's desk; propping her legs up on the desk while Sunset reminisced uninterrupted.

“I mean; trying to become an alicorn? I really didn't deserve it; nor did I have friends to share it with. I ran away because I couldn't stand to hear the truth.”

“Even becoming ‘Queen Bitch’ of the school felt hollow when everyone fears you. Rarity should have won the Fall Formal last year, along with Sour Sweet and Moondancer in the years before. I believe both actually transferred to some prep school after the hell I put them through.”

“Even my rise to popularity was bullshit. I claimed Flash Sentry as my boyfriend to make me popular. That was the epitome of ‘young and dumb’ as I didn't know anything about relationships. Although the only good thing to come out of that was that I learned to play guitar.”

“With the shit I've done; I'm grateful to Twilight to hitting me with the ‘Rainbow Laser of Friendship’. That brought me back to normal and make me change.”

“I just can't believe those three little bastards framed me for no reason,” Sunset said, starting to cry “Hadn't I been through enough!?”

“I'm sorry that happened,” Sundown said, floating over to her; before kissing her on the cheek “With all that; what are you thinking?”

“One good moment does not really outweigh the rest of my deeds. I may have redeemed myself in a few month's time; it doesn't mean anything against the years of torture I put others through.”

“Just remember what I told you; this is your decision,” Sundown replied

“I know; I'm still weighing my actions.”


Discord decided to pay one final visit to his daughter for the day in the hopes something had happened. Chrysalis joined him as did both Luna and Celestia.


“I hope you're hanging on and trying to get through this. I'd love to see my daughter back at school. You might hate it; but that is nothing compared to what you're going through now,” Discord said reassuringly

“Please wake up; dear. This is something that couldn't be wished on anyone else. The four of us love you very much,” Chrysalis added, kissing her cheek

“CHS just isn't the same anymore. Please wake up,” Luna begged

“You've fought through your demons and I know you can beat this. We really do love you more than you know,” Celestia added, before crying


One by one each decided to see Sunset before heading home for the day. Pinkie and Fluttershy decided to go first and get it over with before the others went inside. After the revelation from the day prior, the CMC were forbidden from joining.

“Hey Sunset. I don't know if you can hear us, but we do forgive you,” Fluttershy commented

“This is no fun seeing you like this. I'm not sure if I can make another party as fun as the ones you helped with,” Pinkie added, as her hair deflated

“I'm sorry I didn't believe you. It felt like the perfect reason; you falling back into your old ways. Never once did I believe otherwise until my sister confessed. I can't be the Bearer of Honesty when I lie to cover my own ass. Please wake up and we can fix this,” Applejack begged

“Sunset, darling; I'm sorry. I have a dress made for prom I hoped you'd like. I'll be happy to show it to you if you'd like. This was a mistake I honestly want to fix. Get up please,” Rarity said sadly, wiping the tears from her eyes

“This is your fault. The Rainbooms; my band; have departed due to you. If we hadn't befriended you; then my sister wouldn't have created Anon-a-Miss to spend time with me. I hope you die,” Rainbow Dash spat angrily

Dash left the room to see four very upset girls waiting. It took a moment to realize what she said to cause a reaction.

“Is that what you think? Your band,” Applejack demanded

“There is another thing that requires focus,” Rarity said, reassuringly placing a hand on AJ’s shoulder “Sunset.”

“None of this was Sunset’s fault. How could we predict anything like this would happen,” Pinkie replied

“You're right about one thing. The Rainbooms are dead. Take your sorry ass and leave before you join Sunset,” AJ threatened


“How are you doing,” Sundown asked

“I don't know right now. Hearing everyone's prayers is comforting as it makes me want to try again. That is; until I heard Rainbow Dash wish I was dead,” Sunset said before starting to cry

Unbeknownst to Sunset, as she started to cry in the dreamscape; her comatose body started to have tears streaming down her face.

“Live or die; the choice is yours. Have you made up your mind,” Sundown commented


After receiving permission from Principal Celestia; Flash and his friends got to work cleaning up the graffiti on Sunset’s locker.

“Damn. I didn't realize just how ruthless the others are,” one commented

“Let's just get this cleaned. We don't know how it's coming,” Flash said

After about an hour, the easy part of cleaning was finished before they redrew on the door. Sunset was drawn in Rarity’s dress as they added wings and a horn to her. A banner was drawn reading ‘Canterlot’s Phoenix’ was added on the top while another reading ‘Sunset Shimmer’ was put underneath.

“Let's get the clear coat on there once it's done,” one added

“Canterlot isn't the same without Sunset. Regardless if she was Anon-a-Miss or not; no one deserves the treatment she received,” Flash mused

“We're done. Let's get going,” another decided