• Published 14th Jan 2019
  • 1,530 Views, 8 Comments

A Love Like No Other - twience

EDITED; It's hammer time, and Twilight Sparkle is outside CHS about to destroy the statue, along with the only portal to Equestria. However, Sunset Shimmer is NOT about to let that happen.

  • ...

A Love Like No Other 0.5 (Old Version)

Author's Note:

This is my first version of, A Love Like No Other. I wouldn't suggest reading it, It sucks. However, it's here! So feel free too.


A Love Like No Other 0.5
By, serenityx

"Twilight! You can't do this!" Sunset yelled

"I can and I will!" Twilight responded

Twilight and Sunset were outside CHS screaming their heads off causing a scene. Sunset was scared and had worried look on her face. Twilight was angry and held a sledge hammer in her hand. In fact, it was just like the one Sunset had when Princess Twilight wouldn't give Sunset her crown. Of course now Sunset was reformed and is good as a penny but the Twilight from this world had other plans.

"You can't possible think this is a good idea Twilight!”

"You! You brought magic into this world! Everything was fine until YOU RUINED MY LIFE!" Twilight screamed

Sunset was taken aback at Twilight's comment. It hurt, it hurt bad.

"If you hadn't brought magic into this world I would have never found strange readings from your school!” Twilight said


"No!" She interrupted "I turned into a monster because of you Sunset Shimmer."

Sunset was concerned for her friend. Twilight was scared, scared of the magic she brought here.

"That wasn't my fault and it wasn't yours either. It was all Principle Cinch Twi." Sunset tried to explain

Twilight shook her head "She's not all to blame."

"You're kidding?"

"Not a bit. Principal Cinch saw that you and your friends had magic and knew I was collecting it. She wouldn't have told me to release it if I didn't have it in the first place!"

Sunset looked down at her feet. She mumbled something and Twilight wanted to know what it was.

"What did you say?" Twilight asked

"Our." She said. Twilight was confused.

"Our friend's Twilight. You said your friends but their our friends." Sunset continued

"They're not my friends. They were just sorry for me! Just like you were sorry for me! I don't want people to be sorry for me."

"You keep forgetting I experienced the same thing you did. I know what you're going through." Sunset said

"But you don't. You came from a world of magic Sunset and you understand it. I didn't come from that world. All this was new to me and I didn't know where or what I was even doing. At least you had an objective Sunset. However I didn't and I was going to take over a world I knew nothing about." Twilight said

Sunset blinked. She never thought about it this way before...

"I'm- I'm sorry." Sunset apologized

"I don't want your pity. I want you gone!" Twilight snapped

"Please Twilight! We can get through this together!" She screamed

"We tried. I tried to be your friend. I just can't"

"I kept thinking of everything I went through. My life was ruined and It was all because of you! I was going to leave for Everton and continue my life there but because of those stupid 'Friendship Games' everything went downhill." She finished

"I thought you wanted this? To be at CHS and try friendship." Sunset asked

"I did! It was a mistake!"

"Where is this coming from Twilight?"

"It's always been here Sunset. I just didn't know until today."

She swung the sledge hammer again.

"Don't!" Sunset yelled

"Why should I stop? You won't leave so I have no choice." Twilight said

"You know I can't do that. I can't leave Canterlot High Twilight. I have friends here who I love."

"Then why do you care about that place? Equestria?" Twilight asked

"Because It's my home Twilight! If you destroy that statue then I can never go back again. I can never reach Princess Twilight when I need her." She pleaded

Twilight flinched at the thought of Princess Twilight. She didn't care about her or wanted to know of her. All she wanted was magic and Sunset Shimmer gone. If she wouldn't leave, then she'll destroy the statue!

"I don't care! This world isn't supposed to have magic! Everything was normal until you showed up." Twilight reminded her

"I know! I did bring magic into this world and I've been trying to control and understand it! However I figured out that I can't understand it, but I can control it by making sure it doesn't fall into the wrong hands. I can show people another way by helping them accept friendship." Sunset said

"You say that now but that stuff is dangerous here! You have no idea what magic is capable of!"

"That doesn't mean you have to destroy the statue Twilight. Please just listen to me." She held out her hand

Twilight wanted to grab it, she really did. She couldn't because she knew when she did she would have face facts and stop this nonsense. She knew why she doing this but she couldn't come to terms with it.

She shook her head and decided to just take it. She held out her hand and when Sunset came close to her she quickly changed her mind and swung the hammer towards the statue.

"NO!" Sunset screamed

She dropped the hammer.

Did she hit it? She didn't feel any weight when she swung it... However her head was throbbing. It hurt like hell.

Before you know it everything went black and she fell to the ground.

"Twilight!" Someone screamed.

It was the last thing she heard before the world became silent.

Am I dead? she thought

Wait...I'm talking to myself. That means I'm not dead!

But why is everything so dark?

Oh... duh my eyes are closed.

She tried to open them up but she couldn't. Weird...

I must be passed out. She concluded

I wonder where I am...

What happened? I-I can't remember...

I need to wake up. I need to figure out what happened. I can't think when I'm out conscience

Twilight felt herself drifting off again.

No please! I need to stay with the light! Fight Twilight fight!

She fought with all her might but her eyes just wouldn't open!

What did I do to deserve this?

Somebody, somebody help!


A few hours later...




The sound continued.

Beep Beep

Twilight could hear it continuously throughout the room along with hearing footsteps pacing back and forth.

She could feel she was laying down. On a bed maybe? Well It was soft like a bed. Was she at home?


No... her house doesn't beep.

Her eyes started to open. She saw a tall figure walking back and forth across the room. It was a girl, with long red and yellow hair.

Sunset! she thought. She remembered her!

"Oh god, sweet Celestia please be okay..." Sunset whispered. "Please Twi..." She cried

Twilight was confused. Then it hit her. She's in a hospital. Laying on a hospital bed!

She saw Sunset sit in one of the chairs in the corner. She started heavily crying into her hands. It's like she was broken.

When Twilight felt her eyes fully awake she tried to speak, "S-Sunset..."

Sunset looked up quickly from her hands. She saw Twilight struggling to sit up and jot up from her seat.

"Oh Twilight! Thank goodness!" She ran over wrapping her arms around Twilight in a tight embrace

"Sunset, you're h-hurting m-me"

Sunset released her "Sorry!"

Then Twilight started to remember. The fight, the statue, the hammer! It all started coming back to her.

Feeling light as a feather Twilight sprang up like she wasn't in pain anymore.

"I destroyed the statue!" She screamed

Her head started throbbing again. It wasn't hurting when she was laying down...

She put her hand on her head and whimpered "Ow..."

"Easy." Sunset said laying her back down.


She nodded before she started talking again, "I almost lost you Twilight! I was so scared. Don't you ever try to leave me like that again!" She confessed

"Huh? I'm confused, what happened." Twilight asked

"You were about to take my hand when you decided to swing your hammer and destroy the statue. However it backfired and the hammer ended up falling on your head and then you passed out." She explained


"I didn't know what to do! I had to take you to my car and rush you to the hospital. Twilight you scared me half to death," She said

"I don't understand. Why are being so nice to me? I said some awful things about you." She rubbed her eyes

Sunset took Twilight's hand "I know and I forgive you. Most of it was true anyways."

Twilight shook her head in disbelief.

"I never knew how bad you were feeling. I get that you're scared, and you have every right to be." She said rubbing my palms with her hands.

Wow that feels good...

"I almost destroyed your home. I'm sorry..." Twilight said

Sunset smiled "But you didn't, that's all that matters. You're okay and that's all I care about right now."


"Because you mean a lot to me." Sunset said handing me the paper cup of water "Drink."

I drank a sip of the water "You mean a lot to me too Sunset."

"I kind of figured that." She interrupted

"I know what I was doing was wrong, I just didn’t want to come to terms with my feelings."

"I see. You have a very weird way of expressing yourself Twilight." She said

"Wait... you know?" Twilight asked

Sunset giggled "Yeah. You're bad at hiding your feelings Twilight." she thought again "Well besides yesterday when you were about to destroy the portal to Equestria."

Twilight giggled in return "I guess..."

"What I want to know is why you didn't just tell me instead of forcing me to leave so your feelings would go away?" Sunset asked

"I uh... I thought it was impossible for me to have feelings for somebody like you. When I finally came to the conclusion I like you, I didn't want you here anymore. I remembered everything that happened and how my life was before I met you. Everything was stress-free before 'The Friendship Games.'

"I think I can understand that. I'm sorry I brought magic into your life Twilight." Sunset apologized

"Don't be. I'm sorry I tried to ruin your life." Twilight apologized

Sunset held out her hand "Let's try this again and call it even." She smiled

Twilight looked down at her hand and smiled. She shook it and she could tell that made Sunset gleam.

"Ya know, Instead of going through all this trouble you could of just asked." Sunset said

"W-what?" Twilight stuttered

"You never considered the fact that I may of liked you back." She winked

"Oh." Twilight said

There was now silence...

"Do you?" Twilight broke it

"I dunno." Sunset shrugged

"Sunset!" Twilight groned

"Only kidding! Of course I like you."

Twilight breathed a sigh of relief "Oh good."

Sunset laughed taking a sip of Twilight's water.

"Now what?" Twilight asked

"Up to you. Where do you want to start?"

"Well not here. I'm laying in a hospital bed wearing nothing but this robe." Twilight exclaimed

The both giggled "Good one, but seriously?" Sunset said

Twilight thought about it for a minute before answering.

"Sunset, will you go on a date with me?" Twilight blurted out

Sunset was shocked but also flattered "I'd love to," She said

Twilight took her hand and kissed the top of it. Sunset blushed which Twilight thought was cute.

"So that's where we are." Sunset commented

"I guess so." Twilight said

"But Twi," She started

"Yeah?" Twilight asked

"Please don't scare me like this again. You don't know how worried I was. I thought you wouldn't wake up. It's my fault your in here, I should have tried harder to stop you from swinging that thing."

"I'm not going anywhere. After you saved me from Midnight at the games we became friends but I also felt something for you. You understood me when nobody else did. You always looked out for me. I'm glad I have you in my life." Twilight said

"I'm so happy to hear you say that." Sunset responded

Twilight smiled as she turned on the TV.

"So where to?" She asked suddenly

"The date?"

Sunset nodded.

"We could... go to an arcade. You like those. Oh then we could go to the movies and get ice cream afterwards!" Twilight said almost jumping off the bed again

Sunset giggled at the fact that Twilight got so excited "That sounds perfect Twi."

Twilight blushed "k..."

Sunset jumped when she heard a knock on the door "Come in." She called out

"Hello Miss Shimmer, Miss Sparkle." The nurse said

"H-hi." Twilight said

"Twi, this is nurse Red Heart. She's been taking care of you." Sunset explained

"Oh thanks." Twilight said to her

"No worries. It's my job." Red Heart said

Sunset squeezed Twilight's hand "I have to go for a bit. I need to tell my friends that you're okay."

Twilight nodded but frowned "Our friends Sunset. Their our friends."

Sunset smiled "Of course."

Sunset made her way towards the exit as nurse Red Heart was about to take Twilight’s blood pressure.

"Sunset!" Twilight called out

Sunset turned back around "Yes?"

Twilight hesitated "I love you."

Twilight knew it was soon but it was how she felt. She was too scared to face facts so she threaten Sunset to leave or she would destroy the statue. She's glad she didn't. In fact she was happy the hammer hit her in the head. She didn't care if Sunset didn't feel that way towards her just yet. She just wanted her to know.

However to her surprise, Sunset said the unexpected...

"I-I love you too" She grinned

The End...

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