• Published 14th Jan 2019
  • 1,521 Views, 8 Comments

A Love Like No Other - twience

EDITED; It's hammer time, and Twilight Sparkle is outside CHS about to destroy the statue, along with the only portal to Equestria. However, Sunset Shimmer is NOT about to let that happen.

  • ...

A Love Like No Other

A Love Like No Other Remake
By, serenityx

"No no no no!" Sunset screamed as she ran.

She ran, and ran, and ran.

Everything started out like an ordinary Sunday morning. Sunset Shimmer woke up, brushed her teeth, changed into her teal and yellow frills blouse with light blue pants, and ate some cereal that she couldn't get enough of.

Her and her friends were going to meet at Sugarcube Corner that afternoon. Usually it would be as a regular hang out, but this one was to get to know their new friend better. It was two days after Canterlot High's and Crystal Prep's Friendship Games. After all the ruckus that went on during the final event, Principal Celestia welcomed Twilight to CHS with open arms. In fact, Sunset and her friends did too.

Twilight was so relieved that everyone forgave her. Especially, Sunset Shimmer.

Sunset saved Twilight; and that left a soft spot for her.

Which is why, it left Sunset confused when she checked her phone that morning when she woke up.

Sunset, meet me, Canterlot High, statue, this morning.--

Sunset was sweating, she couldn't believe this was happening. It was fine, everything was fine.

Twilight Sparkle, a name that withheld so much. A name that meant so much to the red headed Equestrian. I guess you could say Sunset had a soft spot for her too; either of the Twilight's actually. Her savior, and her savement; it was kind of deja vu.

--I've already contacted our friends, they'll be coming later.--

Sunset had to blink away her tears. She couldn't be sad, she had...

She had to be strong enough to fight.

What could've gone wrong? Sunset did everything Twilight Sparkle and the girls had done to her. She comforted Twilight after the games, she promised to help her get through her demons, she invited her to hang out, and most importantly, she friended Twilight.

Then what, what in Celestia's name, went wrong? What made Twilight send her that text? The text, that started this?

--It's time that I end this. If you ever wish to see your precious home again, you better be there.

Sunset was panting by the time time she reached the school. She couldn't believe her eyes when they came into focus. There, in front of the statue via portal to Equestria, stood Twilight. She was facing the front, and she had this look in her eyes. They looked... angry.

Sunset lowered her pace when she saw that Twilight hadn't done anything yet. Her run, simply turned into a walk.

Is-is that a hammer? It can't be. Sunset thought.

It gets weirder, it looked as if it was the same exact hammer Sunset had used to threaten the princess the night of the Fall Formal.

Sunset made it to her friend. Twilight turned her head to face her. She saw Sunset's face, and it looked concerned. Twilight hated that, so she just closed her own eyes, and exhaled.

"Sunset Shimmer, you came. Thank you," Twilight finally spoke, opening her eyes.

Sunset cocked an eyebrow. "Of course I came. How could I not come, receiving a text like that?"

Twilight nodded.

"What was that about anyway?" Sunset asked, crossing her arms.

"Exactly what you think it is," Twilight answered, almost admediatly.

Sunset just looked at Twilight, then quickly glanced at the hammer against the statue, then looked back up at Twilight.

"I see..." Sunset said.

Twilight came off leaning against the statue, then she took a step in front of Sunset and smiled.

"I have a confession to make," Twilight admitted.

Sunset lowered her eyes. "Go on."

"I like you, Sunset."

Sunset Shimmer blinked. "What?"

Twilight rolled her eyes. "You heard me."

Sunset's arms uncrossed. "Okay, back up. You send me a blackmailing text at like, seven a.m, I run here to find you, and now you're saying you have a crush on me?"

Twilight sighed. "That's basically what happened."

Sunset bit her tongue. "What is this? Some child fantasy out of a romance book? Twilight, you and me have very different aspects about admitting feelings."

"Why can't you just face facts Sunset? I'm telling you the truth," Twilight glared.

Sunset thought about it. She still had no clue about what was going on. Yet, she could see herself liking Twilight. Or maybe she already did.

"Then, what's with the hammer?" she pointed at it.

Twilight looked behind her. "Oh, that."

Sunset just eyed her oddly. Twilight began to walk behind and around Sunset.

"You see Sunset, I appreciate everything you've done for me. Afterall, you saved me from Midnight back at the games."

"Uh huh," Sunset spoke.

Twilight continued her circles around her crush. "But the thing is, I'm tired of your pity."

"Say what?" Sunset's lips curved.

"Furthermore, I'm just tired. I can't sleep, and it's all because of you." Twilight accused. "One minute, I close my eyes and I see myself as Midnight. The next, I see you and me skipping down a sidewalk holding hands."

"Oh, uhm, that's nice?" Sunset said.

"Nice?" Twilight stops her pacing and lands right in front of Sunset. She sticks a finger into her chest and gets up in her face. "It's anything but nice!"

Sunset's eyes get wide. Was this how people felt when she was bullying them? Sunset just then felt like she could out another handful of apologies.

"Don't you understand Sunset? I hate you!" Twilight yelled.

Sunset scratched her arm. "Hate is a very strong word, Twilight. Why don't we talk about, whatever feelings you have bottled up, in a more... friendly manner?"

"NO!" Twilight raised her hands above her head, turned around, and walked away from Sunset. "I will do the discussing, you will listen to me, and I will get what I want."

Well, she could've said that from the beginning.

"Wait, didn't you say you liked me?" Sunset asked her, confused.

"Ugh," Twilight groaned. "I do."

"Alright, then that makes things easy, lets-"

"Which is why, I want you to leave," Twilight spoke in a cold tone, then pointed to the portal.

Sunset eyed the portal and frowned. "Leave?"

Twilight nodded. "Leave. Not go hang out with your friends, not go back to your dump of an apartment, not moved out the city, leave Earth."

Sunset mumbled to the ground.

"Speak up!" Twilight yelled curious.

"Our," Sunset said.

Twilight blinked. "What?"

"They're not just my friends, Twilight. They're our friends," Sunset explained.

Twilight gritted her teeth. "They're not my friends. They were sorry for me, just like how you're sorry me. I don't want ANYBODY to be sorry for ME!" she screamed.

Sunset flinched at the outburst. "Twilight, I understand you! I went through the same thing you did."

"No you don't. You came from a world of magic Sunset. However, I didn't come from that world. All this... magic, was new to me. I didn't know what I was even doing," Twilight explained. "At least you had a plan and an objective. I was just going to take over a world I knew nothing about. Do you know how stupid that is?"

"What? No, I, maybe... okay, yes. I never thought of it that way," Sunset said quietly.

"Of course you didn't, Miss Perfect. Principal Cinch isn't even all that to blame. It's you who I'm blaming," Twilight exclaimed.

"Me!?" Sunset said out of shock.

"Yes, you. Principal Cinch wouldn't have been able to convince me to 'release the magic' , if I didn't have it in the first place. I made the spectrometer out of curiosity, then I found some strange readings from your school. I didn't know it was magic, I didn't even think it existed," Twilight continued.

"It does," was all she said.

"No, no Sunset, it doesn't," Twilight shook her head. "At least, not here it doesn't. The only reason I made that spectrometer, the only reason Cinch blackmailed me, and the only reason I turned into Midnight Sparkle, was because of you."

Sunset licked her lips and stared at the ground.

Twilight let out a small chuckle. "It was you. You ruined my life. Haha, you brought magic into this world."

"Uh, Twi-"

Twilight stomped her foot on the ground in anger. "I WANT YOU GONE!"

Sunset sniffed, she could feel herself tearing up.

"You ruined my entire life! I-I turned into a monster because of you." Twilight just collapsed to her knees and started to cry.

It looked like Twilight beat her to it. Sunset let Twilight stay like that for awhile. She just watched her, sobbing on the ground. It wasn't until she felt confident enough, when walked over to her weeping friend ,and started to lay a hand on her shoulder.

"I'm sor-"

"Don't!" Twilight pushed away from Sunset.

Twilight stood up wiped her eyes. She sighed to herself as she started to brush down her outfit.

"Okay, that wasn't planned, but screw it. I said I wouldn't cry, but I did anyway. Ha," Twilight said, annoyed.

Sunset just stared, hands in fists pulled up to her chest.

"Ahem, anyway, like I said before, I don't want your pity," Twilight stated.

Sunset lowered her gaze. "...You want me gone."

Twilight smiled. "Exactly, finally we're getting somewhere."

Sunset shook her head.

"What? It's a reasonable request. If you leave, I don't have to worry about you ever again. There will be no trace of Sunset Shimmer The Unicorn Pony anywhere. My life will be sincere!"

Sunset just raised an eyebrow.

"I'm still going to Canterlot High, what I said was true about transfering. I just won't be making any friends or joining your 'magical club' or whatever. I'm going to go back to my regular life, as a regular girl," Twilight said, furthermore.

"You are a regular girl, Twilight. Nothing has changed," Sunset put in.

"Yes it has! Everything about my life has changed! Ugh, even Spike changed," Twilight groaned.

Sunset bit her lip.

"I don't ever want to have to think about magic again. I won't have to think about you, you and this stupid crush, ever again!" Twilight yelped.

Twilight sighed and continued. "It's minor, but it's there. It's there and it won't go away. Just because I think you're cool, and pretty, and smart, and a really good person, doesn't mean I'm suppose to like you. Just because you saved me, and my home, and that I have dreams about us together, doesn't mean I'm suppose to like you."

Sunset smiled. "That's sweet, Twi."

Twilight frowned. "Stop that, stop smiling at me!"

"I can't! You're just too cute," Sunset admitted.

Twilight pursed her lips and blush slowly rose to cheeks. "No, no! Go away, Sunset!"

Sunset sighed and she took a few steps toward Twilight. "I can't do that either."

Twilight's shoulders slumped. "Why?"

"Because I made a life here, and I have friends who I love. I can't just abandon everything I've worked so hard for. It wouldn't be fair to me, or to anybody," Sunset replied softly.

"Mmm, well life isn't fair Sunset."

Twilight stepped away, and went for her hammer. She picked it up with both hands, and stood directly beside the portal.

"Leave, leave or I swing it."

Sunset's eyes went big. "W-What? You can't be serious!"

"Oh, I'm very serious. Either you leave now, or I destroy it head on," Twilight threatened.

"I can't leave, Twilight! You know that!" Sunset yelled.

"Then why do you care? Why do you care about... Equestria?" Twilight asked, still hammer raised.

"It's where I was born! Everything that makes up myself is over there. My family, is over there! I'm a unicorn at heart Twilight, do you really think I would never go back? Even if it's just for a visit?"

"You're making harder than this has to be, Sunset," Twilight snarked.

"Please, don't destroy it..." Sunset pleaded. "The pain, I can't go through that. I can't write to Princess Twilight if it's destroyed!"

Twilight flinched at the thought of Princess Twilight. She didn't care about her, or even wanted to know of her. All she wanted, was magic and Sunset Shimmer gone. If she wouldn't leave, then she would destroy the statue.

"I don't care! This world isn't supposed to have magic, Sunset. Everything was normal until you showed up!" Twilight reminded her.

"I know! I did bring magic into this world, but I've been trying to control and understand it! Although, after the Friendship Games, I figured out that I can't understand it; but I can control it. I can control it by making sure it doesn't fall into the wrong hands. I can show people another way, by helping them accept friendship." Sunset said

Twilight rolled her eyes. "You say that now, but you know that stuff is dangerous here! You have no idea what magic is capable of on this planet."

"Argh, I thought you wanted this! To be at CHS, to be with me, to try friendship!"

"I did! Then I realized it was a mistake."

Just then, the wind felt like it was starting to pick up.

"There's no reason to destroy the statue. You and me both know that's not going to fix anything. It's not going to get you what you want," Sunset mentioned.

"Y-You don't know what I want. I already told you-"

"Magic gone? That's not what you want, Twilight. It's something else, and I think you're afraid."

Twilight wanted to remain mad, she really did. However, her sadness started to roll in again, and her eyes were going puffy.

"We can get through this together."

Sunset held her hand out, the wind blowing in her hair, and she smiled.

Twilight lifted one hand off her hammer, she was going to take it. Just like at the games, and everything would be okay.

No. She thought.

She couldn't take her crushes hand because she knew when she did, she would have face facts and stop this temper tantrum she's been having. She couldn't come to terms with it, she would fail herself. Again.

Twilight shook her head and pushed Sunset's hand away. "No, not this time."

Sunset's mouth opened a little. Twilight had just... refused her friendship. That wasn't how things were suppose to go! What was she supposed to do now? Oh, what was she supposed to say?

Back at the Fall Formal, Sunset took Princess Twilight's hand. She didn't want to think about what would have happened, if she... refused it.

Twilight took a step forward, and turned around to face the statue. She raised the hammer up high.

"NO, STOP!" Sunset begged.

"I made up my mind, it's too late."

Sunset started to cry, and she fell on the ground. She was now on her knees and hands, staring up at Twilight and that hammer.

"S-Stop, p-please! I'm begging you!" Sunset yelled at her.

Sunset had failed, she had failed to reform Twilight.

Twilight ignored her. In her head, she held one objective; and she was going to full fill it.

Twilight swung the hammer back, and swung the hammer forward as hard as she could. She used all her might, anything to break the magically glass that contained inside the statue.

The hammer hit it, or at least she thought she hit it. She could of sworn she heard a bang just then.

Did I do it? Twilight thought.

All of sudden, Twilight felt dizzy, and her head, or her head hurt like hell. The world started to spin, her eyelids shut closed and all she could see was black. Twilight's legs gave out, and she fell face forward onto the ground.

Sunset gasped at the sight in front of her, her face went red, tears were streaming fast, and she squeezed her eyes tight.


If asked in a later life, Sunset would probably say it was the loudest scream she screamed in her life.

Why... is everything so dark?

Am, I sleeping? she thought.

If I'm suppose to be having a nightmare, a pool of nothing but darkness isn't that scary.

Where am I? I can only hear myself talking.

Wait, but my lips aren't moving. So... I'm thinking?

Oh my god, I'm dead. She concluded.

N-No, I can't be dead! I didn't want this!

She tried to open her eyes, she tried with all her might, but she couldn't.

H-How? Why?

Oh no! Sunset!

I must be passed out. Yes, that's it. I'm just passed out.


Twilight felt herself drifting off again, her thoughts starting to fade.

N-No! Please!

Somebody, somebody help!


Why am I calling for help? What is this place?

Better yet, who am I?



She could hear footsteps, a sound of a person pacing, back in forth.


Her eyes were shut, but yet, she could see gray. Like as if she was standing in front of a light.

Her nose wiggled. The scent, it smelled, different. This wasn't her bedroom.


She could feel herself laying on a bed, but it felt raised somehow. Besides, it didn't feel like her comforter.

She moved her jaw. Ew, her mouth tasted gross. Was that, medicine?

If she had her five senses, that meant, she wasn't dead!


Her memories, they started flooding back, but slowly.

Twilight... was her name.

Twilight's eyes started to open. She figured out the meaning of the pacing, it was a girl. A girl that looked her age, but with red and blonde hair.

It was foggy, but she could make out some of the words she was saying.

"Oh goodness, sweet Celestia help me, please be okay..." the girl whispered. "Please..."

Twilight regained feel in her body and could move her head. It finally snapped.

I'm... in a hospital?

"Twilight..." the girl whispered again, then sat herself in a chair.

Twilight was confused, just what was going on? Her eyes began to clear a bit, she could see the girl more clearly. The red and blonde hair, cyan eyes, amber skin, teal shirt.

Sunset Shimmer!

Twilight saw Sunset bury her head in her hands. Her body started to rock back in forth, and she could hear her crying.

Why is she crying? She looks broken.

Twilight could feel her lips turn into a frown.

She's crying... because of me.

Then, Twilight completely woke up. Her ears, her eyes, her body, and now her vocal cords.


Sunset sprung up from her seat. Her mouth agape, as she stared at Twilight. She couldn't be more happier in this moment. Sunset ran over towards Twilight, knelt beside her bed, and grabbed onto her arm.

"Twilight, you're awake! You're really awake. You had me so scared!" Sunset exclaimed.

Twilight looked over at her friend/crush and smiled.

"What am I doing here?" Twilight managed to ask.

Sunset frowned. "The, uhm, the statue... it's..."

Twilight's eyes went wide. She could feel herself remembering. The fight, the portal, the hammer, Sunset begging on the ground; it was all coming back to her!

Twilight sprung up from her bed without a care. She could feel herself start to sweat.

"I-I destroyed the statue!" she screamed. "N-No, I'm so sorry Sunset! I can't-"

Suddenly, Twilight felt a strong throb in her head. She grabbed onto the sides of it and hissed in pain.

"Ow," Twilight groaned.

"Hey, easy Twi," Sunset said and started to lay her back down. "Calm down for a sec."

Twilight was laid back on her pillow. "Thank you."

"You're welcome," Sunset replied.

"I'm so confused, what did I do to end up in the hospital?" Twilight asked again.

"You refused to listen to me. You took the hammer and swung, at what you thought was the statue, but you actually lost your grip and it ended up falling on your head. It knocked you out, and you never got to destroy the portal," Sunset explained.

Twilight sighed. "Oh..."

"Twilight, do you know how stupid that was? Do you know how I felt having to carry you all the way to my house, just so we could get to my car? I didn't know how to get a ambulance or whatever you call it. I had to figure out how to use a GPS just so I could drive you to the hospital myself! Do you know how many times I had to lie to the doctors about the reason you passed out?" Sunset ranted, sounding annoyed.

"I guess... not," Twilight admitted.

"No, you don't! Twilight, I thought I lost you! I was panicking the whole time!" Sunset exclaimed.

"I'm so-"

"Our friends showed up at the statue later, they found out we weren't there and got concerned. My phone was filled with texts and voicemails, and I didn't even pick up! I was so worried about you, it drove me paranoid!" Sunset yelled.

Twilight sat up slowly this time, so her head wouldn't throb. "S-Sunset, please-"

"Oh, and to go back, how could you do that to me!? I accepted you Twilight, I told you we could be friends, I offered you my hand twice, and you had the nerve to almost destroy my only way home? That's messed up Twilight, that's really messed up!"

Twilight took ahold of Sunset's hand. "I didn't mean-"

"You told me, you wanted me gone. If you didn't lose your grip, the portal would be destroyed by now," Sunset said still going.

Twilight tightened her grip. "But It's not! It's not and I'm glad! I'm sorry, I'm so sorry Sunset. I don't know what was going through my head. My feelings were bonkers and I was being stupid, I'm just, really sorry."

Sunset took a deep breath, and released it. "Phew, okay, Sorry. I just really had to get that out. I forgive you, Twilight."

Twilight blinked. "You do? I said some pretty awful things back there."

"I know, but I thought about it. A lot actually, and I know you didn't really mean them. So, I forgive you," Sunset smiled.

Twilight shook her head in disbelief. "B-But what I did, it's unforgivable..."

"Hey," Sunset turned over Twilight's hand, and started rubbing her palm with her thumbs. "You're okay, and that's all I care about right now."

Oh wow, that feels really nice. Twilight thought to herself.

"Why though?" Twilight asked the obvious. She then let out a few coughs.

"You mean a lot to me, silly," Sunset replied, then reached for the paper cup of water on the bedside table. "Drink," she handed it to Twilight.

Twilight gladly took the cup, and took a sip. "You're saying, that you actually like me back?"

"I thought that was obvious," Sunset laughed a little.

Twilight pouted and flicked Sunset's arm. "No, it wasn't."

"Ow, rude," Sunset retracted her arm. "I realized it when I was carrying you to my car, how can I not like you? It's like I can't get the name Twilight out of my life."

Now, it was Twilight's turn to laugh.

"By the way, like I said yesterday, you have a really weird way of expressing your feelings," Sunset pointed out.

"Heh..." was all Twilight gave in response.

"What I want to know is, why did you go through all that, and not ask me on a date like a normal person?" Sunset asked.

"Uh," Twilight played with her fingers. "I thought it was impossible for me, to have feelings for somebody like you. When I finally came to the conclusion that I liked you, I didn't want you here anymore. I remembered everything that happened at the Games, and how my life was before I met you. All this magic stuff was starting to get in the way of everything I thought I wanted."

"Then, what do you really want?" Sunset raised an eyebrow.

"To be with you," Twilight said smiling.

Sunset nodded. "I see. Then let's start over, and try this again." She held out her hand, for the third time.

There was no hesitation, Twilight reached out and clasped her hand in Sunset's.

"Now, was that so hard?" Sunset teased.

Twilight deadpanned and lightly punched Sunset's arm. "Shut up."

Sunset chuckled.

"So, what now?" Twilight asked.

Sunset shrugged. "I dunno, you tell me."

Twilight took a deep breath in and out. "Alright. Sunset, will go out with me?"

"I'd love to," Sunset answered.

Twilight squealed in response. She quickly took Sunset's hand and kissed the top of it.

Sunset blushed deeply. "Couldn't wait?"

Twilight sighed. "You have no idea."

"Just one condition. Never, ever, pull a stunt like that again. I can't bear the thought of losing my birthplace, or you, Twilight," Sunset mentioned.

"I'm not going anywhere. You understand me, Sunset; and I know you'll always look out for me. I'm glad I have you in my life," Twilight said.

"I'm so happy to hear you say that," Sunset replied.

Twilight smiled, then reached for the remote, and turned on the TV.

"So, where to?" Sunset asked suddenly.

"The date?"

She nodded.

"We could... go to an arcade. I know you like those. Oh, then we could go to the movies or maybe get ice cream afterwards!" Twilight said, almost jumping off the bed again.

Sunset giggled at the fact that Twilight got so excited. "That sounds perfect Twi."

Twilight blushed embarrassed. "Kay..."

There was a knock on the door, Twilight flinched.

"Come in," Sunset called out

"Hello Miss Shimmer, Miss Sparkle," The nurse spoke as she entered.

"H-hi." Twilight stuttered.

"Twi, this is Nurse Redheart. She's been taking care of you," Sunset explained.

"Oh," she nodded "Thank you." Twilight said to her.

"No worries, dear. It's my job," Redheart said.

Sunset took and squeezed Twilight's hand. "I have to go for a bit, okay? I need to tell my friends that you're okay."

Twilight nodded but frowned. "Our friends Sunset. They're our friends."

Sunset smiled. "Of course."

"Promise me you'll be back?"


Sunset made her way towards the exit, as Nurse Redheart was about to take Twilight’s blood pressure.

"Sunset!" Twilight called out.

Sunset turned back around. "Yes?"

Twilight hesitated, but spoke the words she was feeling. "I love you."

Yes, Twilight knew it was soon, but it was how she felt. She didn't admit it because she was too scared to face her facts. Instead, she threatened Sunset to leave Earth before she would destroy the statue. Twilight was so glad it didn't turn out that way. In fact, she was happy the hammer hit her in the head. Yet, she didn't care if Sunset didn't feel that way towards her just yet. Twilight just really wanted her to know.

However, to her surprise, Sunset said the unexpected.

"I-I love you too," Sunset blushed, while smiling softly.

The End.

Author's Note:

I hope you enjoy this remake! The old version was so... ew. I wrote it in like two hours in the middle of the night. What was I even thinking?

This version has much more information, much better grammar/punctuation, and a better exposition.

Thank you so much for reading!

Check out my My Story Timeline, for more stories!

Please, don't hesitate to comment helpful tips, dislikes, and loves.

Goodbye for now! <3