• Published 17th May 2019
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Starcraft: Warriors of Purity - Xarmar13

Bon Bon and Lyra are sent to the Koprulu Sector on a quest for vengeance.

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Liberty: Sea of Flames

“Sir, ma’am, we have an issue in the lab,” said Matt. “We made sure that Hanson maintained communication with us from lab 01, but we lost communication with her within the last fifteen minutes. We believe the infestation has taken hold.”

Raynor put on his suit and Sweetie slung her rifle on her back. Sweetie told Lyra to stand by so that she could handle the situation herself. Raynor insisted that he come with her as backup. Unable to dissuade him, Sweetie had little choice but to acquiesce to Raynor’s request.

The duo made their way into the lab where Hanson was kept. Raynor cautiously walked around the lab. “Ariel? You in here?” he said.


He opened a communication channel to Matt. “Matt, seal all access points.” The door behind him shut and locked.

With a sigh, Sweetie spoke, “Come on out, Ariel. The stalking thing is a little amusing but it’s time we had that talk.” She added as a thought, “Here’s hoping that lesson in exerting dominance pays off.”

~”If you do it like I instructed, she will retain some independence to the extent of being able to think for herself at the cost of being bound to you. If your newfound ambitions are to be realized, this will be good practice for the future.”~

“Talk to me? Or kill me?” said a distorted voice above the lab. Raynor and Sweetie looked up to see the now grotesque form of Dr. Ariel Hanson. “Will you enjoy it? Killing me like you killed my children?”

While the upper half of her head still looked human, the rest of her body was mutated by the Zerg virus. Her mouth was a huge gaping hole with a few sharp teeth in the middle. Her jaw was between two tendrils that ended in sharp points. Her body had bloated and was reinforced with chitin while her arms and feet ended in razor-sharp claws. Most of her body was still covered in her lab coat.

“Oh God, not you too!” Raynor said.

Sweetie rolled her eyes dramatically. “Get down here right now! Your colony is fine, we just contained the infection with the help of the Protoss. You still have your uninfected people and your infested test subjects.”

“And why should I believe you?”

With a dramatic sigh, Sweetie stared into Hanson’s eyes. Sweetie’s eyes glowed light blue for a few moments before Hanson’s eyes began glowing the same color.

Hanson jumped down onto the lab floor and took up a passive stance. Sweetie walked up to Hanson and put a hand on her head. “Have you calmed down?” Sweetie asked. Hanson nodded. Sweetie turned her head and looked at Raynor. “Jim, please leave us. I can handle things from here.”

Raynor was confused about the turn of events. He was ready to shoot Hanson in the head and end her miserable existence. And somehow, Sweetie had calmed her down. Also, Hanson’s eyes were glowing yellow before; the same glow in Kerrigan’s eyes, now they were glowing light blue; the same color as the aura that Sweetie uses to levitate objects. One thing was certain, he needed to get to the bottom of Sweetie’s ability to control Zerg and the infested.

Raynor decided to leave Sweetie alone with Hanson. After requesting for Matt to unseal the doors, he walked out of the lab.

With Raynor gone, Sweetie decided to tell her the unfortunate facts. “You know that with the way you are now, you can’t return to your colony.”

Hanson looked at her clawed hands and breathed a sad sigh. She knew that she would not be able to go back to the way things were now that she was infested. The strangest thing about her being infested, however, was that unlike the colonists who acted like they were compelled to attack anyone who wasn’t Zerg, she didn’t feel any of those compulsions. The only unusual thing that she noticed in her mind was an overwhelming desire to obey whatever command Sweetie Drops gave her.

On the other hand, she also felt a sort of reassurance; something that, although she received little of it during her childhood, felt similar to a mother’s support. She wasn’t really sure how to feel about such a feeling.

Sweetie continued, “I did what I could to allow you to keep some independence to where you can think for yourself and your intellect was unaffected. If you want to continue your research, you would have to use whatever facilities you find here.

“I will do my best to assure Raynor and the crew that you’re not a threat, but you will have to be confined here for your safety and their peace of mind. If you need materials, I’ll do my best to get them to you.”

“I suppose I have little choice now,” Hanson said.

“Well, don’t lose hope yet. There might be a way to reverse the infestation if we gather the entire collection of artifact fragments,” Sweetie said.

“How do you know about what the artifacts can do?”

“Don’t spread this around to anyone. I’d rather not have this knowledge spread to the wrong people.” Sweetie took a deep breath. “The reason I have knowledge of Zerg xenobiology is because the source of that info comes from a parasite in my head that contains the consciousness of the first Overmind. Just before it was destroyed, it infected me with a small piece of itself and I have been able to telepathically communicate with it ever since.”

Hanson’s eyes became like dinner plates. While she had hoped that she was telling the truth, because that would mean that Sweetie has access to thousands of years of ancient knowledge, she also maintained a degree of skepticism. It didn’t take long before that skepticism started to wear away.

~”Congratulations are in order for converting your first intelligent minion.”~

“I’d rather not refer to her as such.”

Hanson’s eyes couldn’t get any wider. “Did I just hear a telepathic message from you? And, where did that other voice come from?”

Sweetie chuckled. “You most likely heard the voice of the Overmind. I guess since you’re connected to me, it stands to reason that the Overmind would be a part of that connection.”

“I have so many questions right now. I just wish we had all the time in the world for you to answer them.”

“I’ll be back soon. I’m sure Jim and Tychus are getting antsy for another mission.” Sweetie left the lab before letting Matt know that she was done talking to her. Matt sealed the lab soon after.

After a brief visit to the armory, and Swann’s mention of the improvements he made to the new AH/G-24 Banshee Tactical-Strike Aircrafts, Sweetie went to the bridge to discuss the next mission. Tychus was the one to speak first.

“Moebius’ve got themselves set up again since the Zerg chased ‘em outta their old place. They say they’ve worked out where to find another artifact, lovely little place called Typhon.

Tosh walked into the room and spoke with a slight tone of impatience, “There you are, Sweetie. When are you gonna seal the deal and assist me with my task?”

Sweetie took a moment to consider the priorities and decided that it was about time to finish her deal with him. “If it’s alright with you, we’re going to Typhon first to pick up the next artifact. Once we’re done there, your request will be done next.”

Tosh stared at Sweetie for a full minute. “How do I know you’re not just stalling?”

Sweetie sighed and rolled her eyes. “I can give you a kind of promise that we equestrians consider sacred if you want some assurance.” Tosh continued to stare as if expecting her to go on.

“Cross my heart, hope to fly, stick a cupcake in my eye.” Sweetie said, going through the motions.

Everyone looked at her as if she had just mutated. “What was that?” Tosh asked.

“It’s called a Pinkie Promise. Trust me, anyone who makes one of those must keep it. The last time someone broke a Pinkie Promise, a certain Pony me and Lyra know broke the laws of space and time to severely injure them.”

A hatch underneath the star map opened and the head of a pink Pony with blue eyes and a curly, dark pink mane popped out of the hatch and narrowed her eyes at Sweetie before slowly slinking back into the hatch.

No words were said for the next few minutes before Sweetie spoke, “Don’t ask, trust me.”

Upon arrival at Typhon, the Hyperion’s sensors were getting unusual readings from Typhon’s star. The energy output spiked about five hundred percent. Matt explained that this happens eventually to stars that have a high energy output. At some point in their life cycle, the star will greatly increase its output and burst in the form of a supernova.

While the star was preparing for its explosive presentation, Typhon was being bombarded by waves of fire.

Sadly, the Tal’darim , in their fanaticism, were willing to burn on Typhon to guard the artifact.

Since their timetable just got moved up, Sweetie and Lyra quickly made for the transports to Typhon to prepare for the fast-paced operation.

A small group of Banshees cleared an area to establish a quick base. As everything was established, the star was beginning to rise over the horizon and a long wall of fire was encroaching on their location.

Nyon sent the Hyperion a transmission, <”We anticipated your arrival! Now you will pay for desecrating our holy relics!”>

“Are you insane, Nyon?! This planet is burning and your Tal’darim are pointlessly giving their lives to the fire for the artifact? Where’s your common sense?! If you had any, you would be fleeing the planet with the artifact!” Lyra ranted.

“My people will gladly give our lives to ensure that our holy relics do not fall in your hands.”

Lyra was about to respond when Sweetie put a hand on her shoulder. “Let it go, Lyra. When we finally do confront this guy, I’ll let you deal with him.”

Calming herself, Lyra led a group of ground troops against a nearby Tal’darim base. Lyra quickly tore through the defenders while Banshees bombed the Protoss from the skies.

With the burning dawn near, the mobile buildings relocated themselves into the smoldering remains of the enemy base.

While the Tal’darim continue to focus on the Raiders while throwing their own lives away, Sweetie defended the base by locking down the mechanical Protoss that attacked them, leaving them helpless to attacks.

Lyra helped move the attack group toward the artifact vault with Banshees and Vikings providing air support. Lyra assisted by unleashing powerful psionic blasts that obliterated Photon Cannons. She also channeled the Dark Archon power and took control of enemy Carriers.

With the Tal’darim distracted by the air power brought against them, Lyra secretly cut her way into the artifact vault. When the Protoss discovered that Lyra had forced open the door, they scrambled to try to take out the Pony Templar. Their skills and power were unable to compete against her. The defenders were in awe of her power as they faded away.

An extraction team quickly entered the vault and claimed the artifact and took it back to the Hyperion. With the star’s rays near, everyone evacuated the planet and the system in time to avoid the cataclysmic destruction wrought by the star.

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