• Published 17th May 2019
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Starcraft: Warriors of Purity - Xarmar13

Bon Bon and Lyra are sent to the Koprulu Sector on a quest for vengeance.

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A mare, wounded by gunfire, stands in the middle of a burning room that was what remained of her beloved agency's headquarters. The mare looked at the other side of the room and sees the silhouette of a stallion pointing his pistol at her.

The mare was a cream colored earth pony with a mane and tail colored navy with a fuchsia stripe and arctic blue eyes. She was wearing a business suit that was badly damaged from recent battles and stained in places with her blood.

The only features seen on the stallion is the formal tuxedo generally worn by nobility and a horn.

The stallion was smirking as he savored the moment as he mare slowly limped toward the stallion.

Debris was beginning to fall into the room as the flames continued to roar.

The mare continued to limp toward the stallion with a dangerous look in her eyes; eyes that reflect betrayal, despair, and hatred toward this stallion. She wanted nothing more than to watch him writhe in agony for the atrocities that he has caused. However, the closer she was to the stallion, the farther away he was. She could not reach him in the state that she was in.

The stallion lowered his weapon and gave her a wicked grin before speaking. "Once again the little mud dweller struggles in futility to reach me. Why not crawl on your belly as you try to approach me like the rest of your filthy kind? Better luck next..."

The stallion was interrupted as a blast of magic hit him and destroyed his form. Nothing remained of the stallion as another form entered the burning room.

The mare stared at the place the stallion stood and observed as another form came into focus. This form was a tall mare with a dark blue coat and an ethereal mane and tail of different shades of blue and turquoise eyes. The form was also wearing an elegant-looking silver dress. The mare saw the long horn and wings and realized that she was looking at Princess Luna.

Luna looked into the burning room and saw the wounded mare. With a gasp, she rushed into the room as debris was starting to fall more frequently. She quickly grabbed the mare and dashed quickly out of the room as it was beginning to collapse.

Luna took the time to wait for the mare to calm down and held her in a gentle embrace. When the mare was finally calm enough to think rationally, Luna released the mare from her arms.

"This is the fourth time this week that you have had nightmares about my sister's nephew. These dreams are becoming more frequent" said Luna, refusing to acknowledge any relation she may have to Prince Blueblood.

Luna knew that these dreams are tied to a tragic injustice that was committed by Prince Blueblood. Unfortunately, the princesses could not do anything about this as Blueblood had destroyed all evidence of his involvement in the atricity. The princesses cannot convict him without causing the majority of the noble houses, which are in support of Blueblood, to become outraged and would lead to a public spectacle.

Blueblood had founded the agency that the mare hailed from. The agency was named with the acronym S.M.I.L.E. While the agency was tasked with dealing with threats hidden from the public, Blueblood had another use for them for his agenda. Blueblood desired to gain more power in the political world and he used the agency to damage the reputations of, or simply eliminated, threats that might stand in the way of Blueblood and his advancement up the political ladder. One day, when Blueblood had a clear path to his house becoming the most powerful among the nobility, Blueblood decided to cut S.M.I.L.E. loose from his arsenal of political tools by publicly labeling the agency and its agents as rebels that seek to overthrow the princesses and tasking a band of elite soldiers into wiping out the "rebels." Blueblood was lauded as a hero by the public and this made his rise up the political ladder all the easier.

Luna continued, "Is there anything myself or my sister can do to ease thy pain? I know that thou would wish of us to enact severe punishment upon my sister's nephew, but alas, we cannot without removing the support of the noble houses and we cannot do so without proving his guilt. So, I must ask again, what can myself or my sister do to ease the burden of your pain, young Sweetie Drops?"

The mare, Sweetie Drops, let out a heavy sigh. "I appreciate your concern for my well being Princess Luna, but there is little that you can do to ease the pain of losing my comrades. Just knowing that you and Princess Celestia know the truth is enough for me. Besides, I have Lyra to support me in my darkest hours and I have told her the whole truth about my past. She has been my rock for the past five years that I have known her. I may be the only survivor of the S.M.I.L.E. tragedy, but I have friends who support me."

Luna gave a sad smile and placed a hand on Sweetie's shoulder. Luna lit her horn and the same glow enveloped Sweetie. A moment later, Sweetie's wounded form was healed and her outfit restored. "I am glad that you have friends who support you. If only we could do something about these nightmares that you are having" said Luna.

Luna felt a ripple in the dreamscape and felt the presence of another next to Sweetie's sleeping form. "It would appear that your friend Lyra is attempting to wake you. I will visit you another time in your dreams." With that, Luna vanished as Sweetie’s dream world faded away..

"Bonnie?" spoke the voice next to Sweetie's sleeping form. "Bonnie, wake up. I made breakfast today and we have to open the shop soon."

Sweetie groaned as she slowly woke from her disturbed slumber. "Morning Lyra," Sweetie said weakly as she was still trying to wake up. "What have you made today?"

Lyra was a light aquamarine unicorn with a light cyan mane and tail with white highlights as well as amber colored eyes. She was wearing a white blouse with a light blue jacket and skirt.

Lyra looked at her marefriend with concern. She is usually more energetic in the morning, but lately, she has had a hard time waking up in the mornings. "Eggs, toast, some hay bacon, an apple and some orange juice" Lyra responded then stared at Sweetie. "Are you alright Bonnie? I saw you moving around in your bed like you were in pain?"

"I'm fine Lyra" Sweetie responded. "Just a bad dream is all."

Lyra knew Sweetie long enough to know when she was downplaying her problems. She was aware that her marefriend was having nightmares in relation to her past as an agent and the unfortunate outcome of the incident. Lyra sighed, "This has been happening more often. I know you try to hide it, but I know this has been eating away at you. Has Princess Luna tried to help you with this?"

Sweetie sighed, "She has. Unfortunately, there isn't much that she can do about this. My memories and my anxieties blend together in my dreams and she can only partially affect my dreams since she cannot banish the parts based off of memory."

"Couldn't they use your dream as evidence against Blueblood? There has to be something that you can use against him" asked Lyra.

"Years ago, the courts deemed dreams to not be admissible as evidence due to their tendency for ambiguity. All other evidence of Blueblood's involvement with S.M.I.L.E. was burned away. His connections have even allowed him access to the hidden copies that we keep for emergencies. He was quite thorough in covering his tracks. I have told you this several times already Lyra" said Sweetie. Sweetie got out of bed and got out of her pajamas and into her work clothes and sighed. "Im sorry Lyra, I thought that I could put my past behind me and yet it haunts me even after five years since then. I just wish that there was some way that I could resolve this grudge that I have against Blueblood and deliver justice for my fellow agents." Sweetie sighed again "Come on Lyra, our breakfast is getting cold."

"So Discord, how is that flower garden that you have been tending?" asked Fluttershy.

"It is coming along quite nicely my dear" replied Discord. "I did have some concerns about the flowers though. For example, why do ponies call those tall flowers "sunflowers"? Part of their name is "sun," so why are they not sunny looking? I tried to see how the garden would appear with sunnier looking sunflowers and they really 'brightened' up my house." Discord chuckled at his own pun.

"Oh my!" replied Fluttershy, pouring a cup of tea for Discord and herself. "I would really like to
see what these sunflowers look like some time, if you don't mind."

"Not at all Fluttershy" replied Discord. "Just remember to bring some sunglasses and some extra sun protection when you come over and..." Discord paused. "Pardon me my dear, it would appear that it is time to advance the plot. Be back in a few minutes." With that, Discord disappeared from Fluttershy's house with a snap of his paw, leaving a confused Fluttershy behind.

Lyra and Sweetie finished their breakfast and put their dishes in the sink in time for the store to open. However, as Lyra touched the sign that shows the store's status as open or closed, she realized that she cannot turn the sign as somehow the sign was transformed to look like it was painted on the door. "Bonnie? When did we change our open sign to look like it was painted on?" Lyra asked.

"We didn't" Sweetie replied. She moved to the door to touch the sign and realized that she could not move it either. "What gives? Is this some kind of joke?"

"A small one, but yes" replied a voice that sounded masculine.

"That voice...is that you, Discord?" Sweetie asked.

Discord appeared in a burst of smoke. "Indeed it is I, Discord, The Spirit of Chaos and Disharmony" said Discord with a dramatic flair.

"Hey Discord" greeted Lyra "If I knew that you were coming, I would have set a place at the table for you."

"That is quite alright Lyra. I am currently on one of my weekly visits to Fluttershy's house" said

Sweetie pinches the bridge of her muzzle as she feels a headache coming. "What do you want Discord? I am not in the mood to put up with this right now."

Discord smirked. "Poor, dear, tragic Bon Bon. Unable to get her revenge against some pompous Canterlot noble because the legal system cannot do a thing to him. Did you ever consider the vigilante route? Take matters into your own hands?" he said while putting on a sock puppet show to reenact the event and annoying Sweetie further.

Sweetie took a deep breath and tried to calm herself. "I have considered the option. However, since he has branded all S.M.I.L.E. agents as rebels, he can use that as an excuse to fortify his mansion's defenses. Even my training isn't enough to breach those defenses. It would take a lot more than just me to get the job done and my reputation as an agent is shot because of his propaganda."

"And so we come to the point of my visit my dear Bon Bon. How would like an opportunity to gain the means to avenge your coworkers?" Discord asked.

Sweetie scoffed. She can tell when Discord is making a dangerous deal since she did her research on the draconequus. She also knew that for a deal that does interest her, that she would need to gather any information about this deal before making a decision."I would say no because your deals with others have a tendency to have clauses in them that lead them through some harrowing ordeal. Be upfront with me Discord, what torment would you put me through for me to get what I want?"

"Oh, not much, all you have to do is survive for a few years and take part in a series of interplanetary wars over the course of about a little over eight years...give or take. This will take place in a galaxy far, far away and I am not talking about that one with the Jedi stuff" said Discord. That last part left Lyra and Sweetie confused.

Sweetie shook her head. "This seems like a lot of time and work to bring justice to one pony. There must be more to this that you have not told me."

"There is" Discord said. "But if I tell you more then I will be giving out spoilers. What I can
say is that if you succeed, then Equestria would be a more interesting place."

Sweetie closed her eyes as she considered Discord's proposal. In the one hand, there is a great risk that she could end up being killed. Seeing as the fact that Discord mentioned her taking part in wars over different planets. This would be an experience that may have never been experienced by anypony else, let alone herself and she will be putting her life on the line in the process. On the other hand, she would be able to put her past to rest and clear the names of her fellow agents.

Lyra looked at the thinking Sweetie and a slight frown appeared on her muzzle. She put a hand on her shoulder and interrupts Sweetie's thinking. "You aren't seriously considering his offer are you Bonnie? You could end up getting killed and I don't want to be left alone without you in my life."

Sweetie looked at Lyra and smiled. "You make it sound like I am helpless in a fight. You know that I went through some of the most intense training that can be offered in the Royal Guard. I have even mastered a number of different types of the new weapons called guns. I should be able to hold my own for this." Sweetie tried to reassure Lyra despite her own uncertainty in dealing with an unknown threat from beyond the stars.

Lyra's frown deepened and she snorted. "If you are planning on going through with this, then I am going with you. Nothing that you say will make me change my mind. Do you remember that Pinkie Promise that I made to you on the day that you told me about the past? I promised that I would help you in any way that I could if it would help you bring Blueblood to justice."

Sweetie remembered that day and how anxious that the promise made her feel because she may attempt something foolish to keep her promise. She was beginning to feel that this might be one of those times. She knew that Lyra had no combat training whatsoever and her aim with her magic was shaky at best which meant that a firearm in her hands would be too dangerous for herself and everyone around her.

"In that case, I would need to inform the two of you that if Lyra is going with you, then your journeys would be separate as the two of you will walk different paths to reach the same destination. Both of you fighting with the same kind of weapon would be boring after all" Discord explained. "Now, if the two of you are finished deciding..." Discord conjured a mirror with a frame large enough to fit a pony.

"Wait!" interrupted Sweetie, "What about the shop? We can't just leave all of a sudden and leave it unattended. You said that we would be gone for years. We can't leave the shop abandoned for eight years without ponies asking questions."

Discord stared at a watch that magically appeared on his talon. "You do not need to worry about the time. I can put a time dilation spell over Equus. Where you will spend eight years over there, only a few weeks will pass here. A month at the most." Discord started getting a little impatient as he wanted to get back to his time with Fluttershy quickly. "If it makes you feel any better, I will inform Fluttershy about what is happening here and she can take care of your house slash store while the two of you are away. Now will you please step through this? This is taking more time than needed."

Sweetie took a deep breath as she prepared herself for what may come. "Ready for this Lyres?" She knew that this was a bad idea and even worse given that Lyra will likely end up somewhere where she cannot help her if she ends up in a bad situation. She could only hope that Lyra would be able to hold her own until she found her again.

"Ready as I'll ever be Bonnie" Lyra replied. She tried to hide her anxiety and fear from Sweetie and doing a poor job of it as she knew that her Bon Bon could tell that she was scared from the shaking of her legs.

"One last thing you two..." Discord interrupted as the duo was about to cross into the mirror. "...I also wish to give Sweetie here a going away present: Something to help her out once she is powerful enough to access it." Discord produced a strange box that was producing the faint sound of glassware inside. He placed the box in a pocket dimension made for Sweetie.

"Uhh...thanks?" said Sweetie.

"Anything for me?" asked Lyra hopefully.

Discord made a large tome appear in his paw and gives it to Lyra. "This is a documentary on the alien race that you will become acquainted with as well as their customs. It should help you adapt to their culture if you play your cards right."

Lyra placed the tome in her own pocket dimension for safekeeping and thanked Discord for the book.

Sweetie walked up to the mirror and put a hand on it to see that it went into the mirror. Taking one last deep breath, Sweetie Drops walked into the mirror. Moments later the action was repeated by Lyra.

Author's Note:

I started this story out of inspiration from other displaced stories. I don't think I found any Starcraft displaced stories that were still ongoing or complete on this site, so I am making an attempt at one.

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