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An Intricate Disguise

Selling out has never felt so dirty.


Comments ( 230 )

༼ つ ◕_ ◕ ༽つ GIVE RGRE STORY ENDINGS ༼ つ ◕_ ◕ ༽つ

Please don't let another RGRE story die dammit

He Just posted it............Like today

I'm not talking about this story, I'm talking about Staying Put and all the other RGRE stories that have been hiatus-ed.

I'd finish a story myself, but I'm a shit author, so I just have to hope someone finally updates their story enough that it gets an ending.

This is pretty cool man I love it so far.

This’ll be interesting

Good start, and particularly good work on the first encounter. Shock, confusion, fear, gratitude for someone promising to take care of him, and none of it super overblown. Jesse is behaving like a real person, and that's great. My only critique is I have absolutely no idea how the physical logistics of one person being across the backs of two ponies works. Nitpicks aside? I'm on board and looking forward to more!

They like, stand side by side and put him across them on top and there's a little gap between them. Kinda like a big H, but with wings.

Thank you. I'll try not to disappoint with this one!

I considered that, but if they were close enough so that an average size person wasn't doing a plank, how can the ponies flap their wings without running into each other? (I have a serious compulsion to figure things out. It's a problem, I know.)

I... magic. Don't make me rewrite it please

I might rewrite that little bit later.

Ec1ipsis hangs head sheepishly Sowwwwy.... I will accept magic and be quiet.

If you did want to tweak it though, could just have Rainbow dash lift him herself with his legs in front of her wings, and Flutters fly in front. Rainbow can break the sound barrier, she clearly has strong enough wings/magic to lift a single person. That would give Jesse a nice view of Fluttershy's plot, too....

Maybe the flying synchronized like a soldiers march

Comment posted by JediAlexColbent deleted Dec 11th, 2018

I'm noticing a odd transition between use of 'Jesse' and 'you/your' in the later paragraphs. Is this first, second, or third person?

WHOOPS FIXING NOW. (You didn't see that!)

Fixed now. Thanks for picking that up!

I saw nothing...:raritywink: I'll head back to my own stories for now. Potions to brew and pranks to pull, and all that. Keep up the great work!

I liked it. It was a bit short, but you get points for not doing the ridiculous overreaction on first contact BS. I swear thats so over done its not even funny.

Now if we can get the HIE to not be a complete twat/Jack ass. That would earn you even more points. Its so difficult to find a RGRE story without the main protagonist being a complete jackass that I really think its killing the genre. I honestly do.

Anyway, great start on what looks to be a fun story

The Monk
“To say that Twilight Sparkle went bugfuck would be like saying the Incredible Hulk had some mild anger management issues.” -DustTraveller

Want to see more Reverse Gender Power Dynamic Equestria but oh well, I guess I'll just blood write it myself.

Pretty good so far. But now you have to pull a little sneaky on the mares, and make Jesse be chivalrous to them!

After all, how's he going to get the good puss if he's a thunder-cunt?

His steps fell quietly on the grass, and the one time he saw a woodland animal, a squirrel, it almost looked smaller than it should've. Maybe it was a baby, or a retard squirrel.

:ajbemused: Really? You’re REALLY gonna use that? A word which most people have deemed a slur at this point? Not a smart idea, personally.

Well, if regular pones are too small for him, there's always the Princesses . . .

I thought it was pretty funny.

9341447 Well, it’s not really directed towards people like you, more so people that can understand why it’s offensive and foul.

Guess you wouldn’t understand if you hadn’t be called it at some point.

Pretty sure there was a thousand different ways to describe it than to go with the one word that would be most likely to piss people off. It honestly just sounds dumb and juvenile.

Fam you got a bunch of downvotes last time you commented this so what you thought you'd delete the comment and repost it, and that people would magically change their minds on the validity of your opinion?

Pfft. Snowflakes are pretty.

I honestly couldn’t tell which part they were pissed about.

So long, asshole. You just lost someone who WAS following you up till this story and your dickish response.

Holy shit dude. The only people that consider retard a slur are people that have never adjusted the ignition timing on an engine. Its just a word. When I was a child my dad always said sticks and stones will break my bones but names will never hurt me. ITs good advice, Perhaps you would live a happier life if you did not get butt hurt over words.

Yeah, that whole “words don’t hurt” doesn’t work in every situation. Until you know where people have been and what they’ve gone through, you won’t really get it. But you don’t really care, do you?

The majority of people have moved on from using it for a reason. I used to use it too. Until I found out how it can hurt others even when that’s not what you’re trying to do. It’s just me trying to pass along a good example.

I used to get picked on a lot. Hence the reason my dad told me that and after taking his advice and not listening to others I became much happier. Here is the thing, If you react when someone calls you something then they will continue to call you it.

you won’t really get it. But you don’t really care, do you?

Mate I get it more than most people do and I do care hence the reason Im telling you the best way to react to words is to not react at all. Its just a word and above all else, You are getting offended by a retarded squirrel in a my little pony fan fiction, It was not aimed at you.
Would you get offended if you read it in a dictionary? No probably not so why now.

I just don’t see the point of using it. Why that word specifically?

Literally nobody other than you is mad. Your thesis is that there's some broad agreement that this is a bad thing, but nobody is even hitting the thumbs up. Shouldn't that mean something?

I'll field this one. My aunt had downs syndrome until she died at 31 of related complications. I saw full well what that's like. A quip about a squirrel does not seem like an attack on her. Lighten up, nobody gets out alive anyway.

Sure, it doesn't work in every situation. But the thing is, words only have the power that you give them. It's why calling someone a Nazi is becoming more and more popular when used to describe people that are to the right of the political center. But by doing so, we're actually making the situation worse. What would the Nazi Aryans like better, the name for their group being feared to this day, or us using their name as a joke? Plus, I have met multiple people who fall on various parts of the Autism spectrum, as well as people who have Down's or CP. Wanna know a word they all used in a joke? I'll spell it out for you. R. E. T. A. R. D. Just because it can be used in a negative connotation doesn't mean the word is in and of itself negative.

Not really. If anything, I feel bullied for having the gall to share my opinion. That’s not really going to change. I’ve long accepted Fim’s like system can be manipulated by gang mentality bullshit. I haven’t done or said anything really offensive, yet people dislike as if I threatened someone’s life.

Maybe it’s this author’s audience. Doesn’t really matter because I stopped following him and he doesn’t seem to care.

Part of being a human being living in a world shared by billions of other human beings is having your feelings hurt, whether accidentally or intentionally. You should get used to it, and so should a lot of other people. This isn't your world, and it never will be. If it bothers you so much, feel free to say you didn't like it, and even why if you're so inclined, and then show yourself to the door. Don't try to impose your values on others.

We just have different opinions, I suppose.

Have a good one, man.

Because it's a perfect way to describe a weird looking squirrel. The squirrel wasn't offend by it so why are you?

9341533 Guess we just have different opinions on the word.

You are not being bullied. Stop with this victim attitude. The reason people are having a go at you is because you are acting super salty about a word that was not directed at anyone other than a squirrel. Then you started acting entitled and saying you are unfollowing because the author didn't bend over backwards to make the story cater to your tastes. You are entitled to share your opinion but if you share your opinion in an open comment system people are entitled to criticise you for it.

the reason why he is probably getting so upset is because he has completely ignored the fact you did not use it as a slur or a derogatory term of 'mental retardation' but as its proper english use to hinder, or delay, in reference to the squirrel's growth i presume. this kind of reaction is why i hate political correctness, as it merely causes condition behaviors to certain stimuli while ignoring context and subtext. in other words prejudices.

i don't usually butt into these thing, but this time of year pisses me off with the "Happy Holidays" belittling peoples freedom of expression.

You do realize that you’re kind of doing that right now. Imposing what you believe is right?

Here’s a hint: if the majority of people on and offline have stopped using a certain word that is used to discriminate and disparage an entire group of individuals and only a handful of people use it nowadays, what does that mean? To me, it doesn’t mean “continue to use it like nothing ever happened.”

You’re not really going to convince me on this, man. From the moment I saw it used here, I made up my mind.

I like this story and it's unique take on Equestria. It's actually refreshing. Mares being protective of the males and stuff. Not really in a lot of stories unless their in heat season.

Maybe it’s just this audience. Maybe I never got a real taste of it until now.

Take care, man.

The only thing I'm trying to convince you of is to not impose on others. I'm perfectly okay with you finding the word offensive, that's well within your rights, and anyone who try's to tell you what you feel is wrong can and should eat shit. However, just cause some people don't like something, doesn't give you the right to try and take it away from the people who do.

While I don't have any major issues with the story, I feel like it hit feature box just because you had a lewd story pic and promised some major size difference kink.

No its not this audience. Its people that understand its all about the context. I agree that describing an actual person as retarded is horrible. But this was not aimed at a person, It wasn't even aimed at a human It was a squirrel, You should not be offend by the existence of a word. Regardless. Retard means

to make slow; delay the development or progress of (an action, process, etc.); hinder or impede.

It has nothing to do with people with disabilities. So you are getting offended about a word that is not even offensive.

I kind of think them using it is opening them up to exhausting shit like this. There were other options to use than the one word that could cause a good old fashioned flame war.

What has me angered more so is not just the hordes of people telling me I’m wrong for feeling the way I do, but the author who didn’t do jack shit to calm things down. Instead he ALSO decided called me names and told me to piss off. The hallmarks of a stand up guy if I ever saw one.

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