• Member Since 3rd Dec, 2017
  • offline last seen 4 hours ago

An Intricate Disguise

Selling out has never felt so dirty.

Comments ( 172 )

The description gave me a good chuckle

Eeexcuse me while I fix that. (And fixed! Thanks!)

Last time I accepted an invitation to explore the wild jungles of Venus, I was attacked by a ferocious vagina spider.

I killed the eight legged freak and things went smoothly from that point on. Diplomacy between Mars and Venus is still going strong.

Vagina Spider? Are you sure you weren't just playing the game Forest?

Could this be the "Cat's" pajamas?

(Loved it tho)

Great now what will Heavy, heavy breath over?

This is too strange and too intriguing NOT To follow..


It was just an old childhood friend of mine that was visiting and she had a hairy vagina. While we were in the middle of fucking, this small spider fell from the ceiling, landed on my friend's hairy bush, and went full fledged vietcong on me.

Both of us freaked out, killed it and went back to having sex afterwords. This happened three months ago.

And this incident is what inspired me to clean and spray my house every day.

When I first saw the story I was like I bet it's a cat ... figured it'd be a cute little comedy story ... glad I was mistaken and it's not a little comedy story but that it's a actual story. Can't wait to see who he ends up with ... I'm still hoping he gets with flutters.

I think this is the beginning of a great friendship!

Imma just leave this here.

(Also, don't listen to this song at work. Or really, you shouldn't be on FiMfiction at work either, come to think of it).

Well... That was a delightful subversion of expectations. A pussycat pussy magnet!

Also, is it really free pussy if you need to provide meat?

Then everybody clapped.

Hope this ain't a one and done like the others, i like it

The picture source link ("this brilliance") just goes to a search for the term "sign", not to the actual picture in question, by the way.

It kinda fits really well we humans are terrible but the ponies are innocent so if we read free pussy we'd think we'd entered the red district haha.

It seems like an interesting premise you cold turn it into either a full clop or a romance or a dating scenario I wounder where you will take this

I expect sequels. I called it on first inspection and was laughing really hard when I was right. But you made a good story friendo. I'm glad I decided to read this.

I think you need to change the link in the description to point here.

Make fun of Derpy?

No, that was way too far.

Damn straight, son. Good to see you're not that sort of pony. I'd have to...do something, otherwise. :rainbowdetermined2:


idk i would hit that free pussy you got there

Good chapter, i look forward to more.

You have a problem with Derpy, Hamtaro?

Because we pegasi? We eat meat sometimes. And might be hamster'd be good with wasabi!

Nopony is mean to Derpy.

Nopony. :eeyup:

Free Pussy


I wonder.

Edit: That turned out exactly as I suspected, and simultaneously not at all.

That was really good, I'm excited to read more!

A part of me is appalled at Fluttershy being too shy to give up sex, the other part is laughing hard core. Looking forward to seeing the next chapter!

I'm not sure if this is a monumentally awful attempt at a joke or a cringey RP (more cringey than usual RP, that is). I'll assume the former.

What I always wanted.

Thank you! That was a mistake on my part, will fix now.

I think you missed the part where Fluttershy was sore from all the sex she had with confused stallions.

I don't know why I expected anything different... :rainbowlaugh:

he might as well have been wearing a badge stating 'hi, I'm a social retard!'

I should get one.

As soon as I saw this, I immediately thought "it's gonna be the old 'vagina/cat' ambiguity", since 'pussy' can mean both and Fluttershy's the animal caretaker and not at all socially experienced/confident enough to offer the other.

anypony else think of Garfield, Nermal, and Salem when it comes to this cat? or is it just me?

Wow, this took a turn I didn't expect! I love it!

That said, she'd offered him a deal, and it was hard to say no to free pussy


Looking forward to more!

no I read that part but he could take it either way as the main character develops in the story

Speaking of Salem, I don't like that he doesn't talk in the Netflix version

The cat covered her mouth with a paw. Marcus dropped the cat out of shock, and it landed in the water. It submerged straight after, trying to scramble its way out. "No! I hate it, it's so wet and nasty!"

Maybe it's because I have cats of my own, but that was the funniest line for me!

This isn't going to end well

I do enjoy this change of direction

Let's hope, don't wanna jinx it but he hasn't placed a Complete tag on this story yet. :

Obvious joke was too obvious to appreciate, but the ending was a nice surprise.

First twist was expected, last one was not.

Nice job, here's hoping this one doesn't die of neglect either xD

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