• Published 14th Dec 2018
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The Gaps in F r i e n d s h i p - Arcanum -Phantasy

Now that Anon-a-Miss has been defeated, Sunset is ready to move forward with her new friends. New misadventures follows her and her crew as the past meets the present. Can Sunset help fill the gaps around her friends?

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Ch. 38 Promises

A serene silence settled over Canterlot High's track field, the afternoon sun and the first breeze of spring already removing winter's frozen blanket one piece at a time. Sunset took in the sight with a melancholic smile as she let out a soft breath. From her perch at the top of the school's bleachers, the whole scene filled her with a hint of nervous anticipation. It was the first day of a new year, the shift of one season to another as mother nature wiped the slate of the past clean to make way for a new tomorrow. Hopefully, this would be true for her as well as she waited for her former friends.

Sunset's mind was an emotional roller coaster as she struggled to think of what she was going to say to them. Half of her wanted to lash out at them, the other wanted to hold them, to go back to the way things used to be and be friends again. An additional punch to the gut was the fact that Pinkie was missing, but both Derpy and Fluttershy told her to shelve that particular problem for later. The fact that Derpy told her that she asked Discord to handle it made that decision a million times easier to make.

Talking to her old friends on the other hand?

What am I going to say? she thought, staring blankly into the heart of the field. How can I fix this? Is there anything left to fix?

She sighed as she continued to enjoy the view, her hands trembling slightly in her lap. Some movement on the outer rim of the field caught her attention. What she saw drew a deep nervous frown across her face. Sure enough, Applejack, Rarity, and Rainbow Dash made their way towards her, their gate slow and cautious as they walked. As they got closer, Sunset noticed a few things that added a hint of confusion to the emotional cocktail that ran through her heart. The first thing to earn her attention was the lack of stetson sitting on Applejack's head. Instead, her normally tied hair hung loose around her shoulders as opposed to her usual tied style. That failed to match the differences she saw in her other two former friends. Rainbow looked to have had had her hair done, the usual prismatic rat's nest now finely brushed and tied back into a ponytail. Rarity lacked any makeup, seeming to opt for a more natural form, but what held Sunset's attention the most about her appearance was the fact that her normal regal curl was replaced by a delicate braid with what looked like a teal ribbon weaved into it draped over her left shoulder.

Swallowing a nervous lump in her throat, she stood tall from her seat and looked down at them. Her face was a stony mask that hid her anxiety from the walking girls, a similar look of resolve decorating their faces as they closed the distance. In time, the three girls stood five feet before the bleachers with Sunset still staring down at them like a judge overseeing court. A depiction that Sunset felt was rather fitting, depending on how this meeting went.

She expected her feet to feel heavy as she made her way down from her perch. She expected to feel a cold dread as she looked into the Rainboom's eyes. She expected her heart to start pounding in her chest at the thought of speaking to the girls that became the straw that broke the camel's back. The Sunset from two weeks ago would've experienced all of that and so much more, but she wasn't that person anymore. She was done feeling spite. She was done feeling fear. Most of all, she was done feeling trapped in the bitter past of the year prior.

As her feet crunched into the loose snow beyond the bleachers, Bonbon's words echoed in her head like a soft song.

"You need to tell them how you feel, but you don't want to be malicious or cruel, right?" she asked, taking a sip of her shake.

Sunset nodded.

"Then be blunt. Tell them how you feel and what you want, but make sure you hear their side of things too."

"I-I don't know if it's that simple," Sunset wilted.

"You'd be surprised," Bonbon shrugged. "Sometimes you need to put it all out there to move past a problem. You can't fix something if parts of it is hidden, right?"

A heavy silence filled the air as the girls locked eyes, neither sure how or who should start. Sunset took advantage of the calm to organize her thoughts, choosing her words carefully as she examined how she really felt about the girls. In time, Applejack stepped forward and broke the silence.

"Before anything else, Ah think you and Ah need to settle somethin'."

"What do you mean?" Sunset asked, a flat tone hiding her concern as to where the farm girl was going with this.

Applejack closed her eyes and said, "Hit me."

"What?" Sunset sputtered, literally taken aback a step as she gawked at her.

"Ah've attacked ya, spat on your trust, and let ya' fall when ya' were supposed ta' be family. Way Ah see it, a black eye's the least Ah owe ya' for everything Ah've done."

Sunset blinked dumbly for a second, then straightened her posture as she stared at the ground. Her hands turned into trembling fists as she thought about Applejack's offer. Slowly, she raised her head and leveled a sharp glare at the farmer as she closed the distance between them, stoping half a foot away from her.

She saw Applejack's closed eyes twitch a bit as she waited for the fiery teen to do the deed. What she did instead made her brows raise. Sunset gently placed a hand on Applejack's shoulder, the unexpectedly soft contact shocking the farm girl's eyes open.

"You hurt me," Sunset said, voice just short of a whisper. "All of you did. You, Rarity, Rainbow, Pinkie, even Fluttershy. All of you abandoned me when I needed you most and it hurt so much. But do you know what hurts even more?"

Applejack shook her head, as did the rest of her shocked group.

Applejack's shock doubled as Sunset pulled her into a gentle embrace and with tears leaking past her eyes said, "Not having you girls in my life."

Applejack froze, eyes wide as she struggled to process what was happening. She expected things to go in a completely different direction. Even as she stood there she was sure that Sunset would lash out at her, give her the very same vitriol she gave her a few days ago in the halls. She came to the field today ready to take a punch for her crimes, but now she found herself being gently embraced by the same person she hurt so deeply. Applejack's hands trembled as she returned the hug, her face contorting in agony as she let her tears slip past her defenses.

"A-Ah'm so sorry," Applejack gasped, her words trembling just as much as her shoulders.

"I know," Sunset sniffled, a small smile gracing her lips as she let the farmer soak her shoulder with her tears. "And I forgive you."

That earned a gasp out of the two remaining girls in the group, both staring at her with shock filled wide eyes. Rarity's hands drifted to her mouth as a teary-eyed smile took shape underneath. Rainbow quickly regained her composure and gave Sunset a guilty frown as she put her sins into words.

"Why aren't you yelling at us. We...We almost killed you. Hell, I almost sicked a mob on you. Why don't you hate us?!"

Sunset's smile faded into a tired frown as she let go of Applejack, the farmer reluctantly doing the same as she staggered away from her wiping her eyes.

"Because it wasn't your faults. Not all of it anyways."

The three girls gaped at that as Sunset took a deep breath before continuing.

"Your sisters and Scootaloo made Anon-a-Miss and are facing the consequences for their actions. Some students gave them secrets and are already gone. You three got tricked, just like all the rest. Yeah, you all messed up, but I think you've been punished enough."

With a sad smile, she said, "I know more than anyone how bad your own guilt can punish you."

"Sunset," Rarity gasped, tears choking her as she wiped away tears with trembling hands.

"Don't get me wrong," she sighed. "I know that things can never be exactly the same between us and things are going to be a bit shaky between us for a while, but I'm willing to get through all of that if you all are."

With that, she opened her arms to the two girls, a warm smile gracing her lips as she took in her soon-to-be friend's shaky smiles.

"What do you say? Want to start over?"

The two girls nodded before taking a hesitant step towards her, then practically tackled the girl to the ground as they accepted her offered hug. The slush and her thick jacket turned the fall into a minor inconvenience as Sunset blinked in shock at the sky for a few seconds before she closed her arms around her friends.

"Welcome back girls," she whispered, closing her eyes with a small smile.

"Glad to be back Sugarcube," Applejack said softly as she stood over her friends. "Glad to be back."


A slow breeze drifted through the air, the scent of flowers thick in its heart. Applebloom groaned where she laid as her eyes fluttered open. What she saw shocked her out of her momentary grogginess as she staggered to her feet. She was in the middle of a wide black flower field, a pitch-black sky hovering over her like a dreaded reaper as she took in the eery sight. A shiver ran down her spine as a chilled wind washed over her, its soft whistle the only sound in the seemingly empty world.

Wh-Where am Ah? she thought, wrapping her arms around herself as she trembled in fear and the cold.

A pair of groans behind her made her jump and turn around, her mind already conjuring countless images of horrors slithering under the flowers. She let out a relieved sigh when she saw two familiar girls stagger to their feet.

"Thank goodness," she sighed, chuckling weakly as her friends rubbed their eyes.

"Applebloom?" Scootaloo asked, groggy eyes turning towards her friend. "What are you doing in my room?"

"Ditto," Sweetie yawned.

"Ah'm not," Applebloom said, taking nervous looks around. "Neither are ya'll. Ah don't know where we are."

"Huh?" both girls said in groggy unison as they pulled their hands away from their faces.

It was then that they gave their surroundings a proper look over. A look of pure dread crept onto Sweetie's face while confusion graced Scootaloo's. Except for the rustling of the flowers, no sounds greeted the three girls as they struggled to make sense of their situation. A soft, feminine chuckling made them jump as they rapidly looked around for its source.

"Be at ease children," a woman's voice gently said from the aether. "I mean you no harm."

"Wh-Who are ya'?" Applebloom demanded, a flimsy mask of courage hiding her fear as she looked around.

"One who wishes to help you," the voice said, a light chuckle echoing behind it.

"H-Help us?" Sweetie squeaked. "How?"

"Yeah!" Scootaloo added with a scowl as she pulled her nervous friend into a tight hug. "No offense, but I don't trust someone that hides in the dark."

A moment of silence, then Scootaloo felt a set of fingers settle onto the top of her head as the voice purred, "Very well. Is this better?"

Scootaloo and Sweetie yelped in shock as they leaped out of the hand's grip and spun to face its owner. Standing before them was a tall woman dressed in an elegant black gown. Her complexion was as smooth as polished ivory with the same color to match. Her hair was a graceful curtain of black curls that framed her stunning face with the same delicate grace her gown did for her figure. Her golden eyes stared down at the girls with mirth and a small glow that was further accented by her black sclera. She tittered behind a black gloved hand at the startled look the girls gave her before giving them a soft smile.

"My apologies children," she smiled. "I didn't mean to scare you."

"Wh-Who...what are you?" Sweetie asked.

The woman's smile grew a touch at that.

"I am Nightshade, a fairy that helps children when they need it most."

The three girls gave Nightshade cautious looks, lowering their guards slightly.

"Okay?" Scootaloo frowned. "What took you so long to get to us?"

Nightshade gave them a dejected sigh as she frowned at the ground.

"I am sorry. I wanted to, but I am the last of my kind and I had another to tend to. Please understand, it was never my intention to ignore you three. I just couldn't leave Sunset Shimmer to her own devices."

"Sunset?" Sweetie gasped. "You were helping Sunset?"

Nightshade nodded, her lips pulled into a sheepish smile as she looked down at the children.

"The poor child needed friends, more so then ever. Thanks to my magic, the right people found her before it was too late. Now that she is in a better place, I can finally help you three."

As she said that, she held out her hand to the three girls. In her palm sat three dark purple gems, each cut into the shape of a diamond and glowing with a faint light.

"What are those?" Applebloom asked cautiously.

"Special gems born from my magic," Nightshade smiled. "With these, you can take away a person's pain. Just by being near you, all of their sadness will weaken to the point of management."

"They can take people's sadness away?" Sweetie gasped, staring at the gems with wide eyes.

"Not forever or completely," Nightshade clarified. "Nothing can do that I'm afraid, but it should help them heal."

Scootaloo gave the gems a skeptical frown, then aimed it at Nightshade as she asked, "What's the catch?"

Nightshade giggled at that and said, "Nothing beyond a time limit. The gems may be powerful, but they can only absorb sadness for so long. When the time comes that they can no longer function, they will shatter and disappear along with what they've taken."

Scootaloo nodded, still giving the gems a nervous frown.

"I don't know," she whispered. "Something about this doesn't feel right.

Nightshade's smile wilted a bit at that.

"I understand your concern, but think of what you can do with these. Your sisters, family, and everyone around you will be happier. You could take away the pain of countless people everyday, just by walking down the street."

"Why don't you use these yourself?" Sweetie asked, her eyes transfixed on the glowing gems.

"I would, but sadly I can't leave this field," she sighed, gesturing to the open field with her free hand. "It is only through your dreams that I can bring you to this place."

"Oh," Sweetie cringed, giving the fairy a sympathetic smile.

Nightshade gave her an understanding nod before tilting her head down towards her hand and the gems resting in her palm. They stared down at the gems with trepidation, something about the whole arrangement not feeling right. It was all too perfect, too convenient that something like this could come to them. At the same time, they couldn't deny that the temptation was there. They remembered what falling to that temptation had done to Sunset, how it turned her into a monster that nearly doomed them all. Then they remembered the damage they dealt to the people closest to them, the sorry state their sisters and mentor were left in a week ago. If it helped them recover faster, wasn't the risk worth it?

Sweetie took a deep breath, her decision made as she grabbed ahold of one of the gems. Scootaloo and Applebloom gawked at her as she took the gem and held it tightly in her hand as she met their look with a determined one of her own. Applebloom's shock turned into understanding as with a small nod she took a gem. Scootaloo stared down at the remaining gem with a nervous frown, her mind at war with itself as she debated wether or not this was the best decision. Then, with a shaky hand, she reached forward and accepted the offered stone. Nightshade gave them a warm smile as she let her hand fall limply to her side.

"Thank you children," she sighed happily. "May you return home with new hope and a brighter tomorrow."

With that the three girls vanished, their spirits returning to their bodies as the connection to Lily's pocket dimension was severed. The Wraith let out a pleased sigh as she took a few steps forward, a simple wave of her hand dispelling the concealment hiding her throne from her world as she approached it. A weary groan slipped past her lips as she slumped into it and leaned back. All the while, she felt her hunger start to fade, the link between her and her children giving her exactly what she needed to retain her sanity.

"Eat well my children," she sighed, a content smile gracing her lips. "Grow strong. Then our true prey will be ours."


All was still in the Castle of Friendship, the late hour wrapping all in the peace of Luna's domain. Bathed in the night's shadows, a pink Earth Pony navigated the castle's empty halls, thick fabric wrapped around her hooves keeping her steps muffled as she walked. Her ears twitched frantically as they took note of every sound like a rabbit in a fox den. Every cell in her body was on high alert as she made her way towards the room the portal was stored.

So far so good, she thought as she rounded a corner into another hall.

"Are you sure they're still in their rooms?" she asked, her voice a soft whisper that would've made Fluttershy sound like a police siren.

"Yes," Tattle said. "I can sense their connections to the Dreamscape. If that changes, I will tell you immediately."

"Thanks," she whispered.

In spite of Tattle's reassurances, Pinkie remained tense as she crept through the silent halls. Just as Fluttershy had told her, the castle had no guards or staff to watch out for. This was a huge relief for her, as it was harder for her to consciously gap walk in a building she was unfamiliar with. She could wright a book about all of the mishaps she had at her shelter before she memorized the castle's layout. A soft snort slipped past her lips as she remembered a particularly embarrassing situation in the kitchen. She still couldn't figure why there was a room full of fake mustaches in the castle.

In time, she found the door that lead to the room holding her way home. She took a deep breath and with shaky hooves pulled it open. She carefully crept into the room and slowly closed it behind her. When she turned to face the portal, she felt a strange mix of trepidation and wonder. Like Fluttershy described, the portal was a mirror connected to three large, rectangular machines with a near exact copy of Sunset's journal set on top of the mirror by an alter-like connector. Slowly, Pinkie walked towards the portal, a part of her not sure if this was really happening.

Finally, she was going to go home. She was going to see her family. She was going to see her friends. She could finally do what she needed to do to patch things up between her and Sunset.

As she stood in front of the mirror, her indecisive reflection looking back at her, a single thread of doubt kept her from running through the portal with everything she had.

"Are you sure you'll be safe?" she asked.

"Yes," Tattle chuckled. "The creatures of your world sleep and dream. Therefor, a Dreamscape exists there as well. It will take time for me to link with it, but so long as I stay in your mindscape I should be perfectly safe."

"Okay," she sighed. "I just want to make sure."

"I understand," he chuckled. "Now, shall we?"

"Yeah," she smiled. "Time to go home."

With that, she walked forward into the mirror. The second she made contact with the portal, a sharp jolt ran through her and a force pushed her a foot back with a yelp. She stared wide-eyed at her reflection, a small burn mark on her forehead where she made contact with it. Cold dread crept into her heart as she struggled to process what had happened.

"No," she stammered, her legs shaky as she approached the portal. "No. No. NO!"

She brought her left hoof into the portal, another jolt of electricity shooting through her from the contact. She grit her teeth as she held back a scream, refusing to let the limb leave the portal's surface. She pushed forward with everything she had, the pain growing as the limb forced its way into the portal inch by agonizing inch. Tears started to roll down her cheeks as the pain grew, bolts of blue lightning flying past her as she fought against the portal's push. White hot pain racked her brain as she managed to get her whole left foreleg through up to her shoulder. Her throat felt raw as an agonize wail tore itself free from her mouth, the smell of burnt leather, fabric, hair, and meat the only thing she could register as she pushed herself forward.


"I... MADE... A... PROMISE!!!"

Suddenly, the force pushing against her became too much for her to fight against and like a stone in a slingshot, she flew back into the wall by the door. A new pain welcomed her as her head slammed into the wall, the corners of her vision turning dark as the world spun around her. She heard Tattle's voice, but failed to register what he was saying as her world blurred. A lavender blur materialized in front of her, but that was of minimal concern to her. She was dimly aware of a wet feeling on the side of her head as everything faded to black.

I....promised....I'm sorry....Fluttershy....

Author's Note:

And that concludes the Terran Arc. Next is the last arc: The Night Flower Arc.
Lily's theme https://youtu.be/ohNpf4VnlP8

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