• Published 14th Dec 2018
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The Gaps in F r i e n d s h i p - Arcanum -Phantasy

Now that Anon-a-Miss has been defeated, Sunset is ready to move forward with her new friends. New misadventures follows her and her crew as the past meets the present. Can Sunset help fill the gaps around her friends?

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Ch.12 Yuletide Chaos

A great tragedy was afoot. Something so horrible that the laws of nature should never let it come to pass. Doomsday prophecies were written by seers from the darkest times of Equestrian history foreseeing this point of oblivion. The foulest beasts in Tartarus trembled in fear as they sensed the passing of the moment they all dreaded.

Discord was bored.

For most, such a mundane aspect of reality wasn't anything quite so dramatic. Most didn't have to resist the urge to rearrange the laws of reality on a daily basis. Though "resist" wasn't quite the right word to describe Discord's control of his magic. It was more like setting a few easily followable and direct rules to not break under any circumstances so long as they didn't go against his nature. The biggest one being "Not Doing Anything Permanent to Anypony", but another was "Don't Break a Promise."

As a result, The Lord of Chaos was trapped in Princess Celestia's throne listening to a noble attempt to test his patience for the hundredth time that day. After what he did to Lord Redblood the day before, Celestia made him promise not to do anything like that again, though it did bring a smile to his face when he thought about how hesitant she was about it. Admittedly, there were a few nobles he liked, even among the nonchaotic herds. Fancy Pants was pleasant and Blueblood was charming when you got to know him. The latter of which being a massive contrast to his insufferably self-entitled father.

While the no-name noble prattled on endlessly about property taxes and how they should be exempted for X reason, the Dreconequis briefly considered telling him to stuff his upper horn into his lower one and grabbing a tall glass of hard chocolate tar. The memory of a destroyed Celestia laying in bed made him rethink his decision, or at least decide against neutering the moron talking to him with his own horn.

"Lord Hedge Line," Discord said, tone neutral. "I will not exempt you from paying your property taxes on the grounds of "family contributions"."

"However," he added, a cruel smile forming on his lips. "I can raise them on the grounds of attempted abuse of political standing."

The stallion's face paled at that.

"Th-That won't be necessary," he stammered, slowly backing away towards the Throne Room doors.

"Are you sure?" he asked, false concern bleeding out of his tone and expression. "I would hate for you to leave empty hoofed. There's nothing worse than wasted time after all".

Hedge LIne gulped, then bolted through the open doors. Discord blinked, then turned towards one of the guards standing next to the throne.

"Was it something I said?"

The guard shook his head, though Discord noticed the quickly killed start of a smile on the stallion's muzzle. He shrugged, then leaned back into his temporary throne. All the while, he was laughing his head off on the inside at his latest bit of handy work. True, it was the pettiest form of chaos one could craft, but considering what he had to work with it was a breath of fresh air and the only thing keeping him from snapping.

Not helping matters was how hectic things had been lately. Oh how he wished he could be a fly on the wall when sweet Luna struggled to get Derpy to sit still. It was always a scream to see the lunar Alicorn get frazzled over little things. Of course, nothing compared to seeing her older sibling internally staggered while getting Sunset ready for the date yesterday. But even that was nothing compared to what was happening in Ponyville. More specifically, what was happening with his dear friend Fluttershy. Never in a million years did he think she would fall for another version of herself, and so hard! One semi-date and the Thestral was camping in the shy mare's guest room for the night and most of yesterday! If it wasn't for that delightful Unicorn, the two could've had a nice breakfast together and filled the world with enough cuteness to drown the world in adorabeities. Although, seeing just how far Terran Fluttershy was willing to go to protect her mare was truly a sight to behold. Those red eyes still gave him goosebumps in the most literal of ways as he was scared into the form of said water fowl when he watched yesterdays events before bed that night. Even watching the fillies learn how to use their magic had been an interesting affair.

While he wasn't fond of them for what they did, he was happy to see them making the best of their situation. The whole point of their punishment wasn't to make them miserable, at least not entirely. Discord knew how cruel Terra could be and what repetitive darkness can do to somepony. Celestia was aware of it as well, a fact that lead to the current fate of the three. They needed safety, but also structure. The last thing they needed was for the girls to think this was some sort of vacation. As a result, they became Raven's problem to deal with due to her no nonsense attitude and infinite patience. Her sisters were a similar kind of animal, though were known for taking different approaches. Most notable being Crow's tough love approach to training the castle guards. If they weren't tough enough to pin a manticore with their bare hooves by the end of training, they got the ax. When a trainee called her out on how impossible such a feet was, she arranged for a wild manticore to be brought to the castle training grounds for her to fight, just to prove a point. Nopony ever challenged her standards of expectation ever again after that. They say she still has that manticore's pelt as a throw-rug in her living room till this day.

And to think, that wasn't even the hard part of their punishment! They still had to survive Princess Twilight's classes! The second Sunset and her friends headed home, those three fillies were going to be drowning in books and paper. Discord cringed as he imagined the unfortunate fate of the three Terrans, but a small part of him wanted to see how Princess Twilight would handle the situation. After all, these were the three responsible for almost killing one of her friends.

Before he could fall deeper into his musings, a loud cacophony of shouts could be heard from outside the throne room doors. He raised a brow as they burst open and a parade of Unicorns dressed in identical black suits marched into the room in two rows. In perfect synch, they sidestepped away from each other and turned facing their neighbor. On cue, a mare walked through the gap between the two rows. She wore a shining silver dress that perfectly complimented her golden coat and silver mane. Her orange eyes locked with the Chaos Lord's as she smugly shortened the distance between them, the former sporting a proud smile while the latter held his disgust behind a strait pokerface.

Great, somepony with a bigger ego than Rainbow Dash, he thought bitterly. Let's see what stupid request she has.

"Good morning, Lord Discord," she said with a bow.

"The same to you ma'am," he said, a trace of surprise creeping into him from the mare's display of respect. "Please, state your name and what brings you to court today."

"Very well," she smiled. "I am Lady Gold Vine of the honorable Vine Family. Today, I stand before you with the humble request that a great wrong be corrected."

"I see," Discord frowned, already disliking where this was heading. "And what is this wrong you speak of?"

Gold Vine's smile turned almost venomous as she began to plead her case.

"Last night, a Pegasus and her date disrespected my family and all who have served us for countless generations by invading our territory. In addition, she refused to apologize for said insults and acted in a manor most unbecoming of somepony of her class. I request that the Pegasus in question be punished in a manor most suitable of her crimes against my family and I."

"I see," he frowned, raising a brow. "And what kind of punishment did you have in mind?"

"Oh Lord Discord," she daintily laughed. "Surly a strong and magnificent being such as yourself can guess just what I mean."

Unfortunately, he thought spitefully.

"Humor me," he said behind a fake smile.

"But of course," she said with a slight bow. "But could you impart some privacy for us? These are some rather delicate matters, and I would hate for some loose lips to hear us."

As she said that, she gestured to the two guards near Discord's borrowed throne.

At first, he considered refusing her request and telling her to leave, but the mare's words made him hesitate. Clearly Gold Vine was in the top tier of the nobel hierarchy, a fact that made what the mare was most likely proposing more than a little disconcerting. The mare reminded him of a viper, pleasing to the eye by some degrees, but lethal if provoked. A comparison that gave him a wide internal smile. After all, who was better at kicking vipers then him. Especially when those fangs hit their owner's tail.

"Very well," he smirked.

With a snap, the guards were gone and the throne room doors shut.

"Now," he said, leaning forward in his seat, cruel grin ever present. "What is it that you want?"

Gold vine smiled confidently, orange eyes locked with the red and yellow orbs before her.

"As I am sure you are aware," she started, venomous smile still present on her muzzle. "The Vine Family has been the Crown's greatest asset in making problems, shall we say, disappear since before the mistake known as the Unification of the Tribes. We still are, I am happy to admit, but our current statue of government has made such practices rather, difficult to preform without consequence. As such, I request that you give me permission to carry out the justice my bloodline deserves without the wrath of the misguided masses descending upon us should we be discovered."

"I see," he said, smile hiding his disgust for the mare. "And what do I have to gain from this? You are basically asking me to let you get away with murder after all."

"Whatever you like," she shrugged. "I have more than enough bits to get you whatever you could want. A private island to do with as you see fit. A manor of your own with the prettiest maids money can buy willing to do whatever you wish. I could even be your personal lover if you wish. I guarantee that you wouldn't be disappointed."

"I see," he smirked, internally gagging at that last proposal.

I would rather do it with an active volcano with my powers sealed away then do you lady.

"I'm afraid I will have to think about that for a bit," he said, trying to decide just how he was going to deal with her.

"I understand," she said, again bowing slightly at him. "Perhaps, I could help you in exchange?"

"How so?" he asked, genuinely curious where she was going with this.

"Well, as I have stated, my family's skills are matched by none and while it would be a tall order, well, Alicorns are not completely immortal after all. A well placed blade can do to them what time cannot."

An inferno raged through Discord at what Gold Vine was suggesting as he stared her down. He wanted to turn her into a bug and stomp her into the dirt. He wanted to throw her into the Everfree and see how she held up against the unforgiving beasts that dwelled within. He wanted to give her to the Dragon Lord as a tasty treat to roast on an open flame. He wanted to completely destroy her. It was then that an idea hatched in his mind. A horrible, awful, cruel, and all so magnificently delicious idea.

"As tempting as that may be," he said, his smile no longer fake or forced. "I'm afraid I will have to decline, but your proposition certainly has my attention."

Gold vine's smile widened slightly, sure that she had successfully appealed to the former villain's true interests.

"But while I mull over my prize, I think I'll leave you and your family a sign of good faith."

With that, he snapped his fingers and seventeen bags appeared in front of each of Gold Vine's stallions and the mare herself. Curious, she peeked inside, a wide smile growing on her face as she took in what sat before her.

"I wasn't sure what you all specialized in," Discord said, waving a hand casually in the air. "So I gave you all a little of everything."

"My, my," Gold Vine purred. "How generous of you My Lord. Am I right to assume that these are not just ordinary tools?"

"But of course," he laughed. "Each and every one of them are enchanted to do exactly what their owners want them to do. I never give less then the best kind of presents my dear."

Grinning like a demon, Gold Vine sealed her bag and held it up to her side with her magic. Her serfs did the same as their mistress let out a girlish giggle that put a chill down their spines.

"Thank you Lord Discord, may the rest of your day go as gracefully as mine."

"Ta ta Lady Gold Vine," he smirked, watching her step towards the slowly opening throne room doors. "May you get exactly what you so rightly deserve."

Once the last of Gold Vine's entourage was out of sight, Discord let out a chuckle that could only be described as evil as he rose out of the throne. At the same time, a copy of himself melted out of him, assuming the same pose and expression he had just before standing up.

"Time to make some truly delightful chaos," he said, turning towards his seated duplicate. "Cover for me."

The double nodded, his wicked smile a perfect match of the original Chaos Lord before him. With a snap of his fingers, the original Discord disappeared and the previously missing guards winked back into existence, dazed looks decorating their faces.

"Wh-What happened?" one asked, clutching his head while he waited for the room to stop spinning.

"Oh nothing much," the Discord clone said, nonchalantly admiring the talons on his Griffin arm. "Just business as usual."


Sunset and Derpy smiled, walking close together as they navigated the busy streets of Canterlot. Each of them had a pair of saddle bags strapped to their barrels loaded with a few basic necessities such as maps and bit bags as they began the most difficult mission one can hope to complete this time of year; gift shopping.

"So we need to get something for the girls," Sunset hummed, looking at her map as they walked. "Any ideas what we can get them?"

Derpy thought for a minute, then said," Lyra, Vinyl, and Octavia should be easy enough. Just get them something music related and they should be happy enough. I don't know if we can get anything Lightning and Bonbon would like here though."

"Yeah," Sunset sighed, remembering what Bonbon told her about her thoughts on unnecessary clutter. "Though I guess Fluttershy should be easy enough to shop for."

"They sell Twilight clothes in Equestria?" Derpy asked with an impish smile.

"No," she laughed. "But I think their's a dress inspired by her."

"The vampire or the Princess?"

"Yes," she said flatly.


"They both sparkle don't they?" Sunset shrugged, turning back to her map.

Derpy burst out laughing at that.

"Anyway," she said, glancing at Sunset's map once she regained control of herself. "I think anything running related will work for Lightning."

"She did switch over to the track team a couple weeks ago," Sunset agreed, scanning her map for anything that could be useful. "Hey! There's a store selling Wonder Bolt merchandise!"

"Our soccer team's in Equestria?" Derpy asked, frowning at the map.

"Same name, different thing," Sunset shrugged. "The Wonder Bolts in this world are a team of paramilitary Pegesi separate from the Royal Guard made up of the best flyers in Equestria. Most Pegesi consider joining the Bolts the biggest honor you can get."

"So its like the Air Force, Olympics, and Special Forces all in one?"

"Pretty much," Sunset smiled. "Though most of the time they just do air shows and charity events these days."

"Ah," she nodded. "Guess that explains how they got a fan base going."

"It's also the best place to get anything speed related that Lightning can take with her through the portal," Sunset nodded as she folded up the map and placed it in her bags.

"Well then, onward!" Derpy smiled, pointing forward like a General commanding a battalion. "To riches and glory!"

Sunset laughed and after taking note of their current location, guided her mostly-marefriend towards the store in question. All the while, a nagging question sat in the back of her mind as they made their way through the crowded streets.

But what do I get her?

A question that both mares mulled over as they continued their quest.

At the same time, Princess Celestia tailed them about ten feet behind them, again donning her usual disguise with the addition of a pair of sunglasses and a gray snow cloak. Hovering next to her was a large soda that she had purchased from the small diner Sunset and Derpy stopped at for a quick lunch earlier. As she walked, she took the occasional sip as she pretended to look around to make herself less obvious.

"Really Celly? That old disguise?"

Celestia flinched at the familiar voice behind her, quickly turning around. Standing behind her was a light-brown Unicorn stallion with a messy and short gray mane and tail. His red eyes with yellow sclera locked with her hidden violet ones, impish glee meeting shock.

"Discord?" she asked, leaning towards him.

"The one and only," he smirked. "Mostly."

She took a quick look around, then leaned in close and whispered, "What are you doing here?! You're supposed to be dealing with Day Court!"

"Don't worry," he said, knowing smile ever present as he booped her nose. "I know a guy."

Blinking, she reeled back in confusion at his comment then leveled a harsh frown.

"Please tell me you didn't turn somepony into something."

"What?" he scoffed. "Please Celly, you know I don't do repeat performances."

A deep scowl grew on his face as he added, "Though I did have to deal with an especially foul creature today."

"Really?" she asked, unnerved by her company's dark shift in demeanor. "Who?"

"Tell me," he said, jaw tightening. "Do you know somepony named Gold Vine."

Celestia barely noticed the way Discord spat out the name as a deep frown of her own graced her muzzle.

"Unfortunately," she nodded.

Quickly, he explained what had happened earlier that morning and what had lead to him being where he was. The look of pure rage coming off of Celestia made a Dragon passing a kidney stone look like mating season in a harem chamber as her eyes drilled into him.

"You made a deal with the one mare that wants to kill my daughter's suitor?" she hissed, her drink vaporizing in her magic grip as the cup itself slowly imploded on itself.

"Wait," he said, ignoring his companion's ire. "Derpy was the one who shoved a stick up her plot?"

She nodded, leveling a harsh glare at him.

"Oh this is just too perfect!" he gleefully exclaimed, smile threatening to literally split his head in half.

Celestia gawked at him, but before she could tear into him, Discord leaned in and whispered into her ear. As she listened, her rage slowly started to dim. Instead, a vicious grin started to grow on her muzzle as The Lord of Chaos told her his plan.

"Discord," she said, her smile still present as he pulled his head back. "That is the most horrible, devious, and all around evil thing I have ever heard. Care for some company?"

"Why Celly," Discord said with a false gasp that shifted back into a wide grin. "I thought you would never ask."

With that, the two of them navigated through the busy streets, Discord easily zeroing in on Sunset and Derpy's location as they walked. As they stood outside a store selling Wonder Bolt paraphernalia Discord nudged his now partner in crime then pointed to a couple of suited Unicorn stallions standing near the store's entrence. On reflex, she motioned to walk towards them, only to stop when Discord placed a hoof on her shoulder.

"Watch," he said, summoning a bucket of popcorn and offering her some.

Grimacing, she stayed put and took a hoofful the offered snack. As the young couple stepped out of the store, the two stallions closed in on them from behind. With a faint glow from their horns, they each levitated a knife out of their inner suit pockets. Just when they looked like they were going to strike, a small smile grew on the blades and large flowerpots fell onto the two assassins from above. Sunset and Derpy walked on, oblivious to the two groaning stallions behind them as they went about their merry way. Celestia smiled as she followed her daughter through the streets, Discord not far behind her.


Celestia could barely breathe through her laughter as yet another pair of assassins fell to seemingly random unfortunate circumstances. Throughout the day, would-be assassins were taken down by things that only karma's cruelest sense of humor could concoct. Nothing fatal, but more than enough to incapacitate them while Sunset and Derpy shopped. The best incident was when an assassin tried to sneak up on Derpy with some piano wire, only to fall through a damaged manhole cover at the last second. Discord was more willing to agree with her if it wasn't for that one assassin that made the mistake of standing near a loaded port-a-potty when he tried to through a knife at the couple. Discord had to place themselves into a separate plane of existence to hide their laughter as they fell to the floor at that.

"Th-This is the most I've laughed in centuries!" she gasped between breaths as they followed her daughter through the busy streets. "Oh, Maker that was great!"

"Tell me about it," Discord grinned as they phased through a few ponies. "I doubt that one stallion's ever going to look at chocolate the same way again."

Celestia burst into another fit of laughter at that, leaning into the other disguised immortal for support.

"I-Indeed," she chuckled, barely regaining her composure. "Quite a shame."

They watched as the two stepped into a jewelry store, curious as to what fate the would-be killers would fall to in such an environment. As they waited, they watched Sunset and Derpy separate to explore the store's wears more throughly. She couldn't help but move closer to her daughter, practically hovering over her shoulder as she perused the aisles of horn rings and necklaces. Discord did the same with Derpy, more to give the Alicorn her moment then out of genuine interest. That changed when her saw how intently the Pegasus examined the store's merchandise. His nosey intrigue wouldn't let him leave as he followed her through the store, wondering what would perk her interest. In synch, unbeknownst to the other, the two ponies found something that not only satisfied their hunt, but brought an elated smile to their stalker's faces. As the two ponies covertly made their purchases, Celestia and Discord scrambled out, both eager to tell the other the good news.

"You're not going to believe this!" they both exclaimed in perfect unison as they faced each other.

"You first," she said, shaking with glee.

Grinning like a fool, he told her what he saw. Celestia giggled like a schoolfilly as she relayed what she had seen. They shared a warm smile as they watched the pair step out of the store, smiles that turned into side-tearing laughter that shattered their disguises as an assassin met an unfortunate end as he tried to through a knife at them. Neither of them questioned why a Pegasus was delivering a barrel of wet cement that day, but mentally thanked them all the same.


Gold Vine was fuming as she stared at her servants. All sixteen of them were in severe states of disrepair, with countless stains and rips covering their suits along with the many injuries that speckled their bodies. All of them trembled slightly in her presence as she looked at them over the hard oak desk that dominated her circular study. Framed pictures of past Heads of House glared down at the defeated assassins along with various weapons and tools from their mounts on the walls, some decorative and others not so much. A wide, rectangular window stood in the wall behind Gold Vine's desk, filling the otherwise dark room with the dim lights of the city and Luna's moon. The image gave the impression of a judge preparing to deliver an incontestable verdict as she glared at the stallions, two bottles visible on the desk before her in the dim light.

"It was a simple job," she said, tone icy in spite of her building fury. "Find the target. Kill said target. Leave as little evidence as possible. Simple."

A few of the stallions gulped as their Mistress rose to her hooves from behind her desk.

"How can you fail so miserably at something so simple!" she barked, making the group flinch. "You are the best of the best! The most skilled killers from all across Equestria! Not even the Royal Guard can match you in the killing arts! So how! Could! You! All! FAIL?!"

None of them had the nerve to explain themselves, knowing full well the kind of consequences that giving her an unwanted answer would earn. The silence spurred the mare's temper further, her orange eyes drilling into the scared stallions with the growing intensity of a furious viper. Each flinched as she locked eyes with each of them one by one with her venomous glare.

"Get out of my sight," she hissed, rage barely contained as she used her magic to open the door out of her study. "Before I do to you all what you failed to do to that cloud trotter!"

Not needing any more of an excuse, they ran out of the room, slamming the door shut behind them. Gold Vine stared at the closed door for a long moment. Then, with a ferrel snarl, she paced in front of the window, her magic grabbing one of the bottles on her desk.

How? she thought fiercely as she thought about how each of her serfs had failed in their mission.

No pony had actively tried to stop them. It was as if the world itself wanted to keep that filthy Pegasus alive and was more then willing to crush all that tried to change that. It infuriated her like nothing ever had any right to as she unscrewed the cap of the bottle in her grip.

My servants are skilled assassins, further improved by my family's teachings. They shouldn't have had failed such a simple task, yet they preformed with the humiliating grace of amateurs.

"Perhaps," she smirked, her rage slowly shifting into excitement as she brought her drink to her lips. "It true what they say about if one wanted things done right."

With that, she took a swig of her drink and flinched. Instead of the bitter burn of brandy, she was greeted by the blank flavorless taste of water. Confused, she looked at the bottles label, eyes widening as she started to loose feeling in her limbs. As she fell to the floor, the bottle of paralyzing agent fell out of her magic's grip. As she silently cursed all of creation for her moment of stupidity, she failed to notice the small smile on the bottle's label before it quickly vanished.

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