• Published 28th Nov 2018
  • 7,094 Views, 117 Comments

The Flame Chronicles - FlameBrony1625

A young man gets a stroke of really bad luck when a magical shooting star crashes into him, and he somehow ends up in an entirely different world, and in a completely different body. How will he adapt to this change?

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Chapter 6: New Life, Here I Come

I slowly opened my eyes, and the only thing I could see was the light blue ceiling. I know today's the day I leave Canterlot, but I really don't want to leave this bed, considering it's the most comfortable bed I've ever been in in my life. This reminds me of back home, when I had to wake up for an early morning class, my alarm went off, but I tried to force myself back to sleep, even if I had to rush myself to get ready for class.

I groaned to myself, really not wanting to climb myself out of bed. Not only is it super comfy, but I also realized that if I get out of this bed, then it's going to be the start of the next chapter of my new life here in Equestria. I might as well just get it over with, because I'm not starting anything if I stay in this bed forever.

Very reluctantly, I slowly pushed the covers off of my body, and began to climb off the bed onto the cold but clean floor. I managed to stay on all my feet without any problems. Obviously it's going to take a while until I've really got this new body under full control, but I think I've gotten fully used to the basics. I mean I've gotten my wings working for God's sake. Not all the way, but it's definitely a start thanks to Flash. But apparently if I really want to know how awesome it feels to fly, I should talk to this Rainbow Dash when I get to Ponyville... I still can't get over how silly that sounds.

Actually, speaking of God, since I'm probably going to be living in this world for pretty much the rest of my life, I wonder what kind of 'deity' these ponies look up to.

Now that I think about it, I remember when I told Flash about where I was actually from, and he said something like 'in the name of Celestia.' Do these ponies view the princesses as some type of goddess? Very interesting. Then again I thought the same thing when I first saw them.

I let out a yawn, but this time I did't let out a lion-like roar like I did the last time. At that moment, I heard knocking coming from the door. I ruffled the tuft of hair on my head a little. "Well... let's do this." I walked toward the door, and opened it. The source of the knocking was my favorite pegasus guard from the throne room. "Sup," I said in a somewhat deadpan tone.

"Sir. Princess Celestia and Princess Luna would like to see you in the throne."

I gave out a short chuckle and bumped him in the shoulder. "Dude, don't call me sir. It makes me sound old. Just call me Alex... or Flame... whatever floats your boat."

He raised an eyebrow. "Uhhh... ok then... umm, Alex."

"Alrighty then. So, we headin' out?"

"Yessi- uhh I mean..." He let out a large breath through his nostrils. "Never mind. Let's just go."

I laughed while I walked beside him. "You know, take away all that grouch and serious demeanor, you're actually not a bad guy. You should lighten up, live life a little. But don't do it as much as Flash. Don't want two of him runnin' around in the world."

As much as I didn't want to believe it, he actually let out a brief chuckle at my joke. "Yeah, you're right about that."

I was curious about something else. "By the way, I don't think I ever got your name."

He looked at me with a bemused expression. "You're really interested in getting to know me? After all I didn't exactly give off the best first impression." He ended that with a sheepish chuckle. Does this guy really feel bad for how he spoke to me when I first met the princesses?

I simply shrugged. "Eh, no biggie. You were just doin' your duty. Besides, I believe in second chances, and you don't seem like a bad guy." I stopped walking and fully faced him, causing him to follow suit. "So whaddya say? Let's start over." I extended my hand toward him. "I'm Alex Flame, but I'm sure ya knew that."

He looked at my hand with a raised eyebrow, then looked right at me. He then gave me a small smile. "You really are an interesting character, ya know that?"

I simply shrugged. "You're not the first one to say that to me. I had that certain effect on people back at home."

He shook his head, but didn't wipe the smile from his face. He than raised his hoof and 'grabbed' my hand, and started shaking it. "The name's Nova Sky."

"Heh, pretty cool name ya got there."

All of a sudden, a cocky looking smirk formed on his face. "If I'm gonna be honest, your name isn't exactly the most well thought out."

I formed a deep frown. For real? That's never not gonna be brought up in this world, will it? "Ugh, come on, let's go see the princesses already."

He let out a laugh. "Right this way... sir." He gave a hand... hoof gesture telling me 'after you'.

I already miss the grouchy and serious persona. This guy's a lot more like Flash than I give him credit for.

"So it really took seven overtimes?!"

I figured if I wanted to get to know this guy, then why not tell him what happened during the greatest college football game ever. I smiled with pride. "Yep! And all it took was Kellen Mond passing it to Kendrick Rogers for a 2-point conversion and we won the game. I don't think I've ever screamed so much in my life." I'm 100% positive he had absolutely no idea what I was talking about, but it's nice to see that he's getting a kick out of the story. That game is gonna go down in the history books, I can say that much.

He looked at me as if his mind has been blown to pieces. "That's amazing! It sounds like these Aggies were the best team back in your world."

I frowned at that, knowing as sad as it sounds, it wasn't true. "I wish that were true. Unfortunately that prestigious honor goes to either Alabama or Clemson." Those two names make me wanna burst into flames. "I wouldn't be surprised if they faced off in the championship game again this year."

"I may not know anything about sports back in your world, but I'm sure your team will make it to the top one day."

I chuckled at that statement. "Oh trust me... I do too."

"Hey, we're here. You go on ahead, I'll hang back."

He stopped walking, but I walked a little further until I stopped to face him. "Alright, then. It was cool talkin' to ya, Sky."

He gave me a smile. "Yeah, same for you, Alex Flame. I wish you good luck on your life here in Equestria. I'm sure things will go well for you in the end."

"Preciate that, Sky. I'm gonna need all the support I can get." He responded to that by giving me a nod, then turns around and goes about his business. At least it's nice to know I made a new friend. I faced the direction of the throne room and started walking down towards said place.

I could see Celestia in my line of sight, and I saw that she was reading a letter or something while sipping her tea cup. She then noticed I was in the room and looked at me, a smile growing on her face. "Ahh, hello Alex. It's nice to see you up this early in the morning. I thought you would never wake up."

I let out a short laugh, ruffling my hair. "Believe me, that was one idea I had in mind. That bed was so comfy, I just wanted to lay in it forever." I looked around, noticing that someone was not present. "Where's Luna?"

"Being the Princess of the Night, it makes sense that she would sleep all day. Before she went to bed, she wanted me to tell you that she wishes you the best of luck on your new life."

"Tell her I said thanks then." I know it probably isn't my business, but I was a little curious as to what the letter says. I tilted my head a little. "Whatcha readin' there?"

"Oh this? My former student, Twilight Sparkle, wrote back to me regarding you." She floats the piece of paper towards me. "You can read it if you like."

I took the paper in my grip, and started reading it:

Dear Princess Celestia

I wanted to thank you for trusting me with this huge assignment. I know I will not let you down.

I still can't believe somepony from another world is here in Equestria! I have so many questions that I want to ask him regarding his world and what it's like!

I think he will fit in to Ponyville just fine. Me and my friends will make sure of that. I also think he will be an excellent addition to the School of Friendship. He will make so many new friends there, I'm sure of it.

Please tell him that me and the others are really looking forward to meeting him, and that I hope we will become good friends.


Twilight Sparkle

I folded the paper as I was done reading it, and Celestia grabbed it with her magic, pulling it toward her. "She seems really nice. I can't wait to meet her."

She giggled. Did I say something funny? "If I may give you a warning; Don't be fooled by how calm it seemed when she wrote that. I'm pretty sure as soon as she got my letter, she probably jumped up and down all over her castle, and screaming out loud about how she's going to meet somepony from another dimension. Don't be surprised if she immediately bombards you with over a hundred questions as soon as she lays eyes on you. But yes, she truly is a sweetheart. She values friendship more than anything in the world. I guarantee you two will become fast friends along with the others."

There was one part of the letter that kind of caught my attention. "What's that part about a 'School of Friendship?'"

"Ahh, yes. I completely forgot to mention this to you. Twilight is also the headmare of a school that is home to many different creatures across Equestria. Dragons, Griffons, you name it. It has become quite famous, and many different creatures attend the school to learn the values of friendship."

This world keeps getting more interesting. "Wow. Friendship is really somethin' to be taken seriously around here, ain't it?"

"It may sound a little silly to you since you're not from here, but here in Equestria, friendship is one of the most cherished things in the world. It's about as strong as love."

Surprisingly enough, I think this makes sense. I made a small smile through the corner of my mouth. "To be honest, Princess... I get it."

She looked at me with a confounded expression. "Really?"

I let out a short chuckle. "Yeah... I had some of the best friends anyone could ever ask for, and I don't know what kind of person I would be if it wasn't for them." I sighed, lowering my head to the ground, my happiness slowly deflated as an obvious realization came to me. "I can't imagine what they might be thinking right now since I'm not there."

"Don't you worry, Alex.", she said in a reassuring, motherly tone. "Once you get to Ponyville and be part of the school, you'll see friendship in ways I bet you never thought possible back at your world. Besides, the school should be fully functional now after rebuilding from the incident a few months back."

I raised an eyebrow at that. "Incident?"

She closed her eyes... to build the ambiance? "Yes. The school was taken over by a power hungry pegasus filly, who conspired with one of Equestria's greatest villains in order to harness the magic of every living being in the world. If you want the full story of what really happened, Twilight and her friends will tell you." A power hungry villain taking over a school in order to get what they want. Sounds very familiar. If there's really more to it than what Celestia's already told me, then it's definitely gonna be an interesting story. "Oh, and before I forget, Flash requested that you meet him outside the castle. He has one more thing he wants to show you before you leave for Ponyville."

I chuckled at that. Why wouldn't he want to see me? "Alright then. I'll head out there now."

"There's a pegasus chariot waiting for you near the city gates. Whenever you're ready, head that way and they will take you directly to Ponyville." I gave her a nod, and as I was about to turn around, she caught my attention again. "Listen. I just wanted to say that it was a pleasure getting to know you these past few days, Alex. I'm sure in the not too distant future we'll see each other again."

A smile made it's way across my face. "Thanks, Princess. You and Luna have been great company and I really appreciate y'alls hospitality. I'll have Twilight write ya sayin' I made it to..." I can't believe I'm about to say this out loud. "... Ponyville."

She let out a short laugh. "I take it that you can't exactly take that name seriously. I understand. But I'll have you know that you won't find anything so quiet and peaceful anywhere else in Equestria. You will fit in just fine and will be friends with everypony."

"I'll take your word for it. Tell Luna I said bye. Thanks again, Celestia. See ya around." I turned around and started walking to the exit, ready to give this new life a try.

"Farewell, Alex Flame. May good fortune find you soon." That might take a while, but I'll take what I can get.

I walked outside the castle, feeling a nice breeze making it's way across my body. I looked up at the blue, cloudless sky, feeling a certain kind of peace looking at it. I closed my eyes and breathed in deep, inhaling the peaceful ambiance this world really gives off, then breathed out.

"Enjoying yourself there?"

I opened my eyes and saw Flash, giving me his signature annoying-ass smirk. I decided to give him my own. "Yeah I was until I saw your face."

He rolled his eyes. "Very funny. Follow me, I wanna introduce ya to somepony."

"Oh yeah? And to whom do I owe the pleasure?"

He chuckled a little bit. "You'll know soon enough." He turned away from me and started trotting, then all of a sudden he stopped, and turned his head around to look at me. "Hey. Why don't we fly there?"

I raised an eyebrow. "Huh?"

He turned fully to face me and smiled brightly. "Yeah! It'll be another test run for ya. Besides, it'll get us there faster."

I rubbed my hair a little bit. "Hmm... I dunno, Flash." I looked back at my wings and gave them a small twitch. "I just started getting these things workin'."

A disgruntled expression formed on his face. "Dude, seriously? You're not gonna get better at flying if you don't fly at all. Now we're gonna fly there whether you want to or not. Got it?"

I gave him the stupidest salute I could. "Yeth thir," I said with a lisp while sticking my tongue out.

He groaned in response, then lifted himself off the ground. "Just start flapping."

I laughed a little. "You get riled up too easily, ya know that?" I started to slowly use my back muscles, and my wings started flapping. They were a little out of sync at first, but I managed to get them nice and even. I started to flap them a little faster, and felt myself lifting from the ground. After a few seconds, I was at eye level with Flash, and gave him a smirk. "'Sup?"

He smirked back at me. "Nice. I guess you're starting to get the hang of it. Though it's probably gonna be awhile until you've mastered it."

I shrugged. "All well. I'm a patient guy. I'm not in a rush to be the best flyer ever."

He chuckled a little at that. "Don't let Rainbow Dash hear ya say that. It'll go through her head."

"Noted. So we gonna go meet this guy?"

He swiftly turned around. "Yep! Let's go. Don't worry, I'll go slow enough for you to catch up. Also I forgot to tell you in your lesson. If ya wanna move around while flying, just tilt your body and you can go in any direction you want. Just don't tilt too strong. That's a good way to land face first into the ground."

I nodded, ready to get this show on the road. "Alright, let's go." Flash flew on slowly, while I very slowly and very carefully tilted my body forward, and the next thing I knew, I was following Flash. "Hey! I di- Woah!" I nearly jinxed myself as I nearly lost control of my flight.

Flash laughed as he slowed down and flew by my side. "Yeah, don't get too excited there. That's something I learned when I was in flight camp. Just concentrate for now until you've got full control of your flight, then you can do whatever you want." All I did to respond to that was nod.

We continued our flight in silence. I know this definitely won't be first time I'm going to say this, but flying is freaking awesome! I never would have imagined in any point of my life where I get sent to this new world and be put in a new body that actually lets me have the ability to fly. I remember when I always wanted to wear those wingsuits and glide at high speeds up in the mountains. Now I know that at some point in my time here in Equestria, that dream will become a reality. As me and Flash were flying, I couldn't help but look down to see many ponies leaving my line of sight as I flew forward. I let out a short chuckle. "I think I can get used to this."

"Hey, we're here." Flash started flying down as I did the same.

However, I tilted my body a little too much, and felt myself diving to the ground. "AHH CRAP!" The next thing I knew, I landed belly first into the stone pavement. Thank the Lord I wasn't too high off the ground, because I'm pretty sure I would've been injured, and I've been through plenty of pain since I've been here.

I felt a little dazed, but I saw Flash land in front of me, and saw an expression on his face as if he found my humiliating display amusing. "That could've been worse, I'll give ya that."

I looked up to him, a deadpan expression on my face. "I'm fine, thanks for askin'."

He laughed. "Sorry. Here, lemme help ya." He reached his foreleg down to me, and I grabbed it before he pulled me up.

I twisted my neck in several times in different, and I felt a pop. I then shook my head rapidly. I looked at Flash, who never wiped that smirk off. I groaned in annoyance. "Stop lookin' at me like that. Let's just meet this guy so I can get outta here."

He waved me off with a hoof. "Yeah, yeah, cool your scales off. He usually comes around these parts at this time, so he should be here any second now."

We were standing in the middle of the town square for about a few minutes. The longer we waited for this guy, the more I think if he's even going to show up at all. However, at that moment, I was starting to hear what sounded like marching.

"Hey, ya hear that?", Flash asked, and I gave him a nod. "They're here." Suddenly, a large battalion of royal guards marched right out of a corner, and are now marching in our direction

"TROT, TWO, THREE, FOUR! TROT, TWO, THREE, FOUR!" I got a glimpse if their sergeant, and I'm gonna assume he's the guy Flash wants me to meet. "Come on, rookies! I've seen older mares that have better form than you!" He looked exactly like Flash, same colored coat and everything. His armor looked really old, as if it was worn for thousands of years. For some reason he was only wearing one horsehoe on his left hoof. From the color of red coming out of his helmet, I'm gonna assume that's his mane. I also noticed that his short tail was tied in a knot. His wings were flared up, and I can see a few knicks and scars on them. This guy must have been through a lot. From what I've been told, I'm pretty sure this is Flash Magnus.

He and his battalion started closing distance between us, and when they were close enough, Flash Magnus noticed our presence. "Visitors on sight! COMPANY... HOLT!" In very perfect sync, every single soldier came to a halt, and they all saluted their sergeant, who then walked casually up to us. With a familiar smirk on his face, he thumped Flash in the shoulder. "Am I gonna have to see your face everyday now?"

Flash Sentry gave out a sarcastic laugh. "You're hilarious, gramps."

"You do know that I'm technically not that much older than you, right?"

"I think time will disagree with you there, old timer." Magnus could only respond with a roll of his eyes. Flash then turned in my direction. "Before I completely forget... Gramps, I wanna introduce ya to somepony... or somedragon in my friend's case."

Magnus looked at me, a dubious expression forming on his face as he laid eyes on me. I kinda winced at the way he was staring at me. I looked at Flash, and tilted my head to the left, telling him to come here. He walked toward me and leaned in closer. I whispered, "You did tell him that I was a dragon, right? I really don't like the way he's looking at me."

He gave me a bashful smile, which pretty much answers my question. "Hehe, I uhhh... kinda left that part out. Back in his time, he wasn't very fond of dragons." Wow, thanks for the freaking warning. All I could do was groan and give Flash a glare, which he responded with a sigh. "Just gimme a minute would ya?" He turned back to his grandfather, who never took his eyes off of me. "Listen, gramps. I know he's a dragon, but don't let his appearance fool ya. He's completely harmless. The Princesses and I can vouch for him. You can trust him."

Magnus responded by raising an eyebrow. He suddenly walked up to me, and started walking circles around me. I looked at Flash with a raised eyebrow and confused expression, while he could only shrug. Suddenly, Magnus was directly in front of me. He put a hoof on his chin. "Hmm... Well... You don't seem to be too bad. You don't look like any dragon I've ever seen in my time..." He kept checking me out, then suddenly shrugged. "Ehh, what the hay. You seem harmless. You're not exactly the most intimidating dragon I've ever seen."

I raised an eyebrow. "Honestly I don't know if I should be relieved to hear that, or offended."

Magnus let out a chuckle. "Might as well take what you can get. However, as harmless as you might look, I'm still gonna keep an eye out for ya. A being from another world turned into a dragon? It isn't exactly the most normal thing."

I couldn't help but smirk. "Well neither is being freed from an eternal prison after who knows how long."

Magnus actually laughed at that, much to my relief. "That's true enough! But still, I'm gonna be watching you, even if you aren't here in Canterlot. I have my ways. But let's not have this be a way to meet one another." He reached his foreleg toward me. "I'm Flash Magnus, but I'm sure you knew that already. Flash never mentioned you by name."

I reached his hoof and shook it. "Good to meetcha, Magnus. I'm Alex Flame."

He raised an eyebrow at that. He's going to find it stupid like everyone else isn't he? "Alex Flame, eh?" He suddenly smiled. "I like it. Kinda unique in your own way."

Well it's about freaking time! "Thank you! Do you have any idea how many of these ponies have been saying that my name is stupid to me these past couple of days?!"

"I honestly don't really blame them." I formed a frown. "But I dig it. Don't let anypony else talk ya down. You do what you wanna do."

I placed a finger on my temple. "I'll keep that in mind."

He gave me a nod, then turned back to his squadron. "Well, as much of a pleasure this was, I need to get these hooligans back in tip-top shape. It was good meeting you, Alex Flame. Good luck with whatever you're about to do. I'll see you later too, Flash."

"Take it easy, gramps. Don't go breaking a hip." Not gonna lie I had to stifle a laugh. I'll give him credit, that was pretty funny.

Magnus groaned, but brushed it off and turned to his squadron. "COMPANY... MARCH!" Me and Flash stood in place as we saw Magnus and his squadron marched away from us.

"Well..." I looked back at Flash, who had somewhat of remorseful expression on his face. "Guess this is where we part ways, huh?"

He was my first friend since I've been here. I'm not letting him say goodbye that easily. I thumped him on the shoulder. "Dude, don't be such a sap. I know we'll see each other again."

He let out a short chuckle. "Yeah, you're right. When you get to Ponyville, tell Twilight I said hi. She'll know what it means."

I formed a smirk. "Ya sure she's gonna be able to crack that code?" We both shared a little laugh.

"Listen, Flame. I know I can be a pain in the flank from time to time, but honestly, it's been awesome hanging out with you these past couple days. I wish the best of luck to you trying to get on your feet here in Equestria."

Probably one of the nicest things I've heard him say to me. "Thanks, Flash." I lifted my fist toward him. "Try not to cause more trouble than ya already are."

He gave me a smirk. "No promises there, bud." He bumps his hoof with my fist, then gives me a salute. "See ya!" He lifts himself from the ground and flies away, leaving me alone.

I let out a sigh. I know I've been here for about two weeks, but I actually 'experienced' it these past few days, and so far, I like what I'm seeing, aside from those snobby pricks me and Flash met at Restaurant Row. "Well... Time to get started on this new life." I flapped my wings and slowly lifted myself from the ground. I then found myself hovering above the ground, smiling to myself with pride. Now I'm ready to go to the chariot at the city gate Celestia mentioned.


Where's the gate?


After asking a few ponies around, I was finally pointed in the right direction, so I flew to the city gates. I spotted the chariot that Celestia told me about. I landed maybe a few yards away from it. I could see there were two pegasi strapped to the chariot. Both of them had white coats like Nova did. One of them noticed me and faced his head in my direction. "Ahh, you must be Alex Flame."

"The one and only."

"Go ahead and climb on. By the order of princess Celestia, we will take you directly to Ponyville."

I stared at the chariot for who knows how long, because I just realized... If I get on that chariot... It'll be the start of a new beginning of my life. I lifted my hand in front of my face and saw that it was shaking. To try to stop the shaking, I formed a fist and put it back on the ground. I took a deep breath, then let it out, then slowly made my way toward the chariot. I climbed into the seat and sat down.

"Are you ready, sir?"

I breathed in and out once again, then looked at my two pilots.


Author's Note:

And that does it for this chapter! Once again, I'm really sorry it took a little long to get this uploaded. Life's been kicking me in the ass lately. So from here on out i'm going to upload chapters whenever I can. They might be up next week, or the week after that, so on and so forth. In the next chapter, depending on if I have any other ideas for it, Flame will arrive in Ponyville and meet the Mane Six. I noticed that this story got over 50 upvotes and nearly 1,000 views (3,000 total)! That's alot more than I expected to get, and I have all of you to thank. Thanks guys for being patient, and hopefully I'll have the next chapter up soon.