• Published 28th Nov 2018
  • 7,093 Views, 117 Comments

The Flame Chronicles - FlameBrony1625

A young man gets a stroke of really bad luck when a magical shooting star crashes into him, and he somehow ends up in an entirely different world, and in a completely different body. How will he adapt to this change?

  • ...

Chapter 12: Acts of Kindness

"You are so gonna pay for that," Spike said in frustration, wiping off any frosting left on his face as we walked out of Sugarcube Corner together.

I laughed as he was still cleaning himself up. "Hey, come on, you know full well that Pinkie was the one behind it all. I just tagged along while she did all the work." I took a bite out of a vanilla cupcake with pink frosting with sprinkles that Pinkie gave to me for free. So delicious.

"Yeah, but that makes you an accomplice," he shot back after wiping the rest of the frosting off, "and that makes you just as guilty as her. I'll have my revenge, just you wait."

I sighed, but didn't wipe away my smile. "I suppose I'll deserve it whenever that time comes." I took a couple more bites until the cupcake has disappeared completely.

He just huffed at my response, but then his attention was grabbed by my saddlebags, more specifically the right bag. "Y'know, I never asked whatcha got in there," he said pointing at my bag.

"Oh yeah." I reached into the bag and grabbed one of the gems that Celestia gave me. "How could I have forgotten these?" I pulled out a green gem. "I was s'posed to ask Twilight what these are and what I should do with 'em. Wonder how much these babies're worth?" I tossed the gem up and down like a baseball, but then in a blink of an eye it just disappeared. "What the what?!"

I looked to my left and saw Spike hovering above the ground while holding my gem in front of his face, staring at it with wide eyes and drool dripping from his mouth for some reason. "Whoa, this looks sooo good!" What the hell does he mean by that? "I want a bite!" He opens his mouth wide, but I actually managed to snatch it out of his arms right before he chomps down. "Hey!"

"Just what the hell d'ya think you're doin'!?" I asked after witnessing what was about to happen.

"What does it look like, genius!?" He snapped back, expecting me to know what he was doing.

"It looked like ya got hit with that pie a little too hard!"

He zoomed up to my face with a scowl. "Not another word about that. Besides, you owe me for that!"

"I told you that wasn't me!" I yelled, matching his scowl.

"Just lemme have a bite!" He was about to try and snatch the gem from me again, but I placed my hand on his face and kept him from getting near it. Seeing as it was my only free hand, I was standing on my hind legs. However, I wasn't struggling to keep my balance since the force of Spike's relentlessness is actually helping.

"Dude, cut it out! You're being ridiculous!"

"NEVER!" He yelled with a muffled voice as I still had my hand on his face. He actually tries to force himself to the gem, extending his tiny arms out as far and desperately as he could, and to my surprise, he's actually stronger than he looks. He pulls away from my hand, causing me to lose my balance and fall to the ground. He quickly flew to the other side of me,
knowing I was still holding the gem in my right hand. I tossed the gem to my left hand right before Spike tried to grab it, and then I rolled to the side, and that actually helped me get back on my feet quicker. "Hold still!" He demanded.

"Not happenin'!" I yelled back, protecting the gem at all costs at this point. He zoomed toward me, but I quickly ducked before he made contact. He quickly stopped and turned back around to face me, and then flew back to me. However, instead of trying to tackle me, he actually made his way behind me, and that's when I felt my scalp stinging. This little runt was pulling my hair! "OW! ARE YOU CRAZY!?" I yelled through the pain.

"Just give it to me and this'll be over!" He said while still pulling my hair.

I clenched my teeth and hissed, deciding that enough was enough with this kid. Trying my best to fight through the pain, I reared up and reached my free hand behind me and got a hold of Spike's head, causing him to yelp in pain. "LET GO, YOU DAMN PEST!" With whatever strength I could muster in this situation, I actually threw Spike away from me. He tumbled on the ground for a bit, but regains his footing and balance by digging his claws into the ground, skidding to a halt and stopping his movements. His head was lowered, but then lifts it up and stares at me with a piercing gaze. I moved my body sideways to where the gem was out of sight, and looked at him, mirroring his gaze. Through my peripheral vision, I could see ponies around us watching the ruckus that Spike and I got ourselves into, but I was a bit too focused on Spike to pay any mind to it.

We were about 20 yards apart from each other, just staring each other down, waiting on whoever's going to make the first move. This literally looked like a scene out of an old western movie. The only things that are missing are a tumbleweed and Ennio Morricone's music playing in the background, however I did feel a little breeze.

"This could've been a lot easier for the both of us, Flame." Spike said in an intimidating tone, making this scene more cliche than it already looked. "You will give that to me."

"Over my dead body" I responded in an equally cheesy tone. He was still in a position where he looked like a jaguar ready to pounce at its prey, and I was readying myself for whatever comes next.

"Um... excuse me?" I heard a soft voice and turned my head to the source. It was the shy, yellow pegasus with a pink mane. The expression on her face was a mix of both worry and confusion, and honestly it was really adorable.

Realizing I let my guard down, I quickly turned back to Spike, who launched himself at a high speed toward me. Without even thinking, I extended my wings out, and gave them the hardest flap I could muster while also exerting force from my arm and legs to give a boost, and I soon found myself rocketing to the air, dodging Spike's tackle, backflipping a couple times, then landed perfectly on my arm and feet, still holding the gem in my left hand.

What. Just. Happened?

I honestly felt like I just blacked out for a second. I moved my eyes in every direction, seeing a bunch of bewildered faces all around us, including the yellow pegasus. "Did I... Really just do that?" Snapping myself out of my shock, I remember hearing what sounded like crashing during my little stunt. I turned around and saw Spike lying on the ground not moving in front of a random building, obviously crashing into the wall, which left an indent of him. "Ahh crap," I said, whatever angry feelings I had toward Spike disappearing immediately, however I'm still gonna wanna have a little chat about what just happened. I dropped the gem that started this whole fiasco and jogged toward Spike, surprisingly keeping my balance this time around. I sat down and gently picked Spike up, holding him like a baby. "Spike! C'mon buddy, wake up."

"Oh my goodness!" The yellow pegasus was by my side, obviously concerned about the little guy. "Is he okay?"

"He better be, or Twi's gonna rip my wings off." Out of desperation, I rapidly but softly tapped on his face. His face scrunches up, much to my relief knowing he's awake.

"Uuuggggghhhh... what happened?" He asked, obviously still in a daze after crashing into the wall.

"You went freakin' ballistic, that's what happened." I said bluntly. "Can you walk... or fly?"

He rubbed his head some more, then opened his eyes fully. "Uhh... yeah, I can walk. It actually doesn't hurt as much as it should." I put him down, letting him stand on his own. He still looked a little dizzy, but he didn't seemed to be hurt at all. However, I was still kind of upset about the way he acted, especially when he pulled my hair. He looked up to me and obviously noticed the disapproving face I gave him. He giggled sheepishly and wiggled his claws together, obviously embarrassed. "I uhh... wasn't exactly myself, was I?"

"That's puttin' it mildly there, kiddo." I replied in a monotone voice, and turned back and looked at the gem that I dropped. "Do dragons go crazy whenever they see somethin' shiny in this world?"

"Well... in a way, yes," Spike answered, causing me to look back at him. "But not like that. I was just hungry and... a little upset about the whole prank thing earlier." He rubbed his head and had a somber expression, a clear sign he regrets the way he acted, which lowered my anger a little bit, but also confused me about another thing.

"Whaddya mean you were hungry?" I had to ask, because something didn't add up to me.

He looked at me like I was talking crazy. "You really don't know, do you?"

"Do I really need to remind you, again?" I asked in a deadpan tone.

"Umm..." Me and Spike turned to the yellow pegasus. "S-Sorry if I'm interrupting but... I think I should take Spike back to my cottage. I have something that should help with his headache."

"Thanks, Fluttershy." So that's her name. I forgot what it was since I didn't really get to chat with her back at Twilight's castle. "But really, I'm ok. It doesn't hurt that bad."

"Well it's better to be safe than sorry. And I won't take no for answer, so let's go to my cottage." Her voice was still soft, but I could hear a bit of assertiveness.

He sighed, obviously giving in. "Okay, you win. I suppose it wouldn't hurt more than it already is."

She then looked at me. "Oh, umm... y-you're welcome to join us umm... I'm sorry, I forgot your name."

Her shyness immediately returned, and it actually made me smile lightly. "Don't worry about it. We didn't get a chance to talk earlier anyway. I'm Alex." I extended my arm out to shake her hoof.

She hesitated slightly, but she reached out her hoof and let me get a grip on it, and we shook. "I'm Fluttershy."

"Nice to meet ya. So, you said you had somethin' to help the little nutjob here?" I gave him a side glance after saying that, causing him to smile sheepishly and I think I see red on his cheeks.

"I do!" she exclaimed softly. "It's something I give my animals whenever they're in pain, but it should still work on Spike. My cottage is outside of Ponyville, but it's not too far. Follow me... umm, please?"

I chuckled a bit at her shy politeness. "Sure, lead the way. But one sec." I walked up my saddlebags that obviously fell off my back during that whole fiasco, and threw it on my back. I then walked up to Spike, then knelt down to his height. "Hop on."

He actually looked flabbergasted by that. "Wait, what?"

"Look, I believe you're not too hurt, but I'd cool it with the flyin' for a bit, at least until you get what Fluttershy's got for ya. It's like she said: better to be safe than sorry. Now hop on."

He still looked like he couldn't believe what I was doing, but then he sighed, and climbed up on my back. "I suppose it's the least I could do after putting you through that."

I smiled at his statement. At least he's trying to own up to it. "Glad to hear it, big guy." I then extended my wings out and gave them a few flaps before I lifted myself a few feet in the air, and Fluttershy followed suit. "After you."

She nodded, and we flew at a steady pace on the way to her cottage.

We were a bit of a distance away from Ponyville, but I could still see it from our current location. We decided to make the rest of the trip on foot so it could give us the chance to talk about what happened earlier.

"So they're part of a dragons diet in this world?!" I exclaimed out loud, baffled by this revelation.

"Yeah!" Spike answered, who was still sitting on my back. "I still can't believe that part of us went over your head."

"You really didn't know?" Fluttershy asked while she was walking right beside me.

I groaned. "Do I seriously have to keep reminding everyone?" I tried not to sound too aggressive, especially to Fluttershy. "I've only been in this world for a couple weeks, even though 95 percent of that time was in a hospital."

"Really? Cuz it kinda feels like you've been here way longer than that." Spike deduced. Pinkie said something along that line earlier. But why, though?

"The point is I know next to nothing about this world. The only thing that makes sense to me is that nothing makes sense... if that makes any sense."

Fluttershy opened her mouth as if she wanted to say something, but then closed it and looked away from me, a remorseful expression forming on her face. I raised a brow at her in confusion.

"Hey! I can see the cottage from here!" Spike jumped off my back and was hovering in the air next to me, pointing at our destination, which I can see clear as day.

Sitting across from a tiny bridge over a small river, was a large, woodland style cottage. It was covered in grass and moss, and laying on it's roof, as well as on small trees in the area, were multiple nests and birdhouses of different shapes and colors, and rabbit burrows on the path leading up to the door, and there was a burrow with a small dock under the bridge.
But of course the thing that need to be addressed was that every inch of the property was littered with different kinds of animals. Birds, rabbits, raccoons, the list goes on.

A small group of birds flew up to Fluttershy, and a family of raccoons ran up to her, greeting her cheerfully. "Oh, hello everyone!" She said gleefully. That's probably the loudest I've heard her talk. "I'm so sorry I took longer than usual. I got a little sidetracked."

They all looked in my direction, then suddenly the animals made their way toward me. I actually stepped back a bit, startled by their sudden approach. "Oh, uhhh... hey there." I gave them a friendy smile, despite still being a bit on edge. One of the raccoons approached my hand, lifted it and shook it, making a chittering sound with a smile on it's face. I guess not all animals talk in this world. I laughed a bit. "Well it's nice to meet you, too." The birds swirled around my head for a couple seconds, then one of them stopped in front of my face. I lifted my finger, and it perches itself on it. A few soft chirps came out of it's small beak, probably to say 'nice to meet you.' "Heh, well this ain't something I'd see everyday back home."

"Wow!" Fluttershy exclaimed softly. "They really seem to like you! I don't think they've ever warmed up to strangers this fast."

I was about to make a joke about my charm, but then the bird on my finger got startled and flew away from me and hovered behind Fluttershy, and the other birds and the raccoons followed suit. "Uhhh... are they oka-" I suddenly felt a heavy gust of air brush the back of my head, making me rub my hair. "Geez, Spike! Sneeze somewhere else next time!"

"Umm, Alex." I turned my head toward him... on my right. "That wasn't me."

Before the realization hit me, I heard a low growl coming from behind me. After gulping hard, hoping it isn't what I think it is, I very slowly turned around to see what's behind me, and what I saw made my heart stop beating and froze me in place. It was a large, hulking brown bear, staring at me with malicious intent. It then proceeded to lift it's clawed hands and reach out for me.

Knowing this is my inevitable end, there was only one thing that came to mind that I could say out loud. "OH FU-" Before I could finish that last word, I was pressed against it's massive chest, and felt an unbearable pressure squeezing my spine. I heard and felt this thing actually purring. Is this bear... hugging me?!

"Harry! Don't be so rough with him!" I heard Fluttershy exclaim in a surprisingly loud tone.

"Hrrr?" I heard the bear grunt out while also feeling the pressure go down.

"He's been through a lot lately." Her assertive tone dialed down a bit. "So if you could please put him down, it would be much appreciated."

The bear, evidently named Harry, set me down after releasing me from his bear hug. Not sure if that was pun intended, but there's a reason why it's called that. He even had the courtesy to fix my ruffled hair. He grinned in a shy way, even giggling with his low growl while tapping his fingers together. He's definitely a friend of Fluttershy.

I cranked my neck a few times, trying to get my bearings straight. Ok, why do I keep making bear puns? "Damn." I said out loud, "I thought Pinkie's hugs were life threatening, heh." I should be surprised I just got a hug from a huge bear, but after everything I've experienced, I've learned to brush it off.

"I'm so sorry about that Alex." Fluttershy walked up to me. "Harry gets a little too excited when he meets new ponies... or, well... you know."

I actually smiled a little bit. "It's ok, Shy. I'm actually fine bein' around him, now that I know he's not tryna eat me." I walked up to Harry and extended my hand. "Good to meetcha, Harry. I'm Al-" He grabbed my hand shook it up and down, or to put it in any other way, me. "OW! OW! OW! OW! OW! OW! OW!"

"Harry", I heard Fluttershy say in a way an assertive mother would call to her kid to behave. Harry stopped shaking me, dusted me off again, a toothy but sheepish grin formed on his face, and he walked away.

"Ow." My headache's back with a vengeance. I rubbed my head a bit, whatever good that did.

"Oh I can't with him sometimes." I heard Fluttershy walking closer to me, "But he's a sweetheart. If you couldn't tell, he really likes you."

"Heh, I... noticed." Normally I would have been more of a smartass, albeit playfully, but I toned it down a bit. I want to wait until I'm more comfortable around her, and vice versa. I was still rubbing my head. "You wouldn't happen to have any Tylenol, would ya?"

"What's that?" She asked in a confused manner, eyebrow raised.

"Different world. Duh." I mumbled to myself, even though I was partially joking about that question. "Never mind. All I'm sayin' is my headache's back."

"Oh, I understand!" She exclaimed softly. "Come on in and I'll give you something to help you with your headache. You as well , Spike." Spike responded to that with a nod, and we all made way to the cottage.

We stepped inside the cottage, and I got a good look at the interior. It honestly looked like a very basic suburban home. Carpet in the middle, lounging area in the back, kitchen on the left, and stairs that I'm going to assume leads to her bedroom. I'm also seeing a few birdhouses and mouse holes. She even let's some of these animals in her home? Not that I mind or anything, it's her house so she can do whatever and let whoever she wants in, but back home it's not exactly in the norm.

"Your house seems pretty cozy, Shy." I said out loud, "I can tell just by looking at it."

"Oh, thank you so much!" Her quiet exasperation at my compliment really tugged on the heartstrings. "I try to keep the place tidy as possible, even with the company I have. Make yourself at home while I go get some medicine for you and Spike."

"Sounds good to me. Besides, I wanna have a little chat with Spazzy McGee here." I made a side glance toward Spike. He noticed me, and rubbed the back of his head with a sheepish grin.

"Oh, ok." Fluttershy said with a bit of concern. "Just... don't be too hard on him, ok?"

I turned back to face her. "I won't lecture him, Shy. Just gonna have a casual, mature talk. Mano y mano." She stared at me with obvious confusion at that last part. I just stared back with a deadpan look. "We'll be here when you get back." She responded to that with a nod and made her way to the kitchen.

I walked up to the rather small couch and climbed up, positioning myself in a comfortable posture. Spike hovered over to the chair and plopped down. He was twiddling his thumbs like a kid ready to be scolded by his parents. "Alright, big guy," I said. "Let's talk."


Fluttershy entered the kitchen, looking for medicine to give to her dragon guests.

The yellow pegasus lifted her upper body onto the counter to reach for the cabinet that she keeps the medicine for her animal friends. As she opened the cabinet, she froze for a second. She let out a sigh, and looked back at the direction of the living room, a melancholic expression formed on her face.

"I can't imagine what he must be going through." She said to herself sorrowfully, thinking about the situation Alex is in. She can tell that he's not exactly in a right state of mind. Even though it seems like he has a good head on his shoulders, it's obvious that he's coping with the fact that he was taken from his home. The thought of that almost made her want to cry.

Earlier when she and the dragons were making their way to her cottage, she wanted to ask him a question. However, she stopped herself because she was afraid that she would put more sad thoughts in his head. While he has been very polite to her and gentle with her animals, everyone has a side of themselves that would rather be unseen, herself even.

After feeling like she had been daydreaming, she proceeded to grab 2 small pills. "These should do the trick." She said to herself, "They help with mild headaches and bad migraines, so they'll feel better in no time." She then filled two plastic cups with water, wrapped them around her right arm, and hovered her way back to the living room.


"So you went from being 2 feet tall to 50!?" I was absolutely flabbergasted by what Spike said about dragons getting greedy.

"Yeah, it's a long story." Spike said, rubbing the back of his head out of embarrassment most likely, "But that's not the same." He sighed. "I really am sorry for that Alex. I really don't know what came over me at the time. I really hope you can forgive me."

How could I be mad at him, even if he's giving me the pouty bat face. However, I can tell he's being sincere with his apology. I hoisted myself up from the couch and walked up to him, still sitting on the chair. I placed my hand on his head and gave it a reassuring rub. "Water under the bridge, brother. Ain't no thing." A sincere smile formed on my face, and Spike mirrored with one of his own, obviously glad I'm not mad at him.

"I'm back!" I heard a soft voice exclaim from behind me. Fluttershy was hovering towards us. I saw two small pills on her left hoof and two cups of water on her right.

"Oh, hey, let me help you out." I said without thinking as I lifted myself up to her level, seeing that her hands... hooves... were full. I grabbed the two cups of water and one of the pills from her.

"Oh, thank you so much.", she said as if she was surprised by my assistance.

"Of course." I responded as I handed one of the cups and the pill to Spike, who immediately took it. I flopped back on the couch, and I proceeded to flick the pill Fluttershy just handed me in the air like a coin. I stuck my tongue out, and the pill landed on it perfectly. I then drank the water and swallowed, then let out a soft 'aaahhh'.

Fluttershy grinned joyfully while softly and adorably clapping her hooves at my 'trick'. Then at that exact moment, we heard a roar from outside. It was obviously Harry, but it sounded like he was in pain. Fluttershy sighed out of frustration. "Again?" She asked herself as if she knew exactly what that roar meant. "I'll be right back."

"Hold up, Shy." Spike said all of a sudden. "Let me take care of it."

"Oh, are you sure?" Fluttershy asked, obviously taken aback by his offer, and honestly, I was too. "I couldn't ask you to do that."

"No need to ask." His words were definitely genuine. "You've done more than enough for us, so it's the least I could do. Besides, I've taken care of your animals before, so it's no problem." He lifted himself up from the chair and hovered his way to the door. "You two just hang out here. I'll be right back." He made his way outside before either of us could respond. Normally I would be concerned about Spike trying to help a freaking bear. But after the previous encounter, I'm positive he'll be fine. Fluttershy proceeded to sit on the chair as we were both waiting for Spike to finish up.

We were both sitting in silence, and honestly, it's kind of uneasy how quiet it is. "Thanks again for the pill, Shy." I said, trying to start a conversation, while also being sincere with my gratefulness. "I'm sure I'll feel better in no time."

"Of course!" She exclaimed softly. "I'm happy to help."

It was silent again as we broke eye contact. I tapped my hands on the couch while making popping sounds with my lips. She was softly rubbing her mane. "So..." I tried to break the silence again. "Your world definitely seems beautiful."

"It truly is.", she responded. "I'm glad to call it home." It went silent again as I slowly looked away while keeping a blank expression on my face. Some time today would be great, Spike. "Umm..." That simple 'umm' was more than enough to grab my attention, and I was ready to hear what she had to say. "Can I... never mind."

Yeah, I don't think so. "Talk to me, Shy. What is it?"

She seemed like she was unsure if she wanted to say what's on her mind. "Oh no, I don't wanna seem rude if I asked."

I'm not letting this slide that easy. "Trust me, Shy. If I'm curious about something, I'll go to the end of the earth to find out, so you might as well tell me."

She sighed, an obvious hint that she gave in to my persistence. "Alright..." She then looked at me in the eye, her expression looking remorseful. "Are you okay?"

Not gonna lie, that left me dumbfounded. "Huh?"

"I mean... You've been through so much in such a short amount of time. I can't imagine what must be going through your mind right now." I looked away from her as I was processing what she was saying. "If I were in your position, I'd be a nervous wreck. I wouldn't know how to cope with the situation I'd be in. So... are you okay?"

Looking back at everything that's happened, from being hit by a giant comet to find myself ending up in a magical, colorful world of talking animals, there's only one answer that could come to mind as I closed my eyes and exhaled heavily through my nose.

"No... no I'm not okay."

My response made her get up from the chair and onto the couch, sitting right by me. It feels like I'm in a therapy session. I never needed any of those back home, since I had a lot going for me. But now... not so much. "I mean... how could anyone be okay in my position?" I was ready to let it all out. "I was just having a normal day at college like everybody else, and then in the blink of an eye, I'm... this." I gestured to all of me for emphasis. Even though I have a lot to say and maybe a few emotions to let out, I composed myself because I didn't want to sound aggressive to Fluttershy. "Sure, some of you ponies have treated me nicely and welcomed me into your life with open arms, it hasn't really changed anything for me. I've been taken from my home and I might possibly never get back. I really don't know what else to do." I placed my hands on my face out of frustration while scoffing. "Why did this happen to me?!" Again, trying not to be too loud and scare Fluttershy. "I'm lost... I'm scared..." I slid my hands off my face, starting to feel tears coming. "... I'm all alone."

I felt something being placed on my shoulder. I looked to my left and saw Fluttershy's hoof, and saw a sad yet somewhat reassuring look on her face. "You're not alone, Alex." I simply just stared at her light blue eyes, ready to listen to what she has to say. "I may not know what you're going through, but I'm gonna let you know we'll all be with you the whole way. Me, Spike, the other girls, and anypony else if that's what it takes to make you happy again." Hearing her, who was timid and quiet when I first met her, talk this freely and with so much care in her voice got rid of any stress or fear I was feeling. I felt like I was being hypnotized by her kindness and empathy. "It truly breaks my heart to see somepony, or... well, you, like this, and I'll do whatever I can to help. I promise you, everything will be better. Take it from me." I don't know how long that will take, but I will take her words to heart.

I responded to her caring words with a gentle smile, letting her know I'm truly thankful. Then, to my bewilderment, she leans toward me and wraps her hooves around me in a hug. Despite my initial surprise, I welcomed it and returned it, feeling safe in her warm embrace.

As we were still holding each other, I heard light, rapid thumping noises. We broke away from each other to find the source, and it didn't take long to locate it, because it was right in front of us. It was a small, purely white rabbit, and it was rapidly thumping its big foot, while also crossing it's small arms and looked at us with a less than pleased expression. What's this little guy's problem?

"I know, I know, Angel..." Call it an educated guess, but I'm sure he isn't one. "I'll get your food ready, I just needed to help my new friend here. Alex, this is Angel." He then had his full attention on me with no change on his face.

I blinked twice, but I still put on a friendly. "It's uhh, nice to meet you Angel." i extended my hand out to him for a shake. However, right as my hand reached him, he hopped up to it, opened his mouth, and then chomped. Luckily I was fast enough to yank my arm back before he could bite down on my finger. 'Woah! Talk about sna-ppy"

"Angel!" Fluttershy yelled softy at the little demon. "Don't be rude to him. He's already been through enough." Honestly I don't think it would have hurt since I have scales, but I didn't want to test that theory out." Now run along if you want to eat today." The rabbit gave me the 'I'm watching you' gesture before hopping away, thankfully.

"Yeah, pleasure was all mine, Carrots!" I exclaimed at the rabbit sarcastically, which garnered an adorable giggle out of Fluttershy.

"I'm sorry about him, Alex." She said as I looked back at her. "He can be protective and... honestly, a little spoiled."

I looked at the finger that almost got bit. "Yeah, you didn't need to say anything for me to know that." I sighed as I looked back at her. "But I'm not gonna hold a grudge against a little animal. Not worth the time and energy."

Right at that moment, the door slammed open, causing us both to yelp in unison. In the doorway was Spike, who was leaning on the door, panting heavily, and covered in dirt and brown fur from Harry no doubt. What the hell is going on out there? "Fluttershy... outside... now."

The aforementioned pony grunted out of frustration. "Ugh, I guess it is as bad as I thought." She climbed down from the couch and walked towards the door, but then stopped and turned her head to me. "You can come to if you want. We might need the extra help."

"Sure, no problem." I said genuinely, but then again I also don't want to wait for that rabbit to come back and bite my face off. "Lead the way." I then proceeded to follow my new friend outside, and after the sun temporarily blinds me from it's brightness, I saw what had happened. Harry's foot broke through the small bridge, and now he's stuck. He noticed us and had a sheepish smile on his face. There was only one thing I could say about this. "For real?"

Author's Note:

Soooo... yeah... hi there, hello.

I'm pretty sure this is a surprise to some of you, but yeah, I'm still living and breathing. I posted a blog on my profile explaining why I've been gone for so long. All I can say is I'm really sorry for leaving everyone in the dark for 3 years. I'm going to do everything in my power to keep this story alive if anyone is interested. Thanks again and see y'all next time!

Comments ( 6 )

Well, this was a surprise to see on my tracking once more, glad to see it again!

I'm a sucker for dragons, you got me with the bait, now I'll read and get my thoughts down at the end.

Not a bad start, can't wait to see more, I do think you need to add more commas, to break up your sentences near the beginning though.

Even with a proofreader there are mistakes I've missed lol
I do not. I have thought about paying an artist to do so
Maybe next time we're in canterlot I'll make a sequence of them bantering haha
No it was just me calling myself out lol

Glad you're still interested!

Always interested in a good and well written story, it’s just a shame more often then I’d like said good stories are abandoned or canceled.

So with that said keep up your awesome story good author.

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