• Published 29th Oct 2018
  • 8,644 Views, 627 Comments

Mission to the Pony Planet - ersmiller

When Equestrian help is required in the world of Canterlot High, but Princess Twilight isn't responding to the journal, five girls cross over to find her. (All epilogues now complete!)

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All My Darlings

Author's Note:

Nickname chart:

Real name	MLP		EqG       
Rarity		Share		Renae

I've been trying to release these monthly but due to holidays, work, and this thing, I'm behind.
There's 3 epilogues left, but it's unlikely I'll have another one ready for early January.

“Well I do believe you’ve outdone yourself again, Rarity,” cheered Rarity.

“And I believe you’ve outdone yourself as well, Rarity,” answered Rarity.

The two Raritys turned from their latest joint creation and giggled at each other. ““Oh, that will never get old!””

A nearby poneighquin proudly displayed an elaborate gown, as did many other poneighquins in the room and the Raritys themselves. Strewn about the floor and over various pieces of furniture were scraps of leftover fabric, spools of thread, sparkling gems, design sketches, and even a few dangerous-looking pincushions with multitudes of pins and needles stuck within them at haphazard angles.

It was a whirlwind of inspiration.

And a maid’s nightmare.

“Ooh, whose turn is it?” squealed Renae.

“It’s yours, darling,” Share answered, smoothing out her own dress. “The pinafore was our latest.”

Renae’s squeal turned giddy and she rushed up to stand between the poneighquin and a full-length mirror. She tapped her hooves excitedly on the floor as Share’s horn lit, her aura covering Renae’s outfit. The alien visitor expertly reared back to a bipedal stance, finding it much less difficult to keep her balance on her pony hips than before, and slipped her forehooves out of the sleeves of her current dress as it was raised from her.

With the front removed and placed on one of the few remaining naked poneighquins, she dropped to all fours again before lifting first one hind leg and the other to doff the stockings. The process repeated in reverse for the new gown. The two Rarities then worked together, fine-tuning every minute detail of the wear and balance of the gown and accessories on Renae’s pony person.

“Oh, I love it, darling,” Renae cried, smoothing back her mane in the mirror. She then turned around a few times to see the gown from multiple angles as Share orbited around her in the other direction to do the same.

“This is so much fun!” Share giggled before stopping suddenly. “Oh, wait, wait!” she called urgently, getting Renae to stop spinning and hold still. Share’s aura lit up a gem-encrusted bow at the base of Renae’s tail and straightened it out. She stepped back and caught Renae’s eyes. “It was lopsided.”

“Can’t have that,” Renae concurred.

“Might never have noticed wearing it myself.”

“If only all mirrors were three dimensional!”

“And all models so knowledgeable about their own dresses.”

“Yes, yes!” Renae agreed, but then sighed. “I just wish you could come visit us sometime too.”

“I know!” Share nodded. “I would love to see your world. All your fashions. All your trends. Make humane dresses with you.”

“And then help me get Rainbow Dash dressed properly in one before a dance.”

“I would gladly hold her down for you!”

They shared a laugh and hugged each other, carefully, so as to not wrinkle their creations.

And Applejack,” Renae added. “Even without her geode it would take both of us to hold her down.” Her laugh cut short when she felt a blush creep onto her cheeks. “Speaking of dances,” she covered, breaking from the hug, “it’s too bad there’s no events scheduled for today. I would so love to go to a pony gala … although I’m afraid in this body, I'd have two left hooves." She blinked and corrected herself, "Three, that is. At the least. We’re all dressed up with no place to show off.”

The blush hadn’t quite escaped Share’s notice, but she let it go. “Yes, sadly. Though it wouldn’t be the first time. We do have the events in Canterlot tomorrow but they have, also sadly, been trimmed down in scope following the postponement. We had so much pomp and circumstance planned.”

“The best kinds of circumstance always come with pomp.”

“Oh, of course.” Share paused to think. “It is a nice day out. We could have tea in the yard.”

“While advertising the new styles!”

Exactly! I like the way you think!”

“Great minds, darling, great minds.”

Share smiled and began walking toward the kitchen. “What kind of tea would you like? Chamomile?” she asked, actively ignoring the inspiration room’s “organized chaos.”

Following behind her, and gleefully using her magic to tidy a few things on her way out for her host, Renae replied, “I was thinking fresh oat.”

“Really?” Share gave her a surprised look.

“Sunset mentioned that the teas I’ve prepared for her in my world, fresh oat in particular, just aren’t the same as what she’s been accustomed to growing up and she seemed quite disappointed. It got me curious; is the tea all that different or does our palate change going through the portal? The latter, I suspect, considering you eat flowers here. She once told me that smelling some kinds of flowers still makes her hungry.”

“Well, if it’s the tea, you should of course take some of mine home.”

“Wonderfully generous of you, dear, but I couldn’t.”

“I insist, darling.”

“Are you quite sure?”

“Absolutely!” Now in the kitchen, Share wasted no time in opening her cupboards and taking out all her tea-making supplies. “I mustn't have my newest friend and, in fact, dimensional twin go without quality tea. Our guests deserve the best we can offer them.”

“In that case, I would love to have a few samples.”

With the matter firmly decided, Share collected a few packets of various teas, even from her top shelf. “We shall make some fashionable saddlebags for you to take all these home in before it’s your turn to go. As well as your copy of our journal and as many outfits as we can fit of course!”

“That would be lovely,” Renae thanked her before musing. “I wonder if the outfits will change, and if the saddlebags will turn into a backpack or handbag on the other side. Twi was wearing a purple backpack when we first met her. I doubt that’s what she was wearing when she entered the portal.”

Filling a kettle with water, Share giggled. “I’m not quite sure what either of those are, but I’m sure we’ll make them stunning!”

Share then placed the kettle on a surprisingly modern-looking stove and flipped a switch. “I’ll set up the tea garden while it heats.”

“I’ll help,” offered Renae.

“Oh, it’s no bother, darling.” Share smiled back while opening a closet and a window with her aura. She hummed a slight tune as a glass table, two stools with velvet cushions, and a picnic basket floated out the window and were set up in the shade of a large tree near the building. “All done.”

Renae looked up to her own horn. “If only I could take the horn back with me too. It’s even more useful than my diamond shields.”

“Oh, I know. ‘Thanks’ to Discord, and a few other misadventures, I’ve been deprived of my horn on multiple occasions. I do know how to sew with just hooves, but it’s so much more time consuming. I don’t know how Miss Pommel does it.”

“Miss Pommel?”

“Coco Pommel. Miss Pommel is the professional name she uses for her fashion line. You don’t know her?”

Renae shook her head.

“That’s too bad, though she does live in Manehattan in my world. Perhaps you’ve just yet to cross paths in yours. And when you do, don’t let her slip away! She and Sassy Saddles are simply the best employees and great friends. They run my Manehattan and Canterlot boutiques respectively. Word of warning though, Sassy and I had a rough start together.”

“I met Sassy.” Renae blushed, recalling the memory. “She seemed nice.”

“Yes,” Share nodded, “once she learned that money and success aren’t everything. Also, you may have to save poor Coco from that thieving, Suri Polomare.” Share’s pleasant tone had darkened dangerously.

Renae tilted her head. “I believe there’s a Suri something at Crystal Prep, perhaps Coco is there as well.”

“Do try to find out, darling,” Share said, her tone lightening again. “You’ll have made a wonderful friend and co-designer.” She paused and her features darkened once more. “But don’t share anything with Suri! She’ll act like a friend until the very moment you turn your back!”

Renae blinked and took a small step away from her counterpart’s outburst. “I’ll keep that in mind. Perhaps Sunny Flare might know of them, or about any sewing clubs they might be in.”

Share smiled sweetly, her anger quickly forgotten with the acceptance of her warning. “I’m not sure who that is, but, while we’re on the topic of friends, that day you showed up in Canterlot had Sassy quite confused.”

“Oh dear. Would you please extend my apology?”

“Of course, and I already set her straight while you were all watching over Sunset, so she’s fine. Explained the whole situation.” Share paused. “Which actually made her more confused at first, but I believe there’s a full understanding now.”

“That is a relief. Please do still apologize for me though, darling.”

“The very next time I see her,” Share affirmed with a nod and a smile. “Actually, perhaps you could come with us.”

“To Canterlot? Again?”

“Think of it! The Twilights said they don’t want more than two of you otherworldly visitors going home each day. That means some of you will remain in Equestria at least a little while. Why not come to Canterlot with me so we can spend more time together? Otherwise you’ll just be here alone for the rest of your ‘ponycation’.”

“I can spend time with your Sweetie Belle. She seemed to like the idea.”

“She has schoolwork to take care of for the next few days. In Canterlot, you can apologize to Sassy yourself and I can show you around the palace if we have time.”

“The palace?!” Renae’s eyes lit up.

“The full tour. Not just that conference room. I’ll even show you the galleries. All the jewels, paintings, gems, statues, crowns, historic dresses. Wonders for inspiration.”

“Darling, I believe you have sold me on the idea.”


“But that brings to mind a question.”



“Yes, Equestria is a diarchy. Or maybe a triarchy with Twilight now. Triumvirate maybe? And then there’s Cadance and Shining Armor …, but they are in the Crystal Empire.” Share tapped her chin. “Ask Twilight, she’ll know the correct terminology. She always does.”

“It’s about Twilight actually. You said crowns? Twilight has a crown?”

Share nodded. “She does.”

“But she doesn’t wear it?”

Share sighed. “She does not.”

“Whyever not? If I had a royal crown, I would never take it off. Why, I’d sleep in the thing!”

“I told her the same thing, darling. But she refuses! I’ve even heard that Celestia sleeps in hers but Twilight just won't believe it!”

“Just too humble, that one. She should embrace her princesshood!”

Absolutely!” Share punctuated her agreement by stamping a hoof on a kitchen tile. After a sigh, she continued, “Ah well. She does at least wear it on formal occasions. Perhaps some day she'll wear it more regularly.”

“I would adore a chance to see her in her regalia.”

“She’ll be wearing it tomorrow while meeting with the ambassadors.”

“Oh, splendid!”

Share smiled. “And now that we have settled that,” her smile began to smirk as she continued, “what I really wanted to talk about was a theory Sassy had.”

“A theory?” Renae asked.

“Yes. About me, or rather you, and …,” Share halted for a moment as her smirk fully bloomed, “Applejack?”


“And the water is boiling,” Share announced, turning away from Renae’s blushing cheeks and walking, victoriously, toward the whistling kettle.

“A-ba-ba-I, uh,” Renae stuttered, “I haven’t the foggiest what you’re suggesting.”

“Oh come now.” Share shot back while levitating the kettle and adjusting the stove. “You must know you can’t hide it from me of all ponies.”

Honestly, there’s nothing going on between Applejack and myself.” Renae could feel the blush heating her cheeks. “An-an, and Sassy thought I was you when she brought it up. What is going on between you and Applejack?”

While working with the kettle and herbs, Share simply looked back and her pristine white cheeks smiled. “Nothing,” she said with a giggle. “So, why are you blushing so brightly?”

“Really? Nothing?” Renae asked, embarrassment turning to surprise. “Are you certain?”

After replacing the kettle on the stove to steep and setting a timer, Share turned back and gave Renae a look of triumph. “Nothing at all. I believe Applejack was checking in on her refreshments table that day as much as she was on me. You were hoping for something else?”

Renae flinched back then slumped slightly after a pause. “Well ….”

“Yes, yes?” Share encouraged quickly trotting back to stand beside Renae, turning her ears forward with an eager expression.

“I suppose,” Renae began hesitantly, “I, I may have been?”

“Do tell, darling,” Share tittered, eyes and ears laser focused on Renae. “Everything!”

“I think I have grown closer to Applejack than the other girls in some ways. But we’re such opposites.”

“Always have been,” Share agreed.

“She has the farm, and she doesn’t know a thing about fashion.”

“Not one bit.”

“I have my career,” Renae insisted, “and I can’t stand being covered in mud.”

“Ughh, so many ruined outfits.”

“She has such a stubborn streak!”

“Almost like she has mule in her ancestry.”

“And we get into such fights sometimes.”

“All the time. In fact, one might say we bicker like an … ‘old married couple’?”

“ ‘Old m—’?” Renae’s ears drooped. “If our relationship is indeed heading in that direction, isn’t it a bad sign we’re bickering already?”

“But hasn’t your friendship always recovered after those fights?”

“Well … yes. Some fights it took longer than others, but we always recovered. The adversities sometimes even brought us closer together.”

“And despite your differences there are things you’ve greatly enjoyed doing together?”

“Oh, yes!” Renae gushed. “Our time together at Camp Everfree. Working together at Equestria Land—after the cursed cell phone incident was over. All that delightful glamping at the Starswirl Music Festival! We’ve even mused another trip, just the …,” she trailed off.

“Two of you?”

A blush was Renae’s only reply.

A delighted smile was Share’s.

“Perhaps there …” Renae paused. “Perhaps there has been something going on between us. The trip was even her idea.”


With the timer having announced itself, Share brought Renae into another gentle hug. “Tea is ready, darling. Let’s relocate to the garden.”

Renae was lost in thought over the next few minutes while the pair got seated onto cushy stools with filled teacups at the ready.

“Oh my,” remarked Renae after her first sip of all-natural Equestrian tea, “this is quite different.”

“Is it?” asked Share.

“Well, not so much different as …” she took another sip, “whole? It’s hard to explain. It’s the same taste, but there’s more of it without being too strong. As if it’s only now that I can appreciate the full flavor.”

“I have plenty more teas you can sample before you go.”

“That would be wonderful, darling. And then I’ll try them again at home.” Renae took another sip, longer this time, and settled down.

“All relaxed now, dear?” Share asked.

Renae just smiled and nodded.

“Good. Now tell me more about you and Applejack.”

Renae choked on her tea.

“Oh, heavens,” Share exclaimed. “I hadn’t wanted that strong a reaction. Are you alright?”

“I’ll—“ Renae coughed. “I’ll be fine. This is just such a confusing topic. I never considered that Applejack might have an interest in me. Or that I might return those feelings. How is it in your world?”

“Applejack is one of my dearest friends, and we'll be the closest of friends forever, but I’ve never felt anything beyond friendship for her, and believe it’s the same in return,” answered Share. “I always thought she and Rainbow Dash could be an item some day, so long as they didn’t kill each other first with their competitiveness.”

“Yes! That’s what I thought. I always expected Applejack and Rainbow Dash to be the couple in our group. Them or Sunset and Twilight.”

“Oh?” Share’s eyes lit up with a sparkle.

Renae blinked. “Yes!” she jumped with a hopeful grin. “Let’s talk about them instead! I have so much evidence to gossip about!”

“And, gossip we shall!" Share beamed, to which a happy Renae nodded excitedly. "But not today!" Share laid down a decree, getting Renae to pout. "We have our journal for that. Right now I want to hear about you and Applejack. I’m just glad one Rarity might be seeing some romance in her life soon. My prospects have been quite limited I’m afraid.”

“None at all?”

Limited, not absent,” Share clarified. “It’s complicated—especially the Spike situation—and we're talking—"

"Spike? The dog?" Renae asked, taken aback.

"D-dog? No!" Share gasped. "Dragon!"

Renae blinked. "Oh, right. I'm so used to dressing him in these little hats and adorable collars I had forgotten." She scrunched her brow in thought. "But, still. Isn't he a bit young and small?"

"He could live centuries long and grow as big as a mountain," Share explained.

Renae's eyes went wide. "But, but how would that … work?"

"Complicatedly, I'd imagine," Share enforced. "But we’re talking about your love life now. We can come back to mine later.”

Renae couldn’t help but return to her pout.

Seeing that, Share gave her a starting point. “What drew you two together? You said a ‘Camp’ Everfree?”

Renae thought back. “I was assigned to the same tent as Pinkie Pie, except she spent much of the first … several days chasing squirrels." She paused a moment, thinking it best to leave out that Pinkie was chasing squirrels with Spike and what he did with so many of the trees.

"Applejack was with Rainbow, but Rainbow decided to take laps around the whole camp. So, Applejack and I ended up unpacking and decorating our two tents in their absence. Normally Applejack doesn’t get into aesthetics like we do, but it was a woodsy, rustic theme. She loved it! We actually ended up spending a lot of the week together. All seven of us, truthfully—and Spike of course—but Applejack and I tended to be a little closer much of the time. That is, when she wasn’t off foraging for food instead of just eating the provided meals like the rest of us!”

Share giggled. “That does sound like her. You also mentioned ‘glamping’. What is that?”

“Glamping?” Renae asked, turning surprised eyes to her twin. “You don’t glamp in Equestria?”

“I’ve not heard of it.”

Renae gasped in horror. “Glamping is glamorous camping.”

“Ooh!" Share leaned forward, braving the faux pas of putting elbows on the table. "I’m listening, darling.”

“Applejack was against it at first. Because of course she was. But then I showed her my family’s deluxe camper.”


Renae put a hoof to her chin a moment. “It’s a large vehicle, um … carriage? Yes, a carriage meant for living in over short trips with minimal setup between travel and living modes. Think of it as a big, lavish tent or small house on wheels. Bed bunks, kitchenette, battery for electricity, running water with a heater.”

Share gasped in delight. “I am definitely liking this ‘camper’ idea. Perhaps we could obtain something similar here by converting a covered wagon. Big Macintosh has been fixing one up, I could bring the idea to him. It would be wonderful for our next annual big sister/little sister camping—I mean glamping—trip to Winsome Falls! No need to bring a tent because the wagon will be the tent and all our supplies will be inside it! Let’s see those fly-ders try to mess with us next year!”

Renae raised an eyebrow. “Fly-ders? Yearly camping trips?”

“Fly-ders are horrid little flying spiders.” both Raritys shuddered, one from the memory, the other from the concept. “Myself, Applejack, Rainbow Dash, and our little sisters go camping each year. Sweetie Belle roped me into it once, but I eventually started enjoying … aspects of it. Not so much the nature part, but the quality time with Sweetie and our friends. Adding a ‘camper’ next year should really improve things even if we can’t copy all aspects you are accustomed to in your world. But never mind that. What do you plan on doing about your newly realized feelings for our cowpony friend?”

“Cowpo—?” Renae tilted her head. “Oh, we say cowgirl on our world.”

“And so how do you intend to proceed with your cowgirl?”

“M-my?” Renae started but faltered under the weight of her blush and cleared her throat. “I’m not sure I should do anything. I don’t want to risk harming the friendship we already have if trying anything more doesn’t work out.”

“Oh I don’t think that’s right at all.”


“Come on, Rarity,” Share urged. “She’s honest Applejack. She wouldn’t want you to hide your feelings. I suspect she may already be wracked with guilt over hiding her own feelings for the same reason.”

“But we don’t know for sure if she has those feelings. I’m not even sure about my own yet.”

“You can always ask your Cadance for romantic advice with one of those 'phone' things you mentioned. She loves matchmaking even more than we do!”

Renae returned a slightly confused expression. “I'm not sure who Cadance is in your world, but in ours she's the principal of a rival school. I'm afraid I don't know her well enough for such personal questions. Twi has mentioned her though. Apparently they are close."

"If not Cadance, then Twilight, for friendship advice. Ours has always been there for us. She'll help you hold your friendship together while pursuing romance."

"No disrespect to our Twilight, but I suspect Sunset might be the better option. Our worlds and the people in them have many similarities, but we’re still quite different. Your Twilight is the Princess of Friendship. Ours is actually fairly new to friendship."

Share mulled that over. "It'd be quite amusing if Applejack here—Ponyjack—ended up with Rainbow and Jackie ended up with you."

Unable to shake the sheepish smile in her embarrassment, Renae cleared her throat. "Well, that would certainly prove that we are all different people in each world." She blinked. "Not to mention make any future visits between our worlds just a bit stranger than they would already be."

"Oh dear," popped Share. "I hadn't thought of that. And what if we got them mixed up? Or they mixed us up?" A stray thought brought a blush to her cheeks and she looked to Renae to see that a similar thought must have crossed hers.

Share quickly cleared her throat. "So Sunset is the one who might be the best help?"

Renae continued after a moment to get back on track. "Yes, and Sunset’s even an empath now.” She paused when a different thought came to mind. “Not that I’d ever ask her to invade Applejack’s mind without permission of course!”

Renae paused again, a hoof tapping her chin. After a moment she shook her head quickly. “No! No, it wouldn’t be right! And she’d never do it anyway," she laughed off the idea.

Share watched the mental war with an uncomfortable cringe, recognizing all too well the internal struggle, as Renae couldn't help but continue.

"Though I could give them a little push so they fall against each other during a Truth or Dare game at just the right moment, after just the right question …. But, how would I then get Sunset to reveal what she saw from Applejack?”

"Ahem," Share abruptly cleared her throat.

Renae looked over and grimaced sheepishly at the disapproving glare sent her way.

But still," Share pressed through, sparing her twin further admonishment, "you have your friends, and you have me, even if we’ll only have the journal to keep in touch. If you can’t bring yourself to be direct with Applejack, then take it slow. Lay down clues, find reasons to spend time together." Share smirked. "Or don’t and spend time together anyway. The right smiles, a bit of body language. She’s a wise mare. If she does have those feelings she’ll get the hint before long and begin wooing you properly.”

Renae's blush returned at the suggestion of employing body language on Applejack, but an excited and squeaky shout hit her ears before she could reply.


““Sweetie Belle!”” the older sisters cheerfully called back.

Sweetie galloped up to the Raritys’ tea table, stood beside it, and spoke in a rush between pants. “I galloped—as fast as I could to get here—as soon as school got out so we can—spend the rest of the day—together!”

The Raritys giggled at the display, but Sweetie cut them off before either could respond. “Don’t tell me,” she pleaded. She looked the two of them over and eventually pointed at one. “Renae!”

Renae looked at the hoof pointed at her. “How did you know?”

“Your hindlegs are hanging off the front of the stool.”

“Isn’t that normal?” Renae looked at her hindlegs and then at Share’s to see her twin’s tucked underneath herself. “Oh.”

“Don’t worry, darling,” Share told her. “Some ponies often sit like that too. It’s just seen as a bit … eh, 'casual'.”

Sweetie began giggling at that, getting Renae to return a questioning look. “I thought you said it was fine. Should I sit differently?”

“It’s not that,” Sweetie answered. “It’s—“ she giggle-squeaked, “have you two Raritys really been saying ‘darling’ to each other?”

The Raritys looked at each other. “Maybe once or twice,” Share answered while Renae nodded.

Sweetie only giggled louder. “Sure, sure. I bet my cutie mark it’s been more than that.”

“Perhaps a little,” Renae began, “I can’t imagine it’s a big deal.”

“No, no, no.” Sweetie's eyes turned intense. “I said ‘I bet my cutie mark’ on it! So you know I mean it!”

The Raritys stopped and thought back. Renae attempted to count on her hoof before realizing that was a pointless idea and began tapping her chin instead.

“It doesn’t matter,” Sweetie cut them off. “What does matter is that I’M OUT OF SCHOOL!” she shouted eagerly.

“Of course, darling—”

“You said it again.”

Share paused. “Be that as it may, we remember. We promised. As soon as we finish our tea we’re all yours for the evening. Anything you want, your big sisters will be there, provided you also get your homework done.”

“YES!” Sweetie cheered, jumping into the air, horn sparking in delight. “I’ll get it done right now!”

With that, she zoomed into the house.

“Well,” Share remarked, “If she's that excited to do her homework, I should have you risk destroying the universes to cross dimensional boundaries more often. Or however it was Twilight put it.”

Still tapping her chin, Renae looked over. “And we’re sure we don’t say darling too much?”

“Of course not, dar—“ Share blinked. “I’m sure it’s only once in a while.”

“Rainbow Dash once suggested I start a Darling Jar.”

“And that would be?”

“A jar that I place a coin in every time I say darling.”

Share waved the idea off. “Oh, that’s just silly. If we need ‘Darling Jars,’ then that mare needs an ‘Awesome Jar’.”

“Precisely what I said—except I didn’t call her a mare, obviously. And even better, not five minutes passed when Applejack walked in and called me sugarcube.”

The twins laughed and Share added, "And a Sugarcube Jar for Applejack!"

"But I like when she calls me …," Renae began protesting, only to trail off upon seeing Share's grin.

"Oh, you've got it bad, don't you?" Share tittered.

"But, but, it's just cute, and—do you smell something burning?"

"Now, don't change the sub—" Share stopped with a sniff. Quickly, her eyes widened. "Oh, no. Don't tell me Sweetie's homework is home ec!"

They turned to face her kitchen and the black smoke rising out of an open window.

""Sweetie!"" they shouted, rushing for the door. ""Not again, darling!""

*** *** ***

*** *** ***


“Ah got ya, sugarcube,” came the gentle but sturdy wall that was Applejack. “Good thing you wrote us ahead.”

Rarity looked up to see herself in Applejack’s strong arms. The cowgirl had caught her trajectory direct from the Wonder Colt end of the portal.

She is quite adorable, isn’t she? And the muscles aren’t bad either. Rarity thought, absently kneading one of the biceps holding her. She blinked and blushed hard, suddenly realizing her realization, not to mention their position. “I, uh—“

With her newly restored, non-hooved legs still bent at the knees, and a heavy, gem-studded backpack weighing her down, Rarity lost her balance and pitched forward. Surprised, Applejack took a step back to brace herself, but forgot about the stack of yoga mats behind her and promptly tripped over the plan B.

They toppled over. Applejack’s back met the mats.

Rarity’s lips met Applejack’s.



They stared at each other’s eyes, noting the different feel of the lips on their usual bodies.

Until Applejack had to breathe.

With a loud gasp, Applejack pushed, lifting Rarity up a few inches. They stared a moment longer before enough blood had returned to Rarity’s brain from her cheeks that she thought to stand.

She heard Applejack behind her slowly get her two feet under her and stand on the other side of the mats.

Still blushing hard, Rarity cleared her throat and slowly turned to face her friend who glanced over with a matching blush before they both looked away again.


A moment later, Rarity cleared her voice. “So, er, Applejack?”

“Yes, sug—uh, Rarity?”

“We weren’t even horses this time.”

Surprised, Applejack looked over and saw Rarity looking back at her. The blush was still quite potent, but it was paired with a rather coy smile.

Applejack blinked. Blinked again, and let out a snicker. “Just can’t help ourselves, can we?”

Rarity let out a sputter that turned into a full blown giggle-fit, which Applejack joined her in.

A few laughs in and the sparkling backpack’s weight took her off balance again. “Eek!”

“Whoa there, sugarcube,” eased Applejack, quickly supporting her with one hand. “That’s one mighty fancy backpack. Looks more expensive than a sports car. Are those real gems?”

Rarity gasped and immediately struggled to get the bag off her back. “Oh my,” she uttered once she got a good look at it. “It worked! Yes! Those are real gems. This was a set of saddlebags I made with Share a few days ago.”

She rushed to open the bag and took out a lavish gown.

“Uh,” Applejack started, “Ah hope you weren’t planning to wear that yourself.”

It was clearly one of the gowns she and her twin had created, but it hadn’t been affected by the portal’s magic. It was a gown only a quadruped could wear, and not even a full-sized horse. “Oh nooo! All that work!” Rarity put a hand over her forehead. “All that fun, delightful work!”

“Aw, that’s too bad, Rares. Ah think?”

“Oh, well,” Rarity recovered while pulling out her correspondence journal. “I still have the designs. Maybe I’ll donate these to Fluttershy’s shelter. But I wonder why they didn’t change.”

“Maybe ‘cause you weren’t wearing them?”

“Wearing! That’s right!”

Rarity looked down at herself. "I didn't wear any of them as I was afraid I wouldn't get—" she gave a little cheer when she discovered her phone in her skirt pocket, "this back!" She wasted no time in turning it on and opening the camera app.

Applejack watched as Rarity began using it to check herself over at various angles and facial expressions. “Wonderful!” Rarity declared. “Everything’s back to what it should be. Not even my mane’s out of place.”

“Mane?” Applejack snickered. “You check your tail yet?”

Rarity twisted around to check her backside. “My tail! What happened to my beautiful t—“

To Rarity’s credit, she stopped herself before she noticed Applejack’s laughter.

To Applejack’s credit, she recognized the proper time to stop laughing before she was told. “Uh, it uh, was a real beautiful tail.”

Rarity smiled. “Good save, darling,” she said, giggling playfully.

“So, uh ...” Applejack idly adjusted her hat. “Welcome back to the planet of the humanes. Pinkie and the others are inside for your welcome home party.”

“Thank you. It’s sad to leave our new friends, but it is good to be back.” Rarity gave the portal a wistful look then bit her lip and looked away. “Have you any plans for Saturday?”

Applejack shuffled slightly on her feet before answering. “Ah was actually thinking about asking you the same thing.”

Rarity quickly turned to face Applejack. “You were?”

“Yes. You see, well, one of our trees, uh, died.”

"Oh!" Rarity placed a hand on Applejack’s arm. “I’m sorry to hear that.”

“Thanks,” Applejack replied, and Rarity distinctly noticed a little blush on those golden cheeks. “She’ll be missed, but Ginni was past her prime for a long while. Anyway, so, Ah had the wood. So, well, Ah built you a new closet, and was thinking Ah could put it in your room anytime you’re free.”

Rarity moved her hand to her chest. “And you thought of me. That's sweet of you. How long would it take to put in?”

“Ah reckon an hour or two. Ah still have all your measurements, and Ah know you wanted some work done in the corner near that window, so Ah already built most of it. Just couldn’t do all of it ‘cause then it wouldn’t fit in the door.”

Rarity drew back and put her hands on her hips. “You’re saying you have ‘my measurements’?”

Applejack’s eyes widened. “Your bedroom! You-your room measurements.”

“I’m just teasing, dear,” Rarity laughed. “It’s not like I don’t have your measurements on file still.”

The resulting blush most definitely did not escape Rarity’s notice. “Wha—oh, oh, right. For outfits. Of course you’d know what my measurements are.”

A hopeful smile grew on Rarity’s cheeks. “If the installation will only take a short time, what about the rest of your Saturday?”

“Oh, that’s right. You’re going to need to study up on what you missed from school. Twilight would be the better person to help you there, but Ah can help you through a few subjects just fine.”

“Well, there is that,” Rarity nodded. “I suppose we’ll all need some study sessions to catch up, but we can make those group study sessions. I was hoping that we could just spend some time together for fun.”

“With the girls?”

“Or, just the two of us?”

“Ah, well, Ah ...” Applejack played with her hat. “Okay. Ah’d like that.”

“Wonderful! So, let’s say you come over around one, install the closet, and spend time together till dinner. My treat of course.”

“You don’t have to do that, Rares. Ah made the closet as a gift.”

“And I’m treating you to dinner as thanks. I shan't take ‘no’ for an answer!”

“Well, in that case, it’s a d—“ Applejack swallowed, “d-dinner."

"Or, an evening?” Rarity suggested with a coy smile.

“Yes, Ah reckon that'll do 'er—it! Do it—do—be an evening.”

Applejack and Rarity smiled at their plans, with Rarity also smiling at Applejack's sheepish blush. They then headed for the school and the welcoming party inside, Applejack ending up carrying Rarity’s new gem-studded backpack once Rarity realized it was too much weight for her to wear comfortably.

Rarity looked forward to trying the Equestrian teas in her own world. Then sharing her favorites on Saturday.

With Applejack.

And using the journal to tell her twin all about it.

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