• Published 29th Oct 2018
  • 8,644 Views, 627 Comments

Mission to the Pony Planet - ersmiller

When Equestrian help is required in the world of Canterlot High, but Princess Twilight isn't responding to the journal, five girls cross over to find her. (All epilogues now complete!)

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Canterlot Part 2 - Fashionable Disasters … Among Others


Rainbow Dash took in the sight of the castle. First she’d ever seen not on TV, and here she was flying over it with her own wings.

It consisted of multiple connected and separate buildings within a large courtyard. What was clearly the main structure had multiple high towers connected at their bases as well as through bridges at various heights. Every tower was capped with a spiral dome of mostly purples and yellows, and there were balconies everywhere!

Before going in for a landing, Rainbow circled the courtyard and castle for a full cycle, getting a complete look at it. On the southern side, opposite the city, she could also look down the cliff of the mountain and all the way to Ponyville. Their starting point of Twi’s palace was still just visible in the distance.

It gave her flashbacks of hang-gliding with her parents off the side of Mount Canterhorn back home and she was tempted to use her altitude to check her speed getting back. But she shook her head. She had a job to do. “Maybe later,” she told herself, “On the way back, instead of the train. Maybe that will be the contest with pony me.”

Now, she had a decision to make. There were so many places to land.

Those balconies looked pretty sweet, but would it be better to use the main entrance? It was a royal palace with security, right? Would landing on a random balcony be like sneaking in the back door of a theater?

While working on this conundrum, she noticed multiple guards watching her from around the courtyard and on the balconies. Some of them seemed to be watching her rather closely. She shrugged—maybe they were just bored—and landed on a balcony half way up a mid-sized tower. She could at least give some of the guards something to do for a little while.

The door leading inside was flanked—Rainbow chuckled—by two guards in full armor. One of them rolled his eyes. “Miss Dash. You know, entourage of Princess Twilight or not, you’re supposed to check in for your first visit to the castle each day.”

Taking a step toward the guards, and returning to a hover after tripping over her hooves, Rainbow scratched the back of her head. “Um, you’re sure I haven’t been here today?”

The guard turned to a small plaque on the wall and flipped it up with his magic. Underneath was a scroll that unrolled showing what appeared to be a list of names. “Not yet.”

“Oh, can I sign it now?”

“You’re supposed to sign in at the main entrance if not in the company of the crowns.” He looked to the other guard who simply shrugged her wings. “But I suppose you do have elevated status.” He levitated over a pencil and Rainbow stared at it.

“Uh ….” She looked down at her hooves, then at her flapping wings. “How?”

“The logs are magically linked. Your signature will appear in all of them.”

Rainbow smiled sheepishly. “Right. I knew that.” She looked at the pencil. “Just like I know how to sign my name.”

She landed again and stepped forward, almost falling on her face but her wings caught her just in time. “Ha-ha-heh. Been doing a lot’a of work today. Arms are—legs are all tired. Heh.”

Drifting closer, close enough to reach the pencil without having to walk this time, she landed again and reached for it with a hoof.

The guard’s magic lowered it for an easier reach.

Rainbow stared at the floating pencil next to her hoof, trying to figure out how to use it, or even hold it. She acted on her first thought and brought her other forehoof up and clamped the pencil between both. Now on just her hind legs, her balance was off and she fell forward. “Whaa!”

A quick flap righted her, and she continued flapping just enough to stay balanced. “Heh, really tired. Been busy, busy all day!”

The guards were nonplussed. A slight eyebrow raise from one and an eye roll from the other.

Keeping the pencil between her forehooves, Rainbow flapped her wings to stay upright and hopped forward toward the list under the plaque.

The guards gave her odd looks but remained silent.

There was plenty of room on the scroll so Rainbow leaned forward, by slowing her wings slightly, and reached with her hooves.

The pencil was pointing straight down so she first pressed the top end against the wall to rotate it between her hooves so that the point faced out. Then she squeezed it to keep it still and began writing.1

The result was less than stellar.

Or legible.

The guards looked at it curiously.

“Wow!” exclaimed Rainbow. “I guess I really need a nap!”

She attempted to give the pencil back but dropped it on the floor. “Whoops! Let me get that for you.”

Rainbow returned to all fours and slid her forehooves toward the pencil till it was trapped again, then returned to a hover, presenting the pencil to the guard who grabbed it in his magic after a curious pause.

“So, um,” Rainbow addressed them, “is Twi around?”

“Princess Twilight Sparkle and the rest of her entourage left early this morning to take care of preparations for this week’s events.” He looked to his partner who shrugged again. “Don’t you know that? You’re supposed to be helping. We’ve seen you flying around occasionally.”

Glancing between the two guards, Rainbow chuckled, “Of course I know that. I have been helping. I just wanted to know if any had come back.”

“We wouldn’t know, only one signature is required per day.”

“So they could be here?”

“It’s possible, but unlikely. The castle interior has already been prepared. Though they, and you, are on the schedule for a meeting later today.”

“Oh, then how about the other princesses?”

“Preparing for their own meeting with the ambassadors. They are not receiving guests for non-emergencies at this time.”

“Well, that sucks.”

“Prince Shining Armor may be available.”

“Who’s that?”

The guards paused and looked at each other, the back at Rainbow. “Princess Cadance’s husband?”

Rainbow looked blankly back at him.

The guards returned the confused stare.

“Okay …. So, can I wait for Twi here?”

“You may. Although, you are welcome to return to your suite to take a nap if you’re … tired.”

“I have a suite?”

The guard, being so confused, tried to scratch his head having forgotten he was wearing a helmet. “It’s a shared suite with Princess Twilight and your friends.”

“Wait. We all have a suite together, and Twi and the others have already been here but not me?”

The guard gave his partner another glance, receiving only yet another shrug in return. “You left yesterday night saying you were going to sleep outside as you did not like the guest in the neighboring suite.”

“I slept outside rather than a royal bed because I didn’t like someone?”

“That’s what we heard you tell the others as you flew off.”

“Who is it I didn’t like?”

“The royal manedresser.”

The silent guard grunted, and she finally spoke in a muffled, sarcastic mutter, “Can’t imagine why.”

Rainbow gave them a lopsided expression. “A manedresser? Like a hairdresser? Why would I leave over—?”

Rainbows!” came a flamboyant cheer.

“Oh no,” Rainbow cringed. She didn’t need to turn around to know that voice.

“Couldn’t stay away forever, could you?” the voice grated on. “Just had to come back to the ol' Zeph-meister.”

“Nope!” Rainbow shouted, launching herself off the balcony fast enough to spin the guards’ helmets.

“Aw, don’t play hard to get!” called Zephyr Breeze, taking off after her. “But I know you love to be chased!”

The guards corrected their helmets and looked over the railing, seeing Rainbow dash around the tower and out of sight with Zephyr gliding down at a leisurely pace, letting gravity and air-pressure do the work for him.

“Putz,” commented the quieter of the guards.

“Yep,” agreed the other before looking back at Rainbow’s signature. “So … you think Miss Dash’s behavior gives credence to that anonymous changeling alert?”

The other guard shrugged.

“Hrmm. I’ll send a report just in case.”



Pinkie Pie was a capable girl, not a child by any means, and could take care of herself.

That’s what Rarity and Fluttershy told themselves when they decided there was no point in searching for her any longer. She had clearly gone off somewhere, for whatever reason, and they all had their goals set. One of them was to get to specific locations, the other already was to find and recruit help. Help that had a better understanding of pony magic and their world. Help that wouldn’t need a map. Help with their own wings and horns, and a lifetime of having learned how to use them properly.

It was simply the best option to head for pony Rarity’s Canterlot Carousel boutique now that they knew its location. They would have to locate Pinkie later if she did not turn up on her own.

And after some rushing through the streets, it stood before them in all its glory. Similar in color scheme to the clothing shop Rarity worked for in her own world, though brighter and with a much more regal design. Not the samey rectangle after rectangle of their strip mall back home, but a pleasing, slightly rounded front and a slanted roof that came to a peak not unlike a castle. At the base was a short staircase nestled between two large windows to show off the fashionable couture within.

“Eeeee!” Rarity squealed as before, rushing up to the second new Rarity boutique of the day. Fluttershy watched on, using a forehoof to cover her giggle.

At first making way for the door at the top of the stairs, a glint in the light brought Rarity to one of the windows instead. Fluttershy could hear her “Oooh” and “Aaah” over the wares on display.

Fluttershy stifled most of her giggling and calmly walked to the front door, smiling at her friend as she opened it, a bell ringing inside. “We can get a closer look from inside,” she tittered.

Rarity let out a small squeak turning to join Fluttershy, taking the steps in two bounds. “Of course, of course!”

After Rarity passed her, Fluttershy let out another little giggle and sighed, happy to have finally gotten to their destination. She took one more look out at the pony city of Canterlot but froze. There they were again.

The birds.

More than a dozen now. Spread over four trees.

They were all watching her.

With an eep, she quickly rushed in and closed the door, making sure to step away from the windows and take a breath before turning to examine the shop.

Inside, the boutique was spotless, freshly cleaned and shined. Displays were everywhere and covered with dresses, skirts, saddles, headdresses, even the occasional suit. There were changing booths, tasteful decorations aplenty, and a curved staircase leading to a second floor where more goods could be seen at its edge!

A table set to the side was stocked with refreshments. Prints of familiar cutie marks representing apples and balloons suggested the prep team behind them.

There seemed to be an earthy theme to most of the displays, both for clothing and decorations. Many of the outfits seemed designed for darker coats and wing holes were present in many more of the display models than the mostly unicorn city would suggest needing.

There were no ponies behind the counter, but a pair of customers mulled about the shop and a conversation behind a privacy curtain suggested an employee was providing someone with assistance.

Sadly, neither of the voices were a copy of Rarity’s but rather of unknown mares. One voice, giving out suggestions and advice, seemed quite sophisticated and patient, the likely employee they would need to talk with to find their pony counterparts or helpful princess.

Of course it would be rude to interrupt the conversation. So there was time to explore!

Rarity did a quick trot from table to table, from display to display, checking the dresses, and checking for her logo. She was pleased to confirm that this was indeed pony Rarity’s boutique. Nearly all the major pieces were hers, while various accessories had been added in from other sources, such as shoes and items made from materials she rarely worked with. She was also pleased to find almost half the second floor was dedicated to showcasing works from novice designers, with a sign stating that ninety percent of all sales went directly to the designers after purchase.

Fluttershy remained on the first floor, more leisurely exploring the dresses, delighted over the softness in some of the fabrics and how many designs sparkled with gems.

It was only a few minutes before two mares emerged from the privacy booth. One was wearing an adorable gown that complimented her colors nicely.

The other mare had blue fur and wore a more modestly skirted, black dress under a gold saddle. She was strikingly tall, including her horn. Hers must have been twice as long as Rarity’s with several more rings in its spiral. The horn even came to a sharp point. Fluttershy blushed slightly, thinking perhaps it was best Pinkie hadn’t accompanied them.

The other customers, likely friends of the customer from behind the curtain, rushed up to the other mare and gushed over the dress she was wearing. The pony wearing the dress gave a twirl, giggling back at them, and the whole group began making their way to the front counter.

“Spin my spindles,” called the tall pony with a smile, “Fluttershy. I wasn’t expecting you so soon.”

Fluttershy startled back slightly at the sudden greeting but waved at the stranger.

“Your dress is ready for tonight. Go on in back if you’d like to see it,” the tall pony finished, continuing with the group’s move to the counter.

Fluttershy looked up to the second floor to see Rarity watching the happy customers with a gleeful smile. She gave Fluttershy a nod.

Turning back to the counter to see the group talking excitedly about a dance while paying for the gown, Fluttershy meekly worked her way around them, past the “Employees Only” sign, and through a door to a back room.

Huddled up front were dresses not currently on display, possibly overstock or designs for customers to request them by name, with completed orders along a side wall. Labels with dream signs or "cutie marks" indicated the pony they were meant for.

Not seeing any ponies inside, nor her own triple butterfly sign, Fluttershy continued.

Behind the completed dresses were office, and other supplies necessary for running a business as well as a workshop with dresses still being worked on, dress-making supplies, and design boards for when inspiration struck away from home.

Then, worn over a … “poneighquin” was a gorgeous tan gown. The poneighquin had a butterfly sign against its stand indicating it was made for her pony counterpart. The dress was a much darker shade than she normally wore and very earthy, adorned in flowers and vine-like ribbons. Around the head of the poneighquin was a headband of more flowers. Accessories sat on a shelf nearby consisting of shoes, stockings, and a butterfly-shaped clip.

The dress was Spring personified—ponsonified?—it even smelled like a gentle Spring breeze.

She walked up to it, noticing a large mirror as she got there. She watched herself through it, the first time really getting a good look at her pony form. The reflections in Twi’s palace and various windows gave an idea earlier, but the room the mirror portal was in was too dark at the time to give her such detail. In contrast, pony Rarity’s workroom had plenty of windows to light up the space. She looked herself over, turning around and fluttering her wings, then stood next to the dress and imagined wearing it. She was so tempted to try it on, but it was meant for a different Fluttershy, and getting it on could take her hours given her lack of coordination with her alien body. And she didn’t want to risk damaging it.

A door opened and closed upstairs pulling Fluttershy’s attention upward to see Rarity greeting her on her way down the steps. “Fluttershy, you found your dress!”

“It’s gorgeous, Rarity. I really want to try it on, but I shouldn’t”

“Whyever not, darling?”

“Well, the time—“

“Oh, not to worry, I can help you get it on faster.”

“But,” Fluttershy began to protest as Rarity lit her horn and placed the flower headband over her mane. “Oh, thank you, but I meant there are other things we should be doing, and—wait, when did you change your dress?”

She paused, finally getting a good look at Rarity, not in the three colored gown she had been wearing since they all had returned to Twi’s palace, but a new, mostly dark-red dress of earthen tones.

Rarity giggled sheepishly, taking a moment to give a twirl to show off her dress, “I admit I couldn’t help myself. As for ‘other things’, I am well aware Twilight gave us tasks to complete, but it’s hardly like we can’t spend a few minutes making sure we look fabulous doing them.”

“Well, I suppose,” Fluttershy relented, smiling at pony Fluttershy’s dress a moment before looking up in surprise. “What do you mean by ‘Twilight gave us tasks’? We all agreed we would come here.”

“Of course we did, darling. But it was Twilight who assigned tasks as usual.”

Fluttershy mulled that over a bit. “Some of them, but I thought—“

“Poor Spikey-Wikey having to write out all those long checklists. I’ve just about finished mine, but I hope the others are all right. Twilight and Spike in particular had a terribly long list. I was planning to check on them soon. How are you doing on yours?”

With a gasp, Fluttershy’s eyes went wide. “You’re Rarity!”

Rarity gave her a lopsided expression. “Of course I am.”

“I mean you’re pony Rarity!”

“What else would I be?”

“We’ve been looking all over for you!”

“I’ve been right here. Are you feeling alright?”

“Oh, I’m sorry,” Fluttershy blushed. “I should introduce myself.”

“I should hardly think that’s necessary. We’ve known each other for years. You’re one of my most dearest friends.”

“Aww.” The admission gave Fluttershy a deeper blush and a sudden rush of shyness.

Seeing this, Rarity stepped forward and gave her a hug. “You must be getting anxious over the events this week. But you mustn't worry, dear. I’m sure everything will turn out wonderfully.”

Fluttershy leaned into the warm hug, closing her eyes. Not the first time she’d ever hugged a pony, but it was her first hug as a pony. Squeezing Rainbow Dash into her chest while collapsed on top of Applejack after jumping out of a hospital window didn’t count.

A gentle breeze passed over them and she opened her eyes, looking over Rarity.


At least twenty birds were sitting on the window sills along the wall.

All those tiny eyes were on her.

But that wasn’t the worst part.

Two of the windows were open.

And there were no screens.

“Um, R-Rarity?”

“What is it, darling?”

“Do you have a back door?”

Rarity pulled back, giving Fluttershy a concerned look and pointed a hoof. “Yes, it’s back around the staircase. Leads under the archway.”

Fluttershy took notice that Rarity’s hoof was pointing well away from the direction of the birds and thanked her politely.

Rarity noticed Fluttershy was looking past her and turned around. “Oh, it’s your choir! Hello Tweety,” she waved at a small canary. “Are you still practicing?”

The bird chirped and Rarity turned to Fluttershy for a translation only to find her gone and the flower headband fluttering to the floor.

She blinked. “Was that a yes?”



Rarity watched the tall, blue pony ring up the price for the gown the customer was wearing while they continued their conversation. The customer decided the dress was too beautiful to take off so soon and ended up wearing it home. After she received a box of dress-care supplies large enough to pack the dress into for later storage, she and her friends turned for the main entrance.

With the group leaving, Rarity smiled to herself, enjoying the bright, joyful faces of that customer and her friends. That’s what she loved so much about her work. Making that special gown for each customer to adore, that moment where her hard work became all worthwhile just made her heart soar every time, even, apparently, when it was a dress designed by another Rarity. Although that dress was quite similar to one of her own designs still just on paper.

She leaned over the rail of the second floor dreaming of the day she owned her own boutique instead of just managing a small collection in a strip mall outlet. Maybe even a chain of three boutiques. Two of them in cities! Perhaps pony Rarity would visit her next time!

The thought made her squeal quietly, but not quietly enough for pony Rarity’s employee to not hear her.

“Rarity!” she called in a posh, chiding voice. “Sneaking away to watch the customers again? How will you ever get your work done?”

Taken aback, Rarity stopped and cringed. “Uh ….”

Before she could follow up on that thesis, the employee began laughing, her features softening to a smile. “I swear you rush out here near every time you hear the bell.”

“Um ….” Despite the new joviality of the employee, Rarity’s second draft didn’t get much further. “I was just checking if the others had shown up,” she finally managed, beginning to pad down the stairs.

“Others? Your friends from Ponyville?”

“Yes, yes, um …,” Rarity confirmed but trailed off, not knowing the employee’s name, “darling.”

The employee adopted a sly expression. “Any friend in particular? One with a hat, perhaps?”

Something in the employee’s voice grabbed Rarity’s attention and she looked up, only to stumble off the final stair and into a dress on display, knocking it over.

“Oh dear,” Rarity gasped, quickly catching parts of the dress in her magic. The rest tumbled to the floor for her to add to her magical grasp a moment later.

“Oh?” the employee cooed, her smirk deepening. “Let’s see; which of your friends wears a hat all the time?”

“Applejack?” supplied Rarity, straightening up the fallen dress.

“That’s her!”

“Has she been in?” Rarity queried while attending to the fine details of the dress’s arrangements.

“Well, I haven’t seen her since this morning, but she’s bound to turn up again eventually.”

Rarity brightened at that, beginning to approach the counter again. “She’ll be here soon then?”

The employee’s response was a brighter, sly smile and a raised eyebrow.

“Why are you looking at me like that?” Rarity asked.

“Oh,” the employee giggled. “No reason. Except you seem to enjoy when she visits you at work.”

“Of course. I always enjoy seeing my friends—“ Rarity paused. “Wait, you don’t think …? She and I?” She giggled, “Oh, no, darling. We—“

She stepped forward again and heard a crash behind her. Another dress lay on the floor, knocked over by the first one still in her magic’s grasp. “Oh no, no.”

She then grabbed the second dress and its accessories, straightened them back out, but they followed her when she went to put the first dress back in its place.

With the first dress down again, she turned to see the second dress right in front of her. With the first dress having swung around as she did, now hovering next to the second.

“Feathers and frocks, Rarity,” the employee giggled in a victorious tone. “You don’t say.”

“I assure you this has nothing to do with my feelings for Applejack!” A moment of thought later, a blush grew on Rarity’s cheeks and she added, “Of friendship!”

Both dresses now back on the ground and arranged to perfection, Rarity continued. “Applejack and I are just friends. Wonderfully so. But that is all.”

To give her statement finality, Rarity nodded and both dresses nodded with her, coming out of their careful alignment. She looked to the dresses, then to the employee, then back to the dresses. Each time, the dresses moved slightly with her head. She grumbled, realigning and perfecting the dresses again, all the while the employee watched with a satisfied smile.

For the third time, the dresses were perfect. Now all she had to do was get her magic to let go of them.

But that employee was watching. Rarity considered that and what might happen if the employee saw her tweak her horn to let go. Was it okay to let this pony know she wasn’t the Rarity she expected?

While pondering this, the front door opened and a familiar pony in a familiar hat trotted in.

“Rarity, good. Ah was hoping Ah’d find you here.” Turning to the employee for a moment, she tipped her hat politely. “Howdy, ma’am.”

“ ‘Howdy’,” the employee returned in her own accent, grin spreading as the scene unfolded in front of her.

Rarity had snapped her head over to the doors as they opened, jiggling the two dresses again. “Applejack!” she called, flicking her eyes between her, the dresses, and the employee without turning her head so as to not jostle the dresses more. “How are you? Weren’t you going to the castle?”

“Ah was, Rares, but Ah got split up from Dash. Ended up finding my way here looking for her.”

“Oh you did, did you?” the employee smirked.

“Well,” Rarity stalled, “perhaps Rainbow is at the castle?”

“That’s what Ah’m hoping. Ah’m heading there next, just wanted to check in with you, see how you’re doing.”

“Of course you did,” the employee gleed. “You’re such a good friend to Rarity.”

Rarity blushed deeper, flicking her eyes toward the employee again. “I’m fine here, da—pplejack.,” she cleared her throat before remembering the whole reason for being in the pony world to begin with. “Have you found Twilight?”

“ ‘Fraid not, Rare. Saw Pinkie for a mite, but, well, she’s Pinkie so it didn’t last long.”

“Ah, a pity,” Rarity sighed.

“Well then,” Applejack straightened her hat, “Ah’m off for the castle. See y’alls later, Rares, Sassy.”

Applejack nodded at the both of them, turned, and exited at a gallop.

Mentally sighing, it was a quick moment before Rarity considered something. “ ‘Sassy’?”

“Yes?” answered the employee.

Rarity did a double-take, the glowing dresses shifting behind her. “Your name?”

“What about it?” asked a confused Sassy.

“How does Applejack know …?”

“Well, I would hope she knows my name by now. She ‘checked in’ often enough yesterday.” Sassy let her smirk double. “Unless you think that she’s always so focused on you that she never remembers it.”

Rarity’s jaw dropped. “That was—pony!” She rushed forward, the dresses clattering in her wake alerting her to: stop, place them down, flick her horn hard enough for it to twang audibly and give her a second of double-vision, and rush for the door again.

Sassy winced at the display, sucking air in between her teeth and putting a hoof to her own horn in sympathy.

“Applejack!” Rarity called from the steps outside her boutique. She searched but could not find any trace of her. She did, however, see the castle in the distance, and a street heading off in that direction.

She bounded forward again, got a few gallops past the stairs, and gasped. “Fluttershy!”

Rarity then quickly turned and rushed back in, rounding the counter and into the back room. “Fluttershy?”

Seeing only (fabulous) dresses and supplies, she ventured further, calling her friend’s name until she reached a rear exit. She opened it and called again.

With no sign of Fluttershy, Rarity galloped back to Sassy. “Are there any other exits besides the front and back?”

Taken aback, Sassy hesitated, “Oh! What? No, just the two. Although a pegasus could fly out a window, I suppose.”

“Thank you!” Rarity called, rushing back out through the workroom and rear exit.

In the quiet following Rarity’s departure, Sassy stared at the door to the workroom for a moment before going to the accosted dresses and finally arranging them back to perfection. “Poor dears. The event planning must be getting to them after all.”

Rarity’s voice called from the second floor. “Sassy?”

Sassy looked up to the railing and blinked. There stood Rarity, perfectly composed and wearing a completely different dress than she had a moment before. “Instant dressing is one thing, but teleporting too?” Sassy muttered to herself.

“What was all that yelling about?” Rarity asked.



“And then one of the maids loved her new style so much she asked The Princess about getting a royal manedresser for quicker touch-ups whenever important ponies visit,” Zephyr explained to a near catatonic Rainbow Dash, sitting on the ground with her head against the wall.

“That’s great, Zeph,” Rainbow droned through clenched teeth. “So happy to hear it.”

“I haven’t done much with the princesses themselves. Having flowing manes like theirs means they have their own, personal dressers, but I work with many of the staff, and the guards of course need work with all that awful helmet damage! Everypony wants a piece of that magic Breeze!”

“Uh, huh.”

“Of course they tell me that everypony who works in the castle needs to have some kind of rudimentary guard training in the event of an emergency. I’ll be fitted for armor in a few weeks or so. I bet I’ll be the talk of the town. A magnet for the mares.”

An odd sort of strangled sound emerged from Rainbow.

“Aw, Rainbows, Don’t be jealous. You know you’ll always be my only one.”

The sound intensified.

A trio of guards and a pony in a Wonderbolts’ uniform watched the pair from across the courtyard.

“She doesn’t look particularly tired,” a ranking officer commented while observing through binoculars. “Everypony looks like that after listening to Zephyr for ten minutes. If he wasn’t so good at mane therapy …” He paused to give his flowing locks a quick caress. “I'd have had him thrown out a month ago.”

“Sir,” said another guard, “he hasn’t been here a month yet.”

“Preemptive strike,” he answered. “Let me see her signature again.”

The officer continued after looking over the logbook. “And you said she used her hooves to write this?”

“Yes, sir. Surprised me too. Just squeezed them together with the pencil in between, barely had any grip on it. And she used her wings to keep rearing back rather than just hovering. Didn’t even seem to remember that she hadn’t been at the castle yet today.”

“For the latter, maybe she blocked Zephyr from her mind; I try the same every day. Boy still hasn't noticed we use earplugs when he works on us. For the former, perhaps she kept her hind legs on the floor for stability?”

“This is Rainbow Dash, sir,” said the Wonderbolt. “I wouldn’t be surprised if she could write an essay while hovering upside down in a wind tunnel. Well, not an essay. Daring Do fanfiction though—You get the idea.”

“Writing with her hooves?”

“Of course not. With her mouth, like any sane pegasus.”

The officer put down the binoculars, passing them to a guard. “Have her watched for now. And let me know if any of the other Harmony Bearers are acting strange. Take direct action if you need to. Could be nothing, but we don’t want to take risks with the ambassadors here.”

“Yes sir!” the guards saluted.

“Should I inform the other Wonderbolts, sir?” asked the Wonderbolt.

“Might be a good idea,” the officer replied. “We need to get to the bottom of this.”



Fluttershy took a breath and looked around.

The area out the back door for the Canterlot Carousel was under an archway acting as a shaded underpass, or covered alley, for several neighboring buildings. Being completely covered on top meant that there was good security from the mysterious birds. However, with Rarity’s boutique being at the head of the resulting alley, they’d see her if she stayed in place.

So, she galloped down the alley, passing doors for several other shops, till she rounded a bend and stopped shortly later to consider her situation.

“A-are they still following me? Why won’t they say anything? They just keep to themselves and stare! I didn’t recognize any of those birds from Ponyville, but there were a lot of them, I may have missed a few in the trees. Did a bird from Ponyville tell them I wasn’t the Fluttershy they know? Are they hiding torches somewhere?

“I knew it! I’ve frightened the Ponyville animals so much they’ve sent out messengers! Are all the animals in Canterlot in on it?” Fluttershy looked around, eyeing every shadow. “They could be anywhere.”


“Eek!” Fluttershy shrieked, launching into another gallop away from a black and white cat, as well as the boutique. "I don't have any tuna!"

Behind her, the cat watched, puzzled as a door opened. An elderly mare gestured at the cat with an umbrella in her magic. “Sylvester! Knock it off.”

Around another bend and stopping short of the end of the covered alley, Fluttershy looked back the way she came. “What do I do? How do I find pony Fluttershy if I have to hide from all the animals?”

She looked back and slapped a wing over her face. “I was just in a clothing boutique! I could have made a disguise with Rarity’s help!” She gasped. “Rarity! I found pony Rarity! But I can’t get back in now! The windows are open for the birds and that cat was so impolite.

“I’ll have to try to get to the castle! Pony Fluttershy wasn’t here, maybe she’ll be there. Or someone will know how to find—“

“Fluttershy!” came a yell.

Startled, Fluttershy looked up and was immediately tackled by a blur of speeding pink.

Flat on her back and covered with a pony-colored pink—she shook her head—a pink-shaped pony—that wasn’t much better but it begged an obvious question, “Pinkie?”

“Fluttershy! Emergency!”

“What?!” Fluttershy opened her eyes wide as Pinkie got off her. “What’s wrong?”

“I found a Pinkie pony!!”

“That’s great!” Fluttershy cheered. “Where is she?”

“Um,” Pinkie helped Fluttershy up. “I don’t know anymore.”

“Why not?”

“Running and screaming!”

“What? Who was running and screaming?”


“From what?”

“Each other!”

“You ran away from each other? Why—wait! Which Pinkie are you?”

“The Pinkie who needs to find the other Pinkie!”

“That doesn’t—do you know Sunset Shimmer?”

“Of course! Who doesn’t?”

“Oh, right. Not like she hasn't been here before. Um, but you know about the portal in Twilight’s palace, right?”

“Yep! But now we need to track a Pinkie before we lose her trail, and Pinkies are very good at hiding their trails! I should know, I am one!”

With that, Pinkie scooped Fluttershy onto her back with a deft neck movement and began galloping off.

“Eeekkk! Pinkie!” Fluttershy shrieked out a louder than usual squeak while holding onto a large helping of cotton candy mane. “I’m still n-not sure w-which Pinkie you a-are. Have you been to Sunset’s world?”


Fluttershy thought a moment, as difficult as that was while being rattled around on top of an excited Pinkie, and realized that “Sunset’s world” wasn’t really easy to define anymore. “W-what I m-mean is have y-you been t-through the p-portal?”


“So-o, you’re m-my Pi-inkie?”

“Of course!”

“Okay! So-o-o w-where are w-we going-g?”

“The castle! The other Pinkie ran kinda in that direction, and it’ll be easier to catch her with you helping!”

Fluttershy—carefully—looked back, seeing the receding group of buildings Rarity’s boutique was a part of. She decided that the Rarities should be alright. Pony Rarity’s boutique wasn’t a particularly large building; they’d find each other. Going to the castle was the best thing to do.

Things would be fine there.



Sassy Saddles looked blankly up at her employer. “Zoots and zippers, Rarity. Weren’t you just down here?”

“What do you mean, darling?” Rarity answered, starting down the stairs. “I’ve been working on dresses, costumes, decorations, the exhibit all morning. I’ve been on the floor only a few times today.”

“But you were just talking with Applejack.”

“Applejack was here? She’s not having trouble is she?”

“You don’t remember talking with her?”

“I was in the back with Fluttershy just now. Poor dear suddenly rushed off. Her choir birds seemed so confused. I wish I could understand them.” Rarity raised a crumpled piece of paper in her magic. “Tweety gave me this note, but I’m afraid I can’t read most of it.” Smoothing the paper revealed it had multiple holes cut into it. “I believe he needs a hooficure, or clawicure. Or perhaps he got into another fight with that despicable pussycat next door.”

Now on the first floor, Rarity glanced at two of the dresses on display and adjusted them slightly before turning to Sassy. “It’s in Fluttershy’s writing, which is odd considering Fluttershy was with me when Tweety presented it, and seems to mention that she was excited about something. Another pony I believe.”

Sassy, still confused about the whole ordeal, just nodded. “I see.”

While the two of them looked more closely at the note, the front door opened. Rarity didn’t miss a beat, “Welcome to the Canterlot Carousel, where everything is—Oh! Applejack! Come in, dear.”

Applejack smiled at her from the doorway and walked the rest of the way in. “Rarity, good. Ah was hoping Ah’d find you here.” Turning to Sassy for a moment, she tipped her hat politely. “Howdy, ma’am.”

Giving her a surprised look, Sassy replied, “ ‘Howdy’ again, Applejack.” At Applejack’s double-take, she opened her mouth to speak further but was cut off by Rarity.

“Is everything alright?” Rarity asked. “Weren’t you going to the castle about now?”

“Ah was, Rares, but, uh …,” Applejack paused, taking in Rarity’s earth-toned dress. “New dress?”

“It is!” Rarity gave a spin. “Do you like it?”

“Uh, Ah, yes, yes. Looks right swell on you,” Applejack answered, covering her cheeks by looking to the side and raising a hoof to her hat.

“Why, thank you, darling. Now, about the castle?”

“Oh,” Applejack snapped back to attention. “Ah got split up from Dash. Ended up finding my way here looking for her. Lot of them streets are curved all strange.”

Sassy gave that a lopsided look. “Really,” she deadpanned.

“Well,” Rarity considered, “perhaps Rainbow is at the castle?”

“Well, Ah’m …,” Applejack trailed off again, giving Rarity a closer look. “Did you make that dress yourself?”

“Of course I did.”

“You made that dress today?”

“Well, just the final touches. I mostly finished it yesterday.”

Yesterday!? You made that dress, yourself, here yesterday?”

“Yes, dear. Whatever is the matter?”

Applejack smiled brightly and was about to say something when she stopped and quickly glanced at the other pony in the room. “Uh … nothing’s wrong, Ah, well, Ah was heading to the castle next, just wanted to check in with you, see how you’re doing.”

“Oh come now, Applejack,” Sassy piped up. “Now you’re not even trying to hide it.”

Applejack and Rarity both turned to Sassy with confused expressions. “Hide, uh, hide what?” Applejack asked, her eyes flicking to the side.

Sassy looked back at the pair of confused faces and centered on Rarity’s. “We were just talking about it! You were wearing saddlebags and that other dress. I had never seen it before.”

“I’ve been wearing this dress for at least an hour,” Rarity argued.

“But I clearly saw you wearing a new five-layer gown. You had a headdress, stockings, and shoes with it.

Rarity stopped, thinking that over. Applejack watched eagerly. “Was it three colors with sapphires, emeralds, and rubies?”

“I believe so, yes.”

Her eyes going wide in realization, Rarity gasped. “But that’s still unfinished back in—“

“Rarity?” Applejack interrupted. “Think you could come with me to the castle? It’s real important.”

“I thought you were going to look for Rainbow.”

“Yes, but Ah need you for something too. And Ah’d like some time to talk with you.”

Sassy perked up at that, a sudden surprised smile turning sly as she looked to Rarity. “She ‘needs you’, Rarity,” she winked.

Rarity gave both of them curious looks as Sassy herded them toward the front door. Before ushering them outside, Sassy gave Rarity a second wink and a nudge.

Rarity took that blankly for a moment before her eyes widened and a blush grew on her cheeks only to receive another nudge into following Applejack.

Stopping just shy of the door, Sassy watched Rarity and Applejack travel on, noticing how Applejack sighed just before the door closed. “Finally,” she heard her say.

“ ‘Finally’, indeed,” Sassy giggled.

  1. Hooves and pencils don't mix.
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