• Published 14th Nov 2018
  • 3,640 Views, 682 Comments

Yugioh EQG: XX - Banshee531

A year has past since our heroes battle against Sombra. Now, a new threat appears in the form of a tournament. Will our heroes be able to overcome this evil, or is the peace they worked so hard to achieve gone forever?

  • ...

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Turn 5: Harpies and Robots

The final bell of the day singled the end of classes at the Wonderbolts Academy, freeing the students from the imprisonment of studies and allowing them to head off and do their own thing.

Two of those students, Rainbow and Soarin, were walking down a corridor alone. As they turned a corner, Soarin turned to his teammate. "Hey, Rainbow."

"Yeah?" Rainbow asked as she turned to him.

"The other day, you said something about the third member of our team. I was just wondering, who are they and how are you sure they'll want to join us?"

Rainbow smiled back at him, "I'm pretty sure she'll want to join. She's probably bored out of her skull now that her teams season is over."

"Yeah, about that. You said this person was apart of the kick boxing club, but I still don't have any idea who she is."

"She's an old friend of mine from before I came here. We met during the Celestic Cup."

Soarin's eyes went wide at this. "If she was competing in that, she must have been really good."

"She is. Heck, before she was accepted into the academy, she was the leader of the Duel Gang the Black Griffons."

"No way!"

"So way. They've disbanded while she's attending the school, but before they did she managed to seriously turn the group around."

"Wow. To think someone like that comes to this school. She's gotta be really good, so we've gotta get her on our team." Soarin then frowned. "but will she want to be on the same team as me."

Rainbow rolled her eyes, "stop feeling sorry for yourself. You're good, you just lack some experience. And that's something we can work on. Once you're confidant in your skills, we can ask Gilda if she want to join or not."

"Gilda?" Soarin asked, only to realise that must be their hopeful new teammate. "Wait, I've heard of her. She's the best fighter in the kick boxing club. She single handedly carried her team to victory. I'd heard rumours she'd been part of a gang before coming here, but I didn't know it was a Duel Gang. I even heard that she's so scary, not even her own team hangs out with her outside of their clubs."

Rainbow smirked, "she not that bad. Actually, once you get to know her she's a lot of fun to hang with."

"I didn't even know you knew her, let alone being friends with her. How come I've never seen you around her."

"She doesn't like hanging out on school grounds. She said it could kill her street cred. He usually meet in town whenever we decide to do something together. But trust me, Gilda's gonna jump at the chance to Duel in the Double X. She's not the kinda girl that takes things easy, so having to come to school while not getting to kick someones butt in some way's gotta be torture for her." They turned a corner and Rainbow spotted someone that made her smirk, "right on time."

Soarin raised an eyebrow at this before following her gaze, only to go wide eyed when he saw who she was talking to. "S...Shine...Shining Armor!"

The pro-duellist turned to them and smiled. "Hey," he walked over to them, "nice to see you Rainbow." He then turned to Soarin, "this the kid?"

"Yeah," Rainbow nodded before pointing to her teammate, "this is Soarin Skies. He's the guy you'll be Duelling."

"WHAT!?" Soarin yelled in panic before grabbing Rainbow's arm and dragging her around the corner, "wanna tell me what the heck is going on. Why is one of the best Duellists in America here?"

"To Duel," Rainbow told him like it was nothing. "I asked around and he was free, so I asked if he could come and Duel against you. He's the type of Duellist that's gonna probably be our opponent in the Double X, so I thought it would be a great way to help you gain some experience."

Shining stepped around the corner, smiling at the two. "Nice to met you Soarin. So, we doing this or not?" All Soarin could do was release a five second 'errrrr', which made Shining chuckle. "Don't worry, I won't go to hard on you." He then got serious, "but I'm only available today and tomorrow. So we really shouldn't waste any time."

Soarin was still a little star struck by this, but quickly shook his head before turning back to Shining. "I'm ready. Teach me everything you've got to teach."

Both Shining and Rainbow smiled before heading into the classroom she'd booked. The sports fields were all in use, so they would have to settle for a tabletop Duel. Once the two had their decks shuffled and hands drawn, they began their match.

"I Synchro summon!" Shining declared halfway through the match, as he placed a card on the table that showed a warrior in white armour that was carrying a pair of curved single edged swords. "Royal Paladin, Sword Striker!" (A2100/D1800/L6/P5)

"A Synchro Pendulum," Soarin said in amazement.

Shining just smiled as he continued. "Then I'll use the Spell card, Paladin's Mage. This card will destroy your Frontline Base and allow me to add a Spell from my deck to my hand."

Soarin frowned as he moved the card to his discard pile, while Shining shuffled through his deck before pulling out a card.

"Then I'll play this Spell. Paladin's Lance, equipping it to Sword Striker. Card lets him deal you damage, even if your monsters in DEF mode." Soarin's eyes went wide as he looked down to see his Sub Surfer was in DEF mode. "I attack."

Shining: 3700
Soarin: 2200

Soarin moved his monster over to the discard pile while Shining grabbed his deck again. "And whenever Sword Striker deals you damage, his ability lets me summon a monster whose ATK is equal to or less then the damage you took. So now I summon Royal Horn Paladin." He placed a card showing a young knight carrying a trumpet in DEF mode. "I place one card face down and I end my turn." He looked up at the teen. "Remember, Duelling is all about foresight. Don't just think about the cards you have in your hand, but the cards still in the deck. Even if you don't draw them, it's a good idea to try and image how the Duel will play out if you do. And don't lock onto a single stratagy. Try and be flexible."

"Right," Soarin said before reaching for his deck , "I draw." He looked at the card and smiled before placing it on the field. "I summon my Techno Force Jet Jammer, then play Power-Link. This card lets me take the Armoured Assault in my hand and equip it to Jet Jammer. Then, I'll banish these two in order to Union Summon Super Techno Force, Jet Assault." He placed a Fusion card on the field that showed the two banished machines linked together. (A2300/D1500/L6)

"Nice," Shining told him, "but what now?"

"Now, I'll discard one card from my hand to activate Jet Assault's ability and destroy your face down." Shining smiled before grabbing his face down, placing it face up in the graveyard and allowing them to see it was Mirror Force. "And whenever an opponent's card is destroyed by an effect, Jet Assault gains five hundred ATK points. (A2800/D1500/L6) "I attack!"

Shining: 3000
Soarin: 2200

"I end my turn," Soarin said while his monsters ATK returned to normal.

"Not bad," Shining told him as he moved Sword Striker to the Extra Deck. "You've definitely got skill. With enough practise, you could become a Duellist most would fear to face."

Soarin's heart skipped a beat hearing that. "Thank you. It's a real honour hearing you say that."

Shining smiled as he drew his card, "but that doesn't mean you stand a chance against me at this point. I'll start by setting the Pendulum Scale with scale two Royal Paladin Gentleman and scale seven Royal Paladin Tactician."

"Not good," Soarin said as Shining took a card from his Extra Deck and placed it back on the field.

"I Pendulum Summon Sword Striker. Then I'll use Royal Horn Paladin's effect, which lets me tribute him to look at the top five cards of my deck." As he drew his cards, he smiled before taking one out. "Since one of them's a Tuner monster, I can summon it to the field. Come on out, Royal Paladin Apprentice Swordsmen!"

Soarin watched as a card showing a teenage knight carrying a simple looking sword appeared on the field. (A1200/D1200/L4) "Not good."

"Not good is right," Shining said as he grabbed his Extra Deck. "Because now I tune Apprentice Swordsmen with Sword Striker, in order to Synchro summon!" He slapped his card on the table, "Royal Paladin Grand Emperor!"

Soarin grew nervous when he saw Shining's best card, but knew he couldn't let it falter him.

"You ready?" Shining asked, while Soarin gave him a serious look.

"Bring it on."

They continued playing until the sun began to set before Shining announced he had to get home, so the two escorted him to the front of the school. "Well," he told the students, "this was fun. Same time tomorrow?"

"Sure!" Soarin said, the nerves he'd felt earlier now nowhere in sight. "It was a real honour to play you."

Shining nodded with a smile before walking out the door towards where he'd parked. As they watched him leave, Rainbow turned to Soarin. "So, how'd that feel?"

"Awesome!" Soarin turned to her with a massive grin on his face. "Even though it was just one day, I know I've improved a load." He thought for a moment before nodding to himself and looking at her again. "Rainbow, let's ask Gilda to join our team tomorrow."

This statement took Rainbow by surprise. "You're suddenly way more sure of yourself."

"Yeah, I'm as amazed as you are. But if Gilda's as strong as you say, we might not be the only ones wanting her to join their team. And if she's as bored as you make out, then she probably won't refuse. We need to ask her before anyone else gets the chance."

Rainbow thought about that and had to admit he had a point. Plus, if Soarin was gonna be what Gilda would be critiquing before agreeing to join, it would be better to ask her while he's still riding his confidence high. Alright, we'll ask her tomorrow."

"Great!" Soarin yelled.

The next day.

And just as they'd agreed, the next day during lunch the two headed in the direction of the school gym.

As they stepped inside, they were met with the sounds of many different students working out. They walked through the gym, waving at the students they knew, before finally arriving at the area where the punching bags were kept. There they spotted their target, who was currently beating a bag with such ferocity that you would assume it had insulted her mother or something.

Soarin shivered when he saw the bag wheeze under the punishment it was receiving. "Maybe we should do this after school," he suggested.

"She'd still be doing the same thing," Rainbow told him before walking over to Gilda unnoticed. She waited for the girl to finally take a break before announcing herself. "That bag must have seriously pissed you off with how hard your hitting it."

Gilda stopped her next punch before turning around to her, a smirk appearing on her lips. "What are you doing here loser."

"We wanted to talk to you about something important."


Soarin took this moment to step up next to Rainbow. "Hey, I'm Soarin."

"I know who you are," Gilda said before looking back at Rainbow. "So, what's so important you had to come all the way over here?"

"The Double X," Rainbow told her simply. This one thing made Gilda raise an eyebrow, "we want to enter and we need three to form a team. We want you to join us."

Gilda seemed genuinely curious about this, as she moved over to where he bag was and grabbed a bottle out of it. After taking a quick swig of her water, she looked back at the two. "Why me?"

"Because you've got the skills we need to win this thing," Rainbow told her. "And I know you're probably getting bored now that your season's over. So what do you say? You wanna join us on our journey to win the Double X?"

Gilda stared at Rainbow for a moment, then slowly turned to Soarin as she took another drink. The two stared at one another for several seconds, until Gilda finally finished her drink and answered. "Sorry, not interested."

"What!?" Soarin moved over to her as she returned to the bag, "why not. Don't you want to see how well you do against others our age? This is our chance to turn pro if we impress the agencies that'll be there watching."

Gilda turned to him. "I just had to spend several months carry a bunch of weaklings all the way to the finals. I'm in no hurry to do that again."

Soarin frowned at this, having worried something like this would happen. "You won't be carrying us. Rainbow and I'll be pulling our own weight."

"Really?" Gilda leaned in closer to him, giving him a judging look as they're faces were inches from each other. It took all of Soarin's will not to pull away. "What's the best you've done in a Duelling tournament?"

"Well...I've...never actually competed in a tournament before. But-"

"So you want to take on the Double X, one of the hardest tournaments ever, even though you've never actually Duelled in another contest before?"


Gilda just shook her head before grabbing her gym bag and heading to the door, "no thanks. I'd rather not have to save your but."

"Hang on," Gilda stopped and turned to Rainbow. "I know Soarin might not have a lot of experience, but he's really good. He almost beat me after all."

"Rainbow," Soarin rubbed the back of his neck in embarrassment.

"Just think about it. We're meeting later on the soccer field for some training. Feel free to head over their if you change your mind. Shining Armor will be there." Gilda didn't say anything, only turning away and walking out of the room.

Soarin sighed, "that didn't go as well as we'd hoped."

Rainbow smirked as she patted the boy on the shoulder, "don't sweat it. She might not look it, but she's interested. We just need to peak her interest."

When school once again ended, Soarin and Rainbow began to make their way to the field.

None of the teams were using it today, so it was free for them to Duel on. Rainbow was still confidant that Gilda was gonna be joining their team, but Soarin wasn't so sure. Maybe it would be best if he stepped down and the two of them find another Wonderbolt to join.

As they stepped out of the building, Soarin turned to her. "Rainbow, listen-"

"I knew she'd be here," Rainbow interrupted. Soarin turned in her direction and saw Gilda sitting on the bleachers besides the field.

"No way." He started running in her direction, the girl looking up at him when she heard his footsteps. "Does this mean you're gonna join. Oh, please say you are."

Gilda just rolled her eyes before picking herself up and turning to Rainbow. "I admit, entering the Double X does seem fun, but I stand by what I said earlier." She pointed to Soarin, "I don't wanna be part of a weak team. So here's how it's gonna work. Me and this loser our gonna Duel and if, by some miracle, he beats me, I'll join."

Soarin's eyes went wide, "you wanna Duel me?"

"You know it loser. And you'd better not hold back. I wanna see everything you've got in that deck of yours." She pulled out her Duel Disk and moved over to the far side of the field, while Soarin turned to Rainbow.

"I'm not sure I can do this."

Rainbow just smiled at him, "you've got this. Just remember everything you learned from Shining."

Soarin nodded before turning to Gilda, knowing this was his only hope of getting a team for the Double X. "I guess it's now or never." He pulled out his own Duel Disk and attached it to his arm before walking over to stand opposite Gilda.


Soarin: 4000
Gilda: 4000

Gilda gave Soarin a glare. "You can take the first turn loser."

"Alright then," Soarin reached for his deck. "I draw." He looked the cards over and nodded. "I'll start by summoning my Techno Force Sub Surfer, in DEF mode." The blue submarine appeared on Soarin's side of the field. (A1200/D1500/L4) "Next, I'll activate the Continuous Spell card Frontline Base. This card lets me summon a Union Monster to the field, like my Techno Force Armored Assault!" The yellow armed security vehicle appeared besides the sub. (A500/D2000/L4)

Gilda didn't look impressed, "that all you got."

"Far from it," Soarin replied as his two machines revved their engines. "I'm now combining my Armored Assault with my Sub Surfer." The submarine flew through the air like it was water before coming down to link onto the top of Armored Assault, increasing the two's power. (A1700/D2000/L4) "I'll place one card face down and end my turn."

Rainbow nodded while watching from the bleachers. "Looks like I'm just in time." She looked around to see Shining walking up to her. "So," he nodded at Gilda, "that's your hopeful third teammate?"

"Yeah," Rainbow replied, "but she'll only join if Soarin can impress her."

"I see. Well by the looks of that opening, he's off to a strong start."

"Maybe," Rainbow turned back to the field, "but Gilda's no slouch."

"It's my turn," Gilda reached for her deck. "I draw!" She looked at the card she'd drawn and smiled, "get ready loser." Soarin didn't like the sound of that. "First, I'll ditch my Harpie Queen to the graveyard to activate her ability," Her deck shuffled before slotting out a card, which Gilda took out. "Hope you're ready, because your about to enter...the Harpie's Hunting Ground!" She placed a card into her Duel Disk and suddenly, the ground around them began to change. The grass of the field was replaced by hard stone, while mountains began to grow out of the ground.

Soarin looked around, wondering what this place would do.

"Here in the Harpie's Hunting Ground, any Winged-Beast monster gains two hundred ATK and DEF points." Gilda took a card from her hand, "like my Cyber Harpie Lady for example." Seconds later, a tornado exploded infront of her. It then faded to reveal a woman that looked like Harpie Lady, but had metal armouring around her chest, waist and upper arms. She was also carrying a long electric whip. (A1800/1300/L4) An aura flew out of the ground into Cyber Harpie Lady, boosting her power. (A2000/D1500/L4) "And that's not all."

"There's more?" Soarin asked.

"Lots more," Gilda pointed at him. "Whenever a Harpie Lady monster is summoned, I can destroy one Spell or Trap on the field. And guess what your Armored Assault is while equipped to Sub Surfer."

Soarin's eyes went wide as he watched Cyber Harpie Lady leap into the air, then cracked her whip to strike his machine and destroy it. And without the equipment, Sub Surfer's power returned to normal. (A1200/D1500/L4)

"Now attack!" Gilda's monster once again cracked its whip at Sub Surfer.

"I activate my Trap," his face down flipped up. "Roll Out. This card lets me take a Union Monster out of my graveyard and equip it to a compatible monster. So welcome back, Armored Assault!" The tank reappeared on the field and recombined with Sub Surfer, increasing their defence power to match Cyber Harpie Lady's. (A1700/D2000/L4)

Cyber Harpie Lady's whip struck the combo monster, but bounced off without issue. Gilda frowned at this, "I'll place one card face down and end my turn."

"Then it's my turn," Soarin drew his card and smiled when he saw what it was. "I'll start by playing my Magical Mallet, which let's me place the other three cards into my deck, shuffle it and draw the same number of cards to my hand." He did so, smiling when he saw what he got. "I'll now set the Pendulum Scale, with scale two Techno Support MAZ-Six-Three-Seventeen and scale eight Techno Support B-One!"

Two pillars of light appeared besides him, with a pair of vehicles flying into them. Alongside the truck, a standard looking tank appeared. Once the two were high enough, a portal appeared between them. "Now watch, as I cut through space time and carve the arc of victory!" The portal opened, "I PENDULUM SUMMON!"

A single light shot out of the portal and struck the ground, fading to reveal his monsters. "Techno Force Jet Jammer!" (A1800/D1000/L4)

Rainbow and Shining both smiled, knowing what having those three on the field would do.

"Now watch as I banish all three of my monsters, to Union Summon!" The trio shot into the air, Jet Jammer linking onto the top of Sub Surfer before the three began to transform into the giant robot. "Mega Techno Force, Attack Convoy!" (A2800/D2600/L8)

Gilda looked up at the giant robot with a smirk. "Alright, I guess you're not a total wimp."

"Thanks," Soarin replied, "I think." He pointed at Cyber Harpie Lady, "attack!" The robot launched its missiles into the air before they arched down to strike Cyber Harpie Lady, destroying her and sending Gilda flying back.

Soarin: 4000
Gilda: 3200

"There's more. When Attack Convoy destroys a monster, it deals you three hundred points of damage for each of its Level stars. Since yours was Level four, that's twelve hundred points."

Gilda, who had jumped back onto her feet, watched as the robot aimed its cannons at her. She then smiled, "I activate my Trap!" He face down flipped up, "Harpie's Guardian! This card activates whenever I'm about to take effect damage. Its cancels out the damage and then lets me summon a Harpie monster whose ATK is the same or less then the damage I would have taken."

As Attack Convoy fired, a tornado appeared infront of Gilda to block them. It then exploded to reveal a monster similar to Harpie Lady, only it was blonde with white wings. "Harpie Dancer!" (A1200/D1000/L4) "And with this card's arrival, another of your Spell and Trap cards are destroyed."

Soarin watched as his Frontline Base was destroyed. "That activated B-One's Pendulum Effect. When a card is destroyed by a card effect, I can destroy one card on your field that's the same as the one destroyed. Since Frontline Base was a Spell card, I can destroy one of your Spells. And I know the perfect one. Your Harpie's Hunting Ground." The tank aimed its barrel at the ground and fired a laser, which hit the ground and caused the Field Spell to disappear. As the field returned to normal, Soarin went to his deck. B-One has another effect. When its first effect is activated, I draw a card for each card destroyed." He drew two cards, "I end my turn."

"It's my turn," Gilda went to her deck. "I draw and summon Birdface to the field." A creature appeared on the field that looked like the cross between a man, a robot and a bird. It had a metal body and arms, human legs and a bird's head and wings. (A1600/D1600/L4)

"Two level fours," Rainbow realised what she was up to. "This is bad for Soarin."

"And now," Gilda's monster glowed before turning into lights, which flew up and then down. "I'll use these two monsters to build the Overlay Network!" A black hole opened up, the lights shooting inside. "Mighty winds of battle, ever changing and ever unpredictable, blow onto this battle field!" The black hole exploded, "I XYZ SUMMON!"

The light faded to reveal Gilda's new monster. It was a Harpie Lady, wearing purple armour and a purple mask covering its mouth. Its light blue hair was short and styled to look like a pair of wings, while its wings feathers the light brown. Around its neck was a long black scarf, while two green lights flew around it. "Harpie Lady Zephyr!" (A2100/D2300/R4/P3)

Soarin was amazed by this new monster. "Another Pendulum Xyz monster."

"I activate Zephyr's ability!" Gilda removed a card from her grave before her monster crushed one of its Overlay Units in its talons. "By removing an Overlay Unit, she can revive a Wind monster in my graveyard and summon it to the field in DEF mode." Zephyr flapped its wings and created a tornado, Cyber Harpie Lady appearing from it and taking a defensive stance. (A1800/1300/L4) "And it doesn't stop there. Zephyr's ATK points also increase by half the ATK of the monster she summons. (A3000/D2300/R4/P3) "Attack!"

Zephyr flew through the air before slashing its talons into Attack Convoy, destroying it. Soarin held his arms up in defence as the pieces on his monster fell around him

Soarin: 3800
Gilda: 3200

"It doesn't stop there," Gilda then told him. "Because when she destroys a monster, Zephyr's other ability deals you seven hundred points of damage for every other Wind monster on the field." Zephyr flapped its wings, creating a gust of wind that knocked Soarin off his feet.

Soarin: 3100
Gilda: 3200

"I'll place one card face down and end my turn there," Gild said. Her monster's ATK returned to normal. (A2100/D2300/R4/P3)

Soarin slowly picked himself up, his legs still shaking from the wind. "It's my turn. I draw!" He saw what he had gotten and smiled, as his Pendulum Monster reformed the portal. "I PENDULUM SUMMON!"

The portal opened and two lights shot out. The first became a green Boeing AH-64 Apache helicopter, "Techno Force Rush Rotor!" (A1700/D1400/L4)

The second light became black M1 Abrams tank, "and Techno Force Tank Trasher!" (A1600/D1200/L4)

"What are those two suppose to do?" Gilda asked. "Neither of the junk heaps can hurt my Harpie Lady."

"Maybe not on their own," Soarin replied with a smile before pointing to the sky. "But if I bring them together!" Gilda's eyes went wide, realising what he was planning. "I banish Rush Rotor and Tank Trasher, in order to Union Summon!"

The two machines shot into the air before beginning to transform. The helicopter's rotor detached while the tail split in half to form a pair of legs, with the rest of the body reshaping into a waist like shape. The tank's caterpillar treads folded out, now attached to the rest by a single spinning joint. The rear of the tank connected to the robotic waist and legs, giving it a humanoid look. Part of the front folded forwards, revealing a human head while the helicopter's rotor attached to the left caterpillar track. "Mega Techno Force, Defence Convoy!" (A2100/D1800/L6)

The three all stared up at Soarin's monster, amazed by it. "Not bad Soarin," Rainbow said.

Gilda, finally getting over to robot's appearance, just huffed. "So what. It's ATK is the same as Zephyr's. If they attack, you'll just be leaving yourself wide open."

"Except I'm not attacking her," Soarin pointed to Gilda's Cyber Harpie Lady. "I'm attacking her!" The cannon on Defence Convoy's back extended before the barrel folded over its shoulder, energy beginning to build up within until it eventually fired. The blast struck Gilda's monster, causing an explosion which knocked the girl flying.

Soarin: 3100
Gilda: 2500

Gilda moaned, "hey. How come I took damage? My monster was in defence mode."

Soarin smirked as he held up the one card in his hand. "Since I have less card in my hand then you, Defence Convoy can inflict piecing damage. Anyway, I'll end my turn there."

"Then I'll go," Gilda drew her card. "And now, I'll set the Pendulum Scale with Scale one Harpie Crone and Scale seven Harpie Child."

The pillars of light appeared on either side of her before of Harpies flew into them. The first was a haggard elderly looking harpy with greying hair and wings, while the others was a young harpy of around four or five. Once high enough, the two unleashed beams of light which connected to open a portal. "Now watch loser, as I cut through space time and carve the arc of victory!" Gilda smirked as the portal opened, "I PENDULUM SUMMON!"

The portal opened as a single light shot out and struck the ground, exploding and taking form into a Harpy with crimson hair and wings of red and gold that ignited upon entry. "Harpie Lady Phoenix!" (A1500/D1200/L4/P4)

"Next, I active Zephyr's ability!" The Pendulum Xyz Monster crushed its last Overlay Unit as a tornado appeared to reveal Cyber Harpie Lady, with Zephyr gaining halve it's ATK power. (A3000/D2300/R4/P3) "Now attack!" The Harpie Lady took off and flew at Defence Convoy, but Soarin wasn't scared.

"I activate one of Defence Convoy's abilities!" He declared. "These abilities can be activated by discarding cards. If I discard two cards, your monster is switched to DEF mode. But since I only have one card in my hand, I'll settle for the ability which lets me negate your attack." He discarded his card, as Defence Convoy held up the rotor on its arm before it started spinning.

This created a shield of wind, which stopped Zephyr in its tracks.

Gilda growled, "I'll end my turn." Zephyr's power returned to normal. (A2100/D2300/R4/P3)

"Then it's my turn," Soarin went to his deck, "I draw!" He saw the card he'd gotten and his eyes went wide, "perfect." He turned back to Gilda. "I summon, Techno Support M-Six!" A cream coloured chaborz attack buggy appeared. (A500/D500/L2/P9) "And here the thing, he can equip himself to any level five or above Techno Force Monster and increase it's attack power." The buggy flew into the air before equipping to Defence Convoy's other arm. (A2400/D2100/L6)

"Not good," Gilda gulped.

"Now," Soarin pointed at them, "attack Cyber Harpie Lady!" The robot pointed its buggy arm at Gilda's monster before the cannon atop it fired, destroying it. "There's more. When a monster equipped with M-Six destroys a monster, he can attack another monster." Gilda's eyes went wide as Defence Convoy targeted Harpie Lady Phoenix and fired, destroying it.

Soarin: 3100
Gilda: 1400

Soarin: 3100
Gilda: 500

Defence Convoy then targeted Zephyr and fired, destroying it with a force that sent Gilda flying.

Soarin: 3100
Gilda: 200

"I end my turn," Soarin finished. He watched as Gilda slowly picked herself up, looking slightly winded as she did. "You okay."

"I'm fine," she then smiled at him. "I gotta admit, you really ain't half bad. To push me this hard, I'm impressed."

Soarin smiled back at her. "Thanks. The future of my dream to compete in the Double X is riding on me winning this Duel. No matter what, I have to win."

"You got guts kid," Gilda reached for her deck. "But I don't go down so easily. I draw." She saw what card she'd drawn and smiled. "I activate Harpie Lady Crone's Pendulum Ability. By paying half my life points, I can activate a Trap from my hand."

Soarin: 3100
Gilda: 100

"Now I activate Hysteric Party! This Continuous Trap card lets me ditch a card from my hand, then summon as many Harpie Lady monsters from my grave as possible." She ditched a card before a trio of tornadoes erupted infront of her.

Cyber Harpie Lady and Harpie Lady Dancer appeared, along with a new monster. This Harpie Lady was wearing camouflage coloured clothing and had green wings and hair. "Meet Harpie Lady Commander!" (A1900/D2200/L6/P8) "Next I'll once again carve the arc of victory," the portal formed above her. "I PENDULUM SUMMON!"

The portal opened and a pair of lights shoot out, exploding as they hit the ground. "Harpie Lady Phoenix!" (A1500/D1200/L4/P4) "And Harpie Lady Zephyr!" (A2100/2300/R4/P3)

"And when Phoenix is special summoned from the grave or Extra Deck, her ability activates. Now I can select a Pendulum Harpie Lady on my field and increase its ATK by three hundred, for every other Harpie Lady on the field." Phoenix's wings exploded, its flames flying over to Zephyr a spiralling around it. (A3300/2300/R4/P4)

"Not good," Soarin gulped as he looked down at his hand and saw it was empty. "Really not good."

"Attack!" Gilda cried, Zephyr taking to the air and shooting towards Defence Convoy and striking it into destruction.

Soarin: 2200
Gilda: 100

"And don't forget about Zephyr's ability!" Soarin watched as the Harpie spread its wings and created a powerful gust, which blew into him and knocked him off his feet.

Soarin: 0
Gilda: 100 (Winner)

As the monsters vanished, Rainbow and Shining both sighed. On the ground, Soarin couldn't believe he had lost. "No," he whispered, "I failed."

"Hey," he looked up to see Gilda staring down at him, "get up you baby." Soarin frowned, but picked himself up as Rainbow moved over to them.

"So I guess this means...you won't be joining the team." Soarin was about to suggest he would leave the team if she joined, but she spoke up before he got a chance.

"Naw, I'll help you losers out."

Soarin's eyes went wide, "you mean it."

Gilda just smirked, "you're not completely hopeless. So I guess I'll join you," she then shot Soarin a scary look. "But don't think this means we're friends. And don't think for a minute I'm gonna let you stay as weak as you are. From now until the Double X, you're gonna be training like mad. You're not gonna get to eat, sleep, or scratch you butt unless I think you're getting better. GOT IT!"

"YES MA'AM!" Soarin saluted, just happy they had a teammate."

Rainbow just smirked as she turned to Gilda, "I knew you'd want to join once you saw how good Soarin was."

"Yeah," Gilda crossed her arms, "whatever." She was trying to look cool, but Rainbow could tell she was happy.

From the sidelines, Shining watched with a smile on his face. He could already tell they had the makes of a great team, though they were still a little rough around the edges.

Up in her office, Spitfire had been watching the Duel and was pleased with the team that would be representing her school. She then looked over at the dragon statue and smiled, "things are starting to look interesting."

Author's Note:

And the second team comes together. Tell me what you think of the cards you saw in this.

By the way, is it just me of did Yugioh steal the idea for Union Monsters like Heavy Mech Support Platform from Transformers Armada.

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