• Published 14th Nov 2018
  • 3,642 Views, 682 Comments

Yugioh EQG: XX - Banshee531

A year has past since our heroes battle against Sombra. Now, a new threat appears in the form of a tournament. Will our heroes be able to overcome this evil, or is the peace they worked so hard to achieve gone forever?

  • ...

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Turn 14: The Double X Begins

The day was almost here.

Tomorrow, the Double X Tournament would begin. Over a hundred Duellists would be trying to claim the title of champion, but only one team could win it. But today, many of the teams were enjoying a day of rest before the big event.

That included the V-Fighters, as Spike and Sunburst were sitting outside the park. They were waiting for Flash, who had promised something fun for them as a sendoff for the Double X.

"If it's a sendoff, isn't someone else suppose to organise it?" Sunburst asked.

Spike just shrugged, "so let's call it a rally. Doesn't really matter, as long as we have fun."

"I guess, but what's taking Flash so long? He said to be here at ten and now it's ten fifteen." Before Spike could answer that, the revving of an engine made them turn to see something zoom down the street before coming to a stop. Now stationary, the two saw it was a dark blue Duel Runner with orange trim. Someone in a blue body suit and helmet sat atop it.

The rider lifted the visor of his helmet and allowed the two to see it was Flash. "Hey, sorry I'm late." He then pulled out two more helmets. "Come on, let's get going."

Spike smirked and moved over to climb on, but Sunburst didn't look so sure. "You want us to ride of that thing?"

"Sure," Flash replied, "why not? It's perfectly safe. I've been driving this thing for a year and I haven't had a single accident."

"Yeah," Spike was no one the Runner with his helmet on, "don't be such a wuss."

Sunburst sighed, seeing he was outvoted, before climbing on behind Spike and putting on the helmet. "Alright, just don't drive to FAST!!!" His plea was lost to the wind that surrounded the Duel Runner as it zoomed down the street.

Across town, Team Tidal Maidens were starting their own pre-tournament day of fun.

Only instead of whatever Flash had planned, they were at a spa ready to spend the day relaxing. "This is gonna be good," Twilight said as they stepped out of the changing rooms wearing pink robes. "A nice long dip in the hot springs is just what we need to wash away the stress and be ready for whatever the Double X throws at us."

Fluttershy looked a little worried about something. "Hmm...the hot springs aren't...hmm...mixed bathing are they?"

"Of course not," Sunset assured her. "It'll just be us girls in there."

"But everything else is mixed gender," Tidal said as he stepped in a blue robe. "Massages, saunas, mud masks the whole shebang! Shall we get going ladies?" The girls nodded before heading in.

The first thing they did was spend a good half hour in the sauna, sweating out all their problems. "So nice," Fluttershy sighed in comfort. Twilight, Sunset and Tidal all nodded.

"I know all that stuff about saunas detoxifying you is a total lie, but this feels to good to care."

"Agreed," Sunset replied. "So after this, what do you guys wanna do next?"

"How about a massage?" Tidal suggested, with the girls nodding. Once their sauna session was over, they moved over to the massage room. Fluttershy was a little apprehensive to taking off her robe with Tidal in the room, but luckily they managed to persuade her that he couldn't see a thing through the divider he was standing behind.

"Right there," Twilight told her masseuse as she massaged the area she described. Sunset and Fluttershy were receiving the same treatment, while Tidal was getting the full on karate chop action.

"O-o-o-o-h-h-h-h y-y-y-y-e-e-e-e-a-a-a-a-h-h-h-h," he let out as his back was repetitively struck.

Canterlot wasn't the only city with Duellists preparing to take on the Double X challenge.

In Cloudsdale, Team Wonderbolts were walking down the hallway. They had been doing some last minute deck work when they'd been asked to come to gymnasium five. "Wonder what's up?" Gilda asked.

Soarin suddenly got a look of worry on his face. "You don't think they're gonna tell us to drop out of the Double X, do you?"

"No way," Rainbow said. "We were one of the first teams to win a place in it. There's no way they'd have us pull out now."

"Then what is it?" Gilda asked.

Rainbow shrugged her shoulders as they reached the gym. "Looks like we're about to find out," they all took a deep breath before Rainbow pushed the doors open. They stepped inside and found the place was pitch black, "hello?"

"Anyone here?" Soarin asked.

"If this is some kinda lame prank," Gilda began but the lights came on before she she could finish her threat.

"SURPRISE!" The three looked around and saw the place was decorated for a Pinkie Pie level party, with many students and teachers there.

"What?" Fleetfoot asked, "you thought we'd let you guys head off to a big competition without the right send off? What do you take us for."

The three were still surprised by this, but then all smiled and quickly jumped into the party.

"YAHOO!" The V-Fighters all yelled as the roller-coaster shot down the downward track.

Yes, Flash's sendoff idea was to spend the day at an amusement park. He had managed to get his hands on three fast pass bracelets, so they could enjoy the rides without needing to spend three hours in line. This meant the intervals between awesome rides was only how long it took to run from one to the other, which was not long.

"That was awesome!" Spike cheered as they climbed out of the carts and moved over to the park map. "What do you guys wanna do now?"

"How about the Mystical Space Typhoon," Flash suggested. "I hear that's nothing but loop the loops."

"Or we could go on the Sanctuary in the Sky," Sunburst pointed to said ride. "That ride goes up pretty high."

"Or we could play some of the games," Spike pointed to an area of the map. "If they've got a basketball shot game, I'd clean up." Flash and Sunburst both liked the idea of that and headed over to the games area, stopping only once so Flash and Spike could batter Sunburst in the bumper cars.

Once at the games area, they began having the time of their lives. Flash won big at a shooting game while Spike did as he had said and managed to clean up at a basketball game, while Sunburst had trouble with the many skill oriented game. Flash and Spike both left their won games carrying the rewards, Flash holding a Black Luster Solider figurine while Spike had a stuffed Blue-Eyes White Dragon.

It seemed the universe then decided to give Sunburst a break, as when they headed to the mini-golf field the glasses wearing teen got eighteen holes in one. He said it was thanks to his vast understanding of geometry, but Flash and Spike just figured he got lucky. Either way, they left the area with Sunburst's picture now hanging in its hall of fame.

Finally, they spotted a caricature and all sat down. Several minutes later, they left with a poster like sketch of them in different Duel Monster designs. Flash was Dark Magician, Spike was Buster Blader and Sunburst was Flame Swordsmen. "Not bad," Flash said before rolling it up and putting it away. "So what do you guys wanna do next?"

Sunburst was the one that answered. "Err, Flash. Did you check the weather today?"

"Yup. Sunny all day."

"You sure?" Flash and Spike turned to him in confusion, only to see him looking up at the sky. When they did the same, they spotted several dark clouds were filling the skies.

"Oh great," Flash sighed before looking around. "Over there." He lead them into another building, just in time to evade the rain as the heavens opened up. "Sorry guys. I could have sworn it said it was gonna be sunny."

"It's not your fault," Spike assured him. "Since when is the weatherman ever right." The others smiled as they looked around the building they'd run into, finding they were in some kind of Japanese restaurant. Seeing as it had just turned one, they decided to grab a bite to eat.

"Hello there," the waitress said as they sat down at a table. "What can I get for you."

The boys all hummed as they grabbed a menu, "not sure."

"What would you recommend?" Sunburst asked.

The waitress then smiled. "Well, considering the weather outside, how about the rainy day challenge. If you're able to finish it, the meal's free." The boys were intrigued and agreed with it. A few minutes later, the waitress returned along with two over girls. The reason was obvious once they saw what they were carrying. "Here you go," she place a bowl infront of Flash that was so big the three of them could fit their heads in it all at once. And inside said bowl was a pile of meat in sauce with a fried egg on top.

"What is this?" Spike asked as the same thing was put infront of him and Sunburst.

"The Mega Meaty Beef Bowl Challenge," the waitress reply before they walked off.

The boys looked back at their lunch, feeling slightly intimidated. "They can't seriously think we could finish something like this off," Sunburst whimpered.

Flash however, just smiled as he grabbed his chopsticks. "Scared?" This struck a nerve with Sunburst before he grabbed his own chopsticks, Spike doing the same before the three of them began to eat.

Meanwhile, over at the spa, the Tidal Maidens were relaxing in the hots springs. After a quick and easy lunch, they had all come to take a dip in the warm water.

"I don't know about you girls," Sunset said. "But I could spend all day in here."

"Enjoy it while you can," Twilight told her. "Once the Double X starts, we're not gonna get much chance to relax."

"Twilight," Fluttershy spoke up. "Do you think we'll be able to make it far in the tournament. I mean, you made it into the top four of the Celestic Cup and Sunset's just as strong as you. But I'm-"

"Just as good a Duellist as anyone else," Twilight interrupted her. She swam over to Fluttershy and grabbed her hands, "I didn't ask you to be on my team because there wasn't any other choice. I asked you because you're a great Duellist and the world should see how amazing you are. I know you don't really like to be center of attention, but you've come along way to overcome your shyness. I'm sure you'll help us a lot."

Fluttershy smiled at this, nodding. "Thank you Twilight."

Twilight smiled as she sat back. "And to answer your question, I don't know how far we'll be able to get in the Double X. That's why I want to compete, to see how I stack against the rest our generation." She suddenly had memory flashes of Moondancer, causing her to frown before taking a deep breath. "I made a promise to someone really important, so I'm gonna honour that promise no matter how hard I have to Duel."

Sunset and Fluttershy both nodded. "Well, you can count on me." Sunset gave her a thumbs up, "I'm in this to win it. Don't worry."

"Same," Fluttershy agreed, "I'll give every Duel everything I have to help you achieve your goal."

"Thanks guys," Twilight replied with smile on her face.

Completely unaware to them, their conversation was heard by the final member of their team. Tidal smiled after hearing to the girl through the hot-springs divider. "Looks like my little flowers are starting to blossom. Excelente." He then got up and tapped on the divider. "Girls?" Fluttershy's outcry filled the air, "sorry. But we need to be getting out soon. There's something I wanted to show you and it's quite a ways off."

"What?" Twilight asked.

Tidal just smirked. "Just trust me. You'll love it."

This might have been a mistake.

Spike moaned as he looked at his bowl, which didn't seem any less empty after twenty minutes of eating. "I eat and I eat and I still can't see the rice."

Sunburst unleashed his own moan. "So much meat. And the grease its covered in. That can't be healthy."

"Come on guys," Flash told them. "If we can't beat a bowl of food, how can we hope to beat our opponents in the Double X. We just have to give it everything we've got." The two let out another moan, but kept eating anyway.

"HAHAA!" Misty Fly yelled as she, Rainbow, Fleetfoot Fire Streak and several other students played Power Pony Mane-iac Grand Prix on the gym's big TV. "Take this, my Hairspray Ray of Doom!"

"No" Everyone but Rainbow and Fleetfoot moaned as their racers were frozen in place.

"Nice try," Rainbow said. "Now have a taste of my thunderbolt." Her Zap racer unleashed a burst of electricity, which caused Misty Fly's cart to shrink.

"Hey!" She cried while Rainbow laughed.

Across the room, Soarin was playing a fighting game against High Winds with several other students watching. "Come on, come on, come on. Almost, almost, UPPERCUT!" His character did so before Soarin typed in the button code to use his final move. After an extremely awesome animation sequence, the screen was filled with one word. Fatality. "YES!"

In another part of the gym, Gilda was busy arm wrestling a bunch of the more masculine students. Currently, she was facing off against their fifth opponent and didn't look to be stopping. She then yawned before putting real effort into it, slamming her opponent's arm into the table as everyone else cheered.

Later on, the three were sitting at a table chowing down on some pizza. "What a blast," Rainbow said.

"Almost makes doing this tournament worth it," Gilda joked.

"Very funny," Soarin told her. "We all know you're excited about being in the Double X as the rest of us."

"Whatever," Gilda scoffed.

Rainbow just smiled at her teammate's interaction. "Listen guys," they turned to her. "Thanks, for agreeing to join me in this."

Soarin just smiled, "I should be thanking you for asking. This is like a dream come true for me."

"And I have nothing better to do," Gilda told her. "Just don't go making me look bad." Rainbow smirked and nodded in agreement, as the rest of their classmates moved over to them.

"Alright," Misty Fly said, "time for phase two of the send off."

"What's that?" Soarin asked.

"You'll see," Fleetfoot assured him. "There's a bus waiting for you outside. It'll take you to where you need to be." The three weren't sure what to make of that, but just shrugged and followed them.

"Augh," Flash moaned, "it's a monster." He looked down at his bowl, but it wasn't even half empty yet.

"Yeah," Spike agreed, "I can't eat anymore. If I try, I might explode."

"At least we were able to make some kind of a dent in it," Sunburst said.

"This bowl is just way to big," Spike told them. "I don't think I'll ever see the bottom of this thing."

Flash took a long breath, then looked back at his bowl. "If we keep pushing and don't give up, I'm sure we'll figure out a way to do this." Spike and Sunburst both smiled, having a feeling we wasn't just talking about the big bowl of food.

"You're right," Sunburst said. "We'll get there eventually, if we just keep at it."

"Heck yeah," Spike agreed. "We might not be able to see the end now, but no matter what we just gotta keep pushing on."

"It won't be easy," Flash said. "We have to keep at it...but it's such a big bowl." This made Spike and Sunburst sweat-drop, as they realised Flash wasn't talking about the Double X. Flash then sighed and placed his chopsticks together over the bowl. "We fought a good fight, but I think it's over." The other two agreed and did the same, as the waitress stepped over to them.

"That'll be twenty five dollar each."

"HOW MUCH!" The three screamed.

Several hours later.

After their massive meal, both physically and in expense, the boys headed out of the amusement park to walk off their overstuffed stomachs. Thankfully, the rain had stopped so they weren't drenched.

Now, as the sun began to set, the three were standing near the river as they watched the last bit of the day's light disappear. "Pretty great, huh?" Flash asked them.

"Yeah," Spike said, "it is. But why'd you bring us here?"

Flash just smirked. "You'll see." This confused the two.

They weren't the only ones confused.

Twilight, Sunset and Fluttershy were all wondering what Tidal had in store for them. On the very river the boys were sitting besides, a large boat sailed on it with the four of them riding. Sunset turned to Tidal, "why are we here again?"

Tidal just smiled at her and tapped his nose, "you'll see." The girls all raised an eyebrow at this, wondering what he was planning.

"What are we doing up here?" Soarin asked. The Wonderbolts were currently standing on the top floor of a large glass tower, having been told to come here after the bus had dropped them off.

"No idea," Rainbow said. "But it's gotta be something good if they went to all this trouble."

"It better be," Gilda said.

Flash simply stared at the setting sun, while the others stared at him in suspense. Then, once the last bit of light disappeared, it happened.


Spike and Sunburst turned towards the sound of the explosion and watched as the night sky was filled with a flurry of light. "WOW!" Spike cried, "Fireworks!"

"So pretty," Fluttershy said as she and the rest of the girls all cued at the sight. More and more explosions followed the first one, filling the sky with the bright colours.

Tidal just smiled, happy the girls enjoyed the surprise and thanking Cold for telling him and several others about this little spectral.

"Awesome!" Rainbow and Soarin both cried, while Gilda just smirked. Though she wouldn't admit it, she was pretty impressed by the display.

Sunburst smiled at this, while sitting down besides Flash. "Thank you."

Flash turned to him, "for what?"

"For everything. For wanting me as your teammate. For not giving up on me, no matter how many times I let you down. And for helping me remember that there's more to Duelling then just winning." He reached into his pocket and pulled out his deck. "A long time ago, there was someone in my life that I made a promise with. We promised to both make it to the top of the Dueling word one day. When I dropped out of Duel Academy, I thought I'd never be able to keep that promise. But now...now I feel like I can." He turned to Flash, "you helped me feel that. So thank you."

Both Flash and Spike smiled, "you're welcome. And I know you'll keep that promise one day, because we're all heading to the top of the Dueling world together." He stood up and help out his hand, "V-Fighters."

Spike quickly rushed over to him and slapped his hand on Flash's, "V-Fighters."

Sunburst smirked and stood up, walking up to the two and doing the same. "V-Fighters."

The three stared at one another, knowing that they had many obstacles between them and the Double X championship. But together, they wouldn't stop until they were number one. "V-FIGHTERS!" The threw their hands into the air before turning to watch the rest of the fireworks show.

The next day.

Fireworks filled the air, as people began to enter the Freeze Stadium. Within the stadium, the audience screamed in excitement at the prospect of watching what was about to unfold.

Suddenly, the stage was lit up by explosions, as a pair of women stepped up onto the stage. They were the world famous Celestic Sisters, Luna and Celestia.


The audience's screams increased at the sight of them.

Celestia: Well here we are, the Double X Tournament.

Luna: For those of you not in the know, the Double X is a Dueling competition open to any and all challengers who are aged twenty or younger.

Celestia: Being a team contest, Duelists must be in groups of three to enter. It's been a long road for our contestants, but these young teams are ready to take on anything that might phase them. Let's welcome them onto the stage.

The doors on the side of the field opened, allowing all the duelists to enter out onto the field. They were all walking in groups of threes, signalling their teams.

Luna: Many of our young hopefuls you might remember, as several of them competed in last years Celestic Cup. This includes its champion.

The megascreen above switched on and showed the image of Flash, alongside Spike and Sunburst.

Down on the field, Flash saw his face up on the big screen and blushed. Spike laughed as he elbowed him in the side, while Sunburst tried to hide his face. Flash looked away from the screen and looked around, spotting Twilight standing besides Fluttershy and Sunset. He also spotted Rainbow leading Soarin and Gilda, close to Applejack, Rarity and Mac. He also spotted Pinkie and Maud, along with another girl he didn't recognise.

Then he spotted her, the one he had entered this tournament to face once again. As she turned towards him, Flash remembered when he had first met her. He quickly shook the memories away as he stared at Tempest, who smiled back at him before turning to say something to her teammates.

Flash did the same and turned to Sunburst and Spike, only to notice Sunburst was still staring at one of Tempest's teammates. A look of shock was visible on his face. Flash turned to see who Sunburst was staring at, seeing it was the other girl with purple and blue hair. "You okay?"

Sunburst turned to him in surprise, but quickly shock his head. "Yeah, I'm okay. Don't worry about me."

"You sure?" Spike asked him, "if something's bothering you then it's alright to tell us."

"I'm fine, I promise."

Flash wasn't sure about that, but got the feeling he wouldn't be able to get any answers out of him. Instead, he started looking around to see if there was anyone else he recognised. And sure enough, there were a few Duellists he'd seen before. Vinyl Scratch, Octavia and Derpy appeared to be on a team. There was also Lyra Heartstrings, Bon Bon and a girl he didn't know. He also saw Trixie along with two girls, who all had smug expressions on their faces.

But then he spotted one particular group of girls that made him stop in his tracks. "No way."

"What's up Flash?" Spike asked him, only for him to point at what he had seen. Spike and Sunburst looked that way before Spike went wide eyed, "is that Adagio!?" It was. Adagio Dazzle, alongside Aria Blaze and Sonata Dusk. The trio were wearing their standard leather pop star costumes.

Flash looked around and saw that the rest of their friends had also seen them, but before anyone could do anything the lights went off them and returned to the Celestic Sisters. They were no longer the only ones on stage, as Cold Steel and Shining Armor were standing besides them.

Celestia: Now, here to explain the rules, Cold Steel and Shining Armor.

Luna: Let's give them a big round of applause.

Everyone did, as the two step back and let the men take the spotlight. "Hello," Cold said into his microphone, "I am Cold Steel. Head of Freeze Industries and the one in charge of this event."

"And I'm Shining Armor," Twilight and Spike's brother announced. "Now, time to explain how the Double X Tournament works. The event is spilt up into three rounds, with the first round named the Dueling Scramble!" This statement got a lot of people murmuring in confusion, which doubled when the Duel Field below the competitors feet activated.

A bright flash of light covered the area, forcing everyone to shield their eyes.

The Flash felt the light die down, he opened his eyes and saw that he, Spike and Sunburst were now standing in a rocky area. "A Duel Field?" Before he could say anything else, Cold's voice filled the air.

Cold: "You are now standing on one of five Action Duel Fields. Meadow, Canyon, Forest, Arctic and Volcano. You will freely move around the area, engaging in Duels as you do so.

Shining: Every competitor has been given a device known as a Duelling Radar, or Raduel for short.

Everyone looked down at their wrists, which were sporting black watch like devices with round faces.

Cold: Once two Duellists come within a certain distance of each other, an alert will be sounded. Once the recognition has been established, there is no backing out of the Duel. This is probably a good time to remind you that since you're on an Action Field, Action Cards will be littered around the area.

Shining: The Duelist who wins the match will be rewarded a single Duel Point, which will be recorded by the Raduel. Once a team has earned a total of fifty points, they'll move on to the next stage.

Cold: As soon as sixteen teams move on, the stage will be over.

"So it's a race," Sunset said. Her team were currently in the Meadow Field.

Twilight nodded, "we just have to make sure we get our points quicker then anyone else."

"I'll try," Fluttershy said nervously. "I'll get as many points as I can. I promise."

Shining: Another thing to keep in mind is that you can't challenge a Duellist more then once.

Cold: And if you lose a Duel, your Raduel will lock and you'll be removed from play.

"Removed from play?" One of the competitors asked.

Cold: Whilst you are removed from play, you must remain in an area dubbed the graveyard. Plus, half the points you have earned up to that point will be given to your opponent.

Shining: The only way to get out of the graveyard will be if one of your teammates wins a Duel. After that, you'll be freed from the graveyard but will not regain the points you lost.

Cold: If all three members of a team are sent to the graveyard, then your team will be disqualified.

That last statement sent shivers down every competitors necks. "Alright," Flash said. "So basically, we just make sure we don't lose. Piece of cake."

"Yeah, alright!" A seriously pumped up Spike replied, "you got it."

"Hang on," Sunburst told them. "It's easier said then done. We'll need to be careful."

In the Arctic Field, Soarin turned to his teammates. "This first stage isn't gonna be as simple as we thought."

"What do you mean?" Rainbow asked. "Why isn't it?"

"Sure your chances of making it to the next stage increase with every win," Soarin explained. "But the more wins you have, the more points you'll lose if someone beats you."

Rainbow thought about that and caught on, "so losing while you have a really high score gives your opponent more chances to move on."

In the Volcano Field, Rarity finished explaining the same thing to her teammates. "With only sixteen spots, this round is all about how fast you can defeat your opponents."

"So a deck that requires little set up has an edge ear," Applejack caught on.

Cold: I hope these rules were easy to understand. The first round will begin in ten minutes, so those of you who want to split their teams better spread out. With that, all that's left to say is...good luck.

With that, everyone's Raduels beeped. They all looked down and saw the watch project a holographic screen that had a timer counting down from ten.

Everyone knew what this meant before several of the teams split up to start scouting around. Almost ten minutes later, the timer hit zero as the Celestic Sister took the stage.

Celestia: It's time for the Double X Tournament to finally start!

Luna: Round one, Duelling Scramble!

Both: BEGIN!

Seconds later, the stadium was filled with multiple announcements of the same phrase.


And just like that, the Double X was finally underway. All over the five Duel Fields, Duels were taking place. And with each Duel, the Celestic Sister were doing what they did best, after Duelling, commentary.

Celestia: From Team Tidal Maiden, Twilight Sparkle is Duelling against Team BFFs Lyra Heartstrings in the Forest Zone.

Luna: Her Maiden of the Enchanted Harp has taken over Twilight Tempest Conjurer, but that doesn't seem to be slowing her down.

"I equip my Twilight Warlock with Magic Tome of Starswirl! Which, since I have six Spellbooks in my grave, grants him six hundred points!" (A3100/D2100/L7/P4) "Next I'm using my Tome's other ability, to send Spellbook of Power to the grave and activate its effect to pump up my Warlock even more!" Her Synchro Pendulum glowed as his power rose. (A4100/D2100/L7/P4) "Attack Tempest Conjurer!" The wizard pointed his staff at Twilight's controlled monster and zapped it into destruction.

Twilight: 1900
Lyra: 1100

"Terra Charmer, finish her off!" The earth wizard thrust its staff into the ground and caused several rocks to shot out and hit her.

Twilight: 1900 (Winner)
Lyra: 0

Celestia: Truly impressive. And she's not the only highlight of her team. Fluttershy is currently in the lead in her Duel against Gabby of team Black Griffon, while Sunset Shimmer is on the hunt for her next opponent after defeating Shining Spoon.

Up in the stands, Tidal was busy waving a banner with the three girl's faces on it. "Go Twilight, win Fluttershy, woohoo Sunset!"

Luna: Speaking of Shining Spoon. His teammate Pipsqueak is currently Duelling against Team Wonderbolts Rainbow Dash.

"I PENDULUM SUMMON!" The portal opened up, as Rainbow's monster shot out. "Rainbow Battle Wing, Gold!" (A2500/D1500/R4/P7) "Attack Dread Pirate Nightmare!" The bird man flew forward and unsheaved his blade. "And since I have two Winged-Beast monster on the field, he gets an extra six hundred ATK points!" (A3100/D1500/L4/P7) Battle Wing cut Dread Pirate in half.

Rainbow: 900
Pipsqueak: 1600

"Now, Rainbow Wing Pegasus attacks you directly!" Her pegasus shot up before spinning around and dive-bombing him, creating a small sonic-boom and rainbow combo as it landed.

"AAAAHHHH!" He cried.

Rainbow: 900 (Winner)
Pipsqueak: 0

Luna: Looks like that pirate's ship has sunk. Let's now head over to the Forest Field, where Flash Sentry's teammate Sunburst is facing off against Team Illusion's Lavender Lace.

"RITUAL EVOLUTION!" Sunburst's fire pillar exploded to reveal Sunburst Archmage. (A3000/D2500/L8) "And with his ability, I'll sacrifice Sunburst Apprentice to decrease the ATK and DEF of your Fairy King Truesdale while increasing his ATK by half." HIs monster pointed his staff at the young wizard before it exploded into fire, which wrapped around the head of the staff before it launched it at Lavender's monster. (A700/D200/L8) (A3850/D2500/L8) "ATTACK!" Sunburst's monster launched a stream of fire, which consumed the Fairy-Type and destroyed it.

Lavender: 0
Sunburst: 2200 (Winner)

Celestia: Meanwhile, Flash's other teammate is making a name for himself as he plays his third Duel of the day.

"Dragonic Blazemaster, attack Ojama Yellow!" The humanoid dragon swung his blazing sword and cut the little yellow gremlin to pieces, said pieces then exploding. "Now, Eternal Flame!" Blazemaster's sword once again ignited before it slashed Ojama Green and Black. "Now, Flame Breaker Dragon will finish you off!" Said dragon swung his blazing hammer into his opponent and knocked him off her feet.

Luna: And of course, the V-Fighter's leader is doing just as well with his third match of the day.

"Flash Heart Dragon X, ATTACK!" Flash's ace rocketed across the field before sucker punching his opponent's Dark Valkyrie, destroying it and wiping out the last of the opponent's life points. "Yes!" He then looked down at his Raduel and saw the timer in the top left corner. Said timer was currently counting down from twenty minutes and when it hit zero, the day would be over. "Already?"

Each day of the tournament lasted only three hours. Most of that time was spent travelling around the area in search of an opponent, so there was realistically time for only three or four matches a day unless you found yourself in a large group of Duellists.

Flash probably only had time for one more match, but only if he hurried up and found himself an opponent.

No sooner had that thought entered his head, when his Raduel beeped while the word 'alert' appeared on screen. Seems an opponent was nearby, but where?

"HEY!" Flash began looking around frantically, trying to find the source of the voice, when he suddenly noticed part of a nearby rock pillar shadow was moving. Looking up at the top, he spotted his opponent sitting on top of the rock with a large smile on her face. "Hey Flash," Pinkie grinned. "Ready to Duel?"

Author's Note:

The Double X begins. Who do you think will end up Duelling who?

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