• Published 7th Oct 2018
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The Sixth Child - LibraryNexus

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Not Here All Night

Despite the new ‘stay five nights policy,’ the night guard position at Freddy Fazbear’s Pizzeria still had a high turnover rate. This was partly to the rumors that followed the infamous pizzeria, how the creepy animatronics looked in the dark, and the rumored fifth animatronic that was sometimes seen slinking through the halls. And some managed to make it through to the end of the week. And on the other side, the animatronics were trying their best to raise a tiny pegasus filly.

Here are some of the more… memorable nights.

“Like man, why did I even take this job?” the new night guard said, cowering in his chair, looking nervously at the screen. “Like, I know that I need the money in between the races, but why couldn’t I have gotten a different job?”

The thin, lanky man shifted in his seat. “Oh, this is just like working with the gang- wait, what’s that?”

A tap of the screen showed nothing. However, lowering it revealed a small pegasus.

“Zoinks!” the guard said. “What are you doing here Ditzy, like wait, you’re not Ditzy.”

The yellow pony tilted her head.

“Like, what’s another pegasus doing here?” the man in the untucked shirt asked.

“You know what she is?”

The man in the shirt jumped at the bear in the doorway. He then relaxed, then jumped up again. “Like, they don’t pay me enough to mess with ghosts, man!” he proclaimed, before running past the bear and sending the approaching fox falling onto his rump.

“What in Davy Jones’ locker was that!?!” Foxy asked as he got up.

“I… don’t know,” Freddy admitted.

Three animatronics stared at the dish set before them.

Chica stood to the side, wringing her hands. “I… don’t know what went wrong?”

“Chica,” Freddy said calmly. “What just happened?”

“I don’t know?” the chicken answered, spreading her arms.

“Ye were making a salad,” Foxy said. “A salad, lass! How did ye mess that up?”

Fluttershy poked what might have been a blackened leaf of lettuce. It collapsed into an inky sludge.

“I’m wondering how it caught on fire,” Bonnie remarked, putting down the fire extinguisher he had been holding. “I mean, you never went near the stove.”

“Come on guys!” Chica said. “I swear I’m getting the hang of this! Please let me try one more time-”

“Chica,” Freddy said, interrupting her. “Please, just stick to pizza.”

Fluttershy looked at a door. Her family had taken one look at the man in the room and had gone to the farthest room away from it.

Curious, she walked towards the room, which doors were mysteriously opened. The man wasn’t purple as they usually were. He was instead wearing a black coat and hat and his face was hidden by long yellow strands. He looked up as she entered. “OOOOOOOGH!” he cried and ran out.

The bearded man was not seen again the next night.

Four animatronics and one pony looked at the screen of the new TV as the credits of the show rolled. Turning to the others, Bonnie asked, “So, the new Bendy cartoon. Yea or nay?”

The other three animatronics looked at each other. “I’m optimistic,” Chica answered.

“I want to see more of it before I make up my mind,” Freddy spoke up.

“Party Favor seem fa… fa…famul…” Fluttershy said, slowly sounding out the word.

“Familiar?” Freddy offered.


“I be awonderin’ where they got the idea fer the pony.” Foxy remarked.

“Maybe we can sue them?” Bonnie wondered.

Chica blinked as Bonnie stomped past her, a dark red stain on his head. “What happened to you?” she asked.

“The night guard threw jam at me!” the usually unflappable rabbit cried.

“Go away, Bon-Bon! You aren’t jamming my doors tonight!” a female voice cried from down the hall.

“And she keeps calling me that!” Bonnie wailed.

“Come on, Bonnie,” Chica said, walking toward the door. “You must not be taking the wrong approach to this-”

“Go away, Duck-Duck, no one likes you!”

“Duck-Duck!?!” Chica yelled. Turning to the other two animatronics entering with Fluttershy in Freddy’s arms, she asked, “Do I look like a duck?”

Freddy, being smarter than the average bear, tried to stall. “Uhhhhh…”

Fortunately for him, Foxy was not that smart. “Well, ye do waddle, lass; hey what ye be doin’; put down that fan; Freddy, Bonnie, HELP MEEEEE!!!”

Fluttershy watched as a fox ran away from an angry chicken. “Unca Foxy in trouble again?”

“Yes, he is,” Freddy confirmed.

“I did it!” Chica cried, jumping up and down as the victory screen flashed. “I beat The Magic Rainbow! It took me only sixteen nights, but I finally won! I am the best!” she sang, doing a victory dance. “I am the queen of The Magic-”
Thunder boomed, causing the lights to flicker… and causing The Magic Rainbow to reset, erasing Chica’s hard-earned victory.


Fritz Smith sighed as he lowered his tablet. He didn’t know why he had been led here. Dave Miller was a good man, for a Fazbear Entertainment manager. He wasn’t sure what his purpose here was.

It wasn’t as if anything could make up for what he had done.

But something had happened. Something was wrong with the restaurant beyond his mistake. And he had a feeling that it was because of his-

He jumped up in his seat when the black Freddy suit appeared in the office.

He watched with the giver, as the lost souls interacted with the filly as she grew. The bonds between grew stronger than ever, and more of their old selves was brought to the forefront.

But time was running short. He was still out there, and who knew what thoughts were running through His head. But he and the giver needed help. Someone who could walk in the light, one who wouldn’t draw attention to himself.

And maybe the guilty son would be able to help them in their quest.

He stepped forward, allowing himself to be seen by the man in purple. “I would have a moment of your time, Mr. Afton,” he said.

The man in purple watched as his newest creations stood up. Two of them were of shining metal, fitting with Her replacement and his first mistake.

The other five were something else, bigger than anything he had ever built before. Strong enough to overpower the older models, and each one was to be programmed to retrieve the filly.

The man in purple smiled. Everything was proceeding as planned.