• Published 7th Oct 2018
  • 3,054 Views, 110 Comments

The Sixth Child - LibraryNexus

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Dance to Forget

A police officer sitting behind a desk put the phone and put his hands into his hands. His partner looked up from his sudoku. “You alright there, Carl?” he asked.

“Yeah Jeff, just got a call from the Fazbear place,” Carl replied.

Jeff groaned. “What was it this time?”

“Something about the rabbit acting like Elton John and spinning his guitar around.”

Jeff didn’t reply, only pulling out a folder and consulting it. “Looks like Alex won some money,” he remarked.

“Really? What was his bet?”

“Bonnie imitating some famous musician. I’m kinda surprised he didn’t win anything soo-wait, was the pony mentioned?”

“Not at all.”

“Right. In that case, he lost it to Ryan.”


“We need a new name for you,” Bonnie said.

Toy Freddy looked up from where he had been messing with a GameBoy some kid had forgotten. “What’d you say?” he asked.

Finishing his slice of pizza, Bonnie continued. “We can’t just keep calling you Freddy, that’s going to get confusing real quickly, especially if you end up on the stage again.”

Toy Freddy thought for a moment on that before replying. “I guess that makes some sense, but I-”

“Teddy!” Fluttershy cried happily, pouncing upon the smaller animatronic’s head.

Said animatronic looked sheepish and finished his sentence saying, “-guess my name’s Teddy.”

Bonnie threw back his head laughing.

“So, what’s with the stuffed rabbit?” the chicken asked.

“I think the girl at that last party left it behind,” the bear answered. “She’ll probably be back to get it in the morning.”

“And if she doesn’t?”

“Then Fluttershy gets a new stuffed animal.”

Mr. Hopps got down from the table he had been sitting on. He didn’t care for this Fluttershy, he had to get back to Ruby, and his playhouse. She needed a special session for leaving him behind…

His thoughts were interrupted by a large paw landing on his shoulder. Turning around, he saw another one of his kind and ohnothiswasthatpizzeria!

Nightmare Chica grinned. “COME BURN WITH ME!” she screeched.

Mr. Hopps screamed.

When Foxy pulled open his curtains, only ash remained of the possessed stuffed animal.

“Yah-har-har-har! Look at me, me hearties!”

The other animatronics looked at Foxy, the older generation gaining a look of recognition.

“You got your old duds back!” Bonnie exclaimed.

Foxy gave off another laugh, spinning around, letting his green coat fan out. “I feel like a proper pirate again!” he crowed.

“You know, you look halfway handsome now,” Chica commented.

The other animatronics looked at her confused as Foxy's chest swelled with pride.

“For a smelly pirate,” Chica added.


The man in purple opened the door. He didn’t want to, but he still did.

I know you’re there. I can hear you breathing.”

The man in purple steeled himself and stepped into the room.

And there She was. Spinning in place on Her pedestal, humming to Herself. “It is not often that you decide to come visit me,” She said, sweetly. “So, why have you decided to come into my parlor?”

“I need your help,” the man in purple replied.

“Oh? And why should I help you?”

“Because I can put you-”

“When you made me like THIS!” She screamed, opening her eyes.

The man in purple took a step back. “I...” he began.

“You just had to emulate Frankenstien and try to bring the dead back to life,” she continued. “You gave me this form, going against your wife's wishes! Now behold! I am a monument to your sins!”

“I just...” started the man in purple. “I just wanted us to be together.”

“And LOOK how well THAT turned out!” She snapped, stalking forward. “Two of your children dead, your remaining son has disowned you, and your wife is dead. Congratulations, Bill! I don't know HOW you managed to screw this up!”

The man in purple bristled. “You're not dead!” he barked. “And don't call me Bill!”

“Oh, get it through your thick skull, Bill,” She groused, stepping forward. “I'M. NOT HER. All I am is a bot you implanted with her memories so that you could have your happy perfect little family, just like Hen-”

“Enough!” snarled the man in purple. Execute program FirstWaltz!”

Immediately, the robot stopped talking and began dancing across the floor, swaying to unheard music. The man in purple hurried out the door, but not before he heard the song She was singing, a song that he had never included in her program.

I hate my metal bones, the bones and gears creak in my chest, my chest forever cold, a cold and maddening descent...”