• Published 13th Sep 2018
  • 2,765 Views, 167 Comments

Alternate Beginnings: Year Six - Doug Graves

Herd Apple continues to grow, both out and up, as Doug meets a few more colorful characters.

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8 Echoes of Witchcraft

April 1st, 998

Doug shoulders the pack, a fairly light one just packed for the day trip. He taps on the door to the master bedroom at the Carousel Boutique, a quick succession in no particular order, the door opening at the light touch. He peeks through the doorway, spotting Rarity as she glances up from her desk. "Sure you don't want to go?" he asks, a quick glance to the south of Ponyville.

"Yes, darling, and thank you for asking." Rarity sighs, getting up from her desk. "Somepony needs to hold down the store, and Sweetie Belle isn't old enough yet to do any more than take orders and run the register."

"Hey, that might be enough," Doug says as he kneels down, a quick hug for the unicorn. "She's probably at school though, isn't she."

"Yes, and doing well, especially since I don't pull her out of class every so often to work on her flight." Rarity shakes her head, "Some days I worry about what Rainbow is doing to that filly. Maybe she's still holding out hope that Scootaloo will be able to follow in her hoofsteps."

"Something like that, yup. Probably figures that Scootaloo isn't getting a job in... oh, what are they studying now, the background of the different cities? Not going to get a job as a historian."

"Indeed. In any case, I need to get back to work, and you should be leaving soon. Say hello to Shav for me." Rarity reaches up, a quick kiss before she heads back to her desk.

"Sure thing. See you tomorrow, Rares." Doug waves, his hand quickly shutting the door behind him as Rarity waves back. He heads out of the Boutique, crossing the bridge to the south, continuing along the dirt road until it reaches the train tracks. The Everfree Forest eerily looms to his left, dark and foreboding even in the bright morning sun. "Hmm," he talks to himself, walking next to the train tracks, "I know the Diamond Dogs settled around here, what, a mile south of the town? So, it should be somewhere around here."

He looks to the right, the trees all starting to look the same. He looks back to the left, a wary eye watching the Everfree for any of those timber wolves that had attacked Fluttershy. His hand nervously goes to the ax loosely strapped to his pack, though even that would likely do little if they attacked as a group. Much better off running from them, hoping to get to safety fast enough. Or at least a position where he wouldn't get flanked as easily. He looks back to the right; the trees are too thick to maneuver through easily, and he definitely doesn't want to get lost in there.

The clearing the Diamond Dogs settled in should be coming up any minute now, the light from the sun illuminating more as it gets higher in the sky. Doug focuses again on the Everfree, a startled gasp as he sees a brown form walking through the forest, occasionally hidden behind one tree before reappearing several trees ahead.

His hand goes back, unstrapping the ax, grasping the wooden shaft near the sharpened metal head. It is difficult to make out, the creature lurking behind those trees; it has a vaguely equine shape, but it could also be a wolf, the magic of the Everfree playing tricks on his eyes. And nopony would be suicidal enough to venture into the Everfree. Well, besides his foals, but he doubts that message will ever get through to them until something terrible happens.

Doug glances back to the west, trying to stay as far from the Everfree as he can while still remaining out of an easy ambush from the woods to his right. The timber wolves aren't exactly restricted to the Everfree Forest, after all. He glances back, trying to find the brown figure in the shadows, growing more and more nervous when he can't find it.

A voice comes from in front of Doug, the human startling back, "I've heard a wand'rer in these lands. You must be the one with hands." The brown figure steps out from behind one of the trees, a smirk as she pulls back the cowl of her brown full body cloak.

Doug says, "Oh jeez," as he backs up a little, raising the ax and pointing it at her, "You're not a timber wolf."

"Like you, I wear coats as a second skin. I am afraid, it must look quite foreign." The cloak pulls off even more, revealing a white and two-tone-gray equine figure, golden bands around her neck and foreleg. "Zecora is my chosen name, potion craft my claim to fame."

"I'm Doug," the human replies tentatively, "I work in Ponyville." He glances around, the sounds of the forest and woods echoing around them. He clips his ax back to his pack, continuing to walk down the train tracks and saying, "I'm a human; you are?"

"I hail from far, the Zebrican plains, and venture for the many gains." She gives a quiet sigh, "Though even after years of entering here? Always they regard me with so much fear."

"Yeah, I didn't exactly get a great reception either." Doug raises a hand to his chin, a slight smirk, "So, I can't help but notice, but you have a great gift for rhyme."

Zecora smirks back, "Yes, yes, some of the time. I find it makes life more sublime. What brings you out so far away today? I think this is a ways out of your way."

"Meeting up with some old friends; been a few years since I've seen them, and I'm kind of interested in how things are going."

"Ah, the ones who hope to make it big? I too go to the dogs who dig."

Doug nods, spotting the clearing up ahead. "So, you come to Ponyville often, or to see the Diamond Dogs?"

"Once a month I come and go, more frequent should my stocks get low. The Diamond Dogs, more time may pass, less frequent need I rocks and glass."

The two enter the clearing, mostly grass, rocks, and dirt. There are no signs that any creatures live in the area, a frown spreading on Doug's face. "So, um, this is my first time here. Any special way to get their attention?"

"Some days they greet when I arrive, rarely waiting more than five. Other times, I must knock; upon this, slab of rock." Zecora moves to one of the small boulders, striking her hoof against it three times. Doug turns, looking around him and trying to spot any of the arriving Diamond Dogs.

After a minute he looks back; Zecora has a peaceful look on her face, her body held calm and still. A rumble underneath Doug's feet causes him to look down, squinting at the small pebbles as they shake back and forth near his toes. "Um, is that-" he cuts off as he looks to the side, Zecora no longer standing there. "Hello?"

The ground underneath Doug splits open, two large paws grabbing onto the human and dragging down. The world goes black as he disappears under the surface, desperately staving off his fight-or-flight instinct, merely hoping that whatever is capturing him has good intentions. Not like he could dig himself out, as they seem to be going down very quickly, a large amount of dirt finding its way around him and filling the hole behind them.

After fifteen seconds Doug stops moving, the sounds of scuffling around him. "Hello?" he says, a hesitant look around the pitch black room. He holds his hand in front of his face, not able to see anything at all except for the false pinpoints of light his mind imagines.

"What? Doug, you no recognize me?" a somewhat familiar voice says, Doug trying to locate the source in the dark.

"Kole?" Doug says, getting to a seated position and trying to look around.

"Yes! Very good! But, I over here."

"Sorry, I can't see anything in this dark."

"Oh." Doug feels a paw grab his hand, Kole saying, "Follow me. Find light."

"I'm sorry, Doug, for this your plight; should have brought potion of dog-sight." Doug hears the sounds of hooves on dirt follow him as the dog yanks him to his feet. He blindly waves an arm around, trying to find if the ceilings are high enough or a wall to steady himself against as Kole pulls him along.

"So, Kole, how are the pups?"

"My pups or your pups?"

"Oh, congratulations! Didn't know Shav had another litter."

Doug can hear the esteem in Kole's voice, "Oh, yes, Shav make Kole very proud. Pups growing up big and strong!" After a minute of walking through twisting and turning passages Doug hears the sound of metal on metal, a red lantern lighting in front of him. Kole turns, giving Doug the lantern and finally allowing Doug to look around.

It's impossible to tell how far underground he is; he would guess it has to be a good distance, not that Doug could really say one way or the other from walking around the tunnels. The walls are rough packed dirt and stone, the occasional glint of a gemstone buried inside. Many corridors branch off from the large cavern, a good number of Diamond Dogs of all ages making their way back and forth. Doug spots Shav making her way from one of the paths, waving as she comes into the light.

"Greetings, Doug!" Shav bounds over, a quick embrace for Doug before glancing over, "And Zecora, good to see you too. I trust Kole wasn't too rough on you this time?"

"Once I learned how not to fight, the discomfort was only slight." Zecora smiles, with a wink. "A warning I not give to Doug; gladly, no harm to the big lug." Kole pats his head awkwardly, looking away with a forced smile.

"Are you talking about me or Kole?" Doug asks, Zecora only returning a wry smirk. Doug looks back to Shav, "So, yeah, definitely not the method of transportation I would normally take, but it worked. Looks like you are making a lot of progress on your home!"

"Yes! Work goes well, though the gems we find are scattered very sparsely. Makes it difficult to try to find them, especially when we dig through an area we already dug through before and a gem or two turns up. It can be hard to keep the dogs in line, as they might collapse the whole place on us if they dug freely!" Shav glances to Kole, the dog smiling and waving at the three before walking off.

Doug nervously looks to the ceiling, "I sure hope that doesn't happen while we're here. Or at all, I mean."

Shav chuckles, "Yes, me too." She looks to Zecora, "The usual?"

"A potent mixture did I draw, for tooth and gums and aching claw," Zecora says as she withdraws a package, the clink of vials against each other. "One drop will do the trick, mix water glass and drink right quick!"

"Perfect." Shav barks twice, one of the bigger Diamond Dog pups coming over, wearing a metal helmet. "Get the box for Zecora." The dog gives a quick salute, Shav turning back to Doug. "Well, they're learning quick, at least."

"That one of mine?" Doug says, motioning to the large Diamond Dog as she leaves.

"Um, no, yours are..." Shav nervously rubs the back of her head, "Yours are a little on the runt-y side of things. But, they're always coming up with ideas." She motions to Zecora, "For instance, they were the ones scouting around and found Zecora. Offered her some gems and other things we make around here in exchange for her medicines."

"A profitable exchange for both of us, for potions heal both pain and pus."

Shav nods, "They also came up with the method to bring her here. Way better protection from the monsters of the Everfree, since we don't have a big entrance we have to guard. A little harder to get in and out, but we manage easily enough." She flexes her digging claws, a few of the other dogs doing the same as they walk by. "Speaking of..."

"This is him! This is him!" A short Diamond Dog rushes over, followed by a lanky dog and a bulky dog. The three bound closer, Doug smiling at them as they try to climb up his side. The first two are met with reasonable success, able to lick Doug's face as he picks them up. The third one leaps at Doug with his arms held wide, knocking the three over. Doug laughs, rubbing their heads as they slobber all over him.

"I'm Spot," the short one says, "And this is Fido-" he points to the lanky one "-and this is Rover." The bulky dog gives a wave, slowly taking his weight off the human.

"I'm Doug, as I'm sure you know. Nice to meet you all."

"Yes, it's been good, living here with uncle Kole and Brutus. Is Doug staying with us now?"

Doug shakes his head as Shav says, "No, Doug won't be staying, he is just here to visit. Now, you three, you have work to do." Shav pulls two of them off, Rover slowly getting off by himself. The three dogs wave, quick barks as they continue with their work. "So, want a quick tour of the place? Unfortunately, not a lot to see except for tunnels."

"Um, sure, if you want. I came to see you, see how things are going, but if you are looking to trade then I'm sure we can set something up. I know Rarity is often looking for more gems to use in her work."

The Diamond Dog returns, holding a rough wooden box. She gives it to Zecora, the zebra taking it with a smile and placing it in her saddlebags.

Shav says, "Hmm, I think we should be able to get enough gems for your mate, especially if she comes here to assist in locating them." Shav turns to Zecora, "Are you ready to leave now?"

"I too would like a tour of this place, as I rarely see others face to face. I do not mind the walk around, as fascinating are the sights and sound."

"Suit yourself." Shav leads the two through a few of the warrens, storage rooms, and mushroom farms. There is even an underground river, the area around the flowing water reinforced with stone. They also peek in the armory, two dogs working on crafting metal helmets, breastplates and spears.

"Preparing for anything in particular?" Doug asks, looking at the spears. The contempt essence on the tip makes it extraordinarily sharp; he warily tests the tip, his light touch drawing a drop of blood.

"Timber wolves." Shav sighs, "They have become more and more numerous. The spears break them up, but only temporarily, as if we are fighting a hydra made of wood and bark."

"I have a substance you might use, presence is hidden, like a ruse." Zecora goes through her saddlebags, "I must keep two for Doug and me, but trade the rest for spear or three."

Shav looks at the bottle Zecora pulls out, "How long does each application last, and how many applications?"

"Just a light dab, to tip of snout; four hours will no scent come out. Three bottles did I bring with me. Applications? Maybe twenty three."

Shav raises an eyebrow, "Do you make up those numbers on the spot, or it'll actually work about a hundred hours?"

"Broken over many uses, you see; but yes, that's right, approximately."

"Deal." Shav moves over, grabbing three of the spears, the two blacksmiths on duty looking over at her as she wraps the spear tips in a heavy cloth. Zecora straps the spears to her side, pulling the stopper on one of the bottles. She carefully lifts the bottle over her head, one drop coming out and landing on her snout. Zecora motions for Doug to get down and he does, one drop coming out of the bottle and landing on his nose.

"Wow, this stuff must be really nice to have out in the Everfree." Doug rubs his nose, the liquid spreading around like a balm.

"It is a potent strength, indeed, that I make with blue flower seed." Zecora looks over to Shav, "Sadly, I feel that I must now depart, or timber wolves might rend my flesh from heart."

"Wouldn't want that to happen. Hmm, I guess I can dig you out. Who wants to go first?"

Shav digs a tunnel for Zecora, then Doug, dragging the two to the surface. "Thanks, Shav, for everything. Glad to see things are going well!" Doug says, a wave as he looks around the clearing they started in.

"Of course, Doug. You should send over Rarity one of these days, I'm sure the pups would love to play around with her."

Doug chuckles, "Yeah, just put her to work again. I'm sure she won't mind, as long as she can keep her hooves clean."

Shav laughs, "Did we go to the same place? The whole warren is made entirely of dirt. At least there are lots of gems. Good day, Doug and Zecora." Shav waves, disappearing back under the ground.

Doug and Zecora walk a little ways before Zecora says, "It appears we must now part ways; I would like to see you in future days."

"Yeah, Zecora, I'd like that too. So, um, you live in the Everfree Forest?"

Zecora nods, "You know the path the catapillt took? Follow that path to babbling brook, go downstream to fat wide tree, and that is where you will find me."

Doug takes a deep breath, slowly letting it out as he shudders. "I don't know, I'm not sure about going into the Everfree."

"It is not right, to live in fear, not with the cause so very near. What course of action can you take, the hold of chains that bind to break?" Zecora looks towards Ponyville, then back at Doug.

Doug shrugs, "Well, we did beat the catapillt. At least, the town and Celestia did. I helped a little, I guess."

"Then special trophy should you take, to remind you that foes we make, of those that we cannot befriend, then surely they shall come to end." Zecora dons her brown cloak, waves, and disappears into the Everfree Forest.

Doug stands still for a minute, watching the trees Zecora disappeared between. He sighs, walking back to Ponyville where he stares at the large pile of rubble at the southern end of town. He walks up to it, picking out a small round stone, tossing it back and forth as he walks to Sweet Apple Acres, a smile slowly creeping along his face.