• Published 13th Sep 2018
  • 2,765 Views, 167 Comments

Alternate Beginnings: Year Six - Doug Graves

Herd Apple continues to grow, both out and up, as Doug meets a few more colorful characters.

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10 Dark Instincts

May 10th, 998

An unlit lamp sits on a dark wooden table, the only furnishings of an otherwise crowded barn. The room is silent, the windows shuttered and door closed, the many wooden crates lining the painted walls providing a second barrier against any moonlight seeping through. The barn door creaks loudly as a hoof, shrouded in shadow, pushes against it. A few drops of liquid can be heard splashing against the metal hinges, the same hoof giving the door a few test pushes back and forth. Satisfied at the lack of sound, the door opens completely, the hooded figure slipping inside. A soft glow emanates; the dim light of a lamp glows softly, a sliver of moonlight painting one of the walls a bright silver as the pony retreats to the darkness.

A few minutes later the soft fluttering of wings can be heard, a second hooded figure entering through the open door. The yellow wings quickly disappear under the fabric as the pony takes their place at the table, nodding to the first pony in greeting. A short nod in return, the first figure opening one of the purple saddlebags at her side, a few items withdrawn in the shadow before the bags disappear under the table.

Shortly after, a third pony appears in a dark pink robe, muzzle covered in forest green paint and sticking out from under their cowl. The pony pronks up to the table, unable to keep still as they bounce in place - up, and down, and up, and down. The second pony doesn't seem to mind, beyond watching with slight movements of her cowl as she follows the pronking while the first pony takes furtive glances to the side, more and more annoyance with every breath.

Inside the farmhouse, two heads raise. They give a quiet nod to each other, the two ponies extricating themselves from their stallion's clutches. They move to the closet, removing two black hoods and full body cloaks, carefully stowed under an assortment of tan hats. They exit the room, the only sound the soft tap of one set of hooves on the wooden floors. The two ponies make their way to the barn, the second pony closing the door as the first pony tucks her blue wings under her coat. They make their way to the table, each taking a seat and nodding to those around them.

The first pony to enter the room holds her hooves together, scanning the four cloaked figures in front of her. The pony breaks the silence, an ominous echoing, "Welcome, all, MoHA. We gather this night to discuss a matter of utmost importance."

The last pony to enter the room says, "Rarity, Ah know, you like the intrigue, but can we git with these costumes? Ah feel ridiculous."

The pony identified as Rarity gasps, "You used my name! I told you to never use my name!"

The third pony pronks up and down, "Ooh, does that mean we can call you whatever we want?"

The fourth pony says, "No, Pinkie, I think Rarity wants us to use those fancy code names she came up with." She grunts, putting her elbow on the table and resting her head on her hoof, idly scratching at the wood with her other hoof.

Rarity pulls her hood back, pouting, "Well, fine, ruin all the hard work I put into these outfits. I still don't know what you don't like about the name Wind Sprint."

Rainbow tugs her hood and coat off, "Because it's an exercise, not an awesome code name! Now, what did you call the mares of Herd Apple here for, anyway? And why isn't Doug here?" The rest of the group follow suit, removing their outfits with which Rarity makes a neat stack in the corner. "This better not be about that studding thing."

Applejack nods, "Pretty sure we each told you that we ain't interested, but if that's what you and Doug want to do, then we'll support it, even if we ain't happy about it."

Rarity scoffs, "No, it's not about that. And besides, I would only consider that under one condition." A dreamy expression comes over Rarity's face, "I would meet the Prince at a party in Canterlot, only the highest class of ponies in attendance. We-" Rarity glances over as Applejack loudly clears her throat, the rest of the ponies looking sourly at her. "Ahem. Very well. As we know, the five year prohibition that Spoiled Rich set down is nearly up. So far, Doug has made nearly no effort at returning the interest of any of the mares that have shown interest in him or that have come to us. Amethyst Star has been the latest who has openly tried, and he essentially told her he was not interested in pursuing such a relationship with her."

"Is that why she's hanging around Big Mac more often?" Applejack asks, eyeing Rarity suspiciously; the unicorn nods in return, a slight smirk on her face.

Rainbow rolls her eyes, "Come on, Rares, Doug is perfectly happy with us and the foals. Why do we need a sixth mare, anyway?"

Applejack says, "Ah'm inclined to agree with Rarity here. Ah've enjoyed my time with you all immensely, but we've stagnated, you know? It's been great adding foals to the herd, but it's been just the five of us mares for five years, now. And to be honest, there are quite the number of single mares in Ponyville." Applejack looks down, "And Ah sure didn't like being one of them."

Pinkie Pie nods her head rapidly, "A new mare would be a great addition! They could help out with all sorts of new games and ideas!"

Fluttershy says, "I think it would be nice to have a new member, too. I love all you girls, and I think another pony would add to that."

Rainbow shakes her head, grumbling, "Well, I don't like being all alone here, so fine, if we can all agree on a new member, then I'm in." She perks up a little, "And six mares is supposed to be a lucky number, too."

Applejack nods her head, "Well, Ah'm glad we've come to that agreement. So, now, we've all seen the interest that Doug has received so far. Those that have come to us are welcome to continue to try. But, Ah think we're going to have to take it into our own hooves to pick which mare we set him up with next. So," Applejack looks around the room, pausing at each pony in turn, "What kind of mare are we thinking of adding?"

Rainbow says, "Well, she's gotta be athletic, loves sports and being outdoors."

Fluttershy says, "Well, I don't know about that; while I think being outdoors and with animals is good, I think she will prefer staying inside and cuddling up with a good book."

Rarity says, "Inside? No, she needs to be outside, willing to be seen with Doug and each of us, going to fancy restaurants and such."

Fluttershy quietly says, "Fancy restaurants?" as Pinkie Pie says, "I know I like getting to know ponies and all, but I think she's going to have gotten a lot of her crazy powerful abilities from studying books."

Rarity says, "What? No, the proper way to learn is by meeting others, learning from them!" as Fluttershy says, "I don't think she needs crazy powerful abilities, just enjoying simple things like oatmeal," as Rainbow adds, "That sounds great and all, but what kind of pegasus gets their powers from books?"

Applejack yells, "QUIET DOWN Y'ALL!", the silence broken by Pinkie Pie exclaiming, "Oatmeal? Are you crazy!"

Applejack continues, "Alright, Ah can see that each of us is very... opinionated about what kind of mare we want to join. So, each of us is going to propose a characteristic that prospective mares might have, and whether or not the next mare should have it. Each of us will be able to vote yay or neigh, give our reasons." Seeing everypony nod in response Applejack continues, "Ah'll go first. Ah know how much Doug likes being all introverted and such, and it's a real sacrifice for him to be social with us, going to big parties and whatnot. You can see it in how much he likes that weather job of his. So, Ah think he will want a mare that's interested in books and studying like him."

Rainbow groans, "You mean a nerd?"

Applejack glares at Rainbow, "Now, Rainbow, Ah probably should have specified, but Rarity will have the first chance to comment, then you get to say your piece." Rainbow loudly sighs but nods, shutting her mouth.

Rarity considers, putting a hoof to her chin before saying, "I agree, I think that a more studious pony would be a good influence around here. I vote yay."

Rainbow watches Rarity for a few seconds before saying, trying to keep as much of the edge out of her voice and failing, "That sounds like the most boring, un-awesome, um... boring pony ever. I vote neigh."

Fluttershy says, "Um, I would like another nice, quiet pony. Yay."

Pinkie Pie scoffs, "A pony who doesn't like parties!? Neigh, neigh, neigh! Though she might come to like them after she's been to a few!"

Applejack rolls her eyes, "Sorry, Pinkie, you only get one vote. Rarity, you're next on the quality, Rainbow, you get the first comment."

Rarity hums to herself before saying, "Well, not be exclusive or anything, I love you all, but I think the next pony will be a unicorn. We have two pegasi, two earth ponies, and only one unicorn. We even had the chance at two alicorns!"

Rainbow laughs, "What, and we need a second human, so there are two humans as well?"

Applejack smirks, "No, if'n we did that Ah think we would need two more humans, so he has two human mares."

Rarity rolls her eyes but stays silent, looking at Rainbow. The pegasus responds, "Well, I don't think it has to be a unicorn. He'll probably get another earth pony. Though I know a couple pegasi that wouldn't say no if he asks."

Fluttershy says, "Um, are we saying what we think he will pick or what we think a mare should have?"

Applejack thinks, "Hmm. Ah think what the next mare he would ask out, or that he would strongly consider if we set them up on a date."

Fluttershy says, "Okay. In that case, yay."

Rainbow Dash adds, "In case it wasn't clear, I say neigh."

Pinkie Pie bounces slightly in her seat, "Oh, it'll be a unicorn all right. Yay!"

Applejack says, "Ah'm with Rainbow, Ah think it'll be another earth pony. He sure likes his earth ponies." She winks at Pinkie Pie, who gives a confused look back. Applejack says, "Alright, Rainbow, what do you think it'll be?"

Rainbow Dash exclaims, "Oh, I know this for sure! She's gonna be awesome! Like, super crazy powers!"

Fluttershy quietly says, "Oh, um, I don't know, I don't think so. I think she'll be... nice. Neigh."

Rainbow huffs, muttering 'nice' and folding her forelegs in front of her.

Pinkie Pie says, "Ohh, I love crazy powers! Like-"

Applejack puts a hoof in Pinkie's mouth, "Ah'm sorry Pinkie, no demonstrations of what crazy powers this next mare will have. If she's anything like each of us you know she's going to have at least something special about her. Ah vote yay."

Rarity rolls her eyes, "I think he had his shot at mares with crazy powers, and he didn't take it. Not to say she won't be special in her own way, but neigh."

Fluttershy quietly asks, "My turn?" Applejack nods, and Fluttershy considers before saying, "I think she'll be... shy."

Pinkie Pie gasps, "You mean, like, she won't like parties? And she'll be super concerned with her studies? And likes spending time with books more than ponies because she never really took the opportunity to get to know other ponies and go to their parties?" At Fluttershy's barely perceptible nod Pinkie grasps her mane in her hooves, steam coming out of her ears. "Neigh, neigh, neigh! We need more party ponies!"

Applejack ignores Pinkie's antics, "Well, knowing Doug, Ah think he has a soft spot for the shy ones. Yay."

Rarity says, "Well, I do hope he picks a mare with at least a little social grace. Neigh."

Rainbow Dash shakes her head, "His lead knows best, Yay. He's going to go for the shy, nerdy kind."

The mares fall silent for several seconds before Applejack prompts, "Alright, Pinkie, you go next."

Pinkie Pie bounces up and down, "Oh, me, it's my turn! Hmm..." She considers, moving her hoof over her chin, then her chin over her hoof. Applejack coughs and Pinkie says, "Well, I can't think of anything that isn't too spoilerific, so I'm going to say her coat is a different color than the rest of us."

Applejack scoffs, "What kind of silly requirement is that? Doug don't care about the color of a pony's coat, no more than Ah do. Neigh."

Rarity squirms, "Well, I do know of a few ponies that are somewhat interested and are different coat colors than us, at least within a few shades. As much as I hate to say it, yay."

Rainbow taps her hoof on her chin, "Yeah, I'm with Rarity. There are quite a few pegasi on the weather team that are pretty different from each of us and interested in him. Yay."

Fluttershy says quietly, "Yes, well, there are a lot that do share a color, too. Neigh."

Applejack looks at the tallies for the different questions, "Alright, so each of us voted yay on three, and neigh on two. And each quality got three yays and two neighs. So, Ah guess each quality passes, so we're going to get a bookish unicorn who is crazy powerful but doesn't like showing off that power, and is a different coat color than all of us." Applejack deadpan stares around the room, "Y'all know anypony that fits that description?"

Each mare puts their hoof on their chin, trying to think through all the ponies they know that might fit.

Rarity tentatively offers, "Sunset Shimmer?"

Rainbow shakes her head, "Got herself banished."

Rarity shakes her head, "Shame, she was cute, too," as the mares go back to scratching their heads.