• Published 30th Aug 2018
  • 670 Views, 3 Comments

It runs in the family. - ponylaw

Trixie meets a traveling magician and gets an interesting surprise.

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The grand finale.

As he left, Jackpot apologized to Sunflower for any trouble his visit might have caused. Sunflower shook her head, “There’s no need for you to apologize. It’s something I should have told her ages ago. Besides, it was fun seeing you again. As for Trixie, no matter how this turns out, she’ll always have the memory of meeting her hero in person.” Jackpot nodded his head with a smile, and left without saying a word. Sunflower exhaled with exhaustion, “And now to see how Trixie is holding up.” She slowly came up to the door and lightly knocked. “Trixie? Honey? Are you awake?” She placed an ear against the door and could hear shuffling. She jiggled the door handle and realized it was still locked. After grabbing a spare key from above one of the door frames, she unlocked the door and walked in. Instead of finding Trixie in her bed, Sunflower saw her stumbling out of the window with an overstuffed suitcase. She bolted to the window and grabbed Trixie by the tail with her teeth. “Now hold up there firecracker. Get your flank back in the house.” Trixie dropped to the floor and pouted.

“Oh come on mom. It’s not like I was going to go for a long time or go unsupervised. I was just going to spend some time with my dad.” Trixie looked down with a puzzled gaze, “Gee that’s weird to say.”

Sunflower sighed while rubbing the sides of her head with her hooves. “Trixie, you can’t just go off on your own. Also, Jackpot has a career that would get in the way of taking care of a little foal as well.” She looked over at Trixie who sat dejected with her chin stuffed against her chest. “I’m not saying you can’t send a letter to him every once in a while. We can even try to work something out where we can hang out when he’s not busy on his magic tour.” This caused Trixie to rebound back to her hyper and smiling self. Sunflower grabbed Trixie in one arm while ruffling her mane with the other, both sharing a hearty laugh. “Ok, I think you’ve been up long enough. It’s time to go get some shut eye.” Trixie ran over to her bed and threw the covers over herself. Sunflower gave her a kiss goodnight on her forehead, turned off the light, and closed the door.

Sunflower went back to the kitchen and began putting away the dishes and leftover food. Halfway through, she struggled to stifle a yawn. “I think I need to get a little bit of sleep myself. This was much more of an eventful day than I was planning for.” After cleaning the kitchen, she did one last check of securing the house and headed off to bed.


Sunflower was rudely awoken by a mix of a door knocking and the ring of a doorbell. She rubbed the sleepiness out of her eyes and focused more on the sounds. The door knocking came from her own bedroom door accompanied with a small voice.

“Mommy, there is someone at the door.”

Sunflower looked at her clock and saw that it wasn’t even nine in the morning. “Someone better be dying,” she growled. Sunflower was not known to be a morning person, which is why she loved her stay at home job of making custom plant pots. If she chose to not get up till noon, she could; which was made better when Trixie was old enough to pour her own cereal. She didn’t think to even take the time to fix her bed head before heading to the door. When she opened it, the mail carrier handed her a small letter.

“I have a special delivery for-SWEET CELESTIA!” He reared back at seeing Sunflower. Her wild mane and baggy eyes made her look like a crazed maniac. She only responded with a growl as she snatched the letter out of his hoof and slammed the door.

“That wasn’t very nice mommy.”

“Neither was ringing the doorbell at O’dark thirty,” Sunflower grumbled. She made her way to the kitchen and began making a fresh pot of coffee. After a couple of sips, her demeanor began to change. A mare who was once looking like she wanted to pick a fight, was now melting into the chair with a smile on her face.

“So, who is the letter from?”

Sunflower snapped back to reality remembering Trixie was there along with a newly delivered letter sitting on the table. She set the coffee mug down and picked up the envelope. “It seems Jackpot sent us a letter before he took off.” Sunflower could see Trixie bouncing on her feet waiting to see what was inside. She tore open the top of the envelope and was surprised by a blast of confetti. Sunflower blew the bits of confetti out of her mane while Trixie rolled on the floor laughing. “Oh, so you think that’s funny huh?” Sunflower leaned over and shook her head, causing the rest of the confetti to fall out and land on Trixie. The reactions flipped with Trixie getting the confetti off while Sunflower roared with laughter. She pulled out the letter and began to read. “It seems we have been invited to Las Pegasus to see Jackpot when he is done with his tour.”

Trixie’s eyes went wide as she let out a loud gasp. “I’ll go start packing.” She turned to run off to her room but was stopped by Sunflower grabbing her with her magic.

“Hold on there firecracker, it says when he is done with his tour. He’s got a little over a month left before he’s back in Las Pegasus. Besides, you still have school till the end of the month.”

“Ugh.” Trixie plopped down with audible irritation. “But I know everything I need to know.”

“Well, school begs to differ. So until then, why don’t you come up with some more tricks. I’m sure he will enjoy that.

“Okay,” she got up and ran off to her room.

Sunflower smiled and shook her head. She looked back at the letter and the design gave her a sudden reminder. She looked towards the back of the house and yelled, “And no fireworks inside!”


The airship shuttered as it came to a stop at one of the docks. Sunflower and Trixie stayed on for a little while to both take in the view and to wait out the disembarking crowd. They both marveled at the amount of flickering lights and multi-tiered buildings lined on the road built on the cloud. If it wasn’t for them, no pony without wings could ever set hoof there.

“Ooo, ooo, I want to ride that!” Trixie was stretching over the bow and pointing at a roller coaster taller than any of the buildings.

Sunflower gulped and became a little motion sick at watching the coaster as it finish its third consecutive loop. “Um, let’s put a pin in that. Maybe we should first get our stuff in the hotel and then see if you are even tall enough for it.” Sunflower grabbed the luggage as she saw Trixie stretching her neck to try and grow an extra inch or two. They both walked over to the hotel and set their luggage at the check-in counter.

The pony behind the desk greeted them with a wide smile on her face. “Well hello, welcome to The Grand Ponetian. Do you have a reservation?”

“Yes, one moment,” Sunflower rifled through one of her saddle bags and pulled out a piece of parchment. The attendant took it and read through it.

“Oh my, so you are the one.” Sunflower tilted her head with a puzzled gaze. “Mr. Jackpot had told us he was expecting guests and to show them the five star treatment.” The clerk turned and whistled off to the distance. They were shortly met by another pony pushing a baggage cart. “Take their bags to the VIP suite at once.” The other pony tipped his hat and began loading the cart. He went to pack the small purple bag with stars but was met with resistance. He looked more closely and saw a small blue filly using her magic to pull back. He blinked a couple of times and looked up switching between Sunflower and the desk clerk.

Sunflower chuckled, “You might as well let her have it. You’ll never win the fight.” The bell hop shrugged and let go of the bag. After placing the rest of the bags on the cart, he stood by waiting for them to follow him.

The clerk handed Sunflower an envelope, “Here is your room key along with some reading material that lets you know what activities are happening. It covers things both for family events and adult only entertainment. Mr. Jackpot said he’ll meet you for dinner in the hotel dining room at seven.”

“Thank you.” Sunflower took the envelope and followed the bell hop to her room. She opened the door and was pushed aside by Trixie running in to explore the room. Sunflower turned to tip the bell hop, to which he held out a hoof and shook his head.

“No need ma’am. It’s all part of the included service.” He tipped his hat and made his way out the door.

She placed her bits back in her bag and began unpacking the suitcases. She was almost done when she could hear Trixie yelling from the balcony.

“Mom, come out and see this view!”

Sunflower went out to the balcony and looked out to the buildings, “Wow, this is a fantastic view.” She went out to the banister and looked down, immediately regretting her decision. Her head began to spin and she had to step back inside and sit on the couch. She was thinking that she should have told Jackpot about her unease with high places. To take her mind off of the height, she grabbed the envelope the clerk handed her. “Trixie, how about you come over here and we can look through this pamphlet to see what we can do.”

“Roller coaster,” Trixie blurted out.

Sunflower shuttered remembering the loops, “We’ll look at that while we’re out, but let’s see what else this place has to offer. We don’t have to meet Jackpot for several hours.” They headed out flipped through the pamphlet and found a couple of shows and arcades they could visit to kill some time. They even found a casino that Sunflower could bring Trixie to, but had to leave realizing Trixie might have a gambling problem if not kept in check. Upside is she won them fifty bits. To Sunflower’s dread, Trixie was just tall enough to ride the Wild Blue Yonder; only made worse when she realized they were getting the front seat. Trixie was bounding for joy asking to ride again while Sunflower laid on a nearby bench waiting for everything to stop spinning. They were able to squeeze an ice skating show in before Sunflower saw that it was almost time to meet Jackpot.

“Let’s go Trix. We need to head back to the room so we can get ready for dinner.”

“Ok then mommy,” replied Trixie, and they both made their way back. They made sure to buy nice dinner robes before coming on the trip. Sunflower’s was an elegant gold robe with sequins scattered around it. Trixie’s was more simplistic with a gloss purple and ruffles on the edges and stars on it to keep with the look of her cape that she was disappointed with not being able to wear. They made their way down to the hotel dining area. It looked like a ballroom with tables set around a small dance floor. From the ceilings draped long wires with crystals on them, reflecting the light coming from recessed lamps in the ceiling.

The walked up to the front and was met by a pony dressed in a tuxedo. “Do you have a reservation?”

Sunflower rubbed the back of her neck, “Yes, but I don’t know the name it would be under.” The maître d’ cocked one of his eyebrows in skepticism. “We are the party that is supposed to meet Mr. Jackpot for dinner.”

The maître d’ acknowledged, finally understanding, “Ah yes, Mr. Jackpot said a couple of ponies would be meeting him. He has not arrived yet, but has left a message to escort you to your table and that he will be here shortly.” He escorted them to a private table placed on a platform in the back. While it was still part of the dining hall, it was obvious to see that it was designed for special guests and set off from the main hall. They sat down and were met by a waitress in a cocktail dress.

“What will you two lovely ladies like?”

Sunflower looked up from her menu, “We haven’t decided on the food yet, but I’ll take a sweet tea, and what would you like Trixie?”

Trixie looked at the waitress, “Do you have any apple juice?”

The waitress started writing in her notepad, “One glass of sweet tea and one apple juice. I’ll have those out in a jiff. Take your time looking over the menu.” With that, the waitress made her way to a door that led off to the kitchen.

Sunflower looked over the menu and was astounded to see how extravagant the meals were. Some of these she couldn’t even understand what they were, even after reading the description. If she was having a problem with them, she could only imagine Trixie not finding much out of it. Sure enough, when she looked over, she could see Trixie twisting and turning the menu like she was deciphering a map. Sunflower flipped over the menu and found a kids section, “You might find something more appealing on the other side.” Trixie looked more closely at the back and smiled when she found food items she not only understood, but enjoyed.

“Definitely a hayburger. Ooo, I can get them with dandelions.”

Sunflower went back to looking at the menu for something she’d want to eat. After trying to piece some of the meals together, she decided to choose the daffodil risotto. She looked up as she saw someone approaching thinking it was the waitress. “Fashionably late as always Jackpot,” Sunflower jested.

“Well, you know how I always like to make a grand entrance.” Jackpot looked over at Trixie, “And I’m glad you could make it too Trixie.” Trixie responded by flashing Jackpot a smile.

“I think she would have found a way to come even if she was told ‘no’. Just after you left, I caught this little one trying to pull a disappearing act of her own by jumping out the window and finishing up your tour by your side.”

“Did she now?” Jackpot messed with Trixie’s mane, “As much as I would have enjoyed the company, it was probably for the best you stayed with your mother.” Jackpot took his seat, “So, did you order yet?”

“Just drinks,” answered Sunflower. “We only just deciphered the menu to a point to find something we knew we could eat.”

“Yes, I will say the meal choices here can be a little daunting; but after pretty much living out of here like I have, you learn them quickly. I can assure you they are all delightful.” The waitress came back with the two drinks and took the rest of the orders. They sat and talked about how the rest of his tour through Equestria went, even the part about his run in with a Manticore in the outskirts. Sunflower became even more relieved she stopped Trixie from going, even though she was sure Jackpot would have never allowed it anyways. After they were done with their food, Jackpot pulled out two passes attached to lanyards. “These will get you two front row seats to my show tonight. Just show these at the door and the ushers will help you find your seats.”

Sunflower took the passes and put them in her purse, “Thank you Jackpot. I don’t know what to say.”

Jackpot raised his hoof, “Please, it is the very least I can do.” Jackpot cleared his throat and flattened out his tie, “In fact, I was hoping I could ask you something.” Sunflower took a drink of her tea and waited for the question. “I know my lifestyle doesn’t make time for family outings and what not, but I was hoping that I could at least try to be if Trixie’s life, if only a little bit. I’m not asking to try and up turn both of your lives and try to inject myself in something that already works so well. I just thought I could do little things like keep up with what she is up to and maybe even take trips with just the three of us.”

Sunflower looked over at Trixie who was showing a mix of excitement and confusion. She smiled and looked back at Jackpot, “I can’t see why not. I will say we should start slow and see how it works, but I would be happy if you would do that.” Both Jackpot and Trixie cheered at the same time and high hoofed like they had planned the whole thing.

“Thank you so much.” Jackpot took a quick glance at the clock, “While this was fun, it looks like I need to get going. The show is in a little over an hour and Big Bucks and I need to make some last minute checks on the show. Once again, I’m so glad for everything and that you two could make it out here.” Jackpot paid the bill and disappeared through an employee entrance across the hall.

Sunflower turned to Trixie, “Come to think of it, we should be heading out ourselves. Let’s head back to the room to get out of these formal robes and then go find our seat.” After placing their clothes back in their room, and Trixie getting her signature cape and hat, they made their way to the main auditorium next to the lobby. They showed their passes at the door like instructed and were led to a nearly empty row directly in front of the stage. It wasn’t long after taking their seats that the lights dimmed and the stage filled with fog.

“Mares and Gentlecolts, after their long hiatus of touring the land in search of new and exciting tricks, they are finally back together again. Put your hooves together for the fantastic magicians Big Bucks and Jackpot!” Right on cue, both came out at opposite ends of the stage smiling and waving at the audience. They dove right in with spectacular tricks that mesmerized everyone, gasping at the near danger moments and clapping when the trick was pulled off. Before anyone knew it, they were reaching the end of their show.

Jackpot was the first to speak, “Now comes to the point where we would pull out one of our all-time death defying stunts, but this time we have something special.”

“That’s right folks,” added Big Bucks. “It seems during our travels, Jackpot had stumbled upon a magician that is on their way to being the best there is.”

“Couldn’t have said it any better myself. Everypony, I’d like you all to put your hooves together for the one, the only,” both Jackpot and Big Bucks chime in together “Trixie Lulamoon!” Every spotlight turned and shined their light onto Trixie. Everyone began to cheer as Sunflower helped Trixie onto the stage. She scans the audience and begins to shrink back. “Don’t worry little one, it’ll be alright.” Jackpot turns to the audience, “Come on everypony, how about another round of applause.” Everyone replies with a roar of clapping.

Trixie turns towards jackpot, “But, I don’t have my bag of tricks.” Trixie is startled by a small bag with stars that lands inches from her. She looks up and sees her mother smiling. She returned her smile and began rummaging through her bag. She began pulling out small tricks that, while small, were still able to wow the audience. “And now, for my final trick!” Trixie pulls out a sheet and places it over herself, completely covering herself. “I will now make myself disappear and then reappear somewhere else. Can I get a drumroll please?” Big Bucks pointed off stage and was met with a drum rattling. Trixie’s hoof stuck out from the side of the sheet and tossed an object to the ground. Suddenly, a plume of smoke burst out from under her and obscured everyone’s vision. The drum roll stopped as the cloud dissipated and showed nothing but a flat sheet between Big Bucks and Jackpot. After a couple of gasps from the audience, Jackpot’s hat began to fidget on its own. Jackpot lifted it to reveal Trixie untangling herself from her cape. Once out, she turned to face a stunned silent crowd. She stood up and struck a pose, “Ta-da!” Both the crowd and the two stage magicians responded with jovial applause. Trixie took several bows and then produced a small box from her hat.

Sunflower’s face quickly turned to a look a shear horror, “Trixie, don’t!”

Before anypony else could realize what was going on, she pressed the button on the box and her bag began to glow and shake. Jackpot and Big Bucks backed away just in time before fireworks began shooting out and filling the stage with sparks. Everypony ducked for cover except for Trixie basking in the elegance of the show, and Sunflower now sinking further into her chair; neither of them noticing the cutie mark appearing on Trixie’s flank.

Comments ( 2 )

This is really great! The fanfiction is good! Too bad not many people have seen it out there.

I'm just satisfied that people are still reading my stuff long after I'm pretty sure this site died. I have other stuff on "FanFiction" and "FictionPress", but I get even less exposure on that.

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