• Published 30th Aug 2018
  • 670 Views, 3 Comments

It runs in the family. - ponylaw

Trixie meets a traveling magician and gets an interesting surprise.

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The big reveal.

A month had passed and Trixie had spent every waking moment perfecting her stage magic, even when others did not share her same appreciation. How was Trixie supposed to know that trying to show the illusion of sawing the class pet rabbit in half would be frowned upon, or that science class is not to be used to create and perfect her stage fireworks? No matter what bumps she had hit, she was determined to perfect her tricks in hope to show them off to Jackpot when he came into town.

“Come on mom. If we don’t get there soon, all the good seats will be taken.” Trixie danced around impatiently while tugging on her mom’s saddle bag.

“Patience dear, we’re still twenty minutes early.” Sunflower pulled some bits out of her bag and handed it to the pony behind the counter. He handed her two tickets and she placed them in her bag.

“Ok, now can we go?”

“Yes Trixie, we can go now. Why don’t you find us a place to sit while I get us some snacks?” Trixie had sprinted off to the rows of bleachers before Sunflower could finish her sentence. She smiled and shook her head, and headed off to the concession stand. After grabbing some popcorn for them to share and a couple of drinks, she made her way to the stands. She scanned the audience and saw Trixie waving for her halfway up the rows.

“See what I mean? If we had gotten here earlier, we could have had front row seats.”

“Well, if I remember correctly, we left later than we talked about because you wanted to make sure your tricks were perfect.” She looked over at Trixie who was hiding her blushing face under her wizard hat. Sunflower laughed and hugged Trixie, “It’s fine; besides, if we were up close, we’d be straining to see the whole stage. This way, we get a wider view of the magic acts.”

Trixie looked up and scanned the stage. Her eyes brightened and she smiled, “You’re right, this is much better.”

They sat and talked for the remainder of the time as the stands began to fill. Not long before the show was to begin to start, the pews were packed from end to end. Sunflower didn’t think Jackpot was this well known. She had just assumed he was doing his usual traveling side show that he was doing, with the occasional stop at some big venue, when they went their separate ways.

Trixie vigorously started to poke Sunflower’s side, “Mom, mom, look. The show is about to start.”

Sunflower looked back at the stage and saw that the spotlights had kicked on and low lying smoke was beginning to fill the stage. Sunflower chuckled, “I guess it’s true what they say, ‘the apple doesn’t fall far from the tree.’ He did always have a thing for theatrics, just like another blue pony I know.” A voice that she recognized billowed out from everywhere.

“Mares and stallions, fillies and colts; now is the moment you’ve all been waiting for. He’s dazzled the casinos of Las Pegasus. He’s mystified the streets of Manehatten. And now, for tonight only, he’s come to amaze you all here in Canterlot. It’s the Fabulous…and Fantastic…JACKPOT!” A blue stallion with pale blue hair emerged from behind the curtains sliding on his knees with his front hooves in the air. The crowd went wild, cheering and hollering his name. Sunflower was even clapping while Trixie was bouncing up and down waving her hat around. “Hello everypony and welcome to the show. Tonight you will witness some of the most fantastic, and even death defying, magic tricks that you have ever seen. You will even have the pleasure of being the first to view my newest magic trick, “The Splashtastic Escape. But to get things started, how about a simple card trick.” Jackpot’s horn lit up and he hovered a deck of cards above his head. He fanned them out and began shuffling them then spinning them around him in a tornado swirl of cards. The crowd oo’d and awed at the spectacle. He looked out to the stands, basking in their joy, until he laid eyes on an orange mare sitting in the middle of the stands. He lost focus and the cards scattered everywhere, some of which landed in the crowd. Sunflower chuckled and smiled back at him. Jackpot snapped out of his daze and panicked at the looks of confusion on everyone’s faces. “Sorry folks, it looks like that trick spiraled out of control.” The crowd laughed as he collected the cards. He did a quick glance back at Sunflower, which she saw and gave him a wink. He quickly pulled away and cleared his throat. After he composed himself, he continued on with the rest of the show.

The rest of the routines went off without a hitch. The crowd clapped when tricks amazed them and gasped every time they thought he was in peril. And then it was time for the finale to which he addressed the crowd, “Now we come to that part of the show for the trick that’s kept you here all this time. The newest illusion to hit the stage…the Splashtastic Escape!” Everyone responded with a roar of applause. “I would usually do illusions like this myself, but this time I’m going to call on one of you,” he punctuated with his hoof. Everypony jumped up trying to get his attention. He scanned the crowd and disappeared from the stage in a flash of sparks and reappeared standing next to Sunflower. “How about you young lady? How would you like to be part of my newest trick?”

Sunflower rolled her eyes with a smile, and gave her own dramatic performance, “Oh Mr. Jackpot, you flatter me. I would love to take part in your show.” Before she left her seat, she looked back at Trixie who was smiling from ear to ear. She walked up on stage and waved to the crowd next to Jackpot. She kept looking at the crowd while talking just loud enough for Jackpot to hear, “New trick, huh? If memory serves me correctly, this was the same trick you tried all those years ago.”

“Well, new and improved,” replied Jackpot. “I had some help perfecting it from another magician I work with from time to time.”

Sunflower leaned in closer, “If you try to drown me again, I’m taking you with me.” Jackpot gave a nervous laugh, remembering the past and knowing that she was serious. She stepped on a small “x” marked with tape and the tank was lowered on top of her.

“Now remember,” said Jackpot, “be sure to take a deep breath.”

Sunflower took held her breath as the tank quickly began to fill with water. The audience gazed at the stage as fast paced music flooded the air. Some found themselves holding their breath along with Sunflower, especially Trixie. Jackpot pulled out a massive sheet and hovered it over the tank. A fully submerged Sunflower gave one last wave as the sheet was lowered and completely covered. Jackpot danced around the tank with the music, even going on top to knock on the top glass, receiving a tap from the inside in reply. Jackpot went backstage and came back with a smaller sheet just big enough for him. He showed both sides to the audience, gave a smile and a wink, and tossed it up to cover him. When it fell it revealed a dripping wet Sunflower. The audience gasped and cheered, only to be interrupted by a loud tapping from within the tank. Sunflower pulled it off and showed a tank containing a floating Jackpot smiling and waving within the tank. The crowd jumped up and cheered even louder. The tank emptied and was lifted to let Jackpot out. Both he and Sunflower stood up straight and took several bows.

“Thank you, thank you. And let’s give another round of applause for my lovely assistant.” The cheering continued for another round while Sunflower took another series of bows. “And that does it for the show. Thank you all for coming. Please be sure to stop by the tables for any gifts you’d like to purchase.” Jackpot turned to Sunflower, “As for you, I’d really like it if we could get together while I’m in town. You know, to catch up.”

Sunflower smirked, “I’m sure you would.” She started to walk off stage then stopped and turned to him, “125 Tower Lane. 7 O’Clock.”

“I’ll be there.” He watched Sunflower walk off the stage and meet up with a small blue filly bouncing around her asking questions at rapid fire speeds. He easily recognized the outfit she wore, but he felt even the filly looked a little familiar.


Just before seven there came a knock on the door. Sunflower placed the pot she was using in the sink and walked over to answer the door. She opened it to see Jackpot in more casual clothing than what he wore on stage. “Welcome to my home JP.”

“And what a lovely home it is.” Jackpot stepped in and looked back at Sunflower, “I brought us some champagne for us to drink.”

“That will have to be for later. For now, it’s going to have to be fruit juice due to other company.”

“Other company?” As if it was a reply, he heard another voice come from the hall behind him.

“Mom, who’s at the do-,” Trixie stopped midsentence in astonishment. Her eyes became wide as plates and her mouth dropped to the floor. “OH MY GOSH, OH MY GOSH, OH MY GOSH!” Trixie ran up to Jackpot and stopped on a dime before colliding with him. “You’re the Fabulous and Fantastic Jackpot.”

Jackpot looked at Sunflower, who was crying trying to hold in a laugh. Jackpot looked back at Trixie, “Yes, that I am. And who might you be?”

Trixie cleared her throat and flared out her cape, “I am the Great and Powerful Trrrrrrixie!” Jackpot chuckled while Sunflower began to clap.

“Well, it’s great to meet you Trixie.” Jackpot leaned in towards Sunflower, “And I’m guessing she would be-.”

“My daughter, yes.”

“Your daughter, huh? And how old is she?”

Sunflower could see the gears turning in his head, “She would be eight years old.”

“And a half,” Trixie added slightly annoyed.

“Yes, sorry, eight and a half.” Jackpot could be seen trying to do math in his head. Sunflower quickly changed the subject, “I’ll go and place this bottle in the fridge. Trixie, why don’t you show Mr. Jackpot to the table?”

Trixie grabbed one of Jackpots legs and started pulling on him, “Right this way. By the way, would you like to see some of my magic tricks?”

Sunflower watched as they both walked to the table, Trixie trying to show off magic as they walked while Jackpot smiled and humored her. She paused as she was placing the bottle in the fridge. She could see him starting to put the timeframes together. She never thought of telling him because she thought she’d never see him again. It wasn’t planned, and they knew what they had was just a passing fling. Still, she wondered how he would take it if she dropped this bombshell on him. She closed the fridge and made her way to the table.

The three of them ate their meals while talking about everything from normal life, to Jackpot and Trixie having a magic face off, which resulted in another burnt hole in the table cloth from another one of Trixie’s pyrotechnics. It wasn’t long until fatigue took its toll and Trixie began dozing off at the table.

“Ok, I think it’s time for this little firecracker to head off to bed.”

“But mom,” Trixie mumbled in her sleepiness, “I want to stay up a little longer. I’m not even,” she paused to yawn, “tired.”

“Sure, and you didn’t just try to rest in the mashed potatoes. Go on now.” She nudged Trixie who begrudgingly complied and walked off. Sunflower looked back at Jackpot, “I’ll be back.”

“Take your time Sunny. Goodnight Trixie.” Trixie waved back with all she could muster and continued on to her room.

Trixie hopped into bed and Sunflower pulled the covers over her. “You had quite a big day. Not only did you get to see your new hero in action, but you also got to have dinner with him.”

“Maybe we can have breakfast with him as well?”

Sunflower chuckled, “I think he might have to be heading back on the road soon, but I’ll see.” Trixie nodded and drifted off to sleep. Sunflower turned off the main light, which triggered the star and moon night light to kick on, and closed the door. Sunflower grabbed the champagne from the fridge, and brought it and two glasses back to the table. She popped the cork and poured both of them a glass. She took a sip of it but saw that Jackpot looked at it while swirling it around. “Why aren’t you drinking it? You did bring it after all.”

Jackpot took a small sip and placed the glass back down on the table, “So…Trixie. That’s a wonderful, and quite spirited, eight year old kid you have there.” He stressed an emphasis on the “eight.”

Sunflower sighed and put her glass down as well. “I guess it’s time to talk about the manticore in the room. I saw you trying to think it through when you came in. I just wasn’t expecting you to put it together so quickly. It’s not like I was hiding her from you. I didn’t even realize it until weeks after you left. I juggled with the idea of tracking you down and telling you, but with having no idea where to start, and how you might feel, I just didn’t have the heart. It wasn’t until she was about four that I even found you again, but by that point I heard you had begun to set up shop in Las Pegasus, and I couldn’t bring myself to go and spring a child on you. I’m sorry if you hate me for not letting you know sooner.”

“No, I don’t hate you. A little shocked maybe, but I can understand.” He rocked his still full glass back and forth with his hoof. “So, does Trixie know that I’m her father?”

Before Sunflower could answer, she heard a loud gasp come from the dining room entrance. She turned to see a shocked Trixie staring back at them. Sunflower reached out to her, but Trixie bolted for her room, and slammed the door closed. The lock could be heard setting into place from down the hall. Sunflower sighed, “She does now.”