• Published 13th Sep 2018
  • 715 Views, 6 Comments

Fallout Equestria 76 - Fanliterature101

Due take note, power armor locations in this story are of the game.

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Chapter Three

Oct 29, 2102

Three days after Reclamation Day

Century's Log

Day three, The Battle for Charleston.

Mutants, ferals, and mongrels. Rogue automatrons, mutated wildlife, and much more than we anticipated. It's our second day, and yet we wish to have stayed in the Vault. There we didn't have to live with such torture. Peaceful, loving, safe. Yet here, it is another story entirely. Death, horror, hostility.

We have made our way down up North, to North East. Finding more weapons, ammunition, armor, clothing, and food. I've grown the ability to hunt for the five of us. Thankfully it lasts us the rest of the day. We've come across other dwellers. Some are welcoming, others aren't as caring and would turn on us immediately. This world has gotten to their heads, and so they lost trust in each other, and themselves. The ones that hold to hope, however, we've gathered with. These Responders have grown to the attention of many dwellers. Who have agreed to join our group. Our group of five became a small militia of fifteen. Medics, fire breathers, officers, and better yet. Soldiers. Veterans and children of war heroes. Some have decided to keep their ranks and gain new ones. An experienced militia. With armor, weapons, and powerful perks.

Our temporary base is here.

Location: Alpine River Cabins.

The place was believed to be haunted. Distant ghostly screams, moving paintings, disembodied sounds, and mild tremors. Yet, Tech had found it to be the software of a terminal. In a post uphill, connected to wires and intercoms. We've settled down. Using our C.A.M.P modules to craft workstations. Similar to what mom left for all dwellers. I only pray she is well, wherever she is. As for my father, I'm still searching. During my time in Vault 76, I have studied the functions of military weaponry. Mostly Power Armor. As I recall, the United Nations of Mareicas' defense contractors have created a function in the suits. What if a soldier were to die in the line of battle, or to have gone missing in their suits of armor? The companies built a beacon, programmed within the steel hide of the suit, and the name of the pilots as well. Track their locations and send groups to either recover these fallen soldiers or recover the suits before they could be claimed by enemy hands. My father had such a function in his suit. And with my studies I have created a radar, to detect his location. And hopefully, find him. Tech-Kit, my brother, has helped me with this project. For he insists on lending me his aid.

How could I refuse?

But since our arrival, I haven't been able to pinpoint his location. I hope to find him. I know he's out there, somewhere.
The radar is a small metal box, which I can attach to my Pipbuck. And through the system, I can operate it on my map. We have tested it time and time again. Now with members of the group having suits of armor they have found. Wandering off to a certain distance, and tracking their beacons to bring them back. So far it has worked. Now, all I have to do is wait.

"Century." A voice calls out from my cabin door.

This is Century, signing off.

Holotape ends.


I stand up from my bunk and walk towards the door. Taking hold of the knob, I twisted it open and pulled it inwards. There, at the bottom of the stairs, stands Celeste. She holds two servings of food in her hands.

"May I come in?" She asks, looking up to me, waiting for my reply.

I nod and stand aside, she comes up the stairs and stands before me. Handing me a plate of cooked wildlife meat and boiled water. The cooked meal had a smell to it, a mix of spices and herbs. Seems like Grey had found a use for the plantations of our new home.

"Grey made it, he and Arcee tested the herbs. They're safe to eat." She says.

I smile and take the serving. Then thank her. She smiles and walks over to my bunk, sitting down, and starts to eat. I sit by her side, cutting my food to pieces with a combat knife, which I give to her. She cuts her steak and cleans off the blade, before handing it back to me.

"Any plans for today?" She asks.

I slide the knife back into its scabbard, strapped to my side.

"Not that I know of. Though I have heard from Steel. There is a nearby airfield. Scouts came back with news of it. The place is overrun by mutants. But it has technology and weaponry we can use. Chances are we're going to attack and set base there."

Steel, a veteran soldier of the Great War.
Age: 57
Height: 5'11
Appearance: White fur, Navy blue hair, silver eyes.
His facial hairs are of grown yet freshly trimmed sideburns and mustache. Even in his elder ages, his appearance isn't one to underestimate. Surely he could pass for a stallion within his younger thirties. He may have a prosthetic hoof but he doesn't let that keep him down. Especially in his current life.

The oldest of our group, though, has left me to lead us all. I gave him rank as my advisor and second in command. Though we are of small numbers, we still need to have our ranks. The same has been done for Grey and his Responders, whom they have appointed him as the leader. And Celeste, as second in command. Tech has been ranked as weapons and armor proctor. All his knowledge of weaponry and protection is now put to use. He works with everyone, helping them adjust to new modifications. Arcee is our chef and field medic, her power to make anything edible and heal almost any wound almost seems like a gift from the heavens. A dear-hearted woman, the perfect choice for my brother. As for tactics, we all have our roles. And we work together with it.

"Sounds like a plan to me." She says as she finishes her food.

I open my carton and drink the warm water.

"How's it going, searching for your father?"

I finished the drink and set it down along with the plate.

"Nothing yet, but I'll find him."

She puts a hand on my shoulder. Rubbing it gently, and gives a kind smile.

"I know you will."

I smile softly, her kindness makes me feel warm from this cold world. She turns my cheek and looks at the bandage on my face.

"How's that going?"

I look at her and shrug.

"Doesn't hurt, I think it's fully healed."

She starts to peel off the cloth, the adhesive from its tape pulls on my fur. Giving a sting-like reaction when it lets go. I wince a bit, and she eases. Eventually, it comes off, revealing a scar dragging across my cheek.

"It's all good, but you do have a scar. If you'd like, I can give you a stimpack. Make it go away."

I shake my head.

"I'm okay, thank you."

We stay quiet for some time, sitting in front of one another. I never really like silence. I begin to speak, but I don't get the chance. She hugs me, laying her head on my chest. She listens to my heartbeat and relaxes. I don't say anything, she has done this before. Many times to be exact. In me, she finds comfort, warmth, and love. She looks to me as her mentor. But also as her friend. I smile slightly and hug her back. Petting her head with my right hand, my left around her back.

I lay my chin on her head and hold her close. We may look like friends but in truth and heart, we're family. No matter where we come from, or where we go. We love each other equally. And care for each other. She eventually relaxes and lets go, as do I.

"Ready?" I ask.

She nods.

"Well isn't this a sight for sore eyes?"

We both look to the door. Seeing Tech smiling from ear to ear. We smile back and laugh to ourselves. He comes in and greets us both.

"How are you guys doing? I hope you had a good night's rest." He says sitting on the bed opposite of us.

"We're doing fine, and yes we had enough sleep." I replied.

"Looks like you got yourself another scar brother, a little addition to the collection." He jokes.

I nod and Celeste speaks.

"Scars are a reminder of how strong you have become, through the pain you have gone through"

Tech gives a surprised look and leans back a bit. I chuckle and smile.

"Damn Cels, that was deep. You should be a Poet rather than a Responder."

She squints her eyes and talks back.

"Oh please, if I took such a role. You wouldn't survive for three minutes in the fields."

I laugh aloud.

"My gosh Cels, I'm not sure what would kill us quicker. The wildlife or your harsh words."

They laugh.

"Would you like some ice for that burn?" She mocks.

Grey comes in with his metal armor and assault rifle. We turn to him and smile. He greets and speaks.

"We're heading out in five minutes. Ready up."

We stand up and open our Pipbucks, equipping our choice of armor. Celeste with her leather armor, sturdy, and fully modified. And a Laser Rifle. Tech in his Power Armor suit. Tesla Grade, Model 45. Which he had found at a train station a while back, fully repaired and modified to a C rank. And his gatling minigun. I equipped my light combat armor with the painting of a white star. Signifying the military. Hunting Rifle in hand, and combat knife on my side.

"Ready?" I ask.

"Lead the way Commander." Celeste smiles.

I nod and walk out, patting Grey's shoulder. Going down the steps and meeting with everyone else outside. Steel waits for me as he gets everyone in line. He greets and shakes my hand, which I return.

"Is everyone prepped?" I ask.

"Yes, I had made sure of it myself sir. Well suited and accounted for."

I gave thanks and faced the others.

"As you may have heard, our scouts have found an airfield. Containing valuable resources. Ammunition, weaponry, machinery, etc. Yet they lay behind mutant security. These abominations are our main issue. Our first task is to eradicate these radiated beasts from our new base of operations. Clear out as much as we can and set a perimeter. We will take the West hangars first. Eliminate any mutant or hound within that area. Then set up defenses to push back their numbers and strength. Either that or hold them off until we can quickly resupply and kill off the rest. I know there isn't much of us here, but this is our first step to taking back Appleachia. Soon after that, the rest of West Virgineigha. Our heavy guards will take point, infantry and medical professions stay to their rear. Lend them a helping aid."

I look up to our small militia as they pair together in the exact orders I gave. This brings a smile to my face, but I choose not to show it as much. This was-is serious.

"Infantry will focus fire on the hounds first, as heavies will focus their fire upon the mutants. Scouts will circle around into the hangars and set up turrets from the sides. Tearing the beasts hides from their blind spots. Point Blank. Once driven back towards the middle landing strip, we create a barrier between them and us. It will be temporary as we need to clear out the rest. Medics will tend to the wounded and do so quickly. Since there are only so few of us, I shall accompany you all upon the field. I cannot take the risk of losing any fighting soul today. Not ever."

They keep their positions, not saying a word, not breaking their stance. The perfect formation, these people. They mean a lot to me. Even though I recently met them, they are my family now. I hope to keep it that way.

"This is our first step, let's make it count. For life, liberty, for happiness. For Mareica."

"For Mareica!" They shout in unison.

Steel stands forward.


They stand straight in a line and look forward. Arms to their sides and hooves and paws locked in place.

"To arms!"

One by one they equip their choice of weapons. Some hunting rifles, others pipe pistols and automatics. Loading their magazines in perfect sync, and hoisting them over their shoulders.

"Right Face, Roll Out!"

They all face and turn to their right, marching off towards Wade Airport. We follow close behind. The journey was long, and a bit rough. We passed by Camps of other Dwellers. Who had either watched us go by. Or come to us in need of aid and assistance. Tech and Arcee took their information in notes and gave them roles best suited for them, from their choice of perks. One of them caught my eye. As they came to my side.

"Faith, if I remember correctly?" I asked.

The mare nodded and smiled. The captain of Vault 76s' security. Her camp had trouble finding resources and fighting off monsters such as Mongrels and Bloatflies. I simply nodded and kept walking. But due to our destination coming ahead, I lent her a choice from my inventory. Metal armor, chest plates, arm, and leg braces. And a yellow fighter helmet was found off the corpse of a downed vertibird pilot. I cleaned the helmet before giving it to her of course. And she took it happily, yet hesitantly. I've known the captain for a long time, known her to never fear anything. Until now. She was scared, it was obvious. But I told her, as long as she stayed close to us. She'll be fine, which in return, she gave a calmed smile and nod.

"Sir, we're coming up on Wade Airports now. ETA, five minutes."

I walked ahead of the group and brought my rifle up to my chest, looking through the lens of my scope, I counted four by the entrance. Three by the towers, and ten by the hangars. Seventeen mutants and chances are, there are more. This was going to be a risky mission, very. We chose to come from the back which means there is more to deal with from the rear than the front. And due to how large those hangars are, there may be more mutants waiting inside those steel walls. Tech handed me a barrel attachment for my rifle, I thanked him and twisted it on. Modified to cancel the sound of fire. A silencer.

"On your mark brother."

I nodded and aimed for the tower guards. As did Grey and Cel for the ones near the fences.




The bullets fly through the air, each finding their targets. Eliminating them from their numbers. Or so we had wished. One mutant took the oncoming bullet to their neck, blood must have flooded their throat that eventually led them to their death. But it led out a cry of pain and anger, alerting the other mutants within the area. Luck doesn't seem to be on our side for the beginning of this fight. Ten left, or so to think. Five more came out of the hangars. Including one oddly detailed Mutant. Their bodies had a strange radiated glow. A Legendary..and by the V.A.T.S of a scout, it was a singular star enemy. Legendaries are never something to look over. Their ability allows them to heal quickly and gives a strong increase in their body strength and mobility. Like a powerful shot of adrenaline.

"Legendary Mutant entering the field, Tech focus fire on it!" I commanded.

He gave a nod and rained hell on the oncoming beast. Aiming for its legs, crippling its mobility after mutating further. The creature was put to death as it wanted, charging headfirst into a wall of war and balefire, it's suicide in our eyes. But to them, it doesn't seem that way. We did as planned, pushing the mutants back and creating a barrier. I ordered Tech to protect the recruits, to keep them in a hangar until this fight was over with. They did as ordered without a word against me and hid. Our turrets fired their way into and through every target that came to take down our defense. As planned they would. While our scouts had taken a recon of the airport, they also studied these creatures. They weren't so far from being equestrian. Maybe they were once. But now they have come far from the beings they were born as. They're simple-minded brutes, they don't think with strategy. They do as they wish to whatever or whoever they want to kill. That led them to their deaths today. After a while, the battle was over. We claimed the airport, set up defenses, and sent recon groups for resources or other camps that may be in the area. Tell them that there is now a firm foundation for others to rest and take shelter. I only hope it goes well.


Centurys' Log

Day Four, Friendly Faces.

We were met with mere scratches and small wounds from our fight over Charleston Airport. Nothing severe nor life-threatening. Thankfully everyone is alive. We began setting up a base, creating bunkhouses and a medical center. The armory was of utmost importance, and Tech took charge of repairing, modifying, and restocking all of their weapons and armors. The power armors weren't such a big issue. Not much damage was dealt so it was easy to repair. There was also another chassis of pre-war power armor, a tesla grade 60 model. There were only three pieces to the suit. We can guess these mutants scrapped the rest for weapons. Steel, as hard as these, are not so common to come by. And can be a great resource. I can guess they were intelligent about something. Our Responders reached out to the world, and cargo bots were sent to us with supplies for our little settlement. This now brings back the constant question.

Are there others still alive out there? Having these bots send us these goods only gives me some hope that there are equestrians still alive somewhere out there. I hope to meet whoever they are, nicely. Peacefully. For now, that's to dream on. We must continue with the present. The main building for the airport was hoarded with ghouls and radroaches. Nothing challenging. It now serves as our base of command. Time passed by, and our defenses were nearly finished. Fellow dwellers came to settle within our new fortress. Oddly we were met by a strange visitor. And now a new friend. A mutant, a friendly one at that with his twin-headed cow. Or Brahmin as he called this species. The brahmins' name was Bessie, and she was strapped with old luggage and suitcases. Poor thing, carrying that all day. The mutant was a good man. He even had a name. Graham. He came to us non-upset or revengeful for the other mutants we dealt with earlier. There was a fair and friendly amount of equestrian life and soul within this mutant. His kindness made us feel at peace, his jokes were amusing. He was at a loss of a few words. But understandable and caring. What made it odd was the allowance he wanted to trade his goods for. Bottle caps. And not just your regular plastic caps, no, these had to be Sparkle Cola Caps. Which brought me back to the question I had when first observing my pipe rifle. It had a cost for caps too. I guess since there isn't any government left in Mareica, we are left to adjust and make do what we now have as currency. Luckily we had some dwellers with caps on them to pay for consumables and clothing. We welcomed Graham into our fortress. And he showed us how to cook these new meats and vegetables. Showed us how we could properly survive out here. He was the best part of our day. And with that, day three came to an end. And so started the fourth day. Graham had to leave to continue his travels of trade. But he did leave us a guide for better resources and more. We thanked him. A kind heart in a wild world. We hope to see him again. I surely hope so.

Our next destination, Mount Blair. And from the distance, over the terrain and hilltops. A mountain of dust and soot. An Ash Heap, it may take a few days to prep for another trip. And from the distant view, we can only guess the atmosphere isn’t safe for our lungs. Gas Masks and filtered helmets are a must, to be found, scavenged, and collected. Tech and Faith decided to stay, as the only two who knew their way around manufacturing and culinary, they would be urgently needed. Especially with each dweller who has come to the base. Grey had also decided to stay, as well as Faith. She chose not only to join the Responders as a member of the police force. But to also aid Grey with the rest of their ever-growing faction. Celeste and I, along with other volunteers have decided to take part in this journey. Steel is to stay here, take command of Charleston in my absence, by my command. I have trust in the man, as he do I. Our departure will start during the third day of our second month.

Till then,

This is Century, signing off.


Perk Card List; Century

GlowSight Lvl: 3
Radicool Lvl: 1
Lone Wanderer Lvl: 3
Skeet Shooter Lvl: 3
Concentrated Fire Lvl: 3

Side Card: Gun Slinger Lvl: 1

Perk Card List; Tech-kit

Heavy Gunner Lvl: 3
Bear Arms Lvl: 3
Lock and Load Lvl: 3
Radicool Lvl: 1
GlowSight Lvl: 3

Perk Cards List; Arcee

Martial Artist Lvl: 3
Gladiator Lvl: 3
Incisor Lvl: 3
GlowSight Lvl: 3
Radicool Lvl: 1

Perk Cards List; Grey-Crest

GlowSight Lvl: 3
Rifleman Lvl: 3
Traveling Pharmacy Lvl: 3
Lone Wanderer Lvl: 3
Radicool Lvl: 1

Perk Cards List; Celeste

Crack Shot Lvl: 3
Concentrated Fire Lvl: 3
Action Girl Lvl: 3
Gunslinger Lvl: 3
Quick Hands Lvl: 1

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