• Published 13th Sep 2018
  • 715 Views, 6 Comments

Fallout Equestria 76 - Fanliterature101

Due take note, power armor locations in this story are of the game.

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Chapter One

Chapter One
Story: Fallout Equestria 76
by Fanliterature101

25 years later...

Vault 76

Friday, October 26th, 2102

21:45 PM

I can hear them, the words they say, the joy in their voices. They celebrate for the day that is to come. The day where everyone will be home, where everyone will be free. Reclamation Day. I can see them, all of them. They laugh, they play. They eat and they drink. Some are near me, others are in the auditorium below, and the rest in the cafeteria behind me. Though the emotion of happiness and love shared throughout the vault. I feel nothing, as of the moment anyway. I peer off into the distance, raise my hand to my face, and take a drink from the glass I held. The feeling of seltzer and the flavor of cherry fills my taste buds. Sparkle~Cherry. In here, it's a common beverage to see anyone drink. Other than Sparkle~Colas, are your regular beverages and alcohols. Whiskey, Bourbon, Wine, etc. Plus the option of water, though I don't think anyone would be taking any tonight.

I see a couple of residents pass by me, and gave them a friendly wave. They did the same and smiled. One, who I knew, stopped and stood by me. A Griffin, no older than twenty-five. Standing at the height of five-seven. Feathers in a deep dark shade of grey, and glowing yellow eyes. She wore a suit of Vault-Tec security armor, just as I am. A baton dangling in her hand. She looked up to me and spoke.

"Crazy isn't it?"

I nodded, then gave her my soft drink. She smiled and accepted my generosity. Taking the rocket-shaped glass bottle, she drank it. Then gave it back.


I looked to her as she called out to me. And replied in a questionable hum.

"Tomorrow, when the Vault opens, and everyone is outside. What will you do?"

I returned an answer, asking what she had meant.

"I mean, once you're outside, what are you going to do? Where will you go?"

I already knew what I was going to do, but hearing it from her, or anyone else wouldn't help me. I plan to search for my father. But I can't do it with others telling me what they think. 'He's gone.' 'I'm sorry, but it's impossible.' 'Your father died out there when the bombs dropped, there's no way he's alive.' But I know that somehow, somewhere, out there, he is alive. I only pray that it's true. It had been almost a minute until I realized I haven't given an answer. So, acting it out, as I mostly have. I shook my head, gave a low sigh, and spoke.

"Honestly Celeste, I'm not sure."

She raised a hand to my arm and held on to me. Giving the most comforting smile. I held her hand with my own and thanked her for her kindness. Later were we greeted by another resident, but this one was of most importance and respect. Approaching us, a mare unicorn. The Overseer. At the age of seventy, she leads the dwellers of the Vault. And has done so for twenty-five years. Her fur color is a light shade of brown like her eyes were, yet with a different tint. Hazelnut. Her mane was long flowing down from the sides of her head and was the color of silver. Overmare Mythic Light. We stood up straight, shields in hand just as our batons. Hooves straightened, and arms at our sides. She took notice of this and laughed.

"Why do you have to stand in such order whenever I arrive? I may be the Overmare, but tonight I'm just another dweller. As you are."

We relaxed. Mythic came to me and laid a hand upon my face. Stroking it slowly, gently. I smiled by her gesture and held her hand in mine.

"How are you, my boy? I hope everything is well."

I replied, telling her everything was going as it should. She smiled at that and embraced me. I only did the same. And giving a light pat on my shoulder, she left to visit the other dwellers.

"I love you." She whispered.

"Love you too, mom."

Yes, Mythic Light, the Overmare. Is my mother. Well, adopted mother really. After my father left me with the care of the Vault, she took me in and raised me as her own. Me and my adoptive brother. And speaking of the devil. Here he came, alongside with another Griffin. Celeste's younger brother. And passing by mom, after greeting each other and hugging.

They came to us. With smiles on their faces, and drinks in hand. I laid down my baton to greet him. Only a few years younger than I and a few inches shorter, six-one. He is a unicorn. Light brown fur, white colored mane and tail with strands of grey. His hair brushed downwards covering his left eye, and his tail barely touching the ground. And his light cyan iris eyes. He came close to embrace me and did so with a warming smile.

"Can you believe it? We're going back outside tomorrow. We're going home." He says.

I smile from my brothers' joy. And looking to our right, I see Celeste take a drink from her brother, who had brought an extra for her. He stood at about five-eleven. His feathers matching that of his sisters'. Dark grey and his eyes are just the same. A glow of yellow. Twins, you can say. Though the only difference is, he doesn't have wings. Grey Crest, as his name goes, was born without wings. A small gene that had been missing. Though he isn't the only one. Many other griffins in this vault are just like Grey, and others just like Celeste. Though they might not be equal in some ways, they love each other as much as their hearts could. It gives a warm feeling to see them together, a heartwarming feeling. Grey looked at me and smiled.

"Ready for the big day?" Tech asked.

And Tech-Kit, God bless his soul. He is the Overmare’s son, her real son. I had thought that he wouldn't accept me as a brother, but God I'm glad he did. We got along very well as we grew up. We did as other brothers would always do. Play, chat, hang out with friends, and of course, get into trouble. But whatever trouble I had gotten into, he was there to either get me out of it or to take the blame alongside me. Even though he is the youngest out of the two of us, he was mostly the big brother. I raised my glass to knock with his and wrapped an arm around his shoulder. And replied.

"I was born ready." I smiled.

The night went smoothly, we had our laughs, our fun, and our little plans for tomorrow. All was going well...for the moment at least.


We turned to the source of the sound. What once was a glass bottle, was now a scatter of shards across the floor of the Dinner. My joy faded into a scowl as I saw a dweller forcefully holding another. This one was a stallion, a regular. His fur had a dark shade of grey, his mane and tail were long and silver-ish in color. Maybe at an old age. And his eyes, they glowed a furious crimson red. He held the arm of a mare, a pegasus. She was young, scared. Beige colored fur, variety shades of blonde for her mane and tail. Both long in size. And her eyes. Both appear to be a light pink. I knew this mare, she was Techs' fiance, and a dear friend to me.

I soon snapped back to reality as I saw the stallion tighten his grip on the her arm. She cried desperately for him to let go. But he refused and yelled at her. And curling his hand into a fist, he swung at her. But only to be stopped by my sudden interception. Catching his attack in my grip. The stallion noticed this and yelled at me.

"Piss off lad, this ain’t yur bloody business!"

I tightened the grip on his hand and demanded him to let the girl go. His anger grew by the moment. And yet he still hasn't let her go. Seeing the pain in her eyes, I quickly thought of a way to release her from this drunks hands.

'That's it.'

I changed the position if my grip and twisted his arm backward. The sudden action caused the stallion to loosen his hold. And the girl broke free. I kicked the back of his legs, causing him to fall to his knees. Giving me the chance to hold him down. Celeste came over and aided the mare.

"Stand down, you are under arrest and will be taken to solitude for the remainder of the night!"

The stallion cursed at me and tried to force his way back up again. Seconds later two more security guards came rushing in and took the dweller by his arms. And dragged him away. I changed my attention to the girl, seeing a nurse attend to her wound. Tech held her hand and she sank into his arms. He looked to me and gave a thankful nod.

"Are you alright there Arcee?" I asked as the medic wrapped her wrist in a bandage.

She gave a nod and thanked me. The nurse told us that it was just a bruise. But would need some time to heal.

"I told you! This ain’t yur bloody damned business lad. Ya bullocks get yer hands off of me!"

I turned to the strangling dweller, then told the guards to take him away. His anger grew even more, he twisted and wiggled his way out of their hands. And taking one of their batons, he charged for me and swung heavily. The rods top end made contact with my face, it's tip piercing it's way into the flesh of my cheek.

I was bleeding, and the pain was strong. It felt like my face was on fire. Celeste came to my side, as did the medic. The two guards grabbed onto the stallion. Tech came to their side, then looked down to the stallion. And taking the baton the he used against me, Tech had rammed the base into the side of the dwellers' temple, knocking him out, and leaving an open gash which began to seep with blood.

"Take him away." He told the guards.

They did as they were told, and left. He came to me and kneeled before me. The nurse gave him a cloth to help with the stains. I winced at it. Though this isn't the first time I had been cut into.

"You alright?" He asked.

I nodded in reply. And took off my helmet for him to have a better view of the cut. I could tell he felt a bit squeamish by just looking at it. The medic came to me with a needle and thread. I guess it was that bad, it dug deep enough for me to need another stitching. Celeste sat at my side and handed me my drink. I held it with a smile, though doing so caused a bit more pain. Arcee came to me, rubbing the bandage around her wrist.

"Thank you." She spoke.

I did my best to smile once more before answering.

"Just doing my job."

I was relieved she wasn't seriously hurt, if she was then I don't think I would have the strength to hold Tech back from trying to kill the stallion then and there. As for my new scar, it's nothing I haven't dealt with before. It will take some time to heal, that's certain, but man does it sting whenever I try to drink or talk. Grey, giving a little help with some humor, slid a straw into my cola bottle. Told me it should make drinking easier for me. I chuckled a bit and it, of course, caused for me to bleed a bit more. The others laughed softly. And together we spent the rest of our night to our hearts content. Mom soon came in as she heard of what happened, told us it was probably best for us to rest our heads early. So no one would get any further injuries. Or for there to be any more fights.

I did agree with this, most of the other dwellers looked tired, and some drunk to their core. We decided to call it a night. Mom kissed Tech and Arcee on their heads before they left for bed. Grey and Celeste finished their drinks and decided to stay the night together instead of sleeping in their own rooms. Even when they live next door to each other. Mom helped me back to my own quarters by the auditorium of the vault. We decided to stay up for a bit longer, ate some Sugar bombs in the living room and talked for a while.

"So what are you planning to do when tomorrow arrives my boy?" She asks me as she takes a spoon full into her mouth.

I only told her what I told Celeste.

"I honestly don't know."

She gave me a kind smile, but her next words weren't what I hoped to hear.

"I raised you to be an honest and loving boy. I never taught you to lie."

I gave a defeated sigh, she told me I was a bad liar. That much is true, it's hard for me to lie. Especially to her.

"You're going after your father aren't you?"

I kept silent for a bit and agreed. That was my plan, it still is. She held my hand softly, rubbed her thumb upon the backside. I held her hand in mine. I expected for her to talk me out of it, but she didn't. This was hard, this is hard. Tomorrow we're all leaving. Everyone. I know my friends and I are going to be okay, but...I just worry for her. I looked up to her, and watched a tear fall from her cheek. She grabbed a napkin and stood, wiping her tears away. She tried to excuse herself until I took hold of her hand again and stood to my hooves. I didn't try to ask her what was going through her mind, I knew this was hard for her. It was hard for me. This night, might be the one last night I'll ever get to see her again.


She kept quiet, holding my hand tightly. She was trying her best to hold in her sorrow, she wasn't good at it. Tears fell from her face as she began to weep. I pulled her into a soft embrace, holding her back gently with my left, and her head, resting her into my chest with my right. And laid a kiss upon her mane. She wept and held onto me, I wanted to cry as well. But I also had to stay strong in hopes to see her again. I will see her again. I know I will. Somehow..Someday.

"My babies..I don't want to let you go. I don't want to leave you and your brother."

Her voice was cracking, and it was hurting me dearly. I felt my tears begin to roll down my cheeks, my vision was blurred from the sorrow I felt deep inside. Now I was gasping for air, my nostrils became stuffed and forced me to breathe through my mouth. I hated this, I didn't want her to be sad. I didn't want for her to feel this way. Yet I'm not in control of it.

"I love you Mom."

She clasped onto my back tightly and sank into my arms.

"I love you too my son. My dear Century."

As time passed, she eventually let go of me. I didn't want her to. I wanted to hold her close for the rest of the night. But she had to go, and I had to get some rest. Tomorrow's a big day. But tonight, I leave my life within this vault, with a broken heart. I layed down in my bed, and looked to the steel ceiling. So dull..Tomorrow's a new day..and I pray everything goes well. For me, for my friends, for my mother. I closed my eyes, and drifted off to sleep. And so ended my life, growing up, underground.

Tomorrow, our future..begins.