• Published 4th Aug 2018
  • 2,765 Views, 238 Comments

Where No Pony Has Gone Before: Supplemental Logs. - FoalsHalf

Additional side treks related to 'Where No Pony Has Gone Before'

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Shopping For Heroes

Shopping for heroes

Sunset and Trixie walked through the portal. If one had chanced to witness them, one would be inclined to suspect they were only humoring gravity by walking and not literally floating on air.

“I still can’t believe it, Sunset! We were actually on the USS Enterprise! I actually touched her dedication plaque.” Trixie breathed.

Sunset remembered as they both read the plaque in the turbolift alcove. and Trixie running her finger (hoof actually but that was merely semantics) on the edge of it with all the awe and reverence a Trekker could muster, a single tear forming, quickly wiped away in denial.

“And you got to sit in Captain Kirk’s chair!’ Trixie reminded Sunset. “Probably a better choice than Trixie. Trixie would have exploded in emotion. You were so calm, Sunset!”

“Only on the outside,” Sunset admitted.

“Trixie must admit that chair looked good on you.”

“You think so?” Sunset asked. “Hmm…. Sunset Shimmer, Captain of the Starship Equestria! Nah! Sounds like a bad fanfic!”

They both laughed.

“You know what? Trixie was thinking… We should get them a few gifts before they leave Equestria. For all that they’ve given us.”

“We DID give them a guide to the future,” Sunset noted.

“Yes, but that was ‘in the line of duty’, for the Galaxy and all that. This is personal: The two of us thanking them for everything.”

Sunset considered this. “All right, but we don’t have much time! First, we need to make a list of who we’re getting gifts for. We should be able to figure out some decent gifts.”

“Logical as always, Captain!” Trixie replied. “Of course we can’t get Doctor McCoy any Kentucky Bourbon or any Scotch Whiskey for Mister Scott…”

“Sulu likes to collect antique guns but that’s not happening here…” Sunset noted.

“At least Trixie has an idea of what we can get Captain Kang. Who would have thought the Klingon would be the easy one to shop for?”

“We really don’t have much time, especially if we have to shop online. One or two day shipping only! Tomorrow is Saturday, so we will meet at the library for a staff meeting to discuss ideas before we commence ‘Operation Mall Drop’. Check the record tapes, consult Memory Alpha, whatever you can. I want options!”

Trixie nodded, “Of course, and where will you be, Captain?”

“Figuring out how we’re going to pay for all this.” Sunset grinned, “And I think I just might have an idea!”

“Thanks for seeing me, Twilight. I know you have to be terribly busy right now,” Sunset told her a short time later.”

“Well, Spike is making sure I take reasonable breaks, so it’s not a problem. So, what’s up?”

“How much longer do you think the Enterprise and Kang will be here?” Sunset asked.

“Well, in two days, I’m planning to present both Captain Kirk and Kang with my proposal for shared access to Equestria’s Dilithium resources. Add another day or so for the formalities, So, three, maybe four days. Why?”

“That’s tight timing,” Sunset mused to herself, then addressed the puzzled alicorn. “Trixie and I wanted to find a few gifts for Kang and for the Crew of the Enterprise before they leave. We wanted to thank them for everything they’ve given us and more importantly, what they mean to us. Three days is tight but manageable. That leaves one glaring problem.”

“What’s that Sunset?” Spike spoke up as he brought in a tray off dandelion sandwiches. “I made extra, so help yourself!”

Sunset used her magic to lift one of the offered sandwiches to her mouth. Taking a bite, she savored it, then swallowed. “Mmmm…. I haven’t had a dandelion sandwich since I left Equestria. It’s not a normal part of a human diet after all.” She shook her head.

“Anyway, the problem is that Trixie and I don’t exactly have the budget this is going to require, not with our part-time jobs,” Sunset told them, then smiled. “Fortunately, Equestria’s economy operates a little differently than those on Earth.”

“How so?” Twilight asked.

“Equestria’s currency is backed by gold. When Equestria was founded, they had to have a single common currency every tribe would accept, so they agreed upon what we know as the standard Bit: A gold coin of a consistent size and weight. That makes it worth the same everywhere. On Earth, the various countries needed to expand the money supply beyond what could be supported by gold. Money there is called ‘fiat’ currency, meaning it has value because the issuing government says so. So, the value is tied to people’s faith in their government. This is usually okay in strong economies because everyone knows their government will be there next week and so the money will still have value. But that means that the value of gold is not tied to the value of the local currency and well… A standard ten-bit coin would pay for a nice lunch in Equestria. The gold in that coin is worth thirty times that on Earth, So, I was kind of hoping to arrange a small loan?” Sunset looked at Twilight sheepishly.

Twilight grinned. “Spike! What do we have in the book budget for the rest of the month?”

Spike frowned in thought. “Well, we haven’t had much chance to do much book shopping since this whole business with the Federation and the Klingon Empire came up, so about five hundred bits?”

“Will that be enough?” Twilight asked with a grin.

“Twilight… are you serious? That’s… Yes. More than enough.”

“Good! Since I know they have libraries, I assume they have bookstores?”

“Of course,” Sunset replied.

“Just use the rest to buy books that we can’t get in Equestria. I’m sure Rarity would almost kill for a few books on human fashions.”

Sunset nodded in realization as to what Twilight wanted. Luckily, Twilight’s friends and Sunset’s had similar tastes.”I can handle that.”

“Great! Oh! If you could get me a book or two on advanced physics?”

“Consider it done,” Sunset promised.

“Great! Spike! If you would get my safe box?”

“Right!” Spike affirmed and hurried to retrieve the box.

“You know,” Twilight ventured. “I’ll bet if you asked Princess Celestia, she probably has your stipend saved away for you.”

“Maybe,” Sunset conceded. “Maybe next time.

Three days later, in celebration of the success of negotiations between Equestria and The Federation and The Klingon Empire, one final celebration was held before the Enterprise and K'naiah's Pride were due to leave orbit.

“Before we go further,” Princess Celestia announced. “I have been informed by Princess Twilight that two special guests would like to make a few presentations to both Captain Kirk and his crew and to Captain Kang and his crew. It is my pleasure to present Sunset Shimmer and Trixie Lulamoon!”

This time wearing formal gowns created by their friend, Rarity, Sunset and Trixie strode out, Sunset towing a small cart in her magic. Looking to Trixie, who merely nodded, Sunset walked up to the microphone before Princess Celestia’s gathered guests.

“Thank you, Princess Celestia,” Sunset said speaking from the depths of her heart. “Trixie and I considered wearing our Starfleet Costumes but on this day, we seek to honor those who earned those uniforms and those who have earned the right to be called Klingon.”

“In our world, you represent a vision, a hope for a better world and understanding between all peoples. Trixie and I have been fortunate enough to see a glimpse of that vision turned reality. In gratitude for that look, we would like to present a few gifts to the officers and crew of both the USS Enterprise and the Imperial Klingon Ship, K’naiah’s Pride.” Sunset grinned.

“There were two complications in selecting your gifts: One is that we didn’t want to get something that you could probably just call up on your computers and the other is that anything we got had to be legal for a couple of teenagers to buy. My apologies, to Mister Sulu, I’m afraid that we could not get you that Walther PPK I know you’ve been wanting to add to your collection.”

Sulu blinked. It was true that that would have been a nice piece for his collection but he hadn’t mentioned that to anyone recently.

“And as much as we would have liked to present Mister Scott with a bottle of Scotch Whiskey, that’s also not possible. I do hope you’ll like what we were able to find for you.”

“I’m more than certain, lass.” Scotty replied.

“With that said, “ Sunset continued, looking out over the assembled Starfleet officers, “we present to Commander Montgomery Scott with the following: One case of duct tape, useful for a multitude of purposes, including NASA’s official cure for space madness, instructions are included in the box. Also a copy of Semiconductor Circuit Approximations: An Introduction to Transistors and Integrated Circuits, a transistor radio kit, and two other items: We noticed among the differences in your history and ours is the pending existence of a third aircraft carrier to bear the name USS Enterprise, CVN-80. We trust she will earn her place of honor among her forebearers and those to follow and present a model kit for that ship with the hope you might find an appropriate place for her aboard the starship Enterprise. And in consideration of that, we also present to you, a model of what the Enterprise will look like she completes her upcoming refit, the finest and most beloved ship in Starfleet.” Sunset selected the appropriate items from the cart in her magic and set them on the table before Scotty.

“Thank ye… Thank ye both.”

“Our pleasure… Scotty.” Trixie replied.

Sunset nodded. “Next, to Mister Spock: We knew any book on science or technology would be completely useless to you so instead, we have The Complete Sherlock Holmes Collections as well as the latest movies based on the character. Hopefully, you will enjoy the interpretations of someone who finds puzzles as fascinating as you do.”

“I am certain of that, Miss Shimmer,” Spock responded.

Trixie nodded gravely, arching one eyebrow in reply before Sunset moved on.

“And of course, to Doctor Leonard McCoy: While we couldn’t get you any Kentucky Bourbon, we soon realized that there was something harder to get in space if you want to make a good Mint Julep and that’s fresh spearmint leaves! These and a hammered silver Mint Julep cup, our offering to the finest surgeon in Starfleet.”

“Well now! Thank you.” The doctor smiled as Sunset deposited a large bag of fresh mint leaves and the silver cup in front of him.

“And to Nyota Uhura, did you know it took decades for us to learn your first name? For a while, Uhura fans believed your name to be Penda Uhura. Translated, I’m told that means ‘She who loves freedom.’ Very appropriate. To you, we would like to present an iPod with some forty thousand songs recorded over the past several decades. We would also like you to have a copy of Beowulf in Old English and the Canterbury Tales in Middle English.”

“Thank you,” Uhura smiled. “I will treasure these.”

“Now, to Hikaru Sulu: Strangely enough, antique firearms aren’t the only thing you collect. We happen to know that you have quite a collection of swords. The trick was in finding one you probably did not already have: So we found one based on the story of a wandering swordsman who swore never to kill again. For that reason, he commissioned a reverse blade sword. We present you with a replica of Kenshin Himura’s reverse blade sword and a collection of discs telling his stories for you to enjoy.

Trixie sighed. “We see that Lt. M’Ress and Mister Arex could not be here. Unfortunately, due to the limitations of our world and time, we never got more than a tantalizing glimpse of either of them. For each of them, we present figurines sculpted in their likenesses. If Lieutenant Uhura would be kind enough to take charge of these items and see that they go to the right individual?”

“Of course,” Uhura agreed.

“Now, to Pavel Andreivich Chekov: We have Tolstoy’s ‘War and Peace’, a copy of Dostoevsky’s ‘The Brothers Karamazov’, and in recognition of one of the greatest Russian accomplishments we present you with a model kit of the Vostok 1 Spacecraft in which Yuri Gagarin became the first earth human to cross the threshold of space.” Sunset placed his gifts before him.

“Thank you wery much!”

Trixie grinned. “We also would ask you to refrain from looking for Nuclear Wessels.”

Chekov blushed.

Sunset paused. “Before we get to Captain Kirk or to Captain Kang and his crew, we have a presentation for the recreational enjoyment of the entire Enterprise crew.”

“Mister Tanzer, I believe that’s your department,” Kirk noted, nodding to Harb.

Sunset continued. “To the crew of the Enterprise, we offer this Playstation Four game console and a good selection of compatible games.”

“I know the crew will appreciate these,” Harb told them.

“We’re glad,” Sunset replied. “Now, to Engineer Kellet, we present a kit for a model of the Vor’cha class Attack Cruiser. If the details are as accurate as everything else seems to be, we are certain that an engineer of your caliber might be able to tease loose some of her secrets.”

“I am up to the challenge!” Kellet told them.

“Kai! The Engineer!” Trixie answered.

“To Mister Worf, We provide a gallon of a true warrior’s drink!” Sunset passed the glass container to the mystified young officer.

Sunset continued on: “To Commander Mara, we present this Mek’leth. May it always hold a blade as sharp as you.”

Mara smiled, running her finger along the edge and nodded in satisfaction.

Trixie frowned. “It is to our loss that we do not know the rest of your crew enough to offer them suitable gifts, Captain Kang, except our undying respect and admiration.”

Lieutenant Tarqus leaned forward and at her Captain’s nod, answered for the crew of K’Naiah’s Pride. “ On behalf of the crew of K’Naiah’s Pride, we accept these most treasured of gifts.

“Thank you,” Sunset answered. “This brings us to our Captains. To Captain Kang, we present this engraved Bat’leth. ‘In Recognition That The Galaxy is Better for Klingons.’” Sunset presented the blade to an astonished Kang.

“I humbly accept this worthy gift.”

“And finally, to Captain James Tiberius Kirk, We would like to present you with this book, ‘Abraham Lincoln: His Speeches and Writings’. We also have two framed photos for you.” Sunset raised the first in the air for all to see, it was a photo of Captain Kirk, or at least the actor playing Captain Kirk grinning and looking very self-satisfied as he leaned forward in his seat.

“In case some of you can’t see the caption, it reads: “I can’t hear you over the sound of how awesome I am!” Sunset smirked as everyone, including the Klingons laughed and applauded at that.

Sunset then passed the other photo along with an old style video cassette and a copy of a letter Trixie had found. “Just a little bit of a reminder for what you and the crew of the Enterprise have meant for OUR world. Also, the other photo… Consider it good advice from yourself.”

“I’m certain I speak for myself and my entire crew to say… Thank you.” Kirk replied.

“Thank you Captain, for everything.”

Later, aboard the Enterprise, Doctor McCoy and Spock reported to Kirk’s quarters.

“You wanted to see us, Jim?” McCoy queried.

“Yes Doctor, You and Spock didn’t see the other items that Sunset and Trixie gave me. I thought I’d show them. Two of them were meant for all of us anyway.” He held up the video cassette.

“What’s that? Did someone make a really bad holiday special about us?” McCoy asked. Spock merely raised a resigned eyebrow at this.

“No… It looks like… interviews… With our counterparts, discussing what it was like to be… us.”

“Don’t tell me, some poor fella was glad to be Spock now?”

“Really doctor, I admit to feeling a degree of empathy for anyone having to regularly assume your identity.”

“You two will have to watch it later with the rest of the senior staff. There was also a letter, I’m going to post it in the main recreation deck.” He handed it to McCoy.

“Well, how about that…” McCoy commented, passing the letter to Spock. “What about the other photo? We noticed neither Sunset nor Trixie said anything about it”

Kirk gestured to his desk where the photo sat. In the picture, a much older looking Jim Kirk sat on horseback facing another man in what appeared to be some variation of a Starfleet uniform. From his studies of the discs provided by Sunset Shimmer and Trixie Lulamoon, Spock recognized the man as Captain Jean-Luc Picard. Recalling the exact scene, Spock mentally approved.

"There's a message with it," Kirk noted that the frame had an audio playback feature. Before his two closest friends, Kirk pressed play…

Having returned home with Sunset, Trixie spared one last look at the portal. “What an adventure. I envy them! The things they will see!”

“I admire them but I can’t say I envy them, Trixie.”

“How can you say that? They have space travel! A society growing across the stars!”

“True… But the things they have? We’re going to build!”

Author's Note:

During the writing of 'Where No Pony Has Gone Before' the author and I had a few chats about what else might be happening and what other possible permutations might occur.

Sensibly, RK chose to focus on the central plot rather than go all over the place.

With his kind permission, I have been allowed to present some of those ideas. To be honest, I don't know how many I will do. I have this chapter plus a second in development. After that? We'll see!

Until next time, I will leave you with words from Pinkie: "Live Long and PARTY!"


This is what is on the Video Cassette presented to Captain Kirk:

And this is the message left on Kirk's picture:

And finally, the letter:
One recent letter was so extraordinary, however, that I think it deserves passing on. With permission, I quote the important part of it:


By an interesting coincidence I happen to be Captain [Pierre D.] Kirk. This being the case, the men of my last command built a rather elaborate "organization within an organization" based on the series. My jeep was slightly altered so that its registration numbers appeared as NCC-1701. Our weapons were referred to as phasers and our radio communication procedures were patterned after those of the Star Fleet. Our call signs corresponded to the various sections and personalities of the crew of the Enterprise.

My junior officers picked up the names of the more recognizable regular characters in the series. My executive officer made an excellent Spock in that he physically as well as temperamentally resembled the Vulcan. The men wanted him to get an "ear job" but he drew the line at this.

As you can see, the men of the 363rd [Transportation Company, U.S. Army] went to some lengths to identify with the Star Trek series. This was quite an effective means to maintain morale in the present unpleasantness in Indochina.

The series, by the way, is one of the most popular shown in the Republic of Viet Nam—a great favorite of both the American forces and the Viet-Namese people.

Turning to the point of this letter—about eight months ago I was in command of an armed convoy en route from An Khe in the central highlands to Da Nang on the Northern coast. As we proceeded along route QL #1, which the late Bernard Fall referred to as "the Street without Joy," we were engaged by snipers, which usually served as the prelude to an ambush.

Deciding to run through the suspected area, I signaled my gun trucks to cover our cargo vehicles, and then via my jeep radio I announced: "Attention Viet Cong. We are the Federation Starship Enterprise and you are now in deep trouble. Phaser banks—charge your phasers and fire on my order."

This comment was directed at my gun trucks to serve to fire them up for what promised to be a tight situation, but to my surprise the radio exploded into a torrent of frantic jabbering in Viet-Namese and moments later the sniping ceased and we continued through without incident.

The only thing I can assume is that the V. C. were monitoring our broadcast transmissions, had seen the show on television and thought that we were in fact the Enterprise.

Under the circumstances I can readily understand this reluctance to engage us in a fight. Happily I can report that despite their initial sniper activity no casualties were suffered by the crew of the Enterprise.

I had heard of other organizations patterned on the show, including an entire high school in Buffalo, N.Y., where disliked teachers are assigned to the Romulans or the Klingons; but this is the first time I have ever heard of a television series actually saving lives (on both sides, for that matter).

Which only goes to show all over again that it pays to read the fan mail, even though I can't answer it.


MLP and Star Trek: Just a couple of TV shows...