• Published 1st Aug 2018
  • 666 Views, 35 Comments

The 100 Floor Mansion - FandomPlays1234

All Twilight and Starlight wanted was to celebrate Nightmare Night with their friends, but they ended up losing both

  • ...

Floor 4: Jealousy

Compared to the past three floors, floor 4 was almost destroyed by the fire. Everything was black and crumbling apart. However aside from the destroyed hallways and scorched rooms, there was a nice balcony that was somehow still untouched. Starlight looked up at the night sky. The moon was high in the sky and the stars were sparkling beautifully.

"If only I could celebrate Nightmare night with my friends," sighed Starlight.

"You seem down," a familiar voice spoke up. Starlight looked to her left to see an alicorn with a navy blue coat and sparkling blue mane. She had a white crescent moon cutie mark on her flank surrounded by a splotch of black.

"Princess Luna!?" Starlight gasped.

"You didn't show up for nightmare night so I was getting worried," Luna said with a sad look on her face.

"I know, I'm sorry," said Starlight.

"Did something happen?" asked Luna.

"N-no," Starlight lied.

"Come on you can tell me," said Luna. "This mansion can't keep secrets from me,"

"Wait, you mean, you can see it!?" Starlight gasped.

"Indeed," answered Luna. "Now that you know, how about you tell me what's wrong," Starlight hesitated but eventually managed to summon up the courage to explain their current situation. "Is that so?" asked Luna.

"You don't seem too fazed by this," said Starlight.

"Well from what you've told me, you already recovered three souls right?" asked Luna. Starlight nodded. "I mean sure, things might get a little difficult later on, but just keep your head high, and push forward no matter what," said Luna.

"Wow thanks for the life lesson," grumbled Starlight.

"Look if I told Celestia about this would it make you feel better?" asked Luna.

"A lot," answered Starlight.

"Alright," said Luna spreading her wings. Smiling, Starlight waved goodbye as Luna took off into the night.

"Hey," a voice spoke up. Starlight turned around to see Dallas standing there. "We found it," Starlight nodded as she followed after Dallas. The two finally met up with Twilight, Spike, and Discord who were waiting at the door.

"Jealousy," said Spike pointing to the sign.

"Welp this is going to be good," said Dallas. He opened the door leading into a throne room. Multiple torches hung on the walls light with green flames. A single human sat on the throne. The human wore a green robe and had yellow hair with a golden crown sitting on his head.

"Another human?" asked Spike.

"Soul 4, The Fairy King Oberon," Dallas read out loud.

"Fairies?" asked Discord confused.

"Oberon is the evil tyrant that rules the fairies of Alfheim Online, his jealousy got the best of him after his craving of power grew too great," Dallas continued. He closed the booklet and stuffed it back into his jacket. Just as usual purple aura began flowing out of the boss's body and his eyes flashed red as he looked up.

"Let's get this over with," said Discord.

"Agreed," said Twilight. Oberon's eyes flashed red as a golden sword appeared in his left hand.

"Oh hell he's got a sword," said Dallas.

"Come on just hit him with your taser, that easy remember?" asked Discord.

"Don't jinx it Discord," said Starlight.

"Yeah, whatever," said Discord. Dallas could tell that Discord really wanted to make some progress because he went right for it. He slithered along the ground towards Oberon. But he obviously noticed. Just before Discord could get to him, large green wings appeared on his back as he launched himself into the air.

"What in Equestria!?" gasped Twilight.

"Uh Dallas you didn't tell us he could fly," said Starlight. Dallas took out the booklet and flipped through.

'It didn't say in the booklet," said Dallas. Suddenly without warning, Oberon flew down and kicked Dallas in the chest knocking him back.

"Hey, don't hurt my friend!" Twilight hissed. She umped up and grabbed him by the legs dragging him down to the ground. Oberon growled as he tried to kick her off. "Spike get his wings!" Spike nodded as he climbed up Twilight like a ladder and up the fairy king's leg. He managed to get to the wings and inhaled. Oberon reached behind his back reaching for Spike, but he managed to set his wings on fire before Oberon could get his hands on him. Spike jumped off as the fairy king crashed on the ground. Dallas jumped up and drew his taser. Starlight saw that his sword was just in reach and quickly kicked it across the room before Oberon could retrieve it. Oberon slowly got up and saw Dallas standing before him pointing the taser at his forehead. Seeing what was coming next, the fairy king tried to get back on his feet, but Discord slithered up next to him and wrapped his body around him to keep him from moving.

"Good night," said Dallas. Then he pulled the trigger without hesitation knocking the fairy king unconscious.

"I really enjoyed this one," said Discord.

"Yeah thanks for being useful for once," said Spike.

'Hey I would be able to do more if I had my magic," said Discord.

"Either way we managed to free our 4th soul," said Starlight.

"Yes, but don't get your hopes up too high, we still have 96 souls remaining," said Dallas. "Genesis, would've noticed our work by now, so we can only be careful the rest of the way up, after all we won't know when we might run into Genesis himself," The four nodded in agreement.

"Ugh, where am I?" Oberon asked.

"That was fast," said Spike.

"Well, well if it isn't the fairy king himself," said Discord.

"Wha who are you and why am I tied up?" asked Oberon.

"Discord," said Twilight.

"Ok fine," groaned Discord letting him go.

"Wha a talking pony!?" Oberon gasped. He scrambled to his feet obviously frightened.

"Halt," said Dallas. Oberon turned around to be greeted by Dallas's pistol.

"What is the meaning of this?" asked Oberon.

"Fairy King Oberon, I've heard about you," said Dallas. "You're the one that stole the people and the world of Sword Art Online to create your own game just so you could beat your 'rival' as I would call it,"

"Ah well...thats," Oberon stuttered.

"As for your name, I believe it was Sugou Nobuyuki in real life correct?" asked Dallas moving the barrel of his pistol closer to his chest.

"Y-yes that's right," said Oberon raising both of his hands.

"You do realize that what you did back in the real world was considered a crime right?" asked Dallas.

"Yes sir," whimpered Sugou.

"Well I would arrest you here, but I'm a generous and understanding person," said Dallas.

"What?" asked Sugou.

"How about this, I can forget about everything you did and let you off the hook under one condition," said Dallas.

"What is it I'll do anything!" pleaded Sugou.

"Right now, we're all trapped in this mansion with a psycho spirit hungry for revenge, if you can help us defeat it I'll let your slip pass," said Dallas.

"Help you beat a vengeful spirit?" repeated Sugou.

"That's right, not a bad deal now is it?" asked Dallas.

Author's Note:

Floor 4 complete. 4 down 96 to go. But now we have Luna supporting Starlight in secret. But aside from that everything seems to be going alright. This time the boss was The Fairy King Oberon aka Sugou Nobuyuki from the Sword Art Online series. Pretty good anime if you ask me. Up until the second season.

Comments ( 12 )

but we all know what is capable of.
Fell! Sans? I'm silent about him ...
Ink? sans? Here there is no chance, if he can move between universes.
ERROR! Sans? his blue strings can grasp the soul, and control them, although since he controls water, he will easily destroy the soul.
classical? sans? Well, I think you do not need to talk about it.
if you bet them 5 all 5, then clearly who wins, take into account the fact that in the team Twilight, magic does not work ...
I think to put: svap! sans, fell! sans, classical sans.
but where to put the gaster? but maybe ... X!Gaster, this is really interesting.
can ... the brothers put?
Fell! Papyrus, swap! Papyrus, classical! Papyrus.
team Twilight, first stalknutsya with papyrus.
(see? tell me to rewrite, if you do not understand my English ...)

I'm starting to worry a little about what can happen with Twilight and others, you know what Betty ... FEARS
and if there is also hatred, then they have no chance ...
well, even if they correct it, I do not think that the behavior will change ...

Comment posted by jenmaps64 deleted Aug 5th, 2018

I think this track will fall:
Triple The Threat

I still have enough ideas.
but what about ... "Player?"
undertale AU - underplayer?
there is a comic about it, about the history of the player ...
here he is:

By the way ... really ... what if the "player" gets into the pony world? "player" with the alternative universe of the undertale - underplayer, but of course not in this story, how do you like the idea?
here, just in case:
he is not bad, read the description of him, below comments

(can you make this story pliz? I searched everything, I did not find it anywhere)

Alright it's submitted so go check it out

Comment posted by jenmaps64 deleted Oct 15th, 2018
Comment posted by jenmaps64 deleted Oct 15th, 2018

Add Steve from Minecraft PLEASE for MLP x Minecraft crossover. :pinkiecrazy:

Anyway added to my Track list.

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