• Published 1st Aug 2018
  • 667 Views, 35 Comments

The 100 Floor Mansion - FandomPlays1234

All Twilight and Starlight wanted was to celebrate Nightmare Night with their friends, but they ended up losing both

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Floor 2: Manipulate

Spike stopped at the top of the stairs and turned around to see Starlight and Discord walking up after him.

"Hurry up guys!" Spike called out.

"You seem to be having fun considering the situation we're in," said Starlight.

"I like it," said Discord.

"Where's Dallas?" asked Spike.

"Back there," snickered Discord. The three turned around to see Dallas gasping for air as he carrying Twilight up the stairs piggyback style.

"Hurry up!" Spike called down him.

"Easy for you to say, you're not the carrying Twilight on your back," gasped Dallas.

"Hey I'm not THAT heavy!" Twilight exclaimed offended.

"There isn't anything wrong with you so you should be able to walk yourself," said Dallas.

"Come on we're almost there, giddy up!" cheered Twilight.

"I'm the one who should be saying that," gasped Dallas. When they finally reached the top, Twilight jumped off as Dallas collapsed on the ground from exhaustion.

"Alright floor 2!" beamed Spike.

"Don't get too excited now," said Dallas getting up. "Follow me, this floor's room should be this way," Dallas began walking down the right hallway with the four following behind. While exploring the second floor, the group found a single dining room and several bedrooms. Eventually the group came across another pair of wooden doors that stood out compared to all the door less rooms. "Here we are," said Dallas stopping in front of the door. Spike looked over to his right to see another large sign but with a different word hanging on the wall.

"Manipulate?" asked Spike.

"Ah the sin of manipulation, Genesis did a lot of that during his life," said Dallas. "Using his clever thinking to use others to carry out his sins,"

"Well I wonder who's behind door number 2," said Discord opening the door. The room inside looked similar to the room on floor 1, but this time the room was designed to look like one of those Japanese classrooms but without any desks and chairs. The moonlight poured in through the windows lined up on the side walls. Across from where the five were standing, was a young girl wearing a brown school uniform and blue skirt Her brown hair was tied back into a ponytail and a white bow was tied back at the back of her head. She was sitting in a chair holding a keyboard with her head down.

"Another human?" asked Discord. "Oh this just keeps getting interesting," Purple aura began to flow out from her body as she slowly raised her head. She opened her eyes revealing it glowing in the same red tint as Golden Freddy.

"Uh oh it's happening again," said Starlight. Dallas pulled out the booklet from his pocket and began flipping throught he page.

"Soul 2 Monika," Dallas read out loud.

"Monika?" asked Twilight.

"Doesn't sound menacing," said Discord.

"Monika is a high school girl and runs a club in her school, she uses her manipulative abilities to control and bend the personalities of three other girls to try and get the boy of her life to like her more," Dallas continued.

"That's what the keyboard is for right?" asked Twilight.

"Yeah," answered Dallas putting away the booklet and pulling out his taser gun.

"Wait you're going to shoot her!?" gasped Twilight.

"What no, oh right I guess I didn't tell you about my taser gun," said Dallas.

"A what?" asked Twilight. Dallas explained the concept of his taser gun and how it could be used to save the souls. After the explanation, Twilight look more convinced that terrified of Dallas's weapon.

"So we just have to hit her with that?" asked Twilight.

"That's right it should break the control," answered Dallas.

"Uh guys," stuttered Starlight. The two looked up as three shadow figures, wearing the same uniform suddenly appeared next to her. Dallas quickly took out his booklet again and flipped to the page.

"Ok so apparently the short one with the red bow is called Sayori, the tall girl with purple hair is Yuri, and the girl with pink hair is Natsuki," said Dallas. "Ok so she uses the girls to attack us,"

"Wait what?" asked Spike. Just as he asked, Monika began typing on her keyboard as a small black text box appeared over her head. Character Command Attack: Sayori, Yuri, Natsuki The eyes of the three girls flashed red as Sayori pulled out a lasso, Yuri with several knives and daggers, and Natsuki a box of cupcakes.

"Brace yourselves!" Dallas warned the four. Yuri was the first to move. She charged at them with two knives in each hand and one in her mouth. Dallas quickly moved out of the way as Yuri slashed at him with the two knives. Sayori charged at the other four and Natsuki started throwing her cupcakes that later became apparent that they were bombs. "Guys we have to destroy that keyboard!" said Dallas. Twilight dodged one of the cupcake bombs and charged at Monika. Glaring at her, Monika began typing on her keyboard. Character Command Attack: Sayori Sayori stopped in her tracks and threw her at Twilight who ran past her. The loop settled itself around Twilight's neck allowing Sayori to pull back hard causing Twilight to slip and fall.

"What the?" Twilight looked down to find the lasso's loop around her neck. Smirking, Monika began typing on her keyboard. Character Sayori: Strangle Sayori's eyes flashed red as the loop began to tighten itself around Twilight's neck. "Ack...too....tight," Twilight gasped.

"Twilight!" Starlight gasped. Before Starlight could run out and help her friend, Natsuki appeared in front of her blocking her path. Monika once again began typing on her keyboard. Character Natsuki: Poison Natsuki's eyes flashed red as she forced open Starlight's mouth and shoved a cupcake with purple frosting into her mouth. Starlight kicked Natsuki back and spit out the cupcake.

"Starlight are you alright?" asked Spike.

"I just got a good taste of that thing," said Starlight coughing.

"Hang in there," said Spike. "Discord," Spike looked up at him.

"You don't need to ask," snickered Discord. Discord rushed out to take on Natsuki while Spike stayed behind to care for Starlight.

"Spike," Starlight whimpered. Spike looked down at Starlight to see her color turning into a deep shade of purple. She began hack and cough and eventually vomited.

"Oh no, what do I do," said Spike panicking.

"Spike!" Dallas called out to him. Spike looked over. "Go, you have to destroy that keyboard!"

'But Starlight," Spike tried to object.

"Spike don't worry about me....just go," Starlight said weakly. Spike didn't want to have to leave his friend like this, but he knew that if he didn't destroy that keyboard then they would accomplish nothing.

"I'll be back," said Spike. Starlight smiled weakly as Spike stood up. Spike ran towards Monika as Dallas and Discord dealt with Natsuki and Yuri. Monika glared at him and began typing. Character Yuri: Dagger Character Natsuki: Cupcake Bombs Both Natsuki and Yuri's eyes flashed red as they turned their attention towards Spike. Yuri threw two daggers at Spike while Natsuki began bombarding him with her cupcake bombs. Spike dodged the attacks and charged at Monika growling. Suddenly Monika grabbed her keyboard and swatted him away. Spike fell back and looked up as Monika started typing. remove("characters/Spike.chr") Spike swallowed hard as Monika's finger hovered over the enter button.But just as she was about to hit enter, a golden paw reached over and grabbed her by the wrist. Monika and Spike looked over to see Golden Freddy standing there.

"Don't even think about it," growled Golden Freddy. He picked her up and threw her into the back wall. He walked over and hit the backspace key deleting the command. He picked up the keyboard and tossed it over to Spike. "Well what you gonna do?" Spike knew what he had to do. He had to destroy it, but he hesitated. Something inside him was preventing him from destroying it. That's when it hit him. He took the keyboard and began typing. Character Spike: Taser Gun He hit enter and Dallas's taser appeared in his claw. He got up and walked over to Monika. Golden Freddy followed behind him. Monika was getting up and glared at then two.

"You know this will hurt, so unless you do this yourself it won't be pleasant ," said Spike. Monika growled as she try to reach out for him. But not before Golden Freddy grabbed both of her wrists and pinned her against the wall. "Alright fine," said Spike. He held the taser up to her neck. "Good night," Without hesitation Spike pulled the trigger and zapped her knocking her unconscious. He turned around and ran back to his friends. He jumped up on Yuri as she stood before Dallas and stunned her with the taser knocking her out.

"Thanks Spike," said Dallas.

"Anytime," said Spike running over to Natsuki. He snuck up behind her and shot her in the back knocking her out cold. He then ran over to Sayori and repeated the process. As Sayori fell on the ground unconscious, the rope around Twilight's neck loosened allowing her to pull it off.

"Thanks Spike," Twilight gasped.

"I'm was so worried about you," said Spike.

"I know I'm sorry," apologized Twilight.

"Well done Spike, you saved us all," Dallas.

"Oh speaking of saving!" said Spike. He ran over to Starlight who was somehow still alive. "Starlight are you alright?" asked Spike.

'Yeah somehow," Starlight answered weakly.

"Whoa what happened?" asked Dallas.

"She was poisoned," answered Discord.

"WHAT!?" gasped Twilight.

"Don't worry I got a plan," said Spike. He snapped his claws as Golden Freddy handed him the keyboard. He began typing. Character Spike: Antidote He hit enter as a bottle of green liquid appeared. "Here drink this," said Spike walking over to her with the bottle. Starlight weakly opened her mouth as Spike poured in the antidote. Starlight swallowed and winced.

"Bleh," she yelped.

"Come on just drink it," said Spike. Starlight groaned as she flipped onto her back. The group turned around as the four girls slowly got up.

"Ow, my head," Natsuki groaned.

'What happened?" asked Sayori.

"Why does my neck hurt?" asked Yuri.

"Well, well looks like the young princesses are up," said Dallas.

"Who are you calling princess?" hissed Natsuki.

"Geez so much for freeing the mastermind and her accomplices," said Discord.

"Accomplices?" asked Sayori.

"Mastermind?" asked Yuri.

"What's going on, what's all the noise?" asked Monika getting up.

"Speak of the devil," said Dallas.

"Wha where am I?" gasped Monika.

"Hey who are you and weirdos and where are we?" asked Natsuki.

"Welp settle down girls cause uncle Dallas will tell you a story," said Dallas.

'Uncle Dallas?" snickered Sayori. Dallas ignored Sayori's comment and explained their situation to the four. From the 100 floor mansion, to the 100 souls, and Genesis's plot.

"So what you're telling us is, this vengeful spirit of a man who did many terrible things in his life, is haunting this mansion and he needs 100 souls to sacrifice to the devil to escape hell am I right?" asked Monika. The five including Golden Freddy nodded.

"Welp this is creepy as fuck so I'm getting outta here," said Natsuki.

"Not gonna happen," said Discord.

"What why?" asked Natsuki.

"The doors are locked, and I'm pretty sure that you wouldn't want to have to jump out the window even if this IS the second floor," said Starlight.

"Plus this is Equestria, you won't be able to go home anyway," said Twilight.

"So technically you're all stuck in here until we free all 100 souls," said Spike.

"Damn it," cursed Natsuki.

'Well it wouldn't hurt to explore a bit will it?" asked Yuri.

"No," answered Dallas. "But the only floor that's been cleared is this floor and the first floor so there really isn't much to explore,"

"Better than nothing!" cheered Sayori.

"By the way, where's my keyboard?" asked Monika. Spike handed her the keyboard with a grin.

"I enjoyed playing with it," snickered Spike.

"You didn't break it did you?" asked Monika.

"I was before I stopped myself," answered Spike.

"Good to know," said Monika.

"Anyways, we better get going, we still have 98 souls to go," said Dallas.

"Hey Goldie watch the girls will you?" asked Discord.

"Oh, ok," said Golden Freddy.

"We're not kids you know!!!" Natsuki called out to them. Dallas waved back at them without turning back as he led the four up the flight of stairs onto the third floor.

Author's Note:

Floor 2 complete. Yo that was intense. But anyway our second soul belonged to Monika, Sayori, Yuri, and Natsuki from Doki Doki Literature Club to be honest I didn't know how I was going to implement this at first but then this came into my head at the very last minute so hey saved myself. But now that's two souls down. Only 98 more to go.