• Published 29th Jul 2018
  • 3,834 Views, 87 Comments

The Dragon's Guide - Undyne Devotion

My name is Elliot I was left alone at a Fantasy Con where I found a stranger with a guidebook, now I'm stuck in Equestria as Elora from Avalar helping a small purple dragon find his destiny.

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Ponyville : The Cocktastic Voyage

Broken Mold was the perfectionist of Ponyville.

The orange earth pony undoubtedly a truly gifted sculptor.

Her tiny claustrophobic studio overflowed with various ribbons, certificates, and trophies of her masterful skill. Yet even with all the praise of the past surrounding her, she wasn't able to come up with a single original idea for her newest project.

She promised Mayor Mare a perfect sculpture full of emotional heartache and passion. Yet at the moment she just had an empty pedestal before her. This idiotic project due in the very near future, to be placed as a centerpiece on the new park fountain.

With a feminine brush of her pink mane to the side. The artist pony humored the idea of a blank pedestal passing off as abstract modern art. She couldn't very well give back the bits, she spent every piece in a matter of hours.

“Think, I must have a new idea!?” The mare howled out in uncertainty of her predicament.

Suddenly the haze that clouded her mind had begun to lift. Her large green eyes widened out in awe as, within her mind, the silhouette of a true masterpiece had begun to take shape.

“Bawk!!” The head of an annoying chicken poked its head out of the shrubbery outside her open window.

Her masterpiece simply fading back into the obscurity of her mind. Dissolved into fragments of a fleeting thought, never to be seen again.

“Grrr, stupid chicken!” Broken Mold stomped her hooves much like a frustrated child, climbing up atop her statue's pedestal in anger.

“Bawk!?” The idiotic creature tilted his head to the side in confusion.

“I said beat it!” Broken picked up a piece of clay, flinging it across the room as it pelted the creature on the head hard.

Hissing in fiery anger a cockatrice lunged out of the shrubs. Long razor-sharp talons digging into the windowsill, its eyes turned blood red cursing the horrified pony with petrification.

“A Cockatrice!” Broken shrieked in true terror, both hooves lifted upward to shield herself.

Yet within a few seconds, it was completed.

Standing upon the pedestal with tears running down both eyes, stood the statue of a terrified mare. Her face truly capturing the passion of fear, sorrow, and heartache.

Ponyville was in an absolute uproar!

Ponies of every type darting in all directions at once. The wicked sounds of Cockatrice hisses filled the air, more than a few pony statues littering the immediate vicinity. All except for one grey pegasus hiding behind an abandoned trading booth, her mane a golden bubbly blonde.

“What's happening!?” I ran over to the saddened little pony in worry, her off-center honey hues looking up to me with despair.

“I just don't know what went wrong!?” The pegasus bit her lower lip sheepishly.

“I believe it must be connected to this cocky mayhem!” Sunny poked her head out of my hair with a sarcastic snort.

“Maybe a little?” The pony gave a shrug.

A group of mares running towards the mayor's office suddenly petrifying into a couple of new statues. I knew this was going to get much worse if somebody didn't do anything quickly, so with a loud groan, I reluctantly volunteered.

“What's making these things all wonky tonk!?” I asked in a stern but collected voice crossing my arms across my chest annoyed.

“I was delivering supplies to Zecora in The Everfree, but on my way dropped a package…” The pegasus could hear a loud crash in the background, her ears folding back gently.

“It contained Cockatrice Essence, didn't it?” My lips pursed in a deadpan manner.

“Just a smidge! But lucky for us I was also delivering the repellent, I dropped it somewhere in town along with all my other packages.” The tiny pegasus lunged out towards me surprisingly fast, her eyes pleading for help.

“Then go get it!” Sunny growled down to the pony in a huff.

“I would, but my insurance doesn't cover petrification! Only incineration…” The mare lowered her head in shame.

“What color package was it in?” I sighed kneeling down to the pony, giving her a gentle hug of compassion.

“Blue.” She sniffled sadly.

“Stay still I'll go and grab…” I was suddenly cut off by this odd grey pony nudging my arm with her muzzle.

“Actually it was definitely Red…” Her ears perked up high a few seconds later.

“Nope, I'm a hundred percent sure it was Yellow! Scratch that it's pink…” I could just narrow my eyes flabbergasted by her uncertainty.

“Whatever.” I took a deep breath before pouncing out into the open bravely.

Only to be just as quickly tackled back into a bundle of bushes. I hit the ground hard with a loud thud and whimper, Spike growling as he pinned me to the ground with anger burning in his eyes. I struggled in place but found his grip surprisingly strong for his size, soon huffing as I went limp under his strength.

“What!?” I blew a loud raspberry.

“I can't let you fight a bunch of Cockatrice! Are you crazy goat!?” Spike snapped in frustration, letting my wrists go as he rolled off my chest.

“Well, I need to get to The Everfree! Even if it means I have to beat off a few cocks!” I arched my thin brow towards the little dragon nonchalantly.

“Are you always this persistent?” He groaned under his breath, poking his head out to survey the area.

“Only around dorks.” I curled my lips into a playful smirk.

“Grrr, I see two boxes over in the park.” Spike took a calming breath as my head poked out of the bush next to his.

“Nice, one for each of us!” I giggled.

“I'll take the one near the trees, you grab the one near the fountain.” I could tell he was nervous just by his voice, yet he still had the courage to face his problems head-on.

It was quite admirable if I was totally honest.

“Aye! Look at you taking charge!” I nudged his shoulder with my elbow.

“We're so dead…” Spike rolled his dark green eyes exploding out of the bushes as he flew over towards the Ponyville park.

I waited for the hissing cockatrice swarm to start rushing over towards Spike's direction. Smoothing out my leafy dress, I darted swiftly towards the park myself. My hooves clicking delicately across the cobblestone walkway of the empty market.

It must be nice to fly over to places I thought. I'd like to see him run wearing a breezy little dress like mine. Performing a rolling cartwheel I hid amongst the bushes of the park, glancing over to the distance to see Spike flaming an off guard cockatrice.

The creature squealing loudly as it ran off into the horizon with a butt full of green flames. I couldn't help but giggle at the crazy sight, spotting the pink package laying on the grass near the large marble fountain.

“Sunny?” I shook my head gently to summon my friend.

“Yes, Ms. Goat?” She quipped with a tone of innocence, poking her head into the open.

“I'm a, never mind…” I grumbled.

“Need to break for the box, can you be a distraction?” Green eyes glanced up to my Breezie friend.

“I suppose, but how!?” She replied quite uncertain.

“Easy, like this!” I snatched her out of my hair, chucking the tiny creature screaming hard as I could into the distance.

Several Cockatrice easily darting after her in an annoyed rage. I had my opening, front flipping out of the bushes I made my way to the box, easily snatching it up.

“Yes!” I giggled opening the lid, an explosive wave of confetti nearly blinding me as I stumbled backward and fell into the fountain with a splash.

Spitting out a stream of water from my mouth, I felt myself huff aloud. My fur soaking wet from head to hoof, a crushed birthday cake in the pink box mocking me. Before I could collect my thoughts a loud hiss screeched across the late afternoon sky.

A straggling Cockatrice leaping towards me insanely. I screamed clutching my eyes shut as I held the box in front of myself like a shield, the dumb creature accidentally jumping inside with a dull thump.

You didn't have to ask twice. I slammed the lid shut and doing the first thing which came to mind. I stood up and punted the hellishly made Cock-in-the-box far off into the horizon as I could. Collapsing back onto my rump with another wet splash, my sanity being tested today.

I glanced over to Spike, as I lowered into the fountain out of view. The tiny dragon being chased by three angry little monsters, his claws dug deeply into the red box in his grasp. I felt myself gasp in worry, a Cockatrice dashing head-on towards Spike.

To my surprise he lowered his body headbutting the creature with a thunderous clack, I found myself giggling as I watched it hit a tree before passing out. A second monster trying to flash a red gaze to the dragon, only to be burst into wild green flames.

The cockatrice squealing as it ran off into the nearby woods, nearly nude missing every feather on his body. Collecting my strength I darted out of the fountain, narrowing my eyes to the last attacker sneaking up on Spike.

Taking out my Guidebook, I flung it at full strength into the distance. The oversized tome crushing the cockatrice in a flurry of feathers, Spike merely turning around with a hearty chuckle.

“Ha, thanks!” Spike opened the red box slowly, frowning as it was full of broken toys for a colt.

“I was really hoping that was arghh!” I felt a few sprinkles of bath salts hit me in the eyes.

“Never throw me again!” Sunny fluttered over towards us pouting, my eyes burning as if I just gazed into the sun for an hour.

“You threw her!?” Spike scrunched his nose confused.

“Kinda?” I glanced to the dragon with tear-soaked eyes.

“At least I found the blue box, it was full of bath salts!” Sunny blew me a raspberry before flying into my hair.

“That just leaves yellow.” I wiped my eyes with a feminine wrist.

Spike gulping as his head turned towards the market. A truly oversized cockatrice stood his ground proudly, at least double the size as the dragon himself. Long razor-sharp talons clutching the box in its grasp, waiting bravely for anything to dare challenge it.

“I'll take him on!” I spoke up with a deep breath, everything in my vision just a bunch of grey blotches.

“As if blindy!” Spike snorted.

“I'm not ahhh!” I squealed girlishly as the dragon tail swiped me, I fell on the grass beside my book flustered, watching as the little purple firecracker darted off to his newest foe.

How could something so tiny, be so full of courage?

Though I had to admit, he could handle himself way better than I could. My strongest attack being to kick something and run away.

“BAWK!” The massive foe threatened as it stood under a nearby flower shop.

“Show no fear.” Spike shivered in anxiety walking ever closer to what surely would be his doom.

“Hiss!” It roared out in a frenzy.

“Bring it chicken butt!” Spike screamed with a large stream of flames exploding from his mouth.

“BAAAA…” An oversized pot of flowers suddenly came crashing down on top of the poor creature, crushing it into oblivion with ease.

I watched the yellow box tip over, a tiny snow globe rolling out towards a confused Spike. Derpy blushing a bright pink from embarrassment, the clumsy little pegasus accidentally having knocked the pot off the edge of the shop’s roof.

Part of me relieved that no fight would take place, I wasn't sure he could handle something like that. Galloping over with a light giggle I placed a reassuring hand atop the dragon's shoulder, it didn't need to be said that he did an excellent job tonight.

We waited for the pegasus to flutter down to the ground and greet us. In her hooves she clutched a tiny violet box, her muzzle scrunched in a look of absolute shame.

“It was Violet. I remembered dropping it atop The Florist Shop earlier, my bad.” She popped the lid open removing a vial of Cockatrice repellent.

To my surprise the book in my hands reacted to the tiny bottle, the guidebook glowing a bright turquoise blue as it shot a stream of magic into the vial. Lifting it up above our heads we watched in awe, the vial exploding into an elegant shower of golden sparkles.

Ponyville being coated in a warm shield of protection. The remaining creatures hidden around the vicinity turning docile and harmless, the many pony statues littering outside regaining their vibrant colors and returning to life.

“Now that's good repellent!” Derpy squealed in satisfaction before cantering off to check on her neighbors and friends.

“How did you?” Spike locked eyes with my own.

I wish I could answer his questions.

Yet this guidebook was indeed hiding many secrets.

Secrets I intended to find!

“I'm not sure, but I feel the answer might be…”

“In The Everfree?” The little dragon sighed feeling exhausted.

“Spike, I'm…” I wanted to apologize for acting a tad sarcastic earlier.

“Save it, this is going to be a long night.” Spike shook his head in dismay, both our gazes falling to the danger ahead of us.

“Bit to the left.” Mayor Mare squinted her eyes to the lovely statue of Broken Mold being positioned in the center of the park fountain.

This piece of art absolutely dripping with true passion and emotion. In fact, it seemed almost as if it could be alive, two stallions gently aligning her in the perfect spot for the whole community to enjoy.

“Absolutely perfect!” Mayor Mare chirped with glee, after tonight's fiasco she needed something to go smoothly.

The group of ponies leaving the park after a few minutes of idle chatter. Broken Mold left to enjoy the eternal silence that was the fate of any art piece.

A tiny blue jay landing atop her muzzle from a nearby tree. Chirping a melodic song annoyingly, with no sign of stopping anytime soon.

With nopony around, a single tear rolled down Broken Mold’s cheek.