• Published 29th Jul 2018
  • 3,834 Views, 87 Comments

The Dragon's Guide - Undyne Devotion

My name is Elliot I was left alone at a Fantasy Con where I found a stranger with a guidebook, now I'm stuck in Equestria as Elora from Avalar helping a small purple dragon find his destiny.

  • ...

I'm A Faun You Dork!

The abyss was being torn between worlds as I seemed to float in and out of reality, I could feel the crisp breeze of Avalar, I could smell the stench of my hometown Addison and even feel the damp grass of Equestria.

Where was I?

Who was I?

Why did I feel so alone?


Brigit stood below me leaning against the cool metal frame of the park jungle gym, her eyes locking upon me in silence as if trying to get a read on me. I just gave her a soft shrug in place, eyes gazing out to the glimmer of the town before me. I wasn’t in a talking mood tonight, though that did not matter to my friend, she had her ways to get me to chat.

“You’ve been quiet tonight?” She gave a soft spoken reply as I simply rolled my eyes.

“What can I say? I just don’t feel too hot.” My voice gave a loud scoff.

“Is it because of Shaun?” She would drape her arms elegantly over a nearby bar, the pale blue moonlight showering upon her softly.

I would never admit it was, he was the cool guy of the group. Brigit had slowly become head over heels for him, I just couldn’t stand a chance being the smart one in the group. I was once at a time the go to guy for all types of stuff, be it conventions or even small D&D get togethers. But since Shaun decided to get closer to us, he had taken the spotlight and absorbed all the attention.

I could see the way Brigit gazed to him, I was just a second rate chump in this growing facade. One I’d rather not be apart of, I could still be of use somewhere I just needed that chance to prove myself.

“I’m fine, just need some air.” I spoke through my teeth as Brigit giggled aloud, gently climbing up through the gym to the top beside me.

“I can support that dingus, just tell me we are still on for Fanta Con next week?” Her eyes locked on mine, her hand placed atop my own as I could feel my heart race.

“Of course!” I gave a small smirk, missing these times we used to have together.

“You are my total BFF!” She gave a loud squeal aloud, her slender arms pulling me in for a hug.

My whole body tensing up with a sense of dread, that one phrase causing the whole world to slip away.

The Present.

Flashes of ice grew around the corners of my vision, horrible pale yellow eyes pierced deeply into my soul from within the darkness. A sly smirk curling over pouty lips, sending a chill down my lower back side. It was growing closer towards me from the darkness, the grass around me withering and dying.

The ice growing upward from the soil, stretching wickedly ever taller. Soon trapping me within a frostbitten prison, my teeth chattering out of control as I could just watch helplessly before a clawed hand grabbed my Guidebook. A howl of laughter ringing into the bleak grey sky, the winter had come and was never going to end.

I let out a soft moan as my head rang loudly, dark green hues flashing open as I lifted upward in a trance. My head overflowing with various memories causing a wave of nausea to cascade across my body, I ran a delicate hand through my mane while in search of a clue as to where I was.

The nightmare still echoing through my mind, never had I been more grateful to be awake.

My tail swished to the side softly as the light of a elegant palace room shimmered before me, the door to this place closed tightly with twin diamond frames. The room decorated in lace and satin as it screamed aloud with a woman's touch, the large window open to my right allowing a lovely breeze to flow within.

“You’re awake!” The small dragon exploded out from behind a small fort of books to the side, the bookshelf behind him a total mess.

“Where am I?” I gave a soft flaunt of the hand his way, my eyes having trouble focusing at the moment.

“The Castle Of Friendship!”

“Oh! Twilight’s Castle…”

“You’ve heard about us?” He spoke up with a interested tone, quickly dashing over to my side with a smirk.

I just gave a soft smirk myself, knowing this place from the show . Being a huge fan of MLP I could name all sorts of stuff, but now being here was different the once small world now wide open.

“I uhh...read about it in my Guidebook.” I gave the dragon a small smile, memories locking into place while some were fleeting and others were more clear.

I knew his name started with an ‘S’ yet could not place it in my mind, yet I could recall Twilight and a world of Winter. A strong flash of ice hitting me like a truck as I yelped aloud, falling off the silken bed covers and crashing to the floor.

“You ok!? So that is what the book is…” He rushed over and placed a gentle claw on my shoulder, I gazed up to his kind muzzle and felt an odd tingle.

I was quick to push his claw away before swinging back up to my hooves shakingly, the world was spinning around as if on a weak axis my steps growing wider and swaying.

“Why would you say that?”

“Well it looked blank, not that I was checking it out.” He gave a soft snort, followed by a nervous grin.

I rolled my eyes while I leaned up weakly against a nearby table, my Guidebook opened wide before me as I could make out many pages of writing. Though what had caught my attention was the newest chapter, details about those wolves and The Everfree now outlined within.

Green hues slowly lifted to the crystalline mirror before me, eyes were large and soulful now with long delicate lashes. Large doe like ears sliding back ever so slightly, as I scrunched up my muzzle in slight confusion.

This was indeed a huge change from the ordinary, I should be freaking out that I wasn’t human anymore. Scratch that to be honest, eyes gazing down to the firm full bust hidden behind a lush leafy dress. That I wasn’t even a male anymore, the world around me feeling far more larger and open.

Yet something was anchoring me into a sense of calm, I knew this wasn’t my world anymore. I knew this was a world of a favorite television show of mine. But other things were missing, I felt like two people fighting over one mind, while slowly but surely these two realities felt as if they were merging into one.

“You look lost?” The dragon spoke up from behind me, as I held up the open book for him to see.

“I could say the same dragon, this is far from empty.” My tiny hand pushed the old tome against his muzzle.

“It’s Spike and that is still empty, also what are you some kind of goat?” Spike gave a roll of his eyes to me, pushing the tome back against me firmly.

I just gave a stern glare in a small huff, cheeks puffing up as my eyes could make out many items within the tome. Perhaps it was only I who could see it? , if so then was I brought here for a reason?

“Hmmm, I’m a faun you dork!” I gave a soft twirl away from the dragon, flipping ahead a few pages to see if I could spot anything out of place.

“Oh! Well sorry, I never have seen a faun….” His eyes gently lifted up from my hooves to my fluffy tail hiked up, checking out my backside.

“Ahem!” I gave a glare catching his gaze from the corner of my eye.

“BEFORE! Hehehe…” His cheeks burned brightly a warm red hue, his claws dashing across the room towards the door.

I could hear the door suddenly swing open as Sunny flew within, her tiny delicate frame dashing over to me happily. I could just gasp in surprise as the small breezie jolted back into my hair, her tiny head poking out again.


“Elora! I’m so glad you are okies, I had barely found help when I flew off!” She gave a soft squeak aloud, my heart melting slightly as I felt myself smile.

“So you were the one who got help?” I spoke aloud in a sweeter tone.

“Yep! She found me, good thing I speak some Breezie!” Spike did a slight backup, flexing his small muscles towards me in pride.

“Lucky me…” I gave him a scrunched muzzle in reply.

“Indeed quite lucky, miss.” Twilight slowly trotted within the large open room happily, her eyes locking onto me as I gave a sheepish smile.

“I’m sorry if I’ve been a bother.”

“Not at all, though your kind is quite rare around here.” Twilight was soon very close to my side, her eyes taking in every detail as if I were a painting of some sort.

“Uhh, how rare would that be?” I gave her a stern gaze, her own violet hues lighting up with excitement.

“Try extinct.” She gave a slight snort aloud.

“WHAT!? Did she fall from the sky?” Spike gave me a intrigued gaze, his jaw nearly hitting the floor for a second.

“Maybe...” I spoke under my breath, the way I was tossed here still a blur.

“Fauns were lovely creatures, able to communicate with nature while some were even able to control it!” The cute violet pony bounced around me in growing excitement.

“Control nature?” I gave a soft stammer, heart picking up pace within my chest.

“Mmhmm! Fauns vanished around the time, The Everfree had begun to grow...darker.” Twilight gave a small frown, her eyes gently lowering to the floor.

“You think she might be able…” Spike started to speak up, yet was cut off by Starlight Glimmer quickly rushing inside with a look of fright.

“Glimmer?” Twilight gave her full attention.

“I hate to interrupt, but word is coming that The Everfree is going out of control!” Starlight bit her lower lip, the sound of screaming from outside the window filling the air of the room.

“I should…”

“No! Spike keep her here, I’ll check this out with Glimmer! So EXCITING!” Twilight lifted a hoof to me as she smiled brightly with adventure in her eyes, Glimmer casting her an odd gaze.

“Twilight.” Glimmer’s gaze was cold and serious.

“Heehee! I mean I hope everything will be alright.” Both ponies darted out the door, Sunny flashing me a look of awe.

“This can’t be a coincidence, I need to check it out!” I felt an urge to follow fill my body, hooves delicately clicking towards the door.

“Nu-uh! Not going anywhere madame goat!” Spike swiftly flew across the room on strong wings, blocking my exit as I cast him a glare.

“Well Mr. Lizard, you can try and stop me!” I gave a huff in return, my arms crossing over my chest in annoyance.

“Don’t make me give you the hot hoof!” Spike narrowed his dark green hues towards me.

“Oooo! I’m shaking in my dress…” I merely pushed the young drake aside, as he gave a glare spitting green flames at my hooves before I let out a loud girlish scream jumping back.

“You should be, I’m a strong powerful…” His eyes locked onto me, as I fell to the ground shivering in fear while tears ran down my cheeks in distress.

“I...I’m burned.” I gave a soft frail sob.

“I’m sooo sorry! I didn’t mean…” He rushed over as I quickly rolled onto my backside, a loud buck of the hooves sending him flying back outside the open door into the hallway.

“Who has the hot hoof now, hmmm?” I pranced out into the hallway, gazing down to him cutely sticking my tongue out in a teasing manner.

“Don’t you dare!” He tried to speak up as I galloped at top speed down the hall, vanishing with my breezie friend out of view.

I was quick to dart out of the castle doors, the crisp cool winds of the outside caressing my slender frame. The sun was setting in the sky as all around was turning a warm orange, The Everfree was calling me.

I could just pray it wasn’t even more dangerous…

At night.