• Published 26th Jul 2018
  • 2,821 Views, 758 Comments

Down With the Pastryarchy - kudzuhaiku

"When the revolution comes, who will be the first against the gingerbread wall?"

  • ...

Chapter 8 (Musical interlude)

The photo was evidence of Twilight’s majesty and Pinkie Pie’s resistance to physics. During a moment of pure speed and intense gravity, a photograph had been snapped of Twilight and her friends on the roller coaster. It was a mechanical marvel, a camera timed and focused to each car as it passed, so only Twilight and her friends could be seen. And what a picture they had taken.

Twilight’s face was stretched, distorted, her cheeks flapped around like a windsock in a hurricane, revealing her teeth all the way back to her molars. Even her eyelids were rippling and the overall effect was that she looked like a mutant alicorn horrorshow. It was, perhaps, the least flattering photo ever taken of her, and she loved it.

All of their faces were gross, distorted, stretched beyond any sense of reality, except for Pinkie’s. Somehow, Pinkie Pie had puckered up and offered up a pouty moue at the camera. She had struck a pose and was exceptionally beautiful—doubly so in comparison to the freakshow horrors beside her, which might have been intentional on Pinkie’s part. For whatever mysterious Pinkie-Reason, gravity did not tug at her cheeks, her eyelids, or her ears.

It was a photo that Twilight would treasure.

In equine society, hats meant something. Wizards were recognisable by their hats and hoods. Twilight, as a princess, wore a crown. Police ponies wore their badges on their hats. Guardsponies wore helmets. Reporters like Seville wore their press badges on hats—in Seville’s case, a fedora. Telegram delivery ponies wore funny little hats that Twilight did not know the name of. Society was demarcated by hats and your position in society was determined by the hat that one wore.

For Twilight, it was something to think about while she studied her friend, Applejack.

Applejack’s hat said a great deal about her, though Twilight wasn’t certain what others might see or think. There was a certain amount of character because of the hat and in Twilight’s eyes, it was an indicator of what you were getting: Applejack was plain and practical. Not many things advertised that they were plain and practical, but Applejack sure did. She lived it, was proud of it, and the hat she wore symbolised pretty much everything one needed to know about her.

Then there were the times when Applejack took her hat off…

A different, hatless pony lurked within Applejack. Celestia too, was entirely a different pony. If she took off her crown and regalia, interesting things tended to happen. Twilight was a different pony if she put her crown on. The moment the cold metal touched her head, a different mood overtook her. Pinkie Pie needed no hat, though she occasionally wore them. Those curls of hers communicated everything one needed to know about Pinkie Pie, a visible indicator that was incredibly informative to those who knew what to look for.

Pinkie Pie had returned to full-on chaotic curly-girly after the roller coaster, too much cotton candy, and a supper consisting of ice cream sundaes. It was not a responsible adult meal, but this was Las Pegasus, and they were free to indulge in bad behaviour. It was expected. Bad behaviour had consequences though—one was never free from those—and now they were stuck with a sugar-bombed Pinkie Pie in the close quarters of the Princess Suite.

‘Twasn’t the worst of fates, at least for those who loved Pinkie Pie.

While Seville was finishing up his report, and Twilight was reflecting upon his fedora that he wore while working, the pink pronker bouncing laps around the fountain began to sing: “Here she comes now sayin' pony pony…”

Twilight braced herself for an impromptu musical number; these happened around Pinkie and it was best if one went with the flow and followed the musical prompts as they happened. It was, perhaps, the strangest, least understood kind of magic.

“Smoosh 'em down, turn around, come on pony.”

A hatless Applejack’s ears pricked.

His forelegs resting upon the table, Seville sang along: “Hey she give me love and I feel all right now.”

Head bobbing, bouncing in time to music that wasn’t there, Pinkie continued, “Come on you gotta toss and turn and feel all right, yeah I feel all right. I said yeah—”

Applejack too, got in on the act. “Yeah?”

“Yeah!” Head still bobbing, Pinkie’s bright eyes twinkled.

Reserved, Applejack played it straight. “Yeah?”

“Yeah!” Pinkie squealed. “Cause you make me feel... so good… so good… so good… so fine… so fine! It's all mine, well I feel all right! I said yeah—”

Twilight couldn’t help herself and snuck a word in before Applejack. “Yeah?”

“Yeah!” Throwing her heart into her performance, Pinkie Pie flung herself around the room, pirouetting in an impossibly graceful manner that belied her well-padded frame. “I love you pony po-po-pony, sure I do!”

“Oh, come on,” sang Seville, his eyebrows bouncing in time to Pinkie’s phantom beat.

“I love you pony po-po-pony, sure I do!” Pinkie did a cartwheel and narrowly avoided a fragile-looking wooden table that sat at the end of the sofa.

“Oh, come on?” Twilight wasn’t sure what was going on, but she followed along anyway.

“Wake it, shake it, pony pony!” Pinkie sang with incredible volume. “Don't stop cookin', 'cause I feel all right now! Don't stop now, come on pony!”

Twilight, lured off of the sofa by an invisible, irresistible force, joined Pinkie in her antics and even tried dancing. She was alone, in private, so how much damage could she cause by attempting to shake a leg? So shake a leg she did and she even gave her backside a bit of a wiggle. Just as Twilight was starting to feel her groove, (the moistness of which was not up for discussion) Pinkie Pie lept on her back. Twilight’s wings flared out in surprise and Pinkie’s chunky thighs squeezed tight against Twilight’s ribs.

“Ride your pony! Ride your pony! Ride your pony, come on! Come on! Pony pony!”

Compelled by strange forces, with a plush, plump Pinkie Pie astride her back, slapping her backside with a hoof, Twilight was ridden off into the sunset of the bedroom.

Author's Note:

We now return you to your regularly scheduled programming. Next, on Baking Horse Drama...