• Published 26th Jul 2018
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Down With the Pastryarchy - kudzuhaiku

"When the revolution comes, who will be the first against the gingerbread wall?"

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Chapter 35

When awareness returned, Twilight had a cool, wet cocoon wrapped around her hot, feverish body. For one moment, muddled as she was, she thought Spike was here; but when she remembered where she was, she knew she was mistaken. Everything quivered, every muscle in her body protested the fact that she was hungover, and her guts bubbled in the most awful way.

Somepony was rubbing her stomach; slow, measured strokes that went from her ribs down to the fuzzy hollow just down below her navel. In her current state, she had trouble processing the sensation, which was as comforting as it was confounding. These were intimate tummy rubs and much to her muddled surprise, she didn’t want them to stop.

Seville was rubbing her stomach, she realised. He had a light touch and his hoof went back and forth, which gave her gooseflesh all over. Twilight’s face was covered with a wet towel, which was ideal; it kept the light out while keeping her face cool. When she spoke, her words were muffled.


“Yeah, it’s me. Do you want me to stop?”

Even in her current state of just having woken up, still hungover, and confused, she marvelled at how well Seville knew her quirks. “No, please don’t.” Stretching, she drew in a deep breath while her muscles bunched and grew tight. This effort proved to be too much though and she went limp again, collapsing into the damp spot of the bed left warm by her body.

“You overheated. This happens to Celestia, too. She forgets to spread those wings of hers from her sides. I think the lights cooked you.” Then, after a few seconds of thoughtful silence, he added, “I think that is why she favours the cooler climes of Canterlot. It strikes me that alicorns have a biological flaw, and that is that they are prone to overheating. It even happens to Cadance. A unicorn’s thaumaturgical system generates a lot of heat… like, a lot of heat, and if you combine that with wings…” His words trailed off into a sigh as he went silent.

“You’ve been bored—”

“Yes, I have. Been sitting here with nothing but my own thoughts.” while he spoke, his hoof continued its slow, almost lazy circuit, going back and forth, back and forth.

When she shifted in the bed, Twilight realised that Pinkie was sprawled out and asleep. Focusing her mind, Twilight concentrated upon the sounds of Pinkie’s laboured breathing. While she lay there, listening, having her tummy rubbed, she thought about how much work Seville had done to make her comfortable. He didn’t have magic, or little clawed fingers, yet somehow he had mummified her in wet towels, Twilight’s prefered treatment for hangovers.

And tummy rubs that verged upon lewdness.

Marital tummy rubs. Yes, that is what they were, she decided. The Tummy Rubs of Marital Bliss. The special sort of tummy rubs not done by friends, but by married ponies. Beneath the towel, Twilight nibbled upon her own lip and revelled in the sensations she experienced from her current state of being, both good and bad.

“Thank you,” Twilight said to Seville, “for making me comfortable.”

“It’s nothing,” he replied.

“No.” When she spoke, her lips brushed against the damp towels, which had warmed from her breath. “No, it’s something. You went through a lot of work to care for me and it shows.”

Seville’s hoof paused upon her stomach and she felt a light pressure from its weight. It was where his hoof had stopped that caused her heart to start racing. He had stopped mid-stroke, at the lowest possible point, and his frog could be felt against the soft pillow of fat that served as a base for her mammaries. Yes, mammaries, because right now, Twilight had to think of everything in scientific terms, because otherwise, her thoughts would be just too lewd to bear.

His hoof lifted and Twilight feared that the tubby rubs had come to an end, but her fears were unfounded. He patted her, which sent delightful ripples of jiggly joy through everything in the immediate vicinity of his touch, then, and only then, when the patting was done, did the tummy rubs continue.

“I got some bottles of Princess~Cola from the vending machine on our floor. Turns out, there are vending machines on the suite floor, they’re just well hidden. They’re sitting in a bucket of ice. Just finding the ice machine was quite an adventure.” He drew in a deep breath, held it for a moment, and then let it all out in a long, slow exhale. Again, he breathed in deep…

“Applejack took it upon herself to give a speech in your stead. Everypony was worried about you. Hotel security helped get you upstairs. They wanted to get you to the hospital, but I knew exactly what was wrong and how to fix it. It took some convincing and Sapphire Shores had to step in and tell them to let a husband do his job. I did worry just a little bit, and wondered if maybe we should get you to a hospital, but I also knew what a fuss that would cause.”

“Oh dear,” Twilight managed to say.

“It was weird,” Seville murmured. “Suddenly, I had some command. Some authority. I wasn’t just Seville the reporter… I was Twilight Sparkle’s Consort. I don’t know how to feel about it. I was treated differently.”

Seville’s hoof left her stomach and the blissful belly rubs ceased. The towel covering Twilight’s neck was lifted and she felt the chilly air-conditioned air blow directly against her damp, saturated pelt. After a moment, the towel slapped her, which stung a bit, but she knew that it was an accident and probably couldn’t be helped. Then, the towel was laid over her neck again, with the cooler side of the towel now against her flesh.

Then, the towel over her face was pulled away, but before it was gone completely, Twilight squeezed her eyes shut. Her fears were unfounded though. The room was dark, the heavy drapes over the windows were closed. Cautious, she cracked open one eye for a bit of a test look, and when no piercing light seared her retina, she opened both eyes to have a look around.

Seville was dunking her face towel in a bucket of ice water. He had one corner of it in his teeth and Twilight could not help herself, she cringed at the awkwardness of this moment. After a bit of a struggle, he got the towel out, got it gripped in his fetlocks, and gave it a mighty twisty squeeze that sent the excess water cascading back into the bucket, but also all over the carpeted floor.

When he turned back around, Twilight captured his eyes with her own. A lot could be accomplished with the right blink; Rarity had taught her that. A lady should be able to communicate her every need with nothing but a series of just the right blinks, winks, and smirks. Twilight had not yet mastered this art, she found the whole idea quite silly, really she did—but Seville was now frozen in place, spellbound.

Like a gorgon, she had transfixed him with her gaze.

Having discovered that she had immense power with her feminine wiles, Twilight wondered what else she could do with it, but not much came to mind. She was thirsty and needed a drink, but she didn’t think she could wordlessly convey such a need to Seville. In the dim light she saw him in a whole new way and she allowed her eyes to drink him in without reservation, fear, worry, or doubt.

He approached, walking on two legs, the towel clutched in his fetlocks. The towel was laid out over her stomach and when the cool dampness settled against the gap between her hind legs, Twilight let out a little shivery hiss. Parts of her went hard, parts that were difficult to ignore, and when the towel was adjusted she felt it sliding over two hard points. Like soldiers standing at attention, they demanded inspection.

“Would you like a drink?” Seville asked.

Twilight very much wanted a drink, but expressing this need was difficult at the moment. Her body was in a great state of conflict, hungover as it was, but also aroused. The cold chill from the towel caused a weird pinchy sensation and her hind legs stirred as her muscles tensed. Never at any point had she felt such a strong sense of friendship, trust, and affection. With these feelings came a potent, almost overbearing sense of arousal. Rather than repress it, or ignore it due to the discomfort it caused, which she had always done in the past, Twilight’s battered, overheated, hungover brain allowed it to happen.

This was pretty okay, her brain decided.

“I would love a drink.”

Twilight blinked; she had not said these words and it took a moment for her befuddled brain to arrive at Conclusion Station. The bed shook, it creaked as it shifted, and Pinkie Pie curled up into a fetal position. The mountain of blankets over Pinkie shuddered, one pink hoof emerged for a second, and then was yanked back beneath the blankets while a hiss could be heard from under the covers.

“Nope, too cold.”

“I had to drop the thermostat.” Seville sounded apologetic. “I set it as low as it would go.”

“So that’s why I was dreaming of Yakyakistan. I can feel the yaks stomping on my skull right now.”

There was a rattle of glass, ice, and metal. A few seconds later, the distinctive hiss of a bottle of soda being opened caused Twilight’s ears to prick. When she heard the sound of fizzy liquid being poured, her salivary glands attempted to moisten her mouth, but failed spectacularly. Her mouth was so dry at the moment that eating one of the wet towels seemed appealing.

“I woke up because my Pinkie Sense sensed confused arousal.” Then, after a moment, the muffled voice beneath the blankets added, “I also sensed unbridled sexual disaster, which feels an awful lot like my ‘a volcano is about to erupt’ sense. Somepony’s virginity was in real danger. I thought I would have to throw a party and that would suck right now.”

Seville fumbled his words and stammered a few times before finally saying, “My intentions were noble and good… I would never take advantage of Twilight in her condition… why, I—”

“Pinkie wasn’t sensing you,” Twilight whispered whilst she squeezed her hind legs together in a self-conscious manner.

Again, the voice from beneath the blankets was heard. “That would explain the danger.”

It was just them, sitting around the table in the near-dark. Sitting in a chair was actually cooler than laying in the bed, and Twilight revelled in the shiver-inducing cool air that blew from the air conditioning vent. She kept her wings out, away from her body, and she clutched her drink in her fetlocks.

Pinkie was wrapped in a blanket, but also drinking an ice-cold drink with extra ice. She was still as pale as death, with very little colouration to be seen or found. Hunched over, miserable, she stared down into her cup and was unusually still. Getting Pinkie to sit still for any length of time was almost impossible, so her utter lack of movement said much of her condition.

Even though her head was thudding, Twilight couldn’t bear the silence. She wanted to hear the voices of her companions—her mates. In the course of just one reckless night, life had changed. The definition of life had changed; for Twilight, life was no longer a singular endeavour, but was now a group effort.

“We’re going to die,” Pinkie Pie whispered. “We’re all going to die.”

“Pinkie?” Twilight wished that the silence hadn’t been broken in such a manner.

Rocking back and forth in her chair now, Pinkie turned a crazed, glazed stare upon Twilight. “We can’t go home.”

“Pinks, you’re not making sense.”

“Tarnished Teapot is only afraid of just one thing in this world,” Pinkie Pie whispered, her tone both dire and ominous. “And for good reason.”

“Pinkie… snap out of it. You… Pinkie, pull yourself together.” Twilight felt a chilly prickle that didn’t come from the air conditioner.

“We… are… doomed.”

“Pinks, everything feels worse with a hangover. We’re not doomed.” Seville didn’t sound too certain of himself, and for good reason; Pinkie Pie could be downright unnerving at times.

“Spoons.” Pinkie’s crazed glaze intensified. “So many spoons.”

A wild shiver ran up and down Twilight’s spine, though she could not say why. She sipped her drink, shivered a bit more, and realised that she no longer felt too warm. Was Pinkie the cause? Perhaps. Spoons? Why worry about spoons? Pinkie Pie was having a moment, one of her fugues. What she needed was to laugh, to feel good again, but Twilight wasn’t sure how to go about it. She’d never seen Pinkie this bad off before.

“Nightmare Spoon.” Pinkie Pie murmured out the words while shaking her head. “Her coming was foretold when the final daughter eloped. Now the world will know darkness. Nothing can save us now.”

Yes, the room was too cold now and Twilight thought about crawling back into the warm bed. Gritting her teeth, she forced herself to concentrate and risked splitting her skull wide open in a desperate attempt to make some magic happen. Sparks flew from the tip while immense pressure built up in the base of her horn. Her brain throbbed in the most unpleasant way, but her horn ignited with a pale, weak light. Reaching out with her mind, she flicked the thermostat so the room would no longer be an icebox.

Perhaps a distraction would work. “Pinkie… I wanted to thank you.”

“For what, Twilight? Releasing Nightmare Spoon upon the world?”

“The thing I value most in life is understanding,” Twilight began, and she tried to pick her words with as much care and consideration as possible. “On the stage, before I passed out, I… I had me some moments of great understanding. You made all of this possible. You led me to the place I needed to be and did what needed to be done so I’d be ready to face whatever comes next. This… all of this”—Twilight made an all-encompassing gesture with her hoof—“has opened up my eyes.”

“Do you mean that, Twilight?”

“Of course I do.” Twilight began to feel warm again, but it wasn’t from her hangover. “Also, our marriage. I might not remember it but I’m glad everything happened just the way it did. I was stuck in a rut. This is exactly what I needed to pull me out.”

“I don’t know what to say, Twilight. I still feel awful.”

“For Trixie’s own benefit, we had to trick her into helping herself.” Twilight allowed herself a moment of princessly pride. “It wasn’t done for our benefit. It wasn’t done for our gain. But when given just the right circumstances, when given just the right motivators”—she paused, thoughtful—“Trixie became the pony she was meant to be. Our manipulations were done with altruism in mind. Trixie benefited first and foremost—and that is how the Princess Game is played.”

“But I feel bad because of what I tried to do with Cheese…” For a moment, it seemed as though Pinkie had more to say, but no more words came forth. Hunched over, she wrapped her lips around her straw and sucked up some soda.

“It’s true, Pinkie, that you are getting what you wanted. A family. You have that now. But that’s the reward for acting on the behalf of the Greater Good. You get the family that you wanted, and Equestria, well, Equestria gets the reformation that it needs. I’m not sure if I’m the one to do it, but it does seem that this is, at the root of the issue, a friendship problem.”

“It bugs me that you’re not angry with me.”

“If I was angry with you, I’d be a hypocrite. I manipulate the lives of others all the time. It’s part of what I do. I encourage others to be their very best, because that is what Equestria needs them to be. Everything I do is for the benefit of others and for the good of all. Pinkie, our friendship started as a grand act of manipulation from Celestia. She had files on each and every one of you. She had watched, waited, and was prepared. Somehow, she knew that we’d be the perfect bearers for the Elements of Harmony. If I was to be mad at you for what you did, then I’d have to be mad at Celestia too, for giving me such a wonderful gift… my friends.”

For a moment, it seemed as though Pinkie might say something, but nothing happened. Something flashed within her eyes, some faint, twinkling light, and from this flash of illumination, vivid blue rippled outward, restoring the colour in her eyes. She blinked, and when her eyes were opened once more, they were the blue that Twilight remembered. The rest of Pinkie remained a lifeless, dull grey, which was worrisome. But the eyes, the eyes were the window to the soul, and Pinkie’s eyes had been restored.

“If anypony can give Equestria the reformation that it needs, it’s you two.” Seville cleared his throat and then continued, “Or maybe it’s us three. I guess that’s the point. This isn’t something that just one pony can do. It starts with us… and our friends. This is the logical progression from everything that’s come before. Now, the three of us need to figure out what to do next. And I guess it really is the three of us, and not just you two, because I guess I wouldn’t be here if I wasn’t needed somehow.”

Twilight nodded.

“This reformation isn’t even about us earth ponies.” Seville leaned forwards, his brows furrowed, and a thoughtful expression was plastered upon his face. “Us earth ponies, we’re just the most visible symptom of a much bigger problem. I guess it hits us the hardest because we’re the most vulnerable to it. I’ve given this problem a lot of thought, actually. Really, I think it might be the same issue that Goose is trying to fight, just a different aspect of it. I think. It’s hard to say for sure. Goose tries to root it out by attacking poverty—he hates poverty, and he’s right to wage war on it.”

“It’s just the three of us against the world,” said Twilight to her companions.

“And any allies that we might gather,” Seville added.

“Yes.” Twilight nodded her agreement. “But it starts with the three of us. It starts today. It starts with this conversation that we’re having right now. Not revolution, but reformation. Seville, I need you to bring Goose around to our way of thinking. We’re going to need to ruthlessly exploit his charm and charisma. I think that you are correct; Goose is already dealing with an aspect of this issue. We need to coordinate our efforts. I think that’s part of the problem. A lack of organisation. We already have champions dealing with the different aspects of this tremendous problem, but these individual efforts will accomplish very little on their own. We need to organise into a well-coordinated effort and act as one.”

“All of this is fine and good.” A ribbon of drool hung between Pinkie’s mouth and her straw. “But it doesn’t change the fact that we are doomed. Doomed.

“Pinkie… why are we doomed? What are you going on about?”

“Nightmare Spoon, Twilight. Nightmare Spoon. The only creature that Tarnished Teapot fears. His only known weakness. We will soon come to know his terror. We are doomed.

Author's Note:

The Tummy Rubs of Marital Bliss.

Almost as good as Happy Husband Hugs.