• Member Since 18th Nov, 2017
  • offline last seen June 4th


Tax pony

Comments ( 24 )

cant wait for the next chapter now god.

To be honest Luna seems like more of a FAL girl

This is going to be a awesome story!!

ahhhhhhh cliffhangers my one fanfic weakness noooooooooooooooooooooo.

why you leave me in suspense.

After all, what did she have to worry about?

Your in ponyvile

Hopefully she could pull this off without a hitch.

Welp she fucked rip light step

Experienced as he is... Step should be on his radar at the least

Oh, you tease you!:duck:

Great story but lighten up on the booping. You don’t want to over do it.

a-fucking-hmen...no one should have to see the horrors that is death in the form of intent. whether it's for peace or for war or any reason at all violent people who make all the violent games nowadays make it seem like it isn't a big thing. well think about this, every soldier or gangster, every innocent man woman or child who took a life in self-defense or for other reasons. they all cried when they first killed. Do you know why? its, because they knew what they did, was either wrong or the only way to stop what was wrong in their eyes. They knew that if they didn't shoot, either people were gonna die or they themselves would be hurt. Killing is a function that everyone hopes they never have to use, I know because at some point i wanted to be in the military, but my father being a Vietnam veteran told me one thing "Joseph listen you don't want to go through what I went through. War is heck it is hard to do the things people do in war. but after a while, it really gets to you. No matter how long you go without it. It always comes back to haunt you." I guess to sum this up...being told killing is a normal thought does lift the shame...but you will always remember it. and always regret it in some way.

Something tells me... Luna will think he's dealing with another one when he disappears like that again

Beautifully said. And yes, I 100% agree. In the story I was attempting to show a way that people deal with the taking of a life, with Step remembering the Minotaur she killed, and with Rick starting to stop seeing her as a living being but as only a target. Everyone has some response, whether it's to shut down and shut out the world, or to go on and ignore it.
As for with the authors note, the man who wrote that was trying to say that when you do have to kill someone, you may get the feeling of "Oh thank god it wasn't me." And yes, the Military vets and cops I've spoken with about their experiences have told me that they've had the same thought, and that it is normal. Does that make killing any more ok? No. Killing someone has, and always will be, taboo. But there may be times in life, in self defense or the defense of others, where it is sadly necessary. In fact, in the next chapter I was going to do an interlude about Rick's first time shooting a suspect, and how it still affects him to the present day.
However, if one does have to kill, you shouldn't dwell on the experience forever. Am I saying forget it ever happened? Abso-fucking-lutley not. As you said, you will always remember it. I'm saying don't let the experience keep you down. For those who are in Law Enforcement or the Military, trying to bottle up those feelings will end horribly. Hell, it'll end horribly with anyone. One needs to know when to look back on those feelings and confront them, and one needs to know when to put them on the side.
In short, the point of the chapter wasn't to glorify killing. I was trying to recreate the experience in the most accurate way possible, drawing from several people's personal experiences. I wasn't trying to say that it is okay at all.
I apologize if it came across that way, and please don't take my words above to be a slam on your comment, or on your beliefs. That was not the intent.
Anyways, to wrap this digression up, I like to see thought provoking things like this on a story that I wrote. In my opinion, there is no higher praise than someone using your words as a basis for talking about something that many wouldn't like to talk about.
Kudos to you, my friend!


you are very welcome, in fact i was attempting to agree with you but i guess that came across as different? if so very sorry for that.....

"Incomplete". Boy you better start working on this.

Great story cant wat for more looking forward to more great content

I love it, cant wait for more chapters!!! Keep it up 👍🏻👍🏻

Wow finally a story that has human firearms in it. I can see it know, the royal guard using rifles with bayonets cause that would be so cool. Great work by the way, love the story so far.👍🏻

Thank you! As a gun guy, I gotta make sure the details are on pointe ;)

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