• Published 22nd Jul 2018
  • 7,391 Views, 265 Comments

Containment Breach - gamerboy11116

When Twilight is thrust into a world of horrifying abominations, terrors she can't begin to imagine, and a never-ending fear of what's behind that corner, she's forced to survive in a world which wants nothing more than to see her die.

  • ...

Show Yourself

"Warning: T-Minus 60 Minutes to Total Decontamination of the Light Containment Zone. Please evacuate now."

Twilight sighed as the doors opened, yet another wave of stale, burning air hitting her like a brick wall. An ever-increasing feeling of dread started to creep up on her as she listened to the intercom. The news wasn't good. Sweat dripped down her fur, each step she took seemingly getting more difficult due to the heat.

Twilight stepped out of the elevator, examining the room. It was nothing particularly special, barely illuminated by blinking red lights, an alarm she had gotten so used to, and two doors to either side. No dangers seemed to present themselves, and Twilight racked her brain for directions. Alright, according to the map, she should head... lllleeeffff- right.

Turning right, Twilight blinked before opening the door. She stopped. She hadn't seen this before. Inside the room, there appeared to be two doors on the wall directly in front of her. One was to the left and seemed to require a keypad. The other sat to the right, leading into a small, cramp hallway no more than five meters long, and one and a half meters wide. The doors on both ends of the hallway were wide open, and a single pipe, broken and stuck at an odd angle, spewing a black gas- intersected the room.

Twilight cautiously moved forward, heading towards the hallway. As she entered it, the concrete floor turning to metal, the air around her growing in temperature tenfold. Twilight could the wall to the left of the hallway now. It was a large window, and from it, she could see where the door to the left went. It appeared to enter a small room with various shelves, desks, and computer monitors sat. On the floor, Twilight could make out the dead body of a guard, died by an unknown means.

Ignoring the sight, Twilight went on through the hallway. As she approached the middle of the hallway, a loud beeping sound blasted into her ears, and the doors on each end of the hallway closed with a bang, several sparks flying out from one. Jumping back, Twilight hastily looked around, trying to figure out what to do. She was trapped in the hallway. Several seconds passed, and three vents on the ceiling began spewing out a cold, white gas.

To Twilight, the prospect was both exciting and frightening. She had no idea what the gas in question was, but it was cold- freezing, even- which was a godsend in all of this heat. She really needed to turn the Ventilation Systems back on. The gas lets up after about five seconds, and the doors opened shortly afterward. Twilight blinked in confusion. What was even the purpose of that hallway? Maybe decontamination? But... decontamination from what? Radiation? A part of Twilight didn't want to find out.

Entering the next room, Twilight once again examined the perimeter for dangers, occasionally bumping into a crossroad, to which she would rack her memory for information, and make a decision as to where to go. This went on for some time, about three minutes or so without anything particularly interesting happening.

Sighing, Twilight opened the next door, blinking as she did so, before stopping in her tracks. This was new. The hallway she now found herself in was about ten meters long, three meters high, and two meters wide. Unlike the other rooms, this one was completely bathed in red light, the door at the end seemingly not having a button to open it. The floor was completely metal instead of concrete. An opening, leading to what Twilight presumed to be another hallway, sat in the middle of the right wall.

Twilight carefully moved forward, turning right to see down the second hallway. She froze. At the end of the second hallway, about five meters down, there was a button, which Twilight presumed to open the door to leave this area. But that wasn't all. At the end of the hallway, almost completely blocking the button from view and staring directly at her, was SCP-173. Above the statue, there was what was once a ventilation shaft, the ventilation grill snapped off and on the floor, beneath SCP-173.

Twilight froze, every fiber in her body urging her to leave, but she couldn't. She stared at the statue, her eyes wider than ever as her mind raced, trying to decide what to do. She came to a decision. Gulping, she walked towards the statue, her eyes already beginning to dehydrate.

As she approached the statue and the button, she got a closer look at it. Sure, she had gotten close before, exceptionally close- but she was panicking then, adrenaline was rushing through her veins and blurring her perception skills. Not to say that none of those things were the case NOW- just that they aren't as noticeable.

The statue itself looked completely solid, as it should. Obviously inanimate. It couldn't be anything but, right? But she knew better, and not once did her eyes stray away from the statue's visage. Soon, she got to within a few inches of it, her eyes already craving oxygen. She should have moved faster. Twilight reached out a quaking hoof, feeling as it slid across the cold, metal wall until finally making contact with an object jutting out from the side. As Twilight pressed it down, she heard a familiar shudder, click and thud as her way out of this room opened.

Twilight began to back away from the statue as soon as she heard it, practically falling away from it. But the room was enclosed. With the ventilation systems down, not to mention the air-conditioning, the temperature was scorching, like a hot, summer sun beating down on you, except from every direction. An oven would be a better analogy. The result of it all was a single bead of sweat that dripped down her forehead, towards her left eye, threatening to blur her vision. Almost instinctively, Twilight blinked her left eye rapidly out of fear it would blur her vision.

Now, one might know that the eyes of an individual are almost always connected. As in, when one is blinked, the other tends to follow. The same thing occurred here, as Twilight's right eye followed suit after the left. A nanosecond of darkness and intense concrete scrapping against metal, and Twilight found herself face to face with the statue once again, it having moved over five meters towards her. Stifling a scream, Twilight stumbled to the left door in an attempt to escape, this time refusing to take her eyes off the statue, even as the salt burned against her eye.

Leaving the room entirely, she pressed a nearby button on the wall and watched in relief as the doors closed, slamming with a satisfying thud and putting a barrier between herself and that horrifying statue. Seconds of intense concrete scrapping followed, fading away, and soon disappearing into the sunset. Somehow, despite the Ventilation Systems being down, closed and locked- it had found a way to the lockroom, and out.

Twilight sighed, not bothering to check to see where the statue had gone and turned around. She passed through several hallways and rooms, again, without much incident spare the occasional concrete scrapping coming from a nearby duct, scream of anguish from somewhere far away, splot of blood staining the ground, corrosion from SCP-106, dead body of some poor soul or some other relatively minor event.


It had only been an hour or two and she was already classifying things that normally would give her panic attacks as 'minor events'.


Blinking, Twilight opened the next door, taking a single step forward before stopping at the new sight for what seemed like the fifth time today. The room she had entered was small, as most important things seemed to be. It was completely plain, with no furniture or interesting bits at all. A single, large metal door with the same familiar 'X' shape covered the entire front wall. Normally, this in and of itself could make Twilight retreat. That meant a Containment Cell for another horror, another anomalous object, and clearly one that was not to be messed with. Of course, that wasn't what made a shiver run up Twilight's spine. Nor was the three, corroding dead bodies of two D-Class and a Guard. Nor was the holes in the two D-Class's chest, or the gaping hole in the guard's back, revealing black and rotting organs and bones. Nor was the plethora of tissue, spinal cord and other materials Twilight wished she never had to see strewn about the room, ripped out by an unknown source. In fact, the most worrying part was probably the gaping corrosion hole dead center of the Containment Door.

Seconds passed before the oh-so-familiar stench of rotting, corroding, and decomposing bodies hit her yet again. But this time she didn't gag, at least not as much. She was more focused on the fact that, whatever was in there, had gotten out- and more so on the possibility that thing that had gotten out was SCP-106.

Gulping down her fear and going against the warning signs in her head, she slowly trudged forward through the soup coating the floor. It was a sort of squishy feeling, with the occasional hard chunk of either bone or... something else occasionally making its presence known. She couldn't really tell. Slippery, too. A wave of nausea hit her, making her dry-heave in place as she approached the label.

Item #: SCP-372

Alias: 'Perhipheral Jumper'

Object Class: Euclid

So, not SCP-106, then. Well, that was a relief.


That meant SCP-106 hadn't COME from here, it had GONE here. It had entered the way she came and phased through the door.


What if it was still in there?

Twilight held her breath as she turned around slowly, examining the show of death in front of her before turning back to the door. Gradually and deliberately, she gazed into the corroded hole in the door, trying to see inside. She paid no mind to the actual contents of the Containment Chamber, for now, more focusing on the corrosion trail SCP-106 had left behind on the floor. It appeared to loop back on itself. He had left.

Thank Celestia.

Twilight hated that thing.


D-9341 probably did, too.

...Yeah, definitely.

Twilight sighed at the thought, but only for a second before she pushed the thoughts towards the back of her mind. Stepping through the hole and careful not to make contact with the corrosion, she entered the Containment Chamber. Quickly, she took note of her environments. Large room, with a smaller, glass room in the middle. A single, double-locked door sat in the right side, shut tightly. Of course, whatever was stored in the glass room had managed to leave despite the locked door- SCP-106 had apparently phased through the glass, basically melting most of the glass wall facing Twilight into a sludge before leaving.

No SCPs here.

After deducing her safety, Twilight's eyes began to dart around the room, scanning it for any helpful items or supplies. A shelf sat near the far-right corner of the room, containing nothing more than a few boxes of miscellaneous documents. Nothing of apparent value. She was mainly looking for weapons at this point. Finding none, she sighed and turned around in an attempt to leave.

Something in her peripheral vision jumped out of sight the second she caught eye of it, that same feeling you get when a bug buzzes past your face appearing ten-fold. She jumped around, her heart dropping into her chest as she prepared to run from any foe or danger she saw.

Twilight examined the room for the second time.


Sighing, she turned around to leave. It must have just been her imagination. And then, the same thing happened again, just a blur of green motion, this time to the opposite side of her face. Twilight whizzed around again, positive that she wasn't alone anymore. She examined the room once more, and in much detail, refusing to miss a thing.

Nothing at all.

She stood there for a moment in confusion, thinking. Was she going crazy? Granted, she probably already was, but- wait. Her mind practically stopped for a second as she had an epiphany.

'Peripheral Jumper'.

Twilight's blood ran cold, a shiver overtaking her senses. She stood in fear, unable and unwanting to make any sudden movements as something skittered around from behind her. A whole minute passed before she got the courage to move again. Whatever the creature was, it was out of Containment and couldn't be seen, she got that part. Gulping, she turned around, swearing she saw another blur of motion to her right. But this time she ignored it, refusing to try and see the creature. It would only end badly. She practically ran out of the Containment Chamber, slipping on the viscous liquid covering the ground on her way out, the sound of skittering disappearing behind her.

She hated this place.















Twilight sighed as she opened door after door, and entered room after room. In truth, the facility wasn't as empty and full of pointless hallways as it seemed at first glance- there were plenty of other doors, rooms, and entire sections placed in between. It's just that they were almost all locked down, like SCP-1123 and SCP-205. It was straining her mind just to remember where to go to reach the elevator that leads to Storage Area 6. It was the only way through, after all.

She blinked and opened yet another door. A wave of relief came over her as she entered the next room. An open elevator sat directly in front of her, the words above reading 'Storage Area 6'. Perfect. It had taken her what seemed like forever just to reach here, and through it, her way out sat.

She sped into the elevator in excitement, blinking furiously as she entered to get her eyes adjusted to the bright light of the elevator. The elevator was rather small, actually- it was more of a maintenance elevator, with a cage around it. Through the cage, she could see the heavy concrete walls of the elevator shaft, wires and pipes and cables visible through it. It was a very old-fashioned, mining elevator style, not the type you'd expect from a facility this modern. She pressed the button labeled 'down' and leaned against the back wall as the elevator doors shut, squeaking as they did so. The elevator began to descend as the cables pulled her down towards Storage Area 6.

As she approached the floor, the lights in the elevator started to get dimmer and the heat started to rise. There were several red lights dotted every ten meters outside the elevator itself, which barely illuminated anything. The lights built into the elevator itself flickered as she got further down. Suddenly, they gave out altogether with an ear-piercing beep. Twilight let out a small scream in response. But that wasn't the end of it. The elevator got closer to the ground, and with it, Twilight noticed a smell. A terrible smell, a mix of blood, smoke, and acid. She tried not to gag as the smell intensified the closer she got to Storage Area 6, powerless to stop the overwhelming stench.

Soon, the air started to get thick with some kind of gas, hot and singeing Twilight's fur. Twilight's breathing became as she approached the floor. She started coughing as the gas entered her lungs with every breath, threatening to choke her and burning her lungs. Finally, the elevator reached the bottom, and the doors opened to reveal Storage Area 6, completely full of scorching gas. It burned Twilight's eyes now. Her only explanation was that without the Ventilation Systems going, Storage Area 6 had filled with gas from... somewhere below her. She hated to think what machine or... thing... could cause all of it.

She pressed the up button on the elevator and tried to cover her mouth as the elevator ascended, struggling to breathe. It took a whole minute before the elevator reached the top and she stumbled out back onto Light Containment Zone Floor 2. She collapsed onto the floor, rubbing her eyes to rid them of that retched itchiness. Her mind raced again, trying to decide on a new plan of action.

The heat down there was horrible, not that it was much better up here. The ventilation systems were down. If she wanted to escape through Storage Area 6, she needed to turn them back on. Alright. Think, Twilight. Think. You scanned the map of this facility. You're a smart pony. Now, where is it? Twilight looked up at the dark room she now stood in. Okay, let's think. It was... uh, straight ahead from her. Twilight gulped down her fears and marched onwards towards the Ventilation System Control Room.

She moved quickly through the darkness that enveloped the repetitive, maze-like facility deep underground, checking every corner, nook, and cranny along the way of any hostile creatures. Not that she wanted to find one. Just the thought made a chill run up her spine, a stark contrast to the hot, stuffy and increasingly carbon-dioxide ridden chambers of Site-37.

Twilight encountered a deviance from the repetitive rooms and halls within short order. She opened the door with a blink, taking only a quick examination of the room before stepping inside. A closed door in front of her, an open door to her right. She quickly examined the room she was in again, this time more thorough. No dangers? At least, none that she could see. Turning back to the open door, Twilight read the label next to the right door. 'Anomalous Object Storage Room L-2'.

Twilight blinked before turning away. There was no way in hell she was entering another one of those. The first one was risky enough, even if it did give her something useful in the end. Twilight immediately made her way to the other door and pressed the button.



Twilight bit her bottom lip as she pressed the button again. Once more, nothing happened. The door didn't open.

Letting out a cry of frustration, Twilight turned back around to the Storage Area. Perhaps there was something in there she could use. After all, she had nothing that could open the door in her makeshift saddle bag. An infinite canteen, a ring that blocks mental compulsion and effects or whatever, a blue key that does... something, a... ring, of sorts found in a room of blood and... a glass sphere. Actually, she didn't know anything about the properties of three of those things. Huh.

Entering the Storage Area, Twilight examined the labels. Now, Twilight was under a lot of stress recently. Obviously. Often times, when she was in a lot of stress, she would pace or mutter things under her breath. Almost subconsciously, Twilight began reading the labels out loud.

"...SCP-1068... 'Harmless Nuke'? What's a nuke?" Twilight muttered as she went over the label. "Whatever. Doesn't seem all that important if it's called 'harmless'. A weapon of sorts would be nice."

"SCP-1079... 'Dr. Wondertainment's Bubblebath Bonbons'. That's... odd. Maybe it can be of use." Twilight said, pressing the button to open the door. The door beeped in response, refusing to open. It was locked down.

"Damn. Oh, well. Anything with... THAT sort of name isn't PROBABLY important either, anyway. Let's see now... SCP-165." Twilight muttered, gazing at a photo of an odd-looking parasite. Judging from the pictures, she didn't want to open that one.

"Next. Uh, okay. SCP-426. Um, that's... literally just a picture of me, a toaster! What- what can be so dangerous about me that they would have to lock me up in such a way? Oh, well. I'm probably not very useful." Twilight said, moving onto the next SCP.

"SCP-1079... uh, I doubt it has much use. It's a painting. I couldn't carry that, anyway. Let's see. SCP-133?" Twilight muttered, staring at the label. "'Instant Holes'. Now, that sounds interesting."

Twilight slid her keycard into the slot, and the door shuddered in response, opening to reveal what appeared to be... a lot of small, circular, black pieces of paper, like stickers on several sticker sheets, all stacked together on a pedestal, held in place with a small, black strap. On the floor, there lay a small document. Picking it up, Twilight began to read.

Item #: SCP-133

Object Class: Safe

Special Containment Procedures: All instances of SCP-133 are stored in their original shipping crates, which are to be stored within a standard Safe-class storage container at Site 19. Experimentation with SCP-133 may only be performed with prior written permission from at least two (2) Level 4 Personnel. All instances of SCP-133 are to be stored on several sheets of sticker paper, stacked and held in place with a leather strap in a Standard Anomalous Object Containment Room. Due to its obvious value and the recent attack/relocation, only Level 4+ Personnel are authorized to access SCP-133, with the exception of a breach, in which case an automated system will cause the doors to allow access by only Level 3+ Personnel. The nearest guard of Level 3+ is to find and obtain SCP-133 in the event of a breach and then report to the nearest evacuation shelter immediately. Failure to do so renders the guard eligible for demotion to D-Class.

Description: SCP-133 are a set of six hundred and thirteen (613) black, circular pieces of a waxy, paper-like material 5 cm in diameter. When placed against a solid surface and rubbed, SCP-133 will instantaneously "transfer" to the surface and create a circular hole. Testing has shown that SCP-133 is capable of penetrating up to 61 cm of structural grade steel, though the exact degree of penetration is reduced by extremely smooth or highly dense materials. Examination of holes created by SCP-133 show that they are superficially smooth, but exhibit tool marks consistent with that of extremely fine boring implements at a microscopic level. The exact mechanism by which SCP-133 operates is still under investigation.

Twilight smiled as she put the paper down to the ground. Perfect. She undid the strap with her hooves (after some difficulty) and took the sheets, depositing them into her saddlebag. Leaving the room, she approached the locked door she couldn't get past. Careful to use as little magic as possible so not to set her back too far, she removed a single black piece of paper from a sheet and placed it onto the door, rubbing it against it with her hoof. Suddenly, she felt like the paper has disappeared, and when she removed her hoof, a small, circular hole lay in the middle of the door.

A wave of relief crashed over Twilight as she removed another small piece of paper, rubbing it against the door. A few minutes passed, Twilight hastily creating a larger and larger hole out of the pieces of paper. Soon, the hole was large enough for her head to fit through, and after a minute more, she could fit her entire body in. Twilight crawled through the small hole she had made out of several hundred pieces of paper, collapsing in a pile on the other side of the door. Twilight quickly got to her hooves and examined how many pieces of paper she had left. A quick count showed she had used up 80% of the 'Instant Holes'. Gulping down her fears, she silently hoped that they could be duplicated somehow.

Twilight continued on through the facility, passing through hall after hall and room after room, all drenched in red light. She paused on two occasions, her ears perking and eyes dilating due to the faint sound of concrete scraping passing by, or a scream echoing throughout the halls from some poor soul being killed by some unknown means that, to Twilight, would be better off unknown.

It took her only a minute or two before she reached the Ventilation Room, barely visible in the dim light of the Foundation halls. Twilight read the sign laden above the door before inserting her keycard, the door opening with a thud. Stepping inside, the stuffy air hit her like a wall for what seemed the seventh time today. A small console of sorts lay directly in front of her, several levers and buttons lay around it, each one determining temperature, water flow, and so on.

Twilight began examining the console, on more than one occasion splashing water on her face from SCP-109 to cool herself off. It took less than thirty seconds for her to find what she was looking for. Two small levers sat on the console, with the words 'Ventilation' and 'Air Conditioning' respectively lay beside them. Twilight flipped each one upwards. A blast of cool air sent a shiver down her spine as the Ventilation shafts opened up, the hot air quickly rising up through them and out of the facility, with cool, air-conditioned air taking its spot. In less than ten seconds the heat had left the facility.

Twilight took a deep breath of fresh-feeling air, reveling in her success. Only then did she truly realize just how hot the facility had been. The gradual change in temperature and stuffiness meant she hadn't really noticed it's full magnitude. Twilight left the Ventilation Room in a hurry, racing back towards Storage Area 6 through the now-cool halls and rooms of Site-37. Crawling back through the hole she had made in the locked door, she reached the elevator in short-order.

Twilight entered the rickety elevator that leads back down towards Storage Area 6, pressing the down button. The elevator descended, and as Twilight noted, the temperature started to feel remarkably cool the further down she went, a stark contrast to the suffocatingly hot gas from earlier. As the doors to the Storage Area opened, Twilight quickly took note of its appearance. The room she found herself in was very large and square-shaped, but with a rather low ceiling. The floor was made out of a metal grating of sorts, which made a loud noise on contact with her hoof. The walls were concrete, and the room itself was filled with many large boxes with yellow stripes and various labels on them. A large pipe bent at an odd angle sat in the middle of the room, spewing a grey gas. Perhaps this was the source of the suffocating gas from earlier.

Twilight stepped out of the elevator, the metal floor vibrating with each step as her hoof made contact with the floor. It was rather dark, the lights seemed to be out. She walked forward, peering into the darkness as she passed through the boxes, before she suddenly stopped, her ears perking as she listened. She could have sworn she-




Something... something with claws was walking somewhere close, somewhere to her left.

Twilight squeaked in alarm, stumbling backward as she tried not to fall. She bumped into a box by accident and fell over, hitting the ground with a deafening crash. A low, raspy voice echoed through the room, being hastily replaced by the voice of a middle-aged stallion- or male human. Twilight's eyes widened as she heard it.

"Who's there?!"

The voice came from no more than five meters to her northwest, her view of whatever caused it blocked by the boxes. It was at that moment that Twilight noticed the low, heavy, raspy breathing coming from the same location. She nearly said something, opened her mouth to ask for help, but she stopped herself, her mind trailing to her mental list of possible SCPs that could have caused it. She couldn't be too careful. Even if it did sound human, it very well could be something els- wait.

Hold on a moment.

"But anyway. Back on the subject of SCP-939. They're large, red, endothermic reptiles- with huge teeth. The worst part is that they can mimic speech, and often times use the voices of their past victims. Completely blind, though, so they can only see you if you get too close or make too much noise."

Can mimic speech.

Use the voices of their past vic-

The sound of walking continued, jarring Twilight out of her thoughts. She inhaled sharply, but quietly, trying not to make a sound as the sound of walking, of heavy, raspy breathing, of what could very well be her imminent death approached. It got closer. And closer. She tensed up, unlucky enough to have her bad leg bearing her entire weight, but she dared not move a muscle. The slightest twitch could mean her horrible, painful death.

The creature finally came into vision. A scream rose halfway up Twilight's throat. Its head was long, with no eyes in sight- it's red, cold skin being a stark contrast to the black and gray that surrounded Twilight in all other directions. She could see its teeth through its mouth, open in what could be described as a grin. Yellow-white and stained with blood, lining its mouth in the hundreds, so dense it almost formed a net of sorts. In the darkness, she couldn't really tell what she saw, but she sworn a hand, a piece of flesh, SOMETHING was dangling outside its mouth, pierced by its long teeth.

"Show yourself!"

As the creature advanced, less than two meters in front of her, the rest of its body showed itself. It was very muscular, its legs being easily as thick as her head. Its ribs poked through the skin, the blood covering its body barely visible as it blended with its skin. Its long legs ended in even longer, blood-red claws, which clicked against the metallic ground. Large red spikes were placed sporadically along its spine, extending all the way down its tail, which swished side to side along the ground.

"I know you're here..."

Twilight's silent terror was... indescribable. She felt like she was paralyzed, unable to move as the creature showed every inch of it's horrific visage to her, less than two meters in front of her, before disappearing just as fast as it came, leaving her vision. Seconds passed, but her terror didn't. Her heart felt like it had burst out of her chest by the time the clacking of its nails, probably able to rip her to pieces had finally gone far enough away to no longer be audible.

"...Come on, guys. Stop joking around. I'm freaked out enough with this Containment Breach going on..."

The voice was a ways away now. Twilight finally opened her mouth, releasing the carbon dioxide which had built up in her lungs for the last minute. She took in several deep breaths, trying to steady her nerves before she continued.

She supposed that was SCP-939.

Or at least one instance of SCP-939.

Taking a deep breath, Twilight began to move, releasing the pressure off of her bad leg. She clenched her jaw hard as the sudden change of position sent a wave of pain coursing through her leg. The last minute had all but reversed the medical care she had used on it. She could walk at a decent pace, certainly- but it wouldn't be fun. She would just have to muster through it.

Slowly moving forward, she tried to navigate the maze-like storage area, SCP-939 occasionally making an appearance. Whenever the sound of a creature approached, she would duck behind the boxes and hold her breath until it passed. It took some time, but she managed to convince herself they really couldn't see her. She just needed to be quiet.

Time passed. She passed through tube-like concrete hallways and walked through mazes of boxes. SCP-939's heavy, raspy breathing and the sound of its claws against metal always giving its location away. The fear was still extremely high, of course. The darkness meant she could barely see them if they were more than three meters away. She was only able to hear their location. Granted, that was exactly what they could do. It took her very little time to realize there was more than one- as she entered a new area, there always seemed to be an instance of SCP-939 patrolling around, boxes conveniently located for her to dive behind, albeit painfully at times.

Gulping down her fears, she began to feel like she was making progress. Passing through the halls with increasingly quicker speed, she turned a corner. And, low and behold, at the end of the hallway that now lay before her, sat an open elevator door, this one much less rickety and more modern than the one she had entered the Storage Area in. It was incredibly bright, illuminating the entire hallway, tantalizing her. But the brightness revealed something else- something which made Twilight's blood run cold.

SCP-939, or at least an instance of SCP-939, sat right in the middle of the narrow hallway, facing her. It's silhouette illuminated by the elevator lights, it's face blanketed in shadow. And it was walking towards her.

Twilight figured that it had probably wandered down the hallway, and finding it a seemingly dead end, turned around. Twilight did the same thing; turned around, trying to find something to hide behind, only to find ANOTHER SCP-939 instance right behind her. Less than five meters, in fact- blocking her way out. And it was coming closer.

At that moment, all that existed was that hallway, that elevator, the SCP-939 instance behind her, growling viciously, and the SCP-939 instance in her path, silhouetted against the light.

Twilight gulped down her fears, turned back to the elevator, and ran. Ran down the hallway, no longer caring for how loud she was. All she cared about was passing SCP-939 before it knew what had happened. The second her hoof made contact with the ground as she burst into a sprint, a horrible, shrill screech ripped through the air from behind her. As Twilight took note, she wasn't the only one who began to run.

She approached the SCP-939 instance in her path with speed that would only ever come from somepony who had everything to lose and no other option to save it all. The hallway barely had enough room for SCP-939 to fit inside. She was hoping, hoping against all hope that she could pass it by jumping over its legs to the left. Flying was not an option giving the low ceiling of the hallway, but that didn't stop her from using her wings to speed herself up. It took only a second for her to reach SCP-939. It finally realized what was happening when she veered to the left, trying to pass it. The elevator was only a few meters behind SCP-939... if she could just get past it, she would press the button and-

A sharp, burning pain erupted in her bad leg as several thin, sharp, cold objects pierced it. SCP-939 had evidently managed to take a bite out of her as she passed it by. Twilight's momentum kept her going, the teeth ripping through her flesh as she went, blood spewing over the wall. Twilight screamed as she tumbled past SCP-939, smashing into the hard metal floor and rolled into the elevator. Immediately, Twilight tapped into her, as of then, decent magic reserves to smash the up button on the elevator. The doors closed within a second, SCP-939 barely managing to make it to the door as it slammed shut. Horrible, unearthly, raspy screaming came from the other side of the door, slowly disappearing as the elevator moved up. At least the screaming from SCP-939. Twilight's screaming, however, didn't stop for another few seconds.

She gazed at her leg, already bruised, cut and sore from her other 'adventures' within Site-37, now with a large gash arching across it, blood soaking the floor at a rather alarming rate. She laid her head down onto the elevator floor, biting her lip as she tried to ignore the pain. The elevator rose, and what to Twilight felt like an eternity, reached the top. The elevator doors opened, and Twilight gazed out into the dimly lit hallway, soaked in red that she was so used to at this point.

She was through.

Author's Note:

I'm sorry that it took so long to make this one. I had several vacations and a teally bad writer's block. I think I know what's making it so hard to write now, and I'll rectify that in the next chapter. Spoiler alert: it's a lack of people for Twilight to talk to. But it might be a while before I get the next chapter up. Or it might be soon, too. I intend to start watching 'Death Note' soon, so that may throw a wrench into things. I always wanted to. Can't wait!

Oh, well. It's 2:30 AM now, and I have to go to bed. I'll upload this and get some sleep. Until then, hope you enjoyed, sorry for the many grammar, spelling and word choice errors that were probably present in this chapter (I'm tired and can't afford to proofread), and cheers!