• Published 22nd Jul 2018
  • 7,391 Views, 265 Comments

Containment Breach - gamerboy11116

When Twilight is thrust into a world of horrifying abominations, terrors she can't begin to imagine, and a never-ending fear of what's behind that corner, she's forced to survive in a world which wants nothing more than to see her die.

  • ...

Technical Accomplishments

"Warning: T-Minus 90 Minutes to Total Decontamination of the Light Containment Zone. Please evacuate now."

Twilight sluggishly moved throughout the facility, biting her lip to help her deal with the pain. It had been a good fifteen minutes since her encounter with 106, and she certainly wasn't planning on sticking around for when he came back. Her leg still ached, hindering her movement to nothing more than a crawl as well as forcing her to lean against the wall whenever she moved. This wouldn't do.

The same alarm she was so used still blared throughout the facility, although she had gotten used to it by this point. The same dim, red glow illuminated the many twisting halls and chambers of Site-37, as it had been doing since Twilight got here. Twilight made her way forward, hoping to find something of use. Something, anything that could ease the pain in her leg or direct her to safety.

Twilight passed by hall after hall, with several dead bodies, either corroded beyond all recognition or with a snapped neck the wrong way around occasionally making their presence known. The Site-Wide Lockdown prevented access to most SCP Containment Chambers, it seemed. She had passed several containment chambers, including SCP-038 and SCP-1162, not to mention something called 'Anomalous Object Storage Area L-3', which also appeared to be locked down, much to her dismay.

Twilight blinked rapidly before opening the next door, grunting as she looked around, checking the perimeter for SCP-173 or other dangers and then pulling herself through. Fixing her leg was top priority right now. The hallway she entered had one door directly in front of her, and one towards her right, the label above read 'Storage Area L-4'. Twilight pulled herself towards the Storage Area, thankful that it wasn't locked down, and opened the door.

Twilight was hit by a wave of stale air and darkness, taking her by surprise. The Ventilation Systems were completely down, she remembered that- turning those back on might be a good idea. She was underground, and if she didn't hurry, she might suffocate. On occasion, the single, shining red light in the center of the small storage room flickered, illuminating the room for just a second before fading back into inky black.

Twilight used the flickering light to guide herself through the room, examining the shelves for anything of use. Some dust. Papers. A cup. Wait, a cup? Twilight came to the realization that she was incredibly thirsty, not to mention tired and hungry. In fact, she wasn't just thirsty- if she didn't get something to drink soon, she could die of dehydration.

A medkit sat on a shelf not too far away, and Twilight immediately started crawling once she saw it. Grunting as she moved her hoof up towards the medkit, she slapped it, knocking it down. The latch busted open on contact with the ground, opening the lid and revealing the various medical supplies inside. Twilight dropped down to the floor, trying to ignore the burning sensation in her leg.

She scanned the supplies for anything to help, before coming across a roll of medical wrap. Bingo. Grabbing it with her mouth, she unrolled it with her hooves and turned back to her bad leg. She painfully removed the already blood-soaked fabric D-9341 had placed earlier, throwing it to the side and replacing it with a fresh wrap to stop the new flow of blood, caused by her agitating her leg in her escape from SCP-106. Clearly, something was broken- but whatever it was, fixing it entirely was out of the question for her, especially without much magic. She had to get back home and find professional medical help to fix it. Although the new wrap helped stop the bleeding, it did nothing to stop the pain.

Looking back into the medkit, she discovered what appeared to be a small, orange container, filled with two, small red pills. Twilight examined the label closely, trying to make out what it said in the flickering light. With some difficulty, she found the word 'painkillers' was written on the side. That seemed good. Twilight opened the container and hesitantly popped one, before leaning against the shelves, waiting. It was fast-acting; that part was obvious. Within minutes, the pain had faded into a dull, hollow ache, allowing Twilight to continue on.

Twilight began racking her brain, trying to decide what to do. D-9341 had stated that she needed to turn off the 'Light Containment Zone Lockdown' located in the 'Electrical Room', so she could get to... the Heavy Containment Zone? An exit to this facility is supposed to be through there, she recalled. Twilight sluggishly pushed herself up, leaning against the shelves to take pressure off her bad leg. She didn't want to agitate it, after all. She started to walk towards the door to the storage room with a slight limp. She paused. Where WAS Heavy Containment, anyway? She couldn't just wander around this place without knowing where to go.

Twilight nervously glanced around the room as a single, lone scream echoed from somewhere above, probably from the other levels of Light Containment. Speaking of which, how was this facility laid out, anyway? Light Containment Zone had maybe, four levels? She was on Floor 3 and came from the above floor, she knew that. What, was Heavy Containment either beneath her or above her? If it was above her, was the entrance back up Light Containment or down here in the form of an elevator? Ugh, this facility clearly wasn't made very well. It was too pointlessly complex.

A small glint of light caught her attention, as she noticed a small piece of metal on a nearby shelf, next to a small, plastic bag. Limping towards it, she examined it. It was fairly large, with a screen in the middle, and a button next to a hole to insert a battery at the bottom. At the top, the words 'S-Nav Navigator 310' lay written across it. It was obviously much more advanced than anything Twilight had seen. 'Navigator'? Twilight's heart rate rose as she read that. This could be very useful, but she needed a battery. She had one in her storage dimension, but...

She needed magic.

Normally, her magic would recharge easily, allowing her to access her storage dimension easily. But now, she couldn't recharge using the magic in the air, as there WAS NO magic in the air. She could only regain magic using the stuff she emitted herself, which was incredibly inefficient. In order to get home, she needed magic. And a lot of it. This would take a while, presuming she didn't spend any magic prematurely. She needed to save it.

Checking her magic reserves, she had built up MAYBE enough to grab the battery out of the pocket dimension and put it into the slot. But that would bring her down to almost zero, and she needed to save it! But then again, the alternative was dying because she didn't know where to go. It was almost a no-brainer.

Twilight focused her magic, emitting a bright, purple light as she tried to open her storage dimension. She watched in fear as her magic reserves began depleting themselves rapidly, the magic being dispersed into the air. Seconds passed, and her magic approached zero as she began to strain herself, a sharp pain coursing through her skull. And then the battery appeared less than two inches in front of her.

Twilight smiled as she put her hoof to her head, trying to ignore the pain and using the last of her magic reserves to input the battery into the device. Twilight quickly took the plastic bag and wrapped it around her back. She could use this as a temporary saddle-bag to store things and thank Celestia for that. She couldn't keep using her storage dimension without ambient magic to recharge.

Twilight pressing the button. Nothing.

Twilight's smile wavered as she pressed the button again.


Twilight's smile disappeared, being quickly replaced by an expression of fear. She pressed the button again.


"Oh... no, no, no, no, no!" Twilight yelled, pressing the button again, and again, and again. Was the battery dead? Was the device broken? She hated to think that she had just wasted so much unreplenishable magic.

The device turned on.

Twilight let out a sigh of relief as the device began to show what appeared to be a map of the facility she was in, all perfectly mapped. A small piece of text in the middle said the phrase 'you are here'. Twilight looked through the map, dragging her hoof across the screen to examine the facility as she memorized the layout. Alright. The Heavy Containment Zone entrance was on Level 1 of Light Containment, two floors down. She frowned as she noticed something. There were only three ways to the Heavy Containment Zone Entrance, and all of them had a warning symbol on them. Either the pathway was compromised by physical damage, a pipe of extremely corrosive liquid had burst, or something called 'SCP-009' had leaked and hit a water pipeline, causing an explosion which had flooded the pathway with... ice?

Twilight began searching for an alternative way out, some way to get around the hazards and get to the Heavy Containment Zone, and soon, she found one. Storage Area 6. It was a basement level Storage Area and a large one at that. It was accessed by an elevator on Light Containment Zone Floor 2, one floor down. If she made her way through it, she could find another elevator which went up to a small hallway, past the hazards. Yes, that could work. Twilight let out another sigh of relief, before continuing to memorize the facility layout.

Then the screen went blank.

Twilight blinked.

The battery had died.

Twilight stood there, staring at the device for several seconds before letting out a scream of anger.

Clearly, the battery wasn't fully charged.

Twilight placed her hoof against her head, trying to calm her nerves. Calm down, Twilight. You got all the information you need. Everything's fine. Except, of course, your hunger and thirst. Twilight began to take notice of her lack of sustenance and sighed. Her leg was taken care of and she now knew where to go. Now, she needed something to eat. But where would she get that?

As the light flickered again, something else caught Twilight's eye. A small, styrofoam cup was sitting on the shelf, not more than two meters away and contained a liquid of sorts. Twilight practically jumped at the sight, and began to walk towards it eagerly. At this point, she would accept a cold, half-empty cup of coffee.

As Twilight leaned over the cup, looking into it, she discovered it didn't contain coffee. Or any sort of drink, for that matter.

It contained a viscous, green substance.

Twilight noticed a label was printed onto the side of the drink, and she read what it said.


Twilight paused.

Best not drink that.

"Warning: T-Minus 80 Minutes to Total Decontamination of the Light Containment Zone. Please evacuate now."

Twilight's pace quickened as she trudged through the facility, checking corners wherever she moved so not to become victim to SCP-173. Her stomach growled as she walked, her parched throat begging for water. Her quickened pace didn't help her thirst, either- with the ventilation systems down, the air was stuffy, no longer being recycled. Each breath dried out her throat even more. The heat was already at unbearable levels, her fur now sticky with sweat.

She approached another door, mentally visualizing the map of the facility to decide where to go. Blinking, she opened the door and gazed forward into the newly opened room. It was large, with three paths to the left, right, and in front of her. A large metal catwalk sat high up, between the walls of the path directly in front of her. Twilight froze. Focusing her vision on the catwalk, through the dim, red lights, she could barely make out a humanoid figure.

She closed the door behind her and hesitantly approached to get a better look. It was a human, of sorts- wearing a long, black coat, and black gloves over its hands. The most striking feature about the unusual human was, of course, it's mask. It was long and white, almost bird-like in nature, with two small eye-holes in the front. Inside, two blue eyes sat, gazing around the room ominously. The figure itself didn't seem to notice Twilight.

"Uh, h-hello?" Twilight spoke reluctantly, trying to get the figure's attention. The figure's head suddenly turned towards Twilight with a snap, it's gaze locking onto her, seemingly one of mild confusion or amusement. Twilight's pupils dilated as she retreated back several steps in shock. The figure didn't move its eyes off of Twilight, staring intently, not making a sound. A chill ran up Twilight's spine.


Nothing more than that familiar alarm.

Twilight's mind raced as she tried to decide what to do. A moment passed, and she chose to ignore the figure. Whoever, or WHATEVER it was, it didn't matter. Nothing that ominous should be approached. She decided to turn left, and forcing herself to break eye-contact with the figure, she did just that. She only got a few meters before her curiosity got the better of her, and she moved her head around to stare at the figure again.

Low and behold, it was gone.

Twilight scanned the catwalk in confusion, wondering where that figure had gone. It couldn't have moved that fast without making a sound, she was only looking away for a second.

Could it?

Trying to push those thoughts out of her head, she looked back towards the door and went on. She needed to hurry. Twilight blinked and pressed the red button next to the door, and with a shudder, the door slid open with the sound of metal grinding against metal to reveal a small hallway. Two doors sat on either side of the hall, each with a keycard slot and a sign next to them. Twilight examined the area for dangers, and, finding none, closed the door behind her.

Approaching the doors, she read the signs next to them. One read 'Safe-Class Object Containment Room 2', the other 'Euclid-Class Object Containment Room 6'. She paused. What if there were dangerous SCPs stored here? As in, sentient and hostile ones, like 173? Deciding against her better judgment, she gulped, took out her keycard and opened the Safe-Class Object Room. Perhaps there was something of use in here.

The room itself was small, only three meters wide and eight meters long. On both the left and right of the walls sat six doors each, with one door at the far end as well, making the total number of doors seven. Next to each door sat what appeared to be a small plaque covered with plastic. Entering the room, Twilight began reading the plaques.

Item #: SCP-115

Alias: 'Miniature Dump Truck'

Object Class: Safe

Underneath the text, there were three distinct images. One appeared to be a picture of SCP-115 itself, which... was hard to describe. It was a small, yellow cart-like object with four wheels, with the caption 'SCP-115 in Containment'. The other two images were symbols of sorts, with the captions 'Nonstandard Spacetime' and 'Destructive'. Twilight hesitantly took out her card and inserted it into the slot. The door beeped, but nothing happened. The door was locked down.

Twilight moved onto the next door, reading the label, which said 'SCP-034'. She inserted the keycard into the slot, and although this SCP wasn't locked down, nothing happened. She tried again, and the phrase 'Keycard Invalid; Please Insert Higher-Level Keycard' flashed on the screen above the slot. Twilight gave up and moved on to the next one.

Item #: SCP-399

Alias: 'Atomic Manipulation Ring'

Object Class: Safe

Sliding the keycard into the slot, the door shuddered before opening with a click. A stench hit Twilight like a brick-wall, practically knocking her back for the third time since she entered the facility. The room itself was relatively small, only two meters wide and long with a single, open safe at the far end of the room on an elevated table. In the dead center of the room, laying on the floor, there was a small, metal ring. But none of that was the cause of the stench. In fact, the stench was caused by the walls, floor, and ceiling, which were completely coated in inches of blood and flesh.

Twilight reeled, putting her hoof to her mouth so not to barf at the sight. She reacted quickly, pulling the ring out of the room and inserting the keycard back into the slot so to close the door and block that horrid view. Twilight dry heaved for nearly thirty seconds, regaining her composure and trying to cleanse that image from her mind before putting the ring in her make-shift saddlebag. It didn't seem to be harmful. Whatever it was, it might come in use later. Twilight took a deep breath and went onto the next door.

The label read 'SCP-714'. Twilight inserted her keycard into the slot with her teeth, and the door opened with a thud, revealing a small wooden box containing a small, green ring on an elevated pedestal. Inside the room itself, Twilight found a piece of paper laying on the floor, which appeared to be a document. Picking it up, Twilight began to read it, absorbing the information written.

Item #: SCP-714

Object Class: Safe

Special Containment Procedures: SCP-714 is to be stored in a reinforced, high-security locker that is to be accessible only to Level 4+ personnel, due to several incidents of misuse. Giving that SCP-714's original Containment Chamber was compromised in the ██/█/████ attack by the [REDACTED] and it's relocation to Site-37 to prevent theft in a possible secondary attack, SCP-714 is currently to be stored in a small, wooden box located in a Standard Anomalous Object Containment Room, accessible only to Level 3+ personnel.

Description: Seemingly nothing more than a green jade ring, SCP-714 has been shown to be able to expand and contract to perfectly fit the finger of anyone who touches it, though this is the least important of its properties. SCP-714 only changes size when touched by a 'new' subject.

SCP-714 has several major effects, detailed as follows;

1) Exhaustion, Compulsion to Rest/Sleep

Within minutes of putting on SCP-714, wearers report feeling worn out - physically and mentally exhausted. Due to this, they will feel driven to "sit down and rest for a bit" on the nearest available furniture, and will likely fall asleep within the space of a few hours. If someone falls asleep wearing SCP-714, the only known means of waking them is to remove SCP-714, at which point they may be roused by anything that would normally wake them up. Exhaustion effects pass within two or three hours of removing SCP-714 if removed from a conscious subject; those that fall asleep wearing SCP-714 report feeling well-rested if SCP-714 is removed, even if they slept for only a few minutes.

SCP-714 extends no 'considerations' towards the needs of its wearer during their forced sleep, though most bodily functions such as breathing continue. If SCP-714 is not removed and the wearer woken up, most will die of dehydration or starvation within a matter of days. SCP-714's impact (if any) on aging remains untested.

Wearers that are tired prior to putting SCP-714 are at serious risk of falling asleep on their feet, possibly falling over in the process. If no furniture or furniture-like object is available nearby, wearers either stand on the spot they donned SCP-714 or attempt to fashion a resting place out of any suitable materials (cushions, blankets, etc.) available.

The drive to sleep can be resisted, but requires formidable willpower and self-control on the part of the wearer. Even so, the following effect makes it impractical for field use.

2) Slowed Reactions, Sluggish Movement

Subjects suffer from severely impaired reaction times; a normally sharp, alert and physically fit subject can have a hard time catching a slow-moving object thrown to them, even if warned and given ample time to prepare. Anyone wearing SCP-714 should not be allowed to operate any heavy machinery or other vehicles under any circumstances.

Wearers of SCP-714 move much slower than normal, managing an average walking pace at best. Their movements are not physically slower, but they are incapable of exerting themselves.

3) Reduced Mental Capacity

Seemingly as part of the mental fatigue, anyone wearing SCP-714 claims that they 'think slowly', or may even have trouble finding the words to adequately communicate that they cannot think as clearly as normal. The wearer may take a long time to think of an answer to a trivial question (eg; "What colour is this red ball?"), never mind one that is vague or requires a more complicated response.

With removal of SCP-714, mental capacity is restored to normal within a few minutes.

4) Mental 'Shield'

As a dubious "benefit" of seemingly reduced mental capacity, wearers of SCP-714 show abnormally high resilience to memetic and mental influences, particularly commands or immediate effects. Weaker memetic influences may be totally nullified by this. In both cases, the wearer feels a strong and instinctive fear of the source of the influence; this fear drives them to immediately seek 'shelter' by any means available, potentially by attempting to destroy the source. This 'shielding' lasts only for as long as SCP-714 is worn.

They are still at significant risk if exposed to any memetic influences that do not take immediate effect. Exposure to such influences should be handled as normal for the source in question, as the degree of 'protection' afforded by SCP-714 has yet to be fully documented.

In addition, 'normal' images and sounds that would cause revulsion, nausea, etc. simply due to shocking or disturbing content have next to no effect on the wearer of SCP-714. The wearer will not even recall seeing them once SCP-714 is removed. Mundane persuasion (such as motivational speeches) has no effect, regardless of the speaker's skill and charisma.

5) Chemical Tolerance

Just as their minds block memetic influences, the bodies of SCP-714 wearers slows and nullifies the effects of various chemicals on the body. Fully poisonous or toxic substances are generally not hindered, but those that specifically impede or enhance neural and/or nervous functions in some way (such as stimulants or sedatives) have very diminished effects. With the removal of SCP-714, this nullification effect expires instantly. Wearers may still suffer from standard overdose effects whilst wearing SCP-714.

The manner (or manners) in which SCP-714 causes its various effects have yet to be discovered, and no unusual emissions of any kind have been detected despite extensive monitoring. If SCP-714 is significantly damaged in any way, such as being broken into two or more pieces, its effects will cease immediat-

Twilight jumped out of her skin as a loud, piercing shriek of a female came no more than twenty meters away from her, two rooms down. It was quickly joined by the deep, hollow laughter of SCP-106. A disgusting slurping sound came from them both, followed swiftly by silence. Twilight put down the document and took the ring without thinking. She had to move.

"Warning: T-Minus 70 Minutes to Total Decontamination of the Light Containment Zone. Please evacuate now."

She REALLY had to move.

Twilight closed the door to SCP-714's room and moved on to the next. The plaque read 'SCP-860'. Opening the door, Twilight found a small blue key lay in an open, wooden box. Not bothering to read the document present, Twilight took it and put it in her makeshift saddlebag. It could be very important later to open a locked door, or something. Twilight swiftly moved on to the next door, the plaque above reading 'SCP-109'.

Twilight entered the Containment Chamber and stopped, staring at what she found. What appeared to be a canteen, with the letters 'U.S' written on it sat on a small pedestal less than two meters in front of her. She paused. Canteen. Water. Drink. Thirst. She was parched. Now that was all she could think of. She immediately approached the canteen, before grabbing it in her hooves and holding it to her lips. She stopped. What if the water was harmful? What if it was poisonous? What if it was corrosive? Looking around the room, she couldn't find a single document or paper in sight. But her thirst was horrible- if she didn't drink something soon, she could very well die before she even got out of the facility. Examining the two options, she decided the risk was worth it. And hesitantly took a sip of the cold, fresh fluid and waited a minute. Nothing.

She practically poured the water into her mouth, the cold, fresh water making her throat feel like new, washing away the desert that had occupied her mouth for as long as she could remember. She stood there for at least ten seconds, inhaling the clean, beautiful liquid, before coming to a realization. The water didn't stop. No matter how much she drank or much she spilled, it didn't stop coming. After no more than fifteen seconds, she pulled the canteen away from her lips and plugged it, sighing with content before depositing the item into her makeshift saddle bag. This could come in handy.

Wiping her lips with her hoof, she left the Containment Chamber and closed the door behind her, moving onto the last Containment Chamber. Twilight read the plaque in curiosity.

Item #: SCP-348

Alias: A Gift From Dad; Healing Soup

Object Class: Safe

After Twilight read the plaque, she began examining the pictures. The first thing she saw was a bowl of what appeared to be noodle soup. her stomach growled in pain, craving something to eat as she saw it. She didn't need to be told twice. Twilight slid her keycard into its slot, opening the door with a loud creaking noise. Inside, a small bowl of soup sat on a pedestal, a small sliver of steam rising up from it with a small silver spoon sitting to the right. Twilight's mouth watered at the smell alone, the delicious aroma of carrots, potatoes, cabbage, and noodles filling her nostrils.

Twilight approached the bowl, hesitantly examining it. Sure enough, it appeared to just be a bowl of soup. But what if it was in limited supply? What if it was dangerous? The other one hadn't been, but she had to be careful. Twilight looked backwards nervously and spotted a small document laying on the floor, tucked in the corner. Twilight quickly approached the document and began to read it.

Item #: SCP-348

Object Class: Safe

Special Containment Procedures: SCP-348 is to be kept in a standard locker at Site-19. Personnel wishing to conduct tests involving SCP-348 are to obtain Level 3 or higher authorization and present a detailed list of intended test subjects. Giving that SCP-348's original Containment Chamber was compromised by

Description: SCP-348 is a white ceramic bowl patterned with light blue flowers, measuring approximately 20 cm in diameter and 9 cm high. While no maker’s marks are present, the Chinese characters for “thinking of you” (想着你, “xiǎng zhe nǐ”) are etched into the side of the bowl.

When in the presence of an individual afflicted with a minor ailment or injury (i.e., mild cough, runny nose, scrapes), SCP-348 will fill with soup. While the ingredients present within the soups produced by SCP-348 vary, young subjects (individuals between the ages of 4 and 18) have consistently stated that they enjoyed the meal, sometimes stating that it reminds them of their parents’ cooking. Subjects will finish the soup found in SCP-348 if allowed.

Twilight stopped reading right there and then. From this alone, she deduced that the soup was neither harmful nor in limited supply. And that was all she needed to know. Twilight immediately took the spoon in her hooves, and with some difficulty, managed to shovel the delicious food into her mouth, the mouthwatering, succulent, savory taste of carrots, potatoes, noodles, and cabbage all mixed with fresh soup broth overwhelming all other senses. It took her less than a minute to finish.

Twilight put down the spoon, sighing as her hunger faded. She simply stood there for several seconds before looking back down into the soup bowl. She paused, her smile fading as she noticed text written on the bottom of the bowl.

Everything will be alright. I believe in you, honey.

Twilight stared at the message for a moment before turning around, leaving the room and closing the door behind her with a clank. She had completely examined everything she could in the Safe-Class Object section. After her success there, she decided that she should investigate the Euclid-Class Object section as well. Who knows what useful or life-saving objects could be there?

Leaving the Safe-Class Object section, Twilight took a deep breath of the increasingly stuffy air and entered the Euclid-Class Object section. It was identical to the Safe-Class Section, with the exception of there being different plaques. Twilight immediately went for the nearest door, the SCP contained within being designated as 'SCP-178' according to the plaque. Twilight inserted her keycard into the keycard slot, but nothing happened. The message 'Keycard Invalid; Please Insert Higher-Level Keycard' flashed on the screen above the slot.

Twilight tried the chambers for SCP-037, SCP-018, and SCP-093, but they were either locked down or simply required a higher-level keycard. Getting frustrated, Twilight tried SCP-198's door, too, this time opening it successfully. But as she entered the chamber, she noticed that there didn't seem to be anything inside. Twilight presumed it was either invisible, taken by somepony else, or, more horrifyingly, had escaped. Twilight sighed and moved onto the next door, labeled 'SCP-2925'.

Twilight entered the Containment Chamber and took note of her surroundings. On the floor of the chamber lay a small, glass sphere and a heavily blood-stained document. What appeared to be a large, steel cube sat on a pedestal towards the back of the room, with the door to the cube open. Several blood stains, as well as a corrosion mark, also lay on the floor. Trying to avoid the corrosion mark, Twilight picked up the document and began reading.

Item #: SCP-2925

Object Class: Safe Euclid (Revision first proposed 11/30/12, confirmed on 2/4/13; see Incident Log 2925-A and Related Documents, and Formal Request for Upgrade)

Special Containment Procedures: SCP-2925 is currently contained at a dedicated facility for its containment in an airtight, reinforced, blast-resistant chamber, appropriate for Epsilon-4 Class “Highly Valuable Objects” protection. The chamber is temperature-controlled and completely dark to ensure no changes in energy within the system of the room. All interactions with SCP-2925 must be undertaken with extreme care to ensure no unnecessary changes in energy present within the object.

The facility itself is isolated from other containment sites, due to the high-value nature of the object, and a prior intelligence leak that resulted in the object’s acquisition by hostile agents. Onsite guard patrols consist of 6 rotating shifts of guards along with mobile security forces on standby in the event of a breach of the facility containing SCP-2925.

Giving that SCP-2925's original Containment Chamber was compromised in the ██/█/████ attack by the [REDACTED] and it's relocation to Site-37 to prevent theft in a possible secondary attack, SCP-2925 is to be contained in an airtight, reinforced, blast-resistant safe, located within a Standard Anomalous Object Containment Room. The safe is to be temperature-controlled and completely devoid of light to ensure no changes in energy. No interactions with SCP-2925 are to be made while SCP-2925 is in Site-37.

In the event of a site-wide breach, lockdown, or attack, and due to the potential threat of SCP-2925 being stolen by the [REDACTED] due to its high value and danger, an automated system is to automatically downgrade the security clearance to be accessible by Level 3+ personnel in the event of any of the aforementioned disasters. The nearest Level 3+ personnel is to retrieve the object in the event of any of the aforementioned disasters.

As of 11/30/12, no further testing with SCP-2925 is to take place.

Description: SCP-2925 is a glass sphere, roughly 10 cm in diameter and 1 kilogram in mass, that is capable of anomalous energy creation and storage.

SCP-2925 violates the first law of thermod-

A scream echoed throughout the facility, this time a male's voice, startling Twilight into dropping the document. Realizing how much time she has been wasting, Twilight quickly grabbed the glass sphere with her hooves (albeit after some difficulty) and put it gently in her makeshift saddlebag.

She had to move.

Nervously glancing around, Twilight left the Euclid-Class Object Containment Room and, securing her makeshift saddlebag, marched onwards. Blinking before she left the hallway altogether, she entered the next room. Almost immediately, she stopped. There, standing less than three meters away, sat what appeared to be a teddy-bear. But it wasn't just any teddy-bear. Twilight, after some hesitation, cautiously approached it. On closer inspection, the teddy-bear appeared to be made out of flesh. And not just flesh, but disgusting mounds of flesh, consisting of what appeared to be human ears, fingers, and noses. Twilight's eyes dilated as she stared at the abomination in front of her.

She needed to get past it.

Taking a deep breath, Twilight walked closer and closer to the creature, presuming it was even ALIVE- much less sentient, or Celestia forbid SAPIENT. Twilight got within around a meter of the flesh-bear, when a shrill, high-pitched shriek arose from the flesh-bear. Immediately, Twilight's ears practically slammed against her skull, trying to block out the horrible, piercing screeching. A horrible feeling erupted in both her ears and eyes- and it wasn't just regular pain, either. Her eyes felt like somepony had jammed red-hot needles into them, and then poured acid in after the fact. Screaming, Twilight stumbled forward, running blindly away from the bear. Within seconds, she smashed muzzle-first into the far-wall, another burning sensation of agony erupting in her muzzle. Her eyes refused to open to see what was happening, and she collapsed onto the floor, begging for it to stop, but the earsplitting sound continued on, only intensifying with time.

And then it stopped.

Twilight lay on the concrete floor, the horrible agony subsiding as time went on, being quickly replaced by a dull ache. Slowly, she opened her eyes and looked around. The bear was nowhere to be seen. Pushing herself up off the cold ground, Twilight put a hoof to her muzzle. Another hit like that, and it might just break. She didn't know what that flesh-bear was, but she sure as hell wasn't going to stick around to find out. Turning around, she opened the door that exited the hallway and left, examining the room she now found herself in.

It appeared to be yet another hallway, with what appeared to be an open elevator located to the left. Perfect. Examining the room for dangers, Twilight gulped and walked forward, entering the brightly lit elevator. It took her a second for her vision to adjust to the brightness, as she was used to the near complete darkness of the facility, illuminated only by small, red lights. The elevator, on the other hoof, had four large flush light panels embedded in the ceiling, illuminating the elevator brightly. The control panel for the elevator had only two buttons, up and down. Sighing, Twilight pressed the 'down' button, and the elevator doors shuddered before closing, the familiar hum and rumble of an elevator descending echoing into Twilight's ears as she breathed heavily, trying to regain her composure.

A minute passed, a minute which Twilight had used to gather her thoughts. And, honestly, that minute was exactly what she needed to begin to realize just how absurd this entire situation was. As the elevator came to a stop and the doors opened, she took a deep breath and stepped out into Light Containment Zone Floor 2.

Author's Note:

Sorry this took so long to write. It's been more than 10 days! I simply didn't have much motivation to finish this story, but recently, I finally decided to just get it finished. And so I did.

But I have to go watch YouTube Videos/Have Dinner/Fail to go to sleep at a time earlier than three in the god-damn morning for the third time this week. Hope you enjoyed.
