• Published 22nd Jul 2018
  • 15,807 Views, 322 Comments

Moon and Magic - Phoenix Nebula

Twilight and her mother, Luna, return from the moon a year early. Things are great for the mother and daughter duo... at first, but something amiss. What could it be?

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Chapter 3: Meeting Cadance

Moon and Magic

Chapter 3: Meeting Cadance

Cadance sat at the private dining table in the castle, enjoying a bowl of oatmeal, some fruit, and a cup of coffee. She hadn’t slept much once she found out her fiancé was going with Celestia to fight Nightmare Moon. Thankfully she had been told of Celestia's return, as well as Shining Armor’s not too long ago. She waited patiently for him to return so they could have breakfast together. Cadance went to take another bite of honeydew when the air suddenly felt very thick, her magic sense was screaming at her, something powerful is nearby.

The feeling of fear was almost overwhelming, but Cadance fought to push it down and subdue her senses. After a moment, she was able to breathe calmly and the feeling of something unbelievably powerful nearby became nothing more than a prick in the back of her mind. Despite the intense sensation of dread being gone, the pink alicorn was still a little afraid of what she had felt. She had sensed her aunt’s power before, but all her senses had just told her it was the power of another alicorn and therefore nothing to fear. However, this power was not of an alicorn, but it still had the strength of one. Just then the doors to the room opened, causing Cadance to jump slightly, but she soon calmed down upon seeing who it was.

“Cadie, I’m back, and I’ve got something important to tell you!” Shining said excitedly, walking up to his fiancée. Cadance smiled and met him halfway, pulling him into a quick hug, which he returned.

“I’m glad you're okay, Shiny, I was so worried! You wanted to tell me something?” she asked. It was then that she noticed the purple unicorn mare standing at the door still. That feeling of immense dread was barely contained as the sense of something powerful slammed into her again.

“Remember when I told you about my sister?” he asked. Cadance refocused on her fiancé and frowned.

“Yes, I remember. You told me she went missing and they never found her…” she solemnly replied, but to her surprise, Shining was grinning even wider. Cadance looked back to the mare standing at the door with a sheepish grin. It didn’t take long for Cadance to fit the pieces together and let out a gasp. She looked just how he had described her - purple fur, a dark blue mane, and a tail with pink and purple highlights.

“Cadance, meet my sister, Twilight Sparkle. Twilight, this is my fiancée, Princess Mi Amore Cadenza, or Cadance for short,” he said happily. Twilight walked up to Cadance, with a mild amount of nervousness in her gait.

“It’s nice to meet you, Cadance, Shining has been talking about you nonstop since we got to the castle,” she said before giving a bow. Cadance was more than a little shocked. Not only was her future sister-in-law alive, but she had returned from where ever she had gone, and not only that, but she was probably the most powerful thing in the room right now. Cadance reached out to Twilight with her magic to see her love, her heart. As the alicorn of love, she could sense the conditions of the heart, and if Cadance had been looking at a piece of gold then and there, it would have been the purest piece of gold she had ever seen. Twilight’s heart wasn’t just good, it was untainted, but at the same time, she could sense a tiny bit of dark magic in the unicorn. “What is this mare?” she asked herself.

“Please, no need to bow to me. If you are Shining’s sister then we’ll be family in a few months,” she said with a grin. Twilight stood up and gave a genuine smile at Cadance. The alicorn couldn’t help but return it. She turned to Shining, asking, “where did you find her?” It was honestly strange for a pony to vanish for seven years then suddenly just reappear out of nowhere. “Where has she been all this time?”

“I’ve been on the moon,” Twilight nonchalantly responded, all the while trying to keep a straight face and speaking in the most neutral tone she could. She immediately lost her composure and giggled at Cadance’s shocked expression.

“You’re kidding, right?” Cadance asked in bewilderment, staring at the unicorn with no small amount of disbelief.

“No, I’m not kidding, I’ve been on the moon with Mom for seven years,” Twilight explained. Cadance looked very confused, and Twilight couldn’t help but giggle at the mare’s contorted features. As if on cue, the doors to the room opened, and in strode two alicorns. When Cadance saw Luna, her jaw almost became unhinged.

“Before you jump to any conclusions, Cadance, no, this is not Nightmare Moon, this is my sister Luna. I know she looks like the Nightmare, but I can assure you she isn’t,” Celestia said quickly before Cadance would have a chance to jump to any conclusions. Cadance’s eyes darted between the two alicorns somewhat frantically as her mind tried to come to a conclusion. Again Cadance fell back on her special power and reached out to see the dark alicorn’s heart. What she found was surprising; Luna’s heart was scarred, but kind, it was dark but loving. It was clear that Luna had experienced something damaging and destructive at one point. Her heart may have been filled with nothing but hatred and envy before, but now… it had recovered and was once more filled with love. Her heart may be scarred, but it was strong because of it.

“I… believe you,” she said finally, before walking up to Luna and giving a respectful bow. “I’m happy to finally meet you, Prin-” she caught herself, “Aunt Luna. Aunt Celestia has mentioned you to me many times.” Luna bowed respectfully in kind.

“Likewise. I’m glad to see that Amore’s bloodline still exists,” Luna replied kindly. “I see you have met my daughter,” Luna remarked. Cadance blinked in confusion at that statement. Just then Twilight saddled up next to Luna and the alicorn draped a wing over the young mare. It took the pink alicorn only a second to figure out the connection.

“What?! Hold on just a moment. Luna is your mother, and you two were on the moon? But you’re also Shining Armor’s sister! If Luna was on the moon for almost a thousand years then how does that work!?” she asked, her mind frantically struggling to put the pieces together.

“Yeah, this will take a while to explain,” Twilight remarked, as Luna nodded in agreement with her daughter.

“Best if we wait till the announcement of our return to explain it to the public, so we don’t have to repeat ourselves,” Luna explained. Twilight gave her mother a confused look.

“Announcement?” she asked with a tilt of her head.

“Yes, we need to inform the public of my sister’s return and reinstate her power. We also need to crown a new member of the royal family,” Celestia explained. Twilight still looked confused, however.

“New member of the royal family? Who’s tha- Ohh…” realization streaked across the unicorn’s facial features. Luna chuckled at her daughter’s sudden realization that Celestia was talking about her. “I forgot that I’m technically a princess,” she replied while rubbing the back of her head with a hoof and chuckling awkwardly. Celestia smiled sweetly at Twilight.

“I can’t wait to see Blueblood’s reaction to this, as well as the rest of the nobility,” Shining remarked with a chuckle. “I know a bunch nearly lost it when they found out I was going to marry Cadance,” Celestia let out a giggle at the statement.

“Yes, I particularly remember how Golden Crest reacted,” Celestia replied, followed by more giggles.

“I take it the nobility are still as pompous as they were nearly a thousand years ago,” Luna addressed her sister with a smirk.

“Oh yes! Very much so!” Celestia exclaimed

“I still don’t quite understand why you keep those foals around.”

“If I got rid of them, there would be no way I would be able to hire enough jesters to entertain me as much as they do,” Celestia replied, before bursting into a fit of giggles followed by her sister and niece. Twilight couldn’t help but smile at how happy her mother looked. Luna always had a slight air of sadness around her, but here she was truly happy. Her mother’s happiness made Twilight’s heart sing with joy. It filled her with hope for what the future may hold for them, she was excited to see what else her new found life had in store.

Author's Note:

Yeah, I know it's short, sorry about the long wait to only get a short chapter; writer's block is a b***h. That's all I've got to say really besides that this story will be going on hiatus so I can go back and finish some older stories. I explain more in this post.