• Published 22nd Jul 2018
  • 15,807 Views, 322 Comments

Moon and Magic - Phoenix Nebula

Twilight and her mother, Luna, return from the moon a year early. Things are great for the mother and daughter duo... at first, but something amiss. What could it be?

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Author's Note:

Here it is by popular demand! I hope you all enjoy it!

The Moon and Magic


The night was beautiful. The moon was full and its light bathed the world in a soft glow. A gentle breeze blew through the grass and trees of a large valley. In this valley there were two ponies, one was a dark blue, almost black alicorn and the other was a small purple unicorn. They were playing, running back and forth and enjoying the night, a mother and daughter frolicking through the grass and moonlight.

Luna couldn’t be happier, spending time with the two most important things in her life, the night and her daughter. Though if you were to ask her to choose between the two, it would be her adopted daughter. She loved her as if she were her own, it did not matter to her that Luna did not give birth to Twilight, all that mattered was that she loved her. Yes, she could not be happier. That’s when it all came crashing down.

There are many sounds that can strike terror in an individual. For some it can be a scream, some it can be a hiss, others fear the buzz of a bee, and run to avoid being stung. Even a lack of sound can be terrifying, not being able to hear anything at all can drive some insane for fear of not being able to hear oncoming danger. However, there is one sound that every mother dreads and Luna just heard it.

“MOMMY!” Twilight cried in fear. Turning around Luna can see her daughter surrounded by five ponies in white hoods. They were closing in on her, and one of them was holding a knife in its magic. Luna attempted to stop them by running forward, using her magic to bat them away, or teleporting Twilight onto her back, but nothing happened. She tried again and again to do something, but it was futile, nothing worked. All she could do is watch in horror as the knife descended upon her daughter.

“TWILIGHT” Luna shot up in her bed screaming. Her body was matted in sweat, her breathing was erratic, and her heart felt like it was about to jump out of her chest. After a moment of sitting in her bed in mortified terror, she jumped out of said bed and ran for her bedroom door. She sprinted out into and down the hallway of her moon castle and stopped just outside a large door not too far from her own. Taking a few deep breaths to calm herself, she slowly pushed opened the door to her daughter’s room.

The room was quiet except for the sound of a certain lavender unicorn snoring softly. A soft moonlight streamed in through the gaps of the curtains over the large balcony window that connected to the room. Luna’s focus was on the small form under the sheets of the bed across the room from the door she entered through. Walking up to the bed quietly, Luna looked over the young mare. She isn’t a filly anymore, she reminded herself.

I can’t believe it’s been seven years, she reminisces. Despite her daughter growing up to become a beautiful young mare, to Luna, she was still the same little filly that appeared on her balcony all those years ago. Oh, how time flies, and it all went by too fast. Twilight was 19 now, and Luna feared the day that Twilight may leave her to chase her own dreams, that is why she was dreading tomorrow.

Twilight was always very curious and incredibly intelligent. At 13 she was able to dispel an enchantment that would have taken a pony like Starswirl a good minute to undo. Twilight did it almost instantly, Luna was so proud that day and had been teaching Twilight everything she knew ever since, she smiled at the memory.

Despite all her power, however, Luna still feared for her daughter's safety. Anypony with that much magical skill could easily be a target for those who wished to use it for malevolent purposes. On the moon they were safe, but that could very well change tomorrow. Twilight had been studying the sealing barrier keeping them trapped on the moon since she was 15, and now she was confident she could break it, a year before the seal would naturally wear off.

Luna had wanted to just wait, but Twilight was insistent on setting her mother free as soon as possible. She smiled as she remembered the determined look on the unicorn’s face when she had claimed she could break the seal. It wasn’t a matter of power, no, if it was a matter of magical power, then there would have been no way Twilight could ever hope to break the barrier. She may be a powerful unicorn, but she was just that, a unicorn, a mortal. Luna had far more power, especially in her Nightmare form. No, Twilight had the uncanny ability to analyze and break a spell down into its component parts. Something Luna and probably not even Celestia could do.

That was when the nightmares started. Ever since her daughter’s bold claim to set them free, Luna had been dreading the day. For most of her life, Luna had wished for a daughter of her own, now that she had one, she was afraid to see her go so soon. She feared that Twilight may leave her or that someone would take her away from her. She feared what ponies would think of her daughter. Would their fear for Luna cause many to make an attempt on Twilight’s life for fear she may bring ruin to the world like her mother once tried to do? Twilight would grow more powerful with time. Luna had no doubt that she would surpass even herself some day, it was inevitable.

Despite that, however, she still feared for her daughter’s life. After tomorrow they would no longer be bound to the safety of the moon. Tomorrow they would be free and the dangers of the world would be free too, to exact on them whatever it wished. Looking away from her daughter, Luna gazed through the gap on the curtains and out the balcony window. There she gazed upon the blue and green orb that was Equis. Tomorrow they would be returning to Equestria, and she was terrified.