• Published 10th Jul 2018
  • 2,118 Views, 62 Comments

I'm not crazy - Undead Equestrian Writer

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The next days were a series of repetitive questions, beatings, and medicine. They didn't visit me anymore, leaving me, making my sleep less inviting then it was. I was sitting in a padded chair, with my limbs strapped to it, as several doctors asked me questions as I stared. Their questions consisted of how I got knives and how I threw one through a wall.

I had my own questions for a much different group. I sat silently as I kept picturing the two who entered my cell. The green one with the rainbow mane, and the one in the white hazmat suit. I was brought back when Dr. Christoph slapped me.

"These men are asking you questions, so you will respond, damnit," he demanded, so I nodded slowly, as I knew my alternatives. He left and the researchers began questioning me again, I nodded and shook my head at random intervals, but returned to day dreaming. I came back on my own when I realized I was being released and returned to my cell.

"Dr. Christoph, he is in a delusion like state, like he himself doesn't know what's happening," a doctor told Christoph, but I was drug out before I could hear anymore. I was placed back in my cell with a guard positioned outside my door, for an extra level of safety, but I sighed and nodded off to sleep.

I awoke on the floor, my head swimming slowly. I looked around and saw several of the ponies surrounding my cage. All of them taking notes, or messing with machines. One stepped into the cage a placed a plate of food in front of me. A small plate with a slice of wheat bread, a bowl of corn, and a side of rice. The pony who brought it backed away cautiously as I looked at the food and him.

"Hello, again," I heard a voice ask. This voice was gruff, like the tone of an older man. I slowly started eating, loving the warmth of the rice and the taste of the corn. The bread was nice, it wasn't stale or moldy, so I ate happily. "I see you enjoy your meal, but I would like to introduce myself, as I feel it's polite of me to give you a name to know."

I looked up and looked for the speaker, seeing him fairly quickly as he stood out amongst the scientists and security. He wore a blue lab outfit, that looked tailored to fit his pony shape. He smiled and resumed talking.

"I'm Doctor Blue Tint, and you will be speaking with me, or my three fellow co-horts, Miss Pie Chart, she was the one who checked you accuracy on the target."

"Hello, I'm truly excited to get to know you better," I looked for her, but didn't see her. "I'm sorry, I'll be out in a minute, just checking your readings."

"Thank you, miss Graph, she will be the one who will be monitoring you, she will see everything from your blood pressure to neural imaging scans," the doctor continued after a sip of a warm liquid, then pointing to the pony who brought me my food. "This is Harp Stringer, he will be attending to your needs, whether it be hunger or something else, he will help you."

Harp Stringer didn't look to thrilled being out here, but he gave a weak smile and waved. I heard a door open and looked to the sound, seeing a pony walk out.

"Hi, I'm Doctor Chart, it's pleased to meet you," her coat was a lovely light pink, almost white, as her hair was a concoction of swirls and shapes and colors. It was red and straight, then blue and curved, it was rather quite pretty.

"And finally, Security Sergeant Minute, she will be protecting you and making sure you don't harm anypony," I picked up on his term, anypony. Adding another question to my list, I looked for Sergeant Minute, not hearing her speak up or step forward. "Miss Minute isn't here today, family had an emergency, but, we're here, and we have any form of questions you may have, if you're willing to speak that is, we know of your current predicament in your world, and we hope to help you with it."

I looked around before rubbing my throat. I was nervous to try and speak, but I was unsure if my voice would work and if I even trusted them enough to speak, which hurt cause I was so curious. I swallowed to try and help my throat and opened to speak.

"C-Can I get some w-water," my voice cracked with almost every word as I coughed after speaking. I looked up and saw Harp Stringer holding a glass of water. I took it and drank if slowly as my throat drew the water in and filled the dry cracks in it. "T-Thank you."

"It's nice to hear your voice for a change, but, if I may ask, what is your name?" Chart asked me, she had a look of giddiness and mystery on her face.

"I-I don't remember my name," I lied. I wanted to put my name behind me, and make it something I completely forgot. "T-The guards call me patient 629."

"Ahh, but patient 629 isn't a name," Doctor Tint told me. "I'll make a name for you, and I'll have one for you the next time we meet, but for now, we'll call you 629, but do you have any questions?"

"W-Where am I?" I've wanted to know this for days, where we are. I half expected a case of 'we're Earth in the future', but I waited.

"You are in the Equestrian Trans-Dimensional Labrotories, where we test many things involving multiple dimensions," Doctor Chart answered. "You are currently in the giant big city of Canterlot, in the great lands of Equestria, on the beautiful world of Equis."

I sat silently, nodding slowly. She smiled and seemed happy, so I smiled back.

"Okay... what are you exaxtly, and why do you use terms such as anypony?"

"Ahh, I knew this would of happened, differences in the languages we speak and terms and phrases we use, well, the term anypony is every pony," Tint explained. "I'll personally inform you on every term and phrase that is bent with the word 'pony'".

"Alright... why did you choose me for your... test?"

"Well, we wanted to approach somepony who had many years ahead of them, after grabbing somepony who died of a heart attack from old age, so we thought young would be good, and we weren't wrong, it was just an accident that you were put into incarceration because of us, sorry," Tint, Chart, and Harp all apologized, and I felt like they were truly sorry for it.

"I forgive you all," I smiled softly.

"That's good, but we need to send you back, you see, how we get you hear is by using immense power we manage to pull you over, and we quickly run it dry, so this is goodbye, for now," Tint informed me, before my world went black.

I opened my eyes seeing my padded cell, groaning softly I get into a corner and sit and wait, silently debating the information and ponies I just met. Before falling asleep into an actual sleep.

Author's Note:

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