• Published 10th Jul 2018
  • 2,118 Views, 62 Comments

I'm not crazy - Undead Equestrian Writer

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I sat in my cell, my straight jacket was once again on me. I looked at the ground, and watched the floor shift and change, as my eyes grew tired. I yawned softly as I fell asleep slowly.

I was back in my cage, but this time, I felt watched. I looked around, as I saw beyond the cage, as I saw a black window on a wall. One sided mirror, I felt eyes watch me, as I watched back.

"Hello, can you hear me?" I nodded again as I walked slowly towards the cage. "Okay, this is a test, in the middle of the cage is a simple kitchen knife, I watch you to throw it with all of your might and stick it into this target."

I looked for a target and saw one, it was a three ring archery target, no damage to it. I walked to the center of the cage and saw a few knives on the ground.

"We trust you won't harm yourself," the voice annouced, as I picked up a knife with my hoof, as my hoof seemed to grip the knife, as I felt as though I was holding. I waved it around and it felt well weighted. "Good, now, throw it at the target."

I looked at the target and went to throw it, but it flew a foot, and hit the floor with a clank. I walked to it and picked it up again. I through it with more might, as I felt it leave my hoof, and hit the target, digging into it. I smiled as I felt better, but I stopped smiling as I heard a door open to my left. I looked to my left and nearly fainted. I watched a small horse, a pony, walk out and approach the target. They wrote on a notebook, as I picked up another knife.

"You did good, but put the knife down please, miss Chart didn't do anything," I look at the black mirror as I threw my knife at it, embedding it in the crystal. "Shit, terminate test!"

I felt a jolt of electricity run through me as I collapsed, as I watched 'miss Chart' and another pony walk up to me, the other was a pony with security gear, a helmet covered their rainbow mane connected to a green coat of fur, as their purple eyes met mine as ai blacked out.

I woke up when I got slammed to a wall as several guards were in my room. I looked around scared as I saw a doctor pinned to the wall, a kitchen knife buried in his chest, blood leaking down his front onto the floor. Some guards were looking at the wall to my right.

"How did he manage to get knives!" I saw Doctor Christoph ask. "How did he manage to throw it through a wall!"

"I-I don't know, sir, he must have slipped them in or something," I saw a guard respond. "I don't know how he threw it through a wall, magic maybe?"

Doctor Christoph laughed then left.t my cell before demanding my cell thoroughly be searched and cleaned, then demanded he has an immediate questioning of me.

I winced as I was threwn to the floor, then picked up and dragged through the cell then down the hall. We entered an office as I see Doctor Christoph sitting in a chair rubbing his temples.

"How the fuck did you get knives in your cell, you insane fuck!" He yelled at me, as I feared for my safety. "You know who you killed, you killed my wife!"

I teared up as I felt his anger and spit. He scared me, as he kept insulting me and degrading me. I wanted to tell him, but I couldn't open my mouth to speak over his anger. He finally sat in a chair and calmed down, as he cried as he motioned for them to take me away. I quickly glanced at the clock as it read 11 AM. I wad brought to a holding cell for the mean time, while my cell was cleaned and searched.

"Tell me, how did you do it?" I looked up and saw a guard staring at me. "How did you kill her, how did you manage to embed a knife in the examination window?"

I shrugged as I looked at the floor as the guards stood by the door. I looked around my room, as I opened my mouth to speak. I was incredibly nervous.

"M-M-May I-I h-h-hav-ve a p-pen-ncil and pa-aper?" I asked as I was laughed at, my voice was meek and the fact that I even asked for anything must of been amusing to the guards. I gave up and cried, as I thought of that one pony, the one with the green coat and rainbow mane. Who were they, what did they want with me. Why is it that what I do in my dreams happen in reality. Do the ponies know what happens out here.

I chuckle softly making the guards look at me. I was acting as if these ponies were real, for all I knew, they were figments of my insane imagination. Maybe I should've take those pills.

I was finally taken back to my room, as I see it cleaned to perfection. The only sign anything happened was the hole in one of the pads from the knife.

"You better prepare to get hit, Doctor Christoph is fucking furious, and he's taking his anger out on his wife's killer," a guard warned me as I was left in my room, a straight jacket hugging my frame. I walked to my bed as I got under it. I hid hear when I was scared and right now I was very scared. I held my breath when I saw Christoph come in, as he walked to the bed and pulled me out from under it.

I readied myself as I felt a fist connect with my chin, making a loud pop. I cried out in pain, as he hit me again. And again. And again. He finally stopped when I was on the ground, silent and still, the only motion of my rising chest.

"You fucking bastard," He finally left me in pain, as I laid their in pain, bones broken and tissue bruised.