• Published 19th Jun 2018
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Student Six Watch Fallout Lore: The Storyteller Series - Rated Ponystar

The Student Six learn about the Fallout World thanks to a series of lore videos from The Storyteller

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Think Tank's BIG MT

Chapter 14:

Think Tank's BIG MT.

"Okay," Gallus said after a long period of awkward silence. "Was anyone else freaked out by what just happened, or was it just me?"

"Not just you," all the others said.

"Whose Mobius?" Sandbar asked, tilting his head. "And what was that...thing that appeared with all the static?"

"It looked like a robot, but...I think I also saw a brain in a jar..." Ocellus said in disgust.

Smolder turned to the changeling and pointed to the screen with her thumb. "Think you can change into...whatever it was so we can get a better look at it?"

"Ew, no! Even if I could, there is no way I'd want to!" Ocellus shouted while sticking out her tongue. "Besides, I need to see it in person before me to observe and copy it physically. I can't just do it from out of a book or a screen."

Gallus snapped his fingers. "Darn. There goes my plan of having you turn into a Deathclaw and scaring the professors out of their wits."

"Can we continue? Yona curious of the shouting figure," their yak friend asked as they agreed to see what this was all about.

It started by showing a video of what appeared to be the great scientists of the Old World before the Great War, showing off their many inventions. It was these men who had created the numerous technological advancements that, hundreds of years ago, would have been impossible to even think of creating. They had developed robots, sent their people to space, and even harnessed the power of atomic energy. Yet for all the good things they had created with science, there was a list of horrors they had invented as well. The group could only nod upon based on all the terrors and nightmarish things that walked the Wasteland in its current time, from the Super Mutants to the experiments of Vault-Tech. It seemed that science, regardless of purpose, was as dangerous as anything else in the hands of humanity. However, what was really impressive was that the narrator told the six that the creators of such things were still around even today.

"Wait, as in, they're ghouls, right?" Sandbar asked, remembering just how long-lived those cursed with that mutation were. However, by the sound of how sinister and depraved these so-called 'scientists' were, it was hard even to think that this was true. Most of the ghouls they had seen were decent people, but the narrator made it sound like these specific scientists were anything but pleasant.

The scene on the screen changed to a different setting, one that showed humans celebrating and cheering on the streets of a city. Three hundred fifty years ago, America had won a war that had changed the world and came up as the top superpower after it. In this war, America had used the first atomic bomb, and it would set their society geared towards the atom going forward. Dreams of atomic rockets heading to the stars, endless amounts of nuclear power cars, and giant robots defending them from their enemies. As evidenced by the numerous robots shown on the screen, what seemed like fiction soon became a reality, helping their human creators with various chores and tasks. Even today, despite the ruin and devastation, the different buildings and monuments to these inventors and geniuses still stand, such as the RobCo factory, Poseidon Energy, and Vault-Tec.

"Yeah, and all of them turned out to be outright greed, evil, or stupid," Silverstream snorted.

"Yona no like science. It not only hard to understand but also causes so many problems," Yona proclaimed.

"I'd say that's kinda bias...but I'm starting to think science might not be the be-all and end-all either," Ocellus agreed with a heavy sigh.

However, there were some secrets that America's most remarkable minds thought best to keep out of the public eye. A painted image of six humans in lab coats, five males and one female, was then shown on screen. These brilliant and yet dangerous people were known as "The Think Tank" and engaged in the unethical experiments of science that you would only see in comic books. They even had their own lair, a massive complex called "Big Mountain," where they could experiment in peace without the care of morals or ethics from the public.

"Yeah, sorry, Ocellus, I think I'm with Yona on this one," Gallus said, shaking his head. "This sounds like this is going to be a brutal one."

Gallus' words proved to be correct as the narrator and the screen began showing the various experiments and inventions of the Think Tank. Giant Robo-scorpions, cybernetic dogs, biological enchantments, a stealth suit that could actually talk to you, which was weird since the purpose of a stealth suit was to be quiet, and toxins that could kill thousands.

It seemed that there was not an end to the number of insane experiments, but there was no end to their destructive capabilities. Even in a world where magic was real, some seem a bit far-fetched to believe, but the screen's images and the narrator's storytelling confirmed what they were seeing was real.

"Yeah, this stuff kinda sounds like it's from a science fiction movie like the narrator is saying," Sandbar said in disbelief. "I find it hard to believe they even did half of this stuff."

"Couldn't they invent something that wasn't designed for war or to kill?" Ocellus asked with a heavy huff. "Is it so hard?! Like is everything when it comes to science supposed to be used for war by these people?!"

That answer came from one of the most terrible secrets of Big Empty. The facility needed test subjects, but not the standard animal kind. Instead, Big Empty had various humans in cages being experimented on by the scientists, much to the six horrors. Horrors such as being infected with multiple diseases, surgically given painful cybernetics, or used as live target practice for various weapons. Due to the war against Communist China, it was deemed acceptable to imprison Chinese and Chinese-Americans for test subjects. They were forced into such unethical experiments that no decent-minded person would ever approve of it, so few people even knew what was going on. They were able to keep their prisoners in check thanks to the use of robotic slave collars. Go out of line or leave the area without permission, and boom. There were still ghouls with these collars on in the Big Empty, still trapped even after two hundred years.

And when there weren't enough communists to use as fodder? The Big Empty wasn't against using unsuspecting American citizens as well.

"That's just...so wrong..." Sandbar whispered while shaking his head in disbelief. "And they did this to their own people?"

"Screw this nation. I'm glad it's dead," Smolder huffed while flaring out some fire from her nostrils. "Maybe it was a great nation before, but when it goes as far as this? No, it deserved what it got."

Nobody decided to correct her over this.

Their technology spread throughout the US from military bases to some small towns to test out holographic technology, specialized vending machines, and the best medical care possible. Outside of that, there was a lot of their work seen in the Wasteland, notably the Mojave area, such as skin ripping dust storms, deadly red mists, and even rumored weather control. If there were any real benevolent plans for these experiments, they've gone horribly awry from their original purpose. Even suits designed to teleport wounded soldiers ended up making them into walking bonemen of rage and vengeance. There was even a toaster with a desire to kill and burn everything around it due to the Think Tank adjusting its programmed personality.

"Dear gods above, what kind of sick and twisted minds are these people?!" Silverstream asked in disgust.

"All in favor of skipping our science classes for the rest of forever?" Gallus asked, raising his hand, to which everyone but Ocellu followed so.

The Think Tank was now a crater surrounded by a circle of mountains, and it was rumored that there was a top for it but got blown off by a powerful weapon they invented. Not only did it keep most people out of the Think Tank, but it also, mercifully, kept the Think Tank inside as well.

"Good, the world is already messed up as it is," Sandbar said with a relaxing sigh. "I hate to see what would happen if these guys got loose."

The others all nodded in agreement, and by the tone of the narrator's voice, he agreed as well.

While most of the scientists and staff at Big Empty died one way or another, the six leading scientists that made up the Think Tank were still alive today. Only they were not ghouls, so they continued to age. They got around this by doing the craziest and insane experiment yet: transferring their living brains into robotic machines, much to the shock and horror of the six.

"T-They put their brains...into machines?!" Ocellus asked in horror. "That's impossible?! There are so many things that could go wrong?! How does the brain even keep thinking?! How is it possible to communicate?! What are the psychological problems that could even arise from it?! What kind of nervous system would you use for it?! This makes no sense!"

"Ocellus! Breathe! Breathe!" Sandbar said, holding her shoulders as she began to take in large breaths. "In and out. Just like that. Good."

"Wow, I never thought I'd see Ocellus lose her mind like that," Smolder whispered to Gallus.

"Yeah, I think she just did what's called Twilighting, according to the other professors," Gallus whispered back.

The six did indeed manage to transfer their brains into new homes, just as explained, but not without consequences. Whatever happened caused some psychological damage to the personalities, and floating around in modified brain jell for the past two centuries doesn't help either. They had codenames now instead of their real names and weren't even human anymore—just giant colored brain jars with tv screen appendages that held pictures of eyes or lips.

The group leader was Klein because the rest of them had become insane to the point of either breaking stuff, ranting about communists, or desiring to feel biological urges again. Not long after they became brains in a jar, Klein had a falling out with another group member: Dr. Mobius.

"That's the guy who kept interrupting the last video!" Sandbar pointed out.

Dr. Mobius was just like the others. Only he looked more damaged and dirty. One of his screens was broken, and he was floating in some military-based with a map of the Big Empty behind him. He lived in a place called "The Forbidden Zone," where he sent Robo-scorpions to the Think Tank to threaten and destroy them. A clash between the two who were constantly trying to outsmart the other, only both sides were mad from isolation and rotten brain jell juice.

"Sounds like a civil war or something is going on there," Silverstream suggested.

"Eh, let them bump each other off. Nobody will miss them," Smolder said with a shrug.

Regardless of the two sides were fighting, the only benefit was that it didn't affect everyone else outside of the Big Empty. Yet woe to anyone who goes in, as shown by the image of a human whose entire brain was scooped out of their skull.

"Oh gods, that's gross!" Ocellus shouted, turning away in disgust as did the others. "I think I'm never going to eat lunch again!"

"Second!" Gallus groaned as he held his stomach. "I'm starting to think these videos aren't good for my health."

Anyone captured by the robots of the Big Empty not only lost their brains but were replaced with electronics that the Think Tank could use to order them around. These lobotomites, as they were called, could be seen taking care of the Big Empty like a bunch of mindless janitors while also acting as guards for those who still have their brains. The energy barrier around the crater keeps the lobotomites from leaving and, thankfully, keeps the Think Tank trapped. The only ones who could go right in or out were those who not only had their brains but in organic tissued bodies. While there had been some poor unfortunate souls who did go in, there were also numerous dangers that came out as well.

Creatures such as the Cazadores. A giant wasp-like bug with a big stinger on it that was among one of the deadliest creatures in the Mojave. It made Ocellus feel offended that such a thing existed, and she quickly gave such a death glare to Gallus, who had opened his mouth, that he promptly stopped whatever joke he was going to say. Another terror from the Big Empty was the Nightstalker, a combination of a rattlesnake and a coyote that had such a venomous bite it could kill you in minutes. They hunted in packs at night, and many people fell victim to their hunts before being ripped apart for a meal. Even Professor Fluttershy would hesitate to befriend these creatures.

"I think a giant steel wall is needed instead of a barrier," Ocellus proclaimed before shaking her head. "Also, who in their right mind would want to go to a horrible place like this?"

In a world where advanced technology was necessary to survive and gain power, there were plenty of people willing to risk their lives and brains to achieve this at the Big Empty. One of these people was an old man who looked to be in Brotherhood Steel robes with a strange gun on his back while checking out a computer in a junk pile. He was a disgraced Elder named Elijah, who wanted to find the means to help the Brotherhood defeat the NCR. The place was a paradise for him and, thanks to his Brotherhood training, he was able to sneak around the Think Tank. He even controlled the machines of the Big Empty for a while. While he experimented and took what he could, he learned of a place with even more amazing gadgets and soon broke out of the Big Empty to travel there and get what he desired.

Elijah was one of the few rare men who could get around the Big Empty thanks to his genius ability with machines and science. Few, however, are so lucky, Such as an unfortunate assassin sent by the Brotherhood of Steel sent to eliminate Elijah before he could do more damage than he had already done. She got caught but was fortunate enough to get in a broken-down auto-doc that was supposed to turn her into a lobotomite. She managed to escape with most of her brains intact but continued on her hunt for Elijah.

"Sounds like there is a story to tell between these two we haven't heard of yet," Gallus pointed out.

"Credit to hunter. She dedicated to catching target," Yona said with respect.

"Hey, look! It's Ulysses!" Silverstream said as she pointed to the familiar figure entering the Big Empty.

The group was shocked to see him, but then again, this was the man who had traveled nearly everywhere in the Mojave for his quest. Apparently, he was one of only two others who made it out of the Big Empty alive. Yet, Ulysses wasn't there to get technology but learn what America was like before the Great War. The Think Tank may have been insane scientists, but they were still proud Americans who lived in the final days of their great empire. The other being who escaped was a different courier, but perhaps the one Ulysses had been looking for all this time? He just stumbled in by accident but managed to make it out alive.

"Man, who would have thought being the mailman made you the biggest badass in the land," Smolder said with a chuckle.

"Makes me wonder if Derpy Hooves would fit right in? That mare always seems to get in trouble and yet comes out no worse for wear," Sandbar said while the group started picturing her dressed as a cowpony shooting mutants and Legionnaires. It sounded cool when they thought about it more.

Yet, despite their current state of mind, it cannot be denied that the Think Tank is some of the most brilliant humans on Earth, and it shows just how far humanity could go with science. But Earth is just one small planet among the stars. As it turns out, there were other visitors from other plants who had been observing Earth. One's more advanced than humanity.

Who were these visitors from the stars?

Well, that's a story for another day...

Author's Note:

I said I wasn't dead with this serious. Seriously, Big Empty is my favorite of the 4 DLC's because of how dark humor it is.

Next up...