• Published 19th Jun 2018
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Student Six Watch Fallout Lore: The Storyteller Series - Rated Ponystar

The Student Six learn about the Fallout World thanks to a series of lore videos from The Storyteller

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A Talk Among Friends

“I think maybe we should talk about a few things before we progress further,” Ocellus said, turning the screen in front of them on pause. “It kinda sounds like we should get a few things out before we decide to continue or not.”

The others all agreed. Save for their eight hours of sleep last night they had done nothing but watch these videos about the horrors of the Wasteland. It was still unbelievable to think that such a nightmare even existed despite it being from another world. Sandbar was the first to speak as he shook his head. “I think we can all agree that this world is beyond saving with friendship. That might not be what Professor Twilight wants to hear, but I can’t think of anything to help these humans.”

“I honestly feel bad for them,” Silversteam muttered, looking downward in near tears. “They had everything ripped from them and destroyed; forcing them to survive in the worst conditions against such horrible things like the Super Mutants or the Legion. Even if they did cause this to happen to themselves, I still wish they could be helped.”

“Makes you wonder, doesn’t it?” Smolder asked, leaning back against the wall. “If such a thing could happen in our world.”

“I can’t see it,” Sandbar said, shaking his head. “Equestria is a land of peace and harmony. Sure, we’re willing to defend ourselves but we don’t blow up other creatures to oblivion and ruin their lives for greedy reasons.”

“Sure, but what about in the future?” Smolder pointed out. “Every nation has gone through its problems. I mean, Ocellus just told us there was a time when you were persecuting bat ponies.” Sandbar closed his eyes in remembering that while Ocellus looked down in shame for having exposed that. “Who's to say that Equestria won’t go through some kind of disaster or change in leadership that will make it go a dark path? Even the Princesses won’t always rule forever. Or they could get corrupted like Luna did. I’m just saying that nothing is ever certain in the future. Look at the dragons? Biggest Empire in the world that lasted for thousands of years and then it crumbles.”

“Friend Smolder making it sound like humans and dragons similar,” Yona pointed out.

“Yeah, I kinda do see a lot of similarities between us,” Smolder said, shrugging her shoulders. “To lose so much and keep going despite all the hardship? Definitely dragon levels of respect. I like them.”

“I guess all we can say about humans is that they are just too complex to understand,” Ocellus said, writing down on her notes. “But our report is supposed to be how friendship can save this world. Surely, there has to be something that could be done.”

“Wiping out the Legion, Vault-Tec, and The Enclave sounds like a start,” Gallus muttered to which no creature disagreed with him. “Say what you will about Chrysalis, Cozy Glow, Tirek, and the rest, they got nothing on those guys.”

“I don’t think even the Princesses would find mercy for them,” Sandbar admitted, as deep down he wanted to buck them all in the face earth pony style.

“Still, there are good forces at work,” Ocellus pointed out. “The Followers are helping people. There was the Vault Dweller and The Chosen One who saved the Wasteland. And the NCR seems like the most reasonable faction out there.”

“Ocellus remember they take over lands they don't own, right?” Yona questioned, frowning. “Yak no like that part.”

“It does sound like there is corruption in the ranks of the NCR,” Ocellus agreed, writing more in her notes. “But aside from the Legion and Enclave, who clearly are evil, who else is there that could bring peace to the Wasteland?”

“The Brotherhood of Steel could do it if they were more like the Eastern Branch then the Western Branch,” Gallus said. He still wished he could have a power armor suit like that but could fly. “Maybe with the Western Branch in such a disarray the Eastern Branch could talk over and help things out like they are doing at the capitol?”

“There is also Mr. House,” Silverstream said, lighting up. “He seems like he wants to make things progress better. He made New Vegas, and saved a lot of people.”

“I don’t know,” Smolder said, folding her arms. “He seems a lot more like a dictator who manipulates everything in the shadows. Not to mention he hasn’t really done anything for others save for New Vegas itself.”

“I wish this place had their own Elements of Harmony. Heroes who could inspire others to do the same and make the world a better place,” Sandbar whispered. “Maybe if they had something like that, a group of heroic figures to lead them, they could change for the better.”

“Like the Vault Dweller and Chosen One? They saved the Wasteland,” Silverstream pointed out.

“Yeah, but they never really led people as far as we know,” Sandbar said, shaking his head. “Maybe we’ll find someone or some group later, but I think what they are really lacking is a savior.”

The others slowly looked at each other and agreed. It was clear that while there were good forces out there that were helping the Wasteland it didn’t seem to be enough. They needed more good people doing the right thing to make the world a better place even if it was a living hell. But could such a thing even be possible? Two heroes had come and still things seemed so bad. A nation of slavery and genocide. Monsters made of nightmares. Land that couldn’t be lived on with poisoned water. Greedy and murderous gangs and individuals who would do anything to survive. It was something only a miracle could fix.

“Well, enough about the Wasteland,” Silverstream said before floating over to an eyebrow raised Smolder. “Do you...want to talk about it?”

“About what?” Smolder asked.

“About how you are going to still be kicking a hundred or so years while the rest of us are pushing up daisies in our graves?” Gallus pointed out, seeing no point in beating around the bush. “I mean, I can understand if your feeling-”

“Guys, I’m fine,” Smolder said, shaking her head. “Look, I’ve had this conversation with my parents and even with Princess Twilight. When it became clear...that I was going to outlive you guys, especially when I was growing fond of you, I had to accept that one day you’ll be gone and I’ll still be around.”

“But... it's so sad,” Silverstream whispered, hugging her. “I don’t want to leave you here alone. I mean, there is the afterlife, but-”

“Silverstream, I don’t believe in an afterlife,” Smolder said, rolling her eyes as the others stared at her. “Dragons don’t have religion in their society. We don’t worship gods or goddesses. We don’t think there is some paradice when you die. Just nothing. You die and you're done. Game over. If we did believe in that stuff we gave it up a long time ago after our previous civilization failed. Where were the gods then when we needed them most? Nowhere.”

“Woah, so you’re all atheists?” Ocellus asked, writing it down. “I...I just assumed you were just unique.”

“Yona don't understand? How could one not believe in gods? Gods created everything and showed themselves in the world around us,” the yak asked, scratching his head.

“Some creatures don’t think the gods are real either because they don’t have enough proof to see them or they think that there are other ways to explain everything around them,” Gallus answered. “I mean, Griffins aren’t the most religious either but we still pray to Grandus and believe in him.”

“Fausticorn for us ponies,” Sandbar said, smiling

“Yak has many gods,” Yona proudly stated.

“And we worship the gods of the sea and air who made the world! Aeroda and Aquada!” Silverstream proclaimed.

“Changelings don’t believe in gods, but we do believe that we reincarnate after death. That way life never really ends,” Ocellus said.

“See, so many different beliefs, but they can’t all be right! One of them is either right or they’re all wrong!” Smolder said.

“Actually, most faiths accept the other gods in some form or another,” Sandbar said, raising his hoof. “That each of them all played a role in creating the world and then created us all in their own image.”

“Well, I don’t believe it’s real. Again, if gods were real then they’d be helping us dragons. Or at least whatever god for the humans exist would be helping them,” Smolder pointed out, but shook her head. “But listen. I’m fine guys, really. I’ve long accepted that I’ll outlive you all. If there is something after living that we can continue to be together then I’ll be happy...but for now I just want to make the most memories with you guys so that when you are gone...I’ll at least have that with me for the rest of my life.”

Spotting a tear dripping down Smolder’s eyes, Sandbar got up and hugged his scaly friend and soon the rest of them all did too. “Hey, let’s make a promise,” Sandbar said, ending the hug. “When one of us...passes on, we’ll come say our goodbyes and talk about all the good times we had. We’ll laugh, cry and smile despite the situation. Because I don’t want my friends to be sad at my funeral, I want them to smile knowing I’m at peace.”

“Kinda weird to be smiling at a funeral, but eh, I’m in,” Gallus said as everyone also agreed.

‘What about me? I’ll be the last one once you all kick the bucket,” Smolder said, pointing to herself. “And I have no intention of ending my life. I’ll miss you guys, but not that much.”

“Then I guess whatever friends you make after us will just have to do it for you,” Silverstream said.

“Other friends?”

“Yeah, I mean, you don’t want to be alone forever, right?” Ocellus.

“Yona not want Smolder to feel lonely after she passes on! Find new friends to be happy! We don’t mind!”

Smolder had never thought about having other friends then the ones she had in front of her right now. Then again, did she really want to just be a lonely dragon like so many in her homeland. No, I guess there is nothing wrong with finding new friends.

“Alright, but by the off chance I die first, none of you are getting my gem collection. That goes with me to my grave,” Smolder joked as the others nodded in agreement. They were about to sit down again when Silverstream held Smolder up a bit.

“Look...I know you don’t believe...but I do...and I want you to know that I think there is a heaven for dragons too,” Silverstream said, smiling.

“I find it hard to think some angel hanging out at the pearl gates is going to let my kind in due to all the greed and destruction we’ve done in the past,” Smolder snorted.

“Then try to be the first! You’d look so cute with angel wings and a halo! Oh, and a harp!” Silverstream said, sweetly.

Smolder thought of the image in her head and shivered. “Yeah, no. I think I’ll take oblivion over that.”

“Hey! You guys ready for the next one?!”

‘“Coming!” both girls said as they sat down as the screen played again.

Author's Note:

No focus on any of the videos for a few reasons. 1. I think there should be breaks where the student six talk about what they have learned. They went through eleven videos so it makes sense to talk about it.

Second, I kinda really am dreading a bit of writing the Great Khans chapter. Why? I don't like the Khans. They are scum in my eyes. Drug pushing raider scum. I don't hate them as much as the Legion, but there is a twisted sense of logic to the Legion and its at least interesting. Khans are just trash. I know New Vegas gives them some sympathy due to the whole Bitter Springs Massacre, but how many innocent people have had their lives ruined or ended because of the Khans and their ways? Just because something bad happens to bad people again their will doesn't mean they should be given full on sympathy. Yes, it was sad and I doubt all the Great Khans are bad characters. But just what they do alone makes me despise them. I still hate the Legion, Institute, Enclave, Children of Adam, and Railroad more though.