• Published 7th Jun 2018
  • 2,554 Views, 29 Comments

The Iron Crow - Silentpegasus

When Ponyville is under Siege from a goblin incursion from the Everfree Forest Twilight Sparkle is forced to go to a mercenary for help.

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Chapter 5: Siege

Chapter 5


Twilight rubbed her hands nervously as she stood in town hall. On the other side of the curtain sat most of the residence of Ponyville, those who were able bodied and could not avoid their responsibilities anyway. Viridian put a firm hand on her shoulder and gave her a reassuring nod. Twilight smiled in return. She set her shoulders and walked out onto the stage with Viridian and Sterling by her side.

The mumbling crowd hushed as she strode to the podium and cleared her throat. “Citizens of Ponyville, I thank you all for joining me this early in the morning. We do not have time to waste so I will forgo the formalities and get right to the point.” The silence in the room was almost deafening. A few people shifted their weight from foot to foot in anxious preparation.

“As you all know, our town has been faced with a threat these past few weeks and I am sad to say that the threat is far greater than we realized. The goblin horde that has been plaguing us is much larger and stronger than we have thought and they plan to rally for one final attack on this town.” Mutterings started to ripple through the crowd again. She held up her hand to draw their attention again. “I have been advised that the best course of action would be to flee this town and come back with a stronger force to retake it in time.”

This was met with a few outbursts of rage and indignation. Viridian then stepped forwards.

“Let the Princess finish.” Her tone cut through the crowd like a knife through warm butter. The crowd quieted down, but mumbles could still be heard. Twilight cleared her throat again.

“Though I was not born here, I’ve come to think of Ponyville as my home and I will not abandon it in it’s time of need.” A few nods from the crowd. “I will do everything in my power to keep our town safe even if I must fight with fist, tooth or nail and I believe any one of you would do the same.” The crowd grunted in agreement. “I will not force anyone to stay, but if you do I cannot guarantee your safety.”

The crowd remained silent and mulled over her words. “I have with me here Sterling Crane, an expert on magical creatures.” Twilight stepped down and Sterling walked out with his cane in one hand. Many eyebrows rose as they saw his slight limp.

“Thank you princess, although expert may be a bit too forgiving.” He said as he faced the crowd. “Yesterday, Captain Thorn and myself made our way into the Everfree forest and found an encampment of goblins seeking refuge in the old castle ruins under the command of a chieftain. We were discovered after mortally wounding their leader and were forced to flee from the scene before they caught us. We split up and I circled back around after evading capture to discover their encampment and buy us all a little time by disrupting their operations and taking down a few of them.”

A few brows in the crowd rose. “We are not sure on their numbers, but we know that they greatly outnumber our own forces. They are organized and they are clever. They planned to attack this town tonight, the last night of the new moon.” A few startled gasps went through the crowd.

“For those who wish to stay, prepare yourselves for a long fight and secure your defenses. I will assist with fortifications and anyway I can. Meanwhile, I suggest that all the injured, children and those unable to fight take shelter in the castle and prepare to evacuate should the worst happen.” There was some disturbance, but a few nods of agreement. He tapped his cane down to draw their attention.

“It will be a hard fight and there will be loss, hopefully more on their side than on ours.” A few chuckles came from the crowd. “I will not lie, the chances that we survive this are slim. What is key is to keep the goblins outside the wall, if they make it inside then they’ll overrun us and it will be for nothing.” The crowd was still as a graveyard.

“I know you have no reason to trust me. I am a stranger here, but I am asking you for your trust in this matter. I have seen much and I know that if we begin preparations, we might just make it through this. I know many of you are scared about what may come to pass, but we must all remain calm and not panic. If we lose our heads then all of our efforts will be for not and keep this in mind, constant vigilance.” He stepped down as Viridian walked forwards.

“I, along with the other town guards will begin repairing the barricades and with Mr.Crane’s help, have formulated a plan to keep the goblins at bay. Anyone who wishes to aid us will either speak to me at the front gate, or our new ally.” She gestured her head towards Sterling. “Let us prepare.” The crowd quickly exited the room and the town was roused.

The owners of all the food businesses started stocking up and making food for travel. Several of the guards started reinforcing the wall with more wood and any kind of heavy furniture they could find. Sterling instructed many of the towns folk to start digging several trenches six feet deep and four feet wide. The trenches ran the full length of the wall Viridian had made.

The towns folk also put several wooden stakes in the floor and sides of the trenches before coating it in oil and melted wax. Many of the townsfolk asked why, but Sterling would only say, ‘It’s all part of the plan.’ Sterling made himself busy by helping some of the magically inclined members of the town in some quick magical defense. Viridian reinforced the wall with several beams made of wood and rock.

Many of the children and wounded made their way to the lower bowels of the castle. Apparently there was an escape tunnel made that ended two miles outside of town. Twilight instructed them all to be ready to move at a moment’s notice. Sterling made his way back towards the castle to see Twilight with several spell books floating around her. He knocked on the door frame with the head of his cane. Her concentration snapped and the books fell to the floor, each making a heavy thumping sound.

“I hope I’m not disturbing you Princess.”

“No, just reviewing some spells that might come in handy.” Sterling nodded.

“Mind if I ask a question?” Twilight nodded. “Why hasn’t Princess Celestia or Luna sent guards here? I’d think they’d send what they could to aid you.”

“They have been away at the Changeling peace talks for weeks and they’re out of range for Spike to contact them.” She gave him a quick explanation about how Spike could send letters to Princess Celestia.

“A dragon that was changed into a human by a stress induced magical flare? Fascinating,” He said as he rubbed his chin. “I suppose that explains his eyes, ears and nails.” He turned his attention to the spell books. “These are quite advanced.”

“I need to be ready if I’m going to help.”

“You make it sound as if you’re going to be fighting.” Her lips formed a thin line as her violet eyes narrowed.

“I am.” Her tone was flat and void of any doubt. “I may not have the experience you do, but I have beaten Nightmare Moon, an Ursa Minor bare handed, a reincarnation of a mad king and a literal demon from Tartarus. I think I can handle myself in a fight.” Sterling blinked and then let out a low chuckle.

“Forgive me, but it’s just that you’re the first noble I’ve met to actually do something when there’s a problem rather than sit in luxury and expect someone else to fix their problem. It’s a breath of fresh air.” He said with a smile. “Still, perhaps I could assist you.” He reached into his bag and rifled around for a moment. “Here we go.”

Twilight’s eyes widened as he pulled out a set of scale mail armor that had a dull shine to it. “It should stop their claws and teeth at least for a little while. Not as heavy as plate armor, but more protection than leather.” Twilight’s attention was not on the armor, but the bag it came from.

“Is that a vault bag?” He smiled again and nodded. “Where did you get it?”
“Oh just something I picked up in my travels. That armor is a loan by the way. My colleague doesn’t like people using her things, but you’ll need it more than she will at the moment.” He said nonchalantly as he made his way out of the castle and left to inspect the town. The citizens swapped digging duty while Viridian kept fortifying the walls.

He asked the captain if she could cover the pits with a thin layer of dirt and rock above the pits. With some effort she did so, but not before he dropped a small vial into the pit and made sure the spot was marked with a protruding stick. The light started to fade to an orange color and movement was spotted near the far edge of the forest. The guards, Twilight and Sterling all stood on the battlements waiting to see what happened next.

The shadows began to take the all too familiar shape of the goblins creeping out of the brush. Cruel looking blades and clubs clutched in their filthy clawed hands. Some of them parted and a large goblin missing it’s right arm that had ben replaced by a club capped with a nasty pick axe head. Viridian turned to Sterling in question.

“Well, you have to respect their tenacity.” He said as he folded his arms. Several of the goblins started to bang on their makeshift shields in a rhythm. Viridian could feel her blood beginning to pound through her veins and knew her men were in a similar state. “Hold.” Sterling said to the archers who’s hands were beginning to shake.

The goblins continued their war cry as clouds moved in overhead. A steady rain had started and thunder could be heard in the distance. A particularly loud clap cause one of the more twitchy guards to let his arrow fly from his bow. The arrow shot through the rain and found itself a new home in the skull of a goblin. The smaller green body fell face forwards in the mud and the horde’s chanting stopped.

The ones around the fallen goblin looked down at it’s body as the nervous archer felt Viridian’s gaze on him. Shakily he knocked an arrow and prepared to fire. The goblins turned back up to the wall and let out a screech that cut through the pounding of rain and thunder. They all set their sights and charged.

“And so it begins.” Sterling said as he aimed his pepperbox and held a hand up for the archers to hold as Viridian lit an arrow head and aimed her bow. “Hold.” He said as the first few goblins fell in the traps and their cries of pain could be heard by their comrades and the townsfolk. The horde took more care with where they ran as more of them fell victim to the spikes.

Once more had passed the forest, Viridian let her arrow fly. Her aim was true as it hit the farthest pit trap and ignited the oil the stakes had been coated with. This started a chain reaction as fire spread throughout the connecting pits encircling the entire battlefield in a ring of flames. Their ranks broke and they shrieked in fear and hate at the humans. Sterling gave the command and a hail of arrows fell down upon the goblins that were getting closer to the gates.

More fell with arrow piercing their bodies, but more had dodged or used their allies as shields. Spells from Twilight and other magic users cracked through the air and hit near their marks making the ground burst open in certain areas. Several of the goblins attempted to retread only to be met with arrows, spells or metal balls piercing their backs. Meanwhile those with wings started dropping heavy pieces of debris onto the goblins.

Rocks, heavy branches and other odds and ends the townsfolk managed to scrounge during the day. It wasn’t long before the arrow reserves stared to run dry. Sterling saw Viridian’s quiver getting low. He turned to Twilight who was casting spell after spell. “On my signal throw up the shield.”

She looked at him in question but gave him a firm nod. “Right then, time for a show.” Sterling jumped down off of the battlements and into the mud, much to Viridian and Twilight’s surprise. “Now!” The purple shield came down behind him and the goblins halted as they looked at the thin man.

“Hello boys, who’s first?” They rushed him as he threw his coat to the ground and raised his weapon. Three shots rang out and three attackers fell before they got within three feet of him. One got in close with a hatchet. Sterling dodged the blow and slammed his fist into the goblin’s face as he ripped the hatchet from it’s foul fingers.

He returned the weapon with the business end splitting into it’s ribs. More of them started rushing as he ran his fingers over his exposed arms and they turned a dark grey color. He put his arm up as another axe wielding goblin slashed down onto the man’s arm. The blade scratched against steel as it connected with the man’s flesh. He slammed his metal fist into the goblin’s chest and felt a satisfying cracking noise come from it’s skull.

He took off towards the horde, firing his pepperbox while sprinting. Three more fell before he was out and started using the handle as a makeshift club. Viridian and the others watched as he picked up discarded weapons and use them against their former owner’s allies. Clubs, daggers, spears and other tools all became weapons for the man. He blocked an incoming blow with an iron pan and used it to separate a goblin’s jaw from it’s head.

Sterling also used his pepperbox in close quarters, using a goblin a shield from the others’ weapons and picking them off, before pressing the barrels to the shield’s head and blowing it clean off. He gripped another by the neck and shoved something in it’s mouth before throwing it back into a crowd and exploded taking those nearby with it. He let his guard down and it was enough for one of them to kick his legs out from underneath him. Sterling held both of his metal covered arms up as the creatures came at him with claws and weapons. He heard Viridian yell out a word and pulled two of the goblins on top of him just as a storm of arrows came down on him and the surrounding goblins.

He punched his way out of the pile of bloody corpses and panted. Sterling looked down at his arms and saw the metal shell beginning to crack and flake off, leaving his skin exposed. A horn coming from the tree line blasted through the storm and the surviving goblins started to retreat. Copying them, sterling ran back to the safety of the shield and walls. The gate had been opened just enough for him to slide through and were immediately closed upon entering.

Viridian and Twilight came down from their posts as the men cheered at the creature’s retreat. He looked up at Viridian, bruised and bleeding in places. “This isn’t over.” He muttered as he did his best to climb the battlements. Viridian got her men under control and a silence fell over the grounds, only being interrupted by the occasional mutterings of the men, or the dying cries of the green skinned attackers.

Something was off, Sterling could feel it in his bones and he guessed Twilight and Viridian were thinking the same thing judging by their rigid stances and intense faces. A small tremor wen through the ground and traveled up the wooden posts. Another soon followed, only louder this time and the sound of bending wood could be heard as the trees started to move. It wasn’t long before their question was answered. For standing at nearly fifteen feet tall, a massive club the size of a full grown tree with a boulder the size of a wagon cart wrapped around it, was a troll.

It’s sheer size almost made Viridian stumble. She’d read of these massive brutes, but had never seen nor hoped to see one. The depictions in bestiaries could not capture the air of power around the creature. She turned to Sterling who looked just as surprised as she did. The creature raised it’s club, let out a bellowing roar and charge towards the gate.