• Published 7th Jun 2018
  • 2,554 Views, 29 Comments

The Iron Crow - Silentpegasus

When Ponyville is under Siege from a goblin incursion from the Everfree Forest Twilight Sparkle is forced to go to a mercenary for help.

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Chapter 3: Arrival

Chapter 3


Twilight sighed heavily as she set her quill down on her wooden desk and turned to look out the window that faced out towards the town. There was a knock on her door and she quickly made herself look presentable. “Yes?” The door opened to show a woman in her mid twenties. She was dressed in dark brown leather armor with matching bracers and shoulder pads. Her skin was similar in color to her armor, perhaps a shade darker.

Her hair was a deep green color that was tied back into a single braid that ended between her shoulder blades and her eyes were like two golden coins. The woman was Viridian Thorn, head of the town watch. Up until recently the only duties the town watch dealt with were public drunkenness, breaking up screaming matches between disgruntled customers or lovers and the occasional timber wolf that wandered into town. Lately they’ve been the vanguard against the goblin assault with Viridian at the front.

The guard had been the head of the watch since before Twilight came to Ponyville and despite the simple jobs she’s done around the small town she knew her way around the fight. Everyone knew that if you got into a drunken stupor and started picking fights Viridian would be there soon to break it up and wasn’t afraid to bloody her knuckles in the process. “Viridian,” Twilight smiled. “how is the rest of the watch?”

“Thunderlane is still unconscious and will be for a while, Pierce and Caramel are up and about but they’re still recovering.” She said with a sigh as Twilight folded her hands on her desk.

“I’m glad they’re okay.”

“The real problem is the infections from the Goblins’ claws. A good supply of the antibiotics have already been used to treat them and we’re starting to run low.” She said with a sigh.

“Zecora is trying to gather ingredients for medicine, but the Goblins forced her out of her hut and it’s too dangerous to go into the Everfree forest to gather herbs. Hopefully Applejack will be back soon with the supplies from her cousin in Appaloosa.” Twilight insisted that Zecora stay in her castle until the goblin situation got under control. The sound of a loud horn made both women jump in their seats.

They both ran to the large window and saw people scrambling for cover. Twilight’s hand glowed a lavender color and both women were teleported out of the castle and near the wall that the town had built around itself. Viridian quickly climbed the battlements and looked out over the field towards the forest.

“Status report!” She barked as another member of the watch came up to her with a spy glass.

“Movement near the far tree line ma’am.” She looked through the object and even in the dim orange light of the setting sun she could make out movement and the creatures that lurked within.

“Get ready, we’re about to get hit hard. Close the gates!” She ordered and the few men she had quickly scurried to their positions. The large wooden gates closed while Twilight stood atop the wooden battlements and started chanting an incantation. A large spell circle opened up beneath her feet and a large bubble of purple magic encircled the town. Viridian stared in amazement, she’d been creating these massive shields for almost every night for weeks.

Twilight panted heavily, but kept her concentration. “Are you alright Twilight?” the captain put a hand on her back to help her stand.

“I’m fine, just keep the town people safe.” A man with rusty orange hair came up beside them. The two immediately recognized the man as the patriarch of Sweet Apple Acres, Macintosh or ‘Big Mac’ as he was better known. He was a large wall of pure muscle made from spending long hours in the sun doing grueling work and easily stood two full feet taller than the two women.

Worry was present in his emerald green eyes. “Mac, what is it? Is your family safe?” He nodded at the question.

“Granny and Bloom got in town just before the horn sounded, but AJ still ain’t back yet.” He said in a worried tone. “She was supposed to be back by now from Appaloosa.” The two looked at one another. They hadn’t seen her since she left.

“Captain!” A man called out and pointed to the tree line. Viridian looked with the spyglass and saw several of the small creatures running from the forest.

“To the walls!” She yelled and the few men she had manned their positions armed with crude bows and arrows along with long pointed sticks and rocks. The goblins banged on the lavender barrier sending pulsing ripples against the wall of pure magic. Viridian turned to look at the Princess who was straining to keep the barrier up as dozens more of the goblins ran up and bashed against the magical shell.

“Twilight!” The lavender Princess opened her eyes and looked up to see a familiar cyan winged flyer with flowing rainbow hair pointing out towards the road. Viridian looked through the spyglass and saw a familiar cart rushing down the road. Twilight took the object and gasped as she saw the familiar wagon barreling towards the town.

“You can’t lower the shield, the walls wont hold.” Viridian stated. Twilight glared at the captain as Rainbow touched down beside the two. “Can you open up the shield enough to just let her through?” Both women turned to look at the lavender Princess.

“I can try, but I can’t guarantee that some won’t make it through.” Viridian drew her blade and rushed to the gate. Upon her order, the men opened it up for the green haired woman and she rushed outside the wall with a few able bodied fighters eager to get the cart to safety. The goblins had heard the whinnying horses and had shifted their attention from the town to the much more vulnerable prey.

Applejack’s horses shrieked as they saw the goblins charging. She cracked the reigns and spurred the horses on as they approached the town under siege. She looked to her left to see Sterling staring at the town. Not in fear, but more of an analytical gaze as if he was sizing them up. His gaze was broken as one of the creatures hopped up onto the seat.

Sterling pulled his hand back into a fist and slammed it into the goblin’s mouth. The iron ring on his finger burned against it’s filthy skin and the creature shrieked as it if were hit by a hot poker. It fell off the cart and was run over by the back wheel making the cart bounce a little. The thin man reached into his bag and was reaching around for something.

Another goblin jumped onto the seat, this time in front of the farmer and it gripped her arm. It’s long black nails digging into her skin. The farmer screamed as she felt her blood pouring out. She did her best to block out the pain and focus on getting to the safe haven. She fixed her gaze back on the goblin who had now sunk it’s vile teeth into her muscled arm.

There was a deafening sound next to the farmer and the goblin’s head exploded into several clumps of flesh and blood. The creature’s body went limp and released the farmer. She turned her head to see the man throwing what looked like small rocks at the horde. As they approached the shield they saw an opening large enough for the cart and a few people inside with a few crude weapons. As they just passed the precipice of the shield, the man hung off the side of the cart and there was another deafening blast.

Just as the shield closed, the there were several large fireballs that erupted in the field of goblins. Charred pieces of the creatures flew every which way and the small of burned hair and flesh was present in the air. The large gates of the town opened and the cart skidded to a halt as the farmer pulled on the horse’s reigns. Sterling hopped off the cart and climbed the battlements to look out at the field. Viridian and the others came back inside and followed suit.

The goblins had seen the explosion and a good portion of their forces had been incinerated or blown to pieces. They all started looked at one another and started hissing and clicking their tongues. They decided to cut their losses and retreated back into the forest with great haste at the sight of the sudden turn of events. The group of rag tags cheered as they saw the creatures fleeing. Sterling sighed and headed back down to the cart where the farmer was struggling to get off the cart.

Her arm and leg were bleeding heavily and she stumbled forwards. A pair of strong arms caught her and she saw a familiar tuff of rusty orange hair.

“Thanks Mac.” She said as she leaned against the cart while he fussed over her. The farmer anxiously looked at his sister as Twilight and Viridian arrived.

“Are you feeling okay Applejack?” The farmer deadpanned at the Princess. Viridian tore a piece of her shirt off and wrapped the woman’s arm and leg as best she could. She winced at the pain but let her work. Twilight didn’t know many healing spells and she was completely worn out from the assault.

“I’ll live.” She said as Viridian finished tying off the bandages. Sterling retrieved his bag and came around the side to see the group.

“Well, that was an interesting encounter.” He said as he took off his glasses and cleaned them from some of the creature’s black blood that had sprayed on it. He set them back on his nose and he looked at the individuals until settling his gaze on the lavender Princess. “You must be Princess Twilight.”

“I am.” She answered with a raised eyebrow. “Who are you?” The man gave them all a grandiose bow with a flourish of his hand.

“My name is Sterling Crane your highness, I represent the Iron Crows. We received word that you needed our assistance so they sent me.” A wave of relief washed over the Princess at the words. Viridian slowly turned her head and glared at the Princess.

“Oh thank goodness. I wan’t sure if you got my brother’s message.” He nodded. “How many more are coming?” Sterling looked at her and then at the other faces.

“Just me.” Her expression shattered.

“Just you?” Viridian said irritated at the whole situation.

“I dislike repeating myself and it’s clear that this place is in dire need of my help.” He pointed to the wall. “What I just saw was far more than just a small pack of goblins. That was a coordinated attack, a bit messy, but coordinated by goblin standards.” Viridian scowled.

“We’ve been doing fine.” Sterling looked at the green haired woman and walked in front of her.

“And you are?” He asked as he raised an eyebrow.

“Viridian Thorn, I’m in charge of the town watch.” He looked her up and down as if finally noticing her.

“Ah, I see.” A smug grin tugged at his lips. “Permission to speak captain?” He asked in a mocking tone. Viridian only glared at him.

“Duck.” Before she could react the man’s hand came up and gripped her shoulder while his other hand reached for something on his belt. As easily as swatting a fly, he pushed her aside and his other hand came up holding a metallic object. It was a dull grey color and had a faint shine to it. There were six barrels and a handle with a finger guard.

He raised the object just as a goblin that must have hidden itself under the cart charged and leapt at where the green haired woman was previously standing with it’s sharp, jagged claws outstretched ready to tear through leather and flesh. Sterling didn’t make a swiping motion with the object, instead his arm remained outstretched and his finger pulled the trigger. The same deafening blast hit the group’s ears as before.

A puff of smoke and flame erupted from the object. Like before, the goblin’s head exploded and it’s body landed in a bloody heap that twitched for a moment before going limp. The barrels of the object glowed red before it cooled and a little bit of smoke billowed out before he blew it out as if it were a candle. He put it back in the leather holster on his belt and turned to face the group, a splatter of the creature’s black blood was sprayed across his face.

He simply reached inside his dark green coat and pulled out a handkerchief to wipe the blood off his skin. His green eyes were stern and cold. “Clearly you have things well under control.” His tone was thick with sarcasm as he fixed his gaze on Twilight. “We’ll talk in the morning.”

“Shouldn’t we pursue them?” Viridian stated. “We’ve got them on the run, we should strike while the iron is hot.” Twilight gave a small nod. Sterling let out a loud groan and looked at them with tired eyes.

“How thick are you?” It wasn’t a question as he gestured to the forest. “That place is a death trap waiting to be sprung. Goblins have near perfect eyesight in the dark and while I can see, you lot can’t. Not to mention that you barely have any forces left to pursue them in the first place.”

“You all would undoubtedly be killed and left out as a warning for the rest.” Twilight and Viridian shrank back and shivered at the thought.

“But we can’t just do nothing!” He turned his head towards the farmer who was leaning on her brother for support.

“We are simply biding out time until I can figure out the situation.” He sighed. His eyes then shifted back to the green haired woman. “I doubt they’ll attack again tonight, but keep a watch rotation just in case.” Viridian scowled at the newcomer who started giving her orders.

“I don’t like this.” Viridian crossed her arms in defiance. Sterling slowly turned his head towards the captain, his green eyes wholly focused on her.

“You don’t have to like it, just do it.” His tone had a commanding feel to it. “Or don’t and wake up with your throat slit and your town turned to ash. I’ve seen it many times.” He mad a shrug so nonchalant it was almost natural. His expression then became stern.

“Listen captain,” His tone was venomous to put down two full grown men. “I have not slept in a bed or had a proper meal in close to four months.” He shifted his gaze to Twilight. “I came here directly from my last job because your brother and the Iron Crows have a business partnership. Not to mention I have great respect for Captain Armor, but not so much that I will tolerate being talked down to by the people who want-no, need my help.”

His posture relaxed. “I know when I’m not wanted and if that is indeed the case then I will continue on my way and leave here without a care in the world.” There was a small panic beginning to form in the Princess’ stomach. “I should also mention that I was sent because all the other Crows are busy and it would take several weeks for any of them to come here.” He looked around at the town and the battlements.

“Although I daresay that if things progress at this rate, this place won’t last another week much less a month.” His eyes focused back on the captain. “Now, you can continue to play the role of proud bastard that you’re expertly playing, or you can play the captain.” He walked up so they were mere inches apart. “I gave you an order, now follow it.”

Viridian’s golden eyes were filled with ire and she had the overwhelming urge to thrash the man standing in front of her, but said or did nothing. Sterling gave her a wide smile that showed all of his white teeth. “I’ll take your silence as a yes.” He stepped back and looked back to Twilight. “Is there an inn nearby?”

“Yes,” She pointed down the road to a sign. “The Golden Mare Inn.” He nodded and started to make his way down the road.

“As much as I hate repeating myself I’ll say it again, we’ll talk in the morning.” With that the man walked down the road his coat lightly billowing behind him as a breeze blew against his face. Sterling slowly made his way to a large two story building that had a prancing mare carved into the wood above the door frame and on the sign hanging out front. He made his way up the steps and opened the door to see several bandaged individuals sitting at some tables.
They had the look of men who’d been beaten again and again by the same opponent. He felt eyes on him as he strode to the bar and to the older brown haired man polishing the bar.The inn keeper was in his middle years, with a few streaks of grey in his hair and beard.

“What’ll it be then?” He asked as he eyed the man up.

“I’d like a room and whatever’s still warm in the pot.” He said as he took a small coin purse and put it on the table. “I’d like it delivered to my room.” The inn keeper nodded and pulled out a brass key that hung on a tack board.

“Liz, need you up front.” Sterling turned to see a serving girl around the age of nineteen with golden blonde hair pulled up into a high bun. Bags were under her hazel eyes and the clear signs of exhaustion clear across her face. “Show this gentleman to a room upstairs.”

“Right.” She said as she blew a strand of her blonde hair and motioned Sterling to follow up the stairs. He did so and followed the woman to a wooden door with a seven carved into the brown wood. She turned the knob and opened the door to show a simple bed with a desk and a small chest sitting at the foot of the bed. Compared to where he’d been sleeping for the past few weeks it was like a room he’d find in the most extravagant room in Canterlot.

He fished into his pocket and pulled out two silver coins and the serving girl’s eyes widened with delight. He pulled the two coins away which made her frown a little.

“Listen, all I want is to have a nice evening to myself. My meal brought here and to be left in peace. If you can do that then this,” He gestured to the coins. “will be yours.” He tossed one to her and she caught it in her hands.

“Let the bartender know that if anyone, and I mean anyone, tries to disturb me before tomorrow morning then it will end very badly for them.” He narrowed his green eyes and Liz felt a shiver run down her spine. “Now if I go through the night without being disturbed, then I’ll give you the other half.” He pocketed the other coin. Liz nodded and quickly let herself out of the room.

Sterling let out a sigh of relief as he started to peel his clothes off his body and filled the bathtub with warm water. He slowly slid himself in the tub and let out a long sigh of relief as the warm water started to sooth his aching muscles and joints. The water changed from it’s transparent surface to a dark grey color as the road dust and all manner of grime came off his body. Once he finished, he put his clean pair of pants that the bandits had not taken and let the water drain before filling the tub again although not as much as he used. He set his filthy shirt and travel worn cloak in the warm water to soak with the contents of a small glass vial he pulled from his bag.

He also pulled out a wash board from the travel sack and started to scrub the clothes as best he could. He halted when he heard a knock on the door. He sucked on his tooth and pulled out his weapon getting ready to fire it. “Who is it?” He asked as he cocked the hammer.

“Liz sir,” She answered. “I have your food.” He set the weapon aside and opened the door for her. She came in with a tray that held a bowl of soup and some bread. She set it on the desk and left the man after giving him a small bow. Sterling sat and quickly scarfed down his food before he inspected the weapon on the table and started cleaning it. Once that was done he set his clothes out to dry before going to bed for a goodnight’s sleep.