• Published 18th May 2018
  • 1,532 Views, 30 Comments

Mystery Dungeons: Through Realms and worlds - Navanastra

This is a story about the Expedition Society exploring a new world during Equis Ancient times, long before the concepts or creation of the many nations we know off will take place. But beware, also bad Pokemon's are interested in this new world too.

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Chapter 6: From local Zero to Hero

Chapter 6: From local Zero to Hero

Edited by: The Great Khan

“My, my, my, this is certainly something else…well, something else in regards to road condition.” Ampharos stated as he looked down at his feet.

They were both horrible caked in mud and dirt, a lot more than usual in fact, thanks to the aforementioned road conditions.

Both Nava and I had the same problem of course. With both Jirachi and Victini obviously having no problem with it whatsoever, for obvious reasons, while also being too busy with other thing. Like exploring the village from above, for example.

Either way, to say that we attracted quite the crowd would have been an understatement. The entire village was pretty much out and about to stare at us from a distance, and giving us either wondrous, or frightening looks respectively.

But back on topic about the issues we currently have at the moment. Apparently, having hooves basically contributes to the fact that, with a mix of water and the constant use of heavy loaded carts, pretty much meant that the roads where damp and muddy for most of the time. Not even accounting some of the lengthy caravans that pass through here as well, according to what Jirachi managed to get out from one of the first natives that bravely confronted us at the village entrance.

Overall, the roads here were fairly stampeded to a fine paste of mush, and the state of our feet pretty much shows it. Though thankfully by just looking around, I can tell that the rest of the village doesn’t look as bad as the roads do, so my idea that this place might be somewhat poor was thankfully wrong. But they weren’t particularly well off, either, judging by the reaction the guy had who was holding Jirachi’s gift from earlier. It didn’t exactly take very long for that guy to immediately run off to his home with the bar of gold in between his hooves and basically telling everyone about it.

Now according to Jirachi, a lot of these villagers now think of him to be some kind of god that brings either luck or good fortune, thanks to his telepathy, calming nature, and the fact that he gave the guy a whole bar of gold.

Not too far off of an assumption to make though. Given that Jirachi IS the wish making Pokémon, according to legends. Technically, at least. He has personally never practiced that role as far as he could remember himself and has always been more fascinated with the studies of the stars, technology and recently, with Nava’s inclusion, artifacts of human origins.

Because apparently, Nava wasn’t the only human to ever be brought to the pokemon world, again according to some records. But that is a story for another day yet again. Because today, we have an entirely different issue to focus on; the issue of an entire village watching us do practically everything. Even when Ampharos was just scratching his back.

“Well…I always loved getting the attention of others, but this is clearly a bit too ridiculous, even for me.” The chief stated with a bit of shyness after a group of natives behind him gasped when he scratched his back.

Because of that, both me, Nava, and Ampharos were more or less rooted close together in the middle of the village, while the aforementioned duo were free to do whatever while exploring this area from the air.

I do have to agree with Ampharos here; this level of attention is even for me a bit too much. I can’t believe I would ever say that.

“Uh…I guess I’ll have to wash my hands and feet later when all of this is done. I wonder if there is a pond or river near I could make use of. That would certainly be nice.” Nava wondered out loud while lifting up one of his aforementioned hands and sticking his tongue out at just how brown it was.

I shrugged. “I think so. I mean, settlement are usually always build near a water source as far as I know. I am sure they have a natural spring or reservoir nearby. We just have to ask them, or rather have Jirachi ask one of them to be sure.” I responded, which was right on time too as the aforementioned Pokémon suddenly appeared from on top of a roof.

Ampharos was the first to greet him. “Wonderful, you’re back. So…what did you managed to find out?” The chief asked as Jirachi came floating down.

“Well, a lot of things really. For starters, the village doesn’t seem to be that very big. I would guess a population around 100 if I am correct with my assumptions.” He answered while tapping his chin.

I gaped for a moment. “A…A HUNDRED?! But most towns back in our world barely exceed past one hundred themselves. Why is this such a minor thing here?” I asked surprised.

“Well…” Jirachi started. “You two should remember that in the distant past, Pokémon were building and living inside cities or kingdoms themselves, which at the time, held a population easily exceeding above a thousand, or even tenths of thousands in some instances, before the great social collapse of the culture and infrastructure occurred for mysterious reasons. Which is why our world is littered with these ancient relics of the past. Remnants of a long forgotten time, or golden age of Pokémon kind.” He explained, before continuing. “Also, the best cultural and architectural proof of our ancient past is actual the Rose Isles themselves. There, rules, culture and overall tradition still very much stem from the old days. The islanders are in fact the only surviving remnants of a time where massive structures like the Citadel were pretty much common all through the world. Easily proving what previously had only been listed as myths or theories, now made real thanks to the islanders.” He added before taking a breather after his long and breathless explanation.

“Well…that was certainly lengthy and kind of off-topic. Even though I originally started asking if you managed to find something out or not.” The chief responded with a sigh.

“Well sorry then, chief. But, Glade over here had asked me a very important question, so I just had to answer it as best as I could. You know how carried away I can get sometimes.” Jirachi answered while rubbing the back of his head with a sheepish smile.

Though he quickly perked up. “Oh yeah, that reminds me,” He announced before pulling out a random note pad from his bag. “Apparently, these natives which we have been calling them this entire time are actually called “Ponies” in their native tongue. While the winged beaked one we saw earlier is actually called a gryphon in this world. Furthermore, I managed to also learn that there are multiple races living on this world besides just these two, with their own kingdoms or nations respectively. Fascinating information if I do say so myself.” Jirachi openly stated while looking down at his notepad.

“Is that so?” Ampharos asked while tilting his head curiously.

Jirachi nodded before stashing away his pad. “Anyway, that’s it so far. Pretty exciting stuff if I have to say.” He stated before floating down next to us. Looking around himself and seeing the crowd which was basically surrounding us, all talking to one another in their foreign language.

“Hmm…I wonder if Mawile could maybe help us with a translation in the future. I am sure that she would be thrilled to give it a try once we ask her.” Ampharos openly wondered, while rubbing his chin in thought.

“Well, either way. I would suggest that we should seek out the village leader or elder of this place and ask him or her if it was ok with them if we could stay here for a while. Nothing beats having a roof over our heads, after all, or a place to stock up on resources if we have too.” Jirachi suggested.

Ampharos nodded. “Well indeed we should. This whole ‘standing around and being watched for almost everything you do’ is nice and all, but it’s also obviously not going to get us anywhere productive-wise. Plus…” Ampharos looked down to his feet. “…It would also mean getting out of this mud covered ground and onto something more…solid and dry.”

Jirachi just smiled. “I have no idea what you are complaining about chief. I think this road looks perfectly normal and walkable!” He announced with a huge grin which in turn just made all three of us frown.

“Well anyway, I think I saw something similar to a town hall somewhere at the northern end of the village. I am sure that someone like a major, elder, or chieftain must be living or working there. Come on, I can lead you three there and we could get ourselves introduced a bit more properly.” Jirachi suggested before taking the lead.

The three of us just followed, marching our way through the mud and internally cringing a bit with every wet squishy step we took. Though thankfully that didn’t last long as we eventually reached dryer grounds and roads further up the settlement.

Again, it doesn’t really take much of a guess that we’re still being followed visually by everyone and everything we passed by. A lot of these natives even out-right stopped whatever they were doing or talking about to stare at us as we casually made our way upwards towards the northern part of the village.

The houses further up this road where increasing in size, too. From basic one story buildings to double floor houses or triple stories for some. In fact, I would guess that this area is where all of the stores or shops of the village were, judging by the signs hanging above their entrances. There were even some very distinct warehouses or silos towering right behind some of these stores and shops. They really just added to the overall vibe that this place is actually more of a farming community than anything else. Same with the overall theme of wooden buildings and basic thatched roof.

Well, actually, the visible wheat fields which were behind the silos themselves contributed much better to this atmosphere then the silos did. That, and the obvious smell of wheat in the air as well.

“Hey, wait, isn’t that a little kid over there?” Nava suddenly pointed out. Which in turn forced every one of us to stop and look at what Nava was gesturing at.

Indeed, it was a little kid, or rather a little pony kid tentatively inching closer towards us from behind a house, before literally just standing right in front of us with curious and wondrous eyes.

Thinking back on it now, I did recall having seen this particular pony within the crowd a couple of times. Because it isn’t really hard to miss someone like it, who was basically just green all throughout when everyone else had basically two different colors on their name. Even her hair was a lighter shade of green compared to the rest of her body.

Either way, we all halted of course, looking down at the little pony with our own curiosity. Well, I say little, even though Nava and I weren’t really that much taller compared to him or her. Maybe just half a head taller if I had to be thoughtful about it.

“Well, well, well, what do we have here? A little pony child if I had to guess, judging by its size.” Ampharos stated happily before bending a bit forwards towards it. “How adorable and precious it looks.” He added with a smile.

The child was almost ready to mimic Ampharos’ expression, when a sudden shout to our left changed that.

We all turned our head towards its source, only to find a very distressed looking pony lady (judging by her hair and notable eyelashes) calling out for this child here.

The child seemed to be a bit confused at first, calling something back to her mother while pointing a hoof at Ampharos. She persisted though, and was almost on the verge of making her way over to us before looking back at Ampharos and the rest of our gang. She stalled, before looking over to the child with pleading eyes.

The child's ears dropped, before it made its way over to its mother.

I didn’t take long for the mother to snatch up its child before galloping off behind some houses. We were a bit stumped by this to say the least.

“Well, that was certainly something.” Ampharos stated with a tilted head. “Though I would have loved to converse with the little child just a bit longer. It certainly was quite the adorable little thing, wasn’t it?” Ampharos added with a smile.

“Well, you will have all the chances in the world to do so chief, AFTER we make ourselves look a little bit friendlier around here. Plus…” Jirachi paused for a bit. “…as you can tell, the ponies here still don’t fully trust us. In fact, while I was flying around and about with Victini earlier, I did notice a couple of them either hiding, glaring or even running away from us as we passed by. We truly are completely foreign towards these natives. Which again, is understandable.”

This caused me to perk up though. “Wait, where is Victini anyway if he was with you before?” I asked, tilting my head a bit.

“Well…” Jirachi began, sounding somewhat unsure, which didn’t make me feel so good on the matter. Let’s just hope that he doesn’t start burning anything else down by accident. Just like how he almost did back at the forest.


“Well, here you are Victini, sitting on top of a roof, while overlooking an open wheat field with nothing else to do. Same thing I also do when the Roselias and Roserades get ready for yet another harvest for the same year. I guess this is my way of wasting time. Doesn’t really change that much on a different world now does it?” I thought to myself as I lazily gaze off into the distance.

The harvest season must be ongoing for these villagers as well, judging by how many more of these ponies have started to show up at the fields with wagons attached to them. Watching these ponies do their thing does allow me to space out for just a moment to relieve a particular memory which was kinda similar to this one. Though the only difference being that I wasn’t alone. Someone else was sitting here next to me as when we first ever visited the isle’s together.

I sighed. “Can’t believe it really has been THAT long. Time really does fly by when we don’t give it much attention or thought.” I again thought to myself before I supported my head on my arms, casually gazing off into the nearby fields and watching these ponies do what they do.

I personally could give these ponies a few helpful pointers on how they can be a bit more efficient with their wheat growing and harvesting techniques. But the issue still remains that a large majority of them still don’t fully trust me yet, which is of course fully understandable. Plus, I wouldn’t be able to communicate with them even if I wanted too. Unlike Jirachi, I actually never learned how to do Telepathy, which is just really strange on my part.

I am capable of psychically manipulating the void orbs’ powers and opening up gates into other dimensions, but I am not capable of some of the rather basic psychic abilities out there?

I really did let myself go over the decades, didn’t I? Same with Pericles. We both have really gotten rather complacent when it compares to the adventures we used to undertake in the distant past on an almost daily basis.

Way, way, way back in the past, in fact. Man, this idea really makes me feel old, but then again age really doesn’t affect me or him that much, or rather everyone else that lives on the Isle, thanks to its displacement in time.

I sighed once more. “Ugh, I really should try and be a little bit more involved than just sitting around here and let my own thoughts keep me rooted. What’s done is done. What I used to have in the past is no longer a luxury for me now. I have a responsibility to take care off now, unlike long ago when I first met Pericles in that forest that unsurprisingly doesn’t exist anymore.” I told myself out loud before prompting myself up from my sitting position. I dusted myself off a bit as an explosion was happening at the corner of my vision and…

“Wait…explosion?” I asked myself as I looked in the direction where I saw the aforementioned disaster take place.

The only problem is, there wasn’t any? Just a wide open field with a lonely building standing at the opposite end of said field. Quite a ways off from the actual village too, which was kinda strange, though obviously not as strange as the vision I had just a moment ago.

I was thoroughly confused. “Huh…what the…then what the heck did I just see out of the corner of my eye just now, when nothing really happened at al…” I was about to say as I was swiftly proven wrong with my own assumption. A large chunk of the distant building suddenly was engulfed in an explosion with the rest quickly catching fire as a result. Pretty much mimicking the vision I just had a few seconds ago.

I was utter shocked to say the least.

“Was that future vision I just had earlier, or am I just slowly losing my mind after all these many decades of being so heavily complacent? I wasn’t even aware that I could learn or harbor such an ability at all. Simply because…this never happened before.” I thought to myself in utter shock, before quickly shaking my head and getting back to the severity of this reality.

I of course wasn’t the only one who noticed this disaster.

It didn’t take long for panic to ensue. I may not be able to understand what the heck these ponies were shouting about, but it didn’t take that much guessing judging by the tone and general expressions of their voices.

I again wasn’t really sure what to do. That is, until I focused my every keen eyes on the burning building a little bit more and was almost shocked at what I was seeing. I was seeing children running out of the building, some of them even limping off, with some adults being among them.

This was generally the all the information I needed to jump into action. These villagers may not fully trust me yet, but that still doesn’t mean that I am going to sit idle while a bunch of children are in danger! School children if I had to guess what the building actually was.

I steeled myself, went back up into the air and made a directly beeline for the burning schoolhouse at the other end of the field. I could see a couple of ponies under me, giving me either surprised or shocked looks as I flew past them. But again I really didn’t pay much attention to them as I had a completely different goal at my sight. The obvious cracking sounds of fire and the distinct screams of little children were already becoming pretty clear in my ears as I got closer.

It took me almost record time to reach the burning inferno from where I started, long before anyone else from the village could hope to achieve. With that thought out of the way, it was pretty much clear that it was more or less up to me to do everything here. Which is fine, because I was planning to do so anyway, giving my natural resistance to fire.

It was also pretty clear that a few of these school kids were still trapped inside, judging by the scream I could hear coming from the burning inferno. Again, all the information I needed and the only incentive I could personally ask for to get me going. I dove myself right into the fray without much thought, again much to the surprise and shock of those watching from afar, and even a few protesters that most likely called out that it was too dangerous and…good-lucks as well, I guess?

Am I suddenly making sense of this gibberish, or is it just me? Anyway, in I went, right through the closest window I could find and started to use my Psychic powers to sense the rooms around me for any signs of live.

And sense I did. Four of them, in fact. Two in the next room while the other two were separated far from one another. One in another room here on the ground floor, while the other was on the second floor on top of us where I guess the explosion took place, because that’s where I could sense a massive hole in the wall.

I coughed a couple of time as the smoke was quickly making itself known within my lungs. I knew that I had to move quickly because of this, not just for myself, but more importantly for these kids too.

I have no idea how resilient pony lungs are, but I doubt that a kid can really survive this for very much longer than I can.

With that plan in mind, I began my search, floating myself around some minor fires and rubble to safely make my way to the next room where the out-cries were coming from. I quickly slipped myself through the busted door; coughing a couple more times before immediately scanning the room for the crying children. Luckily though it didn’t take long for me to spot them. As my eyes immediately fell on a large diagonal hanging shelves, which was hovering dangerously low above these two crying children who most likely sought shelter under it out of instinct.

Not a good place to huddle under, especially when the large support beam holding it up above these kids was quickly being chewed away by flames coming from a hole above.

Like really, I can already see the beam slowly buckling under the shelves weight, which is obviously a bad sign.

My eyes went wide because of that, before the inevitable happened.

Again, my senses once again kicked in as I found myself shooting forward to intercept the falling shelve, flying right under its form and holding it up with all of my physical strength. I would be normally doing this with the aide of my telekinesis, but I wasn’t particularly concentrated on logic at the moment, and more focused on keeping this oversized wall shelve from crushing two native children.

An act the two kids quickly noticed as they both gazed upwards towards me with surprised eyes.

I could her them bubbling on about something, or rather trying to in between their coughs, but I quickly shut them down with a one-eye glare aimed towards them.

“You two…get…get the heck out of here! Make for the exit out in the hall and run, I can’t hold this shelve up for much longer!” I grunted, trying not to breath in too much smoke while also struggling to keep this thing from flattening us.

Luckily, or rather mysteriously, the children seemed to understand my message before they both quickly made a run for it, which in turn allowed me to finally use my brain again (literally) and make use of my psychic powers to hold the shelve for me to ease my burden. Once away from it, I began to cancel out my telekinetic hold on this thing and let it drop, with a very heavy sounding thud mind you.

I am not sure what the heck this shelve was made off, or rather what type of wood was used for its construction, but if it wasn’t for me intervening it would have certainly crushed these little ponies for sure.

With that though, I began to look. Feeling rather satisfied that the two kids were nowhere to be seen. Which meant that they have probably made their way out into the main corridor and out to safety through the front door exit as instructed.

Two down, two more to go, and these two are going to be the trickiest once. I just know it.

Shaking my head. I immediately ascended back into the air and began focusing my psychic energy to relocate the two last remaining kids within this burning school. That is, I would have if it wasn’t for the smoke really clogging up my lungs getting and diminishing my concentration level significantly. I was actually coughing up too much of a storm to really stay focused.

“Blast it…I…I guess I have to…do this the old fashion way then…or get out of this room first before…trying this again…but if I am having troubles now…then the two missing kids are most likely going be…in an even worse…situation then me…I got to keep moving…” I told to myself in between coughs, before flying myself out of the room and into the main entrance hall.

Out of curiosity and slight worry, I momentarily looked over my shoulders at the open door way behind me, and was again most relieved to see that the two children I just saved did made it out ok just as I hoped. Though I couldn’t linger on that relief too much, as every second counts right now.

For both me and the two remaining kids if I am going to stay here for too long.

“Got to quickly check every room I pass by to make sure I don’t miss the third kid down here.” I thought to myself as I started to get moving once more.

It personally is a bit of mystery to me how a village of its size could even have a double storied school in the first place. But I am obviously not going to question this now, as I have more pressing questions to think about.

“Like where the last child is?” I thought to myself as I looked through the last room.

It was then when a section of the roof suddenly collapsed right behind me from where I once flew. Sending out debris and even more smoke into my path and more or less blocking my exit point with a wall of rubble.

I mentally cursed to myself, before simply focusing back on the task at hand. If it wasn’t for my struggle to breath, I would certainly have the mental capacity required to make more use of my psychic abilities, thus making finding this last kid down here a lot easier and more importantly a lot less…

Then I heard it, a faint but still noticeable cough coming from the very room I was facing.

My head snapped back. I immediately flew into the room without a second thought while keeping both my nose and mouth covered with one arm. The smoke was even worse inside here, which was obviously giving me bad signs on the survivability of the kid inside here. Not to mention my visibility tool. Even I was seriously having troubles breathing now.

I then I heard it again, a vague cough coming from this room which forced me to stop and focus.

I stopped while trying to see through the heavy haze of smoke and dancing fires.

“*cough cough* Hey kid…ugh…where are you?” I called out into the room in hopes of getting a response.

And a response I got, again with the the same gibberish I have been hearing so far all day ever since making contact with these natives. But at least it was a response, knowing that it still must be well enough to be able to response in the first place. Though still, judging by the faintness of it, I was obviously running out of time with this one.

“Hold on, I am going to get you out!” I called out, following my senses and finding the aforementioned child neatly huddling under a desk which was a relief. Though again as I had predicted, the kid looked fairly bruised, with very bloodshot eyes and burned patches of fur here and there around its body. I couldn’t help but feel pretty sorry for this kid as I started to reach for it, only to be rejected at first, which was kinda understandable given my…outlandish looks towards him.

I gave him the most sincere smile look I could muster. “Come *cough* come on…please *cough* I am here to…to help you…*cough* I mean you no harm…promise.” I said softly before slowly reaching my arm out towards him.

The kid was silent though. Suspiciously eying my outstretched arm while I on the other hand was starting to get desperate. Not only was this kid now endangering us with his mistrust. But also endangering the other kid as well who I still have to find. I am not sure what the structural integrity of this school might be, but judging by the splintering of wood and the cracking sound echoing all around us, I would guess that it isn’t exactly in its best possible condition.

I wouldn’t be surprised if this whole thing is due to collapse at any moment. Which gives me even more reasons to mentally panic in my opinion.

I shook my head. “Please…just…just trust me…*cough* I am here…*cough* *cough* to help *cough* *cough*.” I pleaded, or rather tried to as my lungs were really starting to burn from the lack of oxygen alongside with my eyes.

I could feel my head starting to pound because of it. The lack of air, the heat, and the overall stress if this situation is really starting to nag on my psyche. I have to somehow get this kid to trust me fast or we are both going to die here.

If only I could use my…

“Hey, Victini. Let me talk to him.” The voice of Jirachi suddenly appeared inside my head, which of course made me flinch in surprise.

“What the…Jirachi why are you…”

“Just let me talk to the kid. Just…just give me a couple of seconds to do so. So hold on.” Jirachi stated rather hastily, before leaving my head.

I was still both surprised and confused of course, but that confusion quickly morphed into hope when I noticed the child own transition into a surprised expression. Most likely to the fact that Jirachi has started talking to him mentally.

Thankfully though, whatever Jirachi has psychically told him seemed to work, as he surprisingly began crawling up towards me. But with much pain in his features.

Not sure what this meant, but it obviously doesn’t take a lot of guess to figure it out. Plus, I am going to find out soon enough anyway, now that I am able to reach for his hoof to pull him out from under the desk.

“Oh dear…” I muttered to myself when I was able to see the damage the poor guy had on his right hind leg.

The fur was complete burned off, exposing scarred skin and some bad looking burn marks as well. To think that this little school kid managed to hold on for so long with such a severe injury on his leg is almost a little miracle in my books, a sign of toughness or bravery, or worse; he doesn’t feel it anymore.

The latter being a very troubling thought.

“Don’t…*cough*…worry, I am going to…*cough*…get you out of here.” I told the kid even though he doesn’t understand me. But it’s the message and intention that count, not the language.

With that said, I gently helped the kid up alongside with me as I took off into the air, which in turn, was predictably a total surprise for his little mind, judging by his expression. Though that wondrous expression quickly turned into pain, before transitioning to some coughs instead.

“Crap, got to take this kid out of here.” I thought to myself as I quickly began flying about within this room in hopes of finding a window within this dense smoke.

The original exit path was out of question of course. I may be heat resistant but this kid obviously wasn’t.

“Go fly to your right. There is large enough window you can use.” The ever echoing voice of Jirachi suddenly appeared, which is personally kinda creepy to have when you haven’t been exposed to telepathy for quite some time.

But besides that, I took his offer up without even questioning it. Flying straight towards my right and almost bumping directly into a heavily tainted slab of glass.

This is just how thick the smoke has become, which doesn’t even allow me to see a meter or two away from me.

“Consarn it all, almost smashed through.” I coughed out, while trying to cover up the kids nose and mouth with my free arm. Kinda useless in a way, but at least better than doing nothing.

Either way, I immediately started fiddling with the locks while holding my own breath. I was getting frustrated rather swiftly with this when it turned out that the bloody thing wasn’t going to buckle or budge anytime soon.

“Blasted bronze lock and hardwood frame.” I thought to myself with a frown before I steeled a quick look at the kid.

The child was looking really faint at this point, weakly coughing into my arm which just fired off all kinds of alarm signs in my head.

I knew that I needed to get him out of here and fast and have him risk getting choked to death by all of this soot.

I was about to just bust this window wide open with a psychic blast, before someone else promptly did it for me. I was forced to dodge back, as glass shrapnel was flying everywhere.

Though what surprised me even more was the added edition of Ampharos head peeking out through the now open window.

“Well, what are you waiting for Victini? Get this kid out of here. He looks mighty ill.” Ampharos stated, which he didn’t need to say.

I nod, before flying out of the window ASAP. Once outside, I was personally glad to be able to breathe again normally, as I took full advantage of this opportunity. Taking in as much air as I possibly could and relishing in the coolness that was the outside air.

“Here I can take him off of you.” Ampharos offered as he extended his arms forward.

I again just nod. Before gently handing him the still conscious child. With him finally save, I was finally free to focus on the last child still inside the burning mess.

I immediately took off once again much to the confusion to Ampharos.

“Hey…where are you going?” He called out after me.

I looked back. “Going to search for the last kid.” I called back before concentrating back on the task at hand.

“Be careful,” Was the last callout I heard from him before I was back into the fray and out of earshot. Entering the burning building through the massive hole on the second floor where the explosion must have taken place. Plus, according to the second psychic pulse I sent out, the last kid was actually somewhere close by, which was both convenient and again worrisome at the same time.

If he really is nearby where the explosion took place, then I could only guess what his injuries must be. But thankfully he was still alive, otherwise I wouldn’t have been able to sense him in the first place.

I pushed myself through the flames once again, covering up my face from the haze of smoke which immediately assaulted me once more. Thankfully, I did perform the necessary precautions first by mental preparing myself for what was to come while I was briefly outside. I won’t be so psychically hampered as I was before.

This should certainly help me this time, instead of relying on traditional methods to much.

Though besides that, I wasted no time in looking around myself in hopes of spotting the last missing kid quickly. No such luck it seems, even with my generalization of the child location.

I know he is here, but where is a different question all together.

“Hey…*cough* cough* kid…where…where are you?” I called out in hopes of getting a response.

Though no such luck, as I didn’t get the response I was hoping for. This would certainly make things a bit more complicated now.

I began to look around myself once more, though this time with a much keener eye then I did before, ignoring the smoke. It also didn’t help with the fact that this entire building was loudly protesting as well. The entire wooden structure was quickly losing its integrity and it showed, both visually and audibly as well.

I was running out of time.

I more or less doubled my efforts at this point, zipping all across the room like a madman in search of this last kid. I even went so far as to telekinetically lift up large debris and rubble from the floors in hope of finding the little kid underneath them, similar how the last three kids decided to huddle under some furniture’s out of instinct.

I was quickly becoming frustrated once more.

“Darn it, where is he?” I argued with myself, as I was actually started to sweat for the first time thanks to the increasing heat around me.

“Where is he where is he where is he?” I constantly chanted to myself as I flew around the room. Looking through every nook and cranny for the last missing kid.

“Darn it, where can he…” I was about to say, before I suddenly spotted something at the corner of my eye.

I turned my eyes towards it, only to mentally slap myself for having missed something so obvious. I blame the damn smoke.

“Can’t believe I managed to miss a rather big hole in the wall this entire time.” I thought to myself before flying towards it.

That’s when I spotted something quite noticeable sticking out from the pile of rubble.

My eyes went wide in realization. “Is that a…a tail?” I muttered to myself in shock as I float in closer to have a better look.

And to my further shock, it indeed was a tail, a small bushy light blond tail. The same type of tails that these pony natives have. Hairy and quite bushy too. This immediately told me everything I needed to know before using my telekinesis to clear all of this rubble.

I was of course being very gently with my procedure despite the time constraint I was feeling. A large chunk of the floor nearby even decided to give way from the strain while I was doing my thing, crashing down into the ground floor below and kicking up both dust and even more smoke into the room.

“Just a couple more…yes, got it and…” I told myself before finally removing the last piece of rubble and stopping myself.

My eyes again went wide in both shock and fear.

“Oh no…is he…” I was about to say before I saw the little body gently rise and fall just now.

I sighed with relief, which turned into a horrible coughing fit instead. With that done though. I quickly grabbed the little kids body with my telekinesis and started to look around myself for a safe exit. And not a moment too soon either, as the floor underneath the pile suddenly collapsed too. Showing me that the fire has already significantly spread itself in the ground floor too, and was practically eating up the upper floors as a result.

“Blast it, no need to be subtle then, now is there?” I thought to myself before looking up at the badly damaged ceiling right above me.

“Time to bust this thing wide open then.” I told myself, before focusing my mind for a psychic blast aimed at the ceiling. Punching a decently sized hole in the already damaged roof and giving me and the child a quick and easy way to escape. And escaped I did, dashing through the opened roof and high up into the air with the child body following me. Leaving the house and my burden behind me.

“There you are.” I suddenly heard someone say to me from behind, which in turn almost caused me to lose my mental grip on the kid.

I would be glaring at him, but I was frankly feeling a bit too tired to even do that properly. So I opted to just give him the kid, which Jirachi took with his own telekinetic field.

He gave me a worried look. “Just…just get him to someone who can help, or his parents if the former isn’t available. Just…just…” I tried to say, before my vision slowly started to get black all of the sudden.

I guess, the stress, the inhalation of smoke and my overall exhaustion have finally caught up with me in the end.

The last thing I remember is the feeling of me falling out of the sky while a quickly distancing Jirachi was calling out for me.

I didn’t even get the time to feel my body hit the ground.