• Published 18th May 2018
  • 1,530 Views, 30 Comments

Mystery Dungeons: Through Realms and worlds - Navanastra

This is a story about the Expedition Society exploring a new world during Equis Ancient times, long before the concepts or creation of the many nations we know off will take place. But beware, also bad Pokemon's are interested in this new world too.

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Chapter 1: A portal through water

Author's Note:

Well here you go, and brand new story. I just like to point out for those who also read some of my other stories, that both Nava and Glade are NOT the same characters as the Nava and Glade from a certain other story I have uploaded here.

These two are completely different, minus their names of course.

Mystery Dungeon: Through realms and worlds

/Chapter 1: A portal through water/

Edited by: Samellan

“Alright, here we are. The Void Water Chamber, and the very source of Rose Isles unique abilities and properties, such as appearing and disappearing at will from place to place, not just on this world, but on other worlds too.” Miss Roselia, or rather just Rosette, stated, gesturing towards the massive room in front of us with her right arm.

Both me and Nava were of course in complete awe at the mere sight in front of us. All the walls were completely covered in some mysterious looking water like liquid which was both softly glowing and travelling upwards to the domed ceiling where it was forming into large ball where the mysterious looking shine was the brightest.

Sure, Celebi’s and Palkia's description of this place was rather detailed, and quite exciting on its own, but actually standing here in person and seeing this place with our very eyes was a completely different beast altogether.

It was already awe inspiring enough that an entire civilization existed out there, consisting of nothing but Budews, Roselias, and Roserades, it was even more crazy when almost a year ago this civilization suddenly appeared to the south of the Water continent with a whole chain of islands that basically formed a giant oversized rose when you see if from above. And, as if the enigma of this place wasn’t even more… enigmatic enough?... it also turned out that this place was also bearing a room which was capable of creating portals into other worlds. Primarily those the Isles and the Citadel build on its center had visited before in the past, which was just the icing on the cake for me.

The idea of being able to visit brand new never before seen worlds alone was just so mind numbing to me that I was almost unable to get a good sleep for several days just thinking about it. But still, it was quite exciting nonetheless, especially when you consider the possibilities with this. Being a member of the Pokémon Exploration society guild obviously meant that exploring pretty much everything that our world has to offer is more of a duty than a job. And now the possibility of extending this duty further into new and completely unexplored worlds is just such an exhilarating thought on its own.

I really love exploring and adventuring, in case none of you can tell.

One of the few reasons why Nava and I are deep inside the heart of the Citadel in the first place. To be one of the first of our world to step into its mysteries and experiencing it all for ourselves.

Well, that is what I kinda hope at least, as the whole “opening a portal and stepping through it to another world” wasn’t exactly part of the discussion back at HQ.

All Ampharos mentioned back then was that he and Jirachi were invited to visit Rose Isle’s in the middle of the ocean, and that we were also invited to come along. Most likely thanks to us knowing Pericles himself, the Head Roserade of all of these Roselias, Budews, and Roserades here.

An interesting name for sure, and an even more interesting acting fellow once you get to meet him a few times.

Which we both did, thanks to the fact that he suddenly appeared at Lively Town a couple of months back and causing a bit of a rickus at the market. The same time when these islands and its people suddenly appeared out of nowhere in the middle of the ocean.

Like, really, I can still remember the shock me and the rest of the Exploration Society members had when word started to spread out that a new island change shaped like a rose with a huge citadel like structure in the middle of it was suddenly spotted off the southernmost coast.

It certainly was something, even more so when Nava and me first laid eyes on the newly formed islands and the unique civilization build on it.

And now, the never ending mystery of this place has spread even further, now that both me and Nava over here were standing right in front of a room with countless possibilities.

Oh, and in case of anyone reading this diary and wondering who the heck I am, and who my partner whom I constantly mention is, let me tell you. My name is Glade, a Snivy in body but something completely different in soul, or, at least, that’s what I know. But I am going to keep the details about that a secret for now to not overwhelm you with too many surprises *wink *wink. And besides, I am sure you would all have heard mine and my friend’s names before in regards to what we managed to accomplish a year and a half from now.

You know, that one MAJOR incident revolving around Dark Matter corrupting pokemons and almost causing the tree of life to die and for the world to be flung towards the sun? You know, that incident? I am sure you would have heard at least about THAT, no matter at what time period or decade this diary is being read in.

But anyway, speaking of which, I still have someone else to introduce, aren’t I? In case some of you are somehow living under a rock or have skipped school on that one particular lesson where it was in.

I know I have… I mean, I skipped school a couple of times. But whatever.

Anyway, my partner’s name and closest friend in the whole wide world is Nava, as I have already named him a couple of times at the start of this diary. He is a Froakie, in body at least, but also yet not exactly in spirit, just like me. I am sure that many of you might be aware that human turned pokemon has arrived to our world not to long ago. Something, something about him being the key of defeating Dark Matter and something, something like that.

Well, to be perfectly blunt here, that human turned pokemon is actually standing right next to me. Nava. The one who loyally and bravely stood by my side as we both succeeded in defeating Dark Matter for good.

Again, should be common knowledge to most at this point, but to make it clear once more, Nava over here was actually a human.

Yes, an actual human from the human world. How crazy does that sound? But anyway, at this point I might just be rambling on pointless stuff and preventing you all from actual knowing what the heck is going on right now instead of me reciting to you all about the not so distant past.

Again, I am just making sure that all this would be common knowledge to you all so that it won’t get too confusing from this point on. Or so I hope, and hope is really all you need in order to get through some really nasty and difficult times.

Again, just remember or read what happened one and a half year ago, or at whatever time period this diary is being read. I wouldn’t add the term found to it, as I am planning to give this to Miss Mawile once the entire diary is filled.

She is really good at keeping books or scrolls safe, after all.

Anyway, enough of this chit-chat. Let’s go back to being in complete awe of a room which walls seemed to be made completely out of flowing water. Magically sparkling, gravity defying, and glowing water. Minus the floor, the floor was just your typical marble looking floor, highly polished and with lots of strange shapes and swirls decorating its surface. And, apparently, those shapes and swirls are just that, shapes and swirls which have absolutely nothing to do with the mysterious properties of this room.

I should really stop doing this, shouldn’t I? Even when writing a diary I tend to make myself look quite chatty and annoying. Better not let Pancham read this, or otherwise he will just continue to highlight just how annoying I truly am.

Well, in that case, I guess it was kind of good thing that Nava actually took the time to wave his hand in front of my face to snap me out of my own thoughts. Otherwise I would have most likely been standing here for goodness how long.

I am talking about the moment, of course, not the time when I am writing this.

Either way, I blinked a couple of times before hearing a chuckle coming next to me from Rosette, most likely at my derpy expression.

“Well, it’s not like you get the chance to see a room which is coated and flowing with the dimensional waters that separate many worlds and dimensions from ours everyday, isn’t it? Like, really, this is a pretty unique sight.” She announced.

“Well,yeah, it certainly is something. Isn’t that right, Nava?” I asked, to which Nava simply replied with a nod.

He never really was much of a talker ever since I have known him, and really only ever says something whenever it is really necessary to do so.

You’ll get used to it super quickly, though. I sure did, but that is because I tend to just do most of the talking. We both are kinda polar opposites in that regard, me being an ever so hyper extravert, while he is an introvert through and through. But that is why the two of us match so well… again, just in my opinion.

But I am sure that I am totally right with my assumptions. ^.^

I was about to ask something when the chief put a wrench into my plans and just materialized right out of the blue, preventing me from doing so.

Man, I actually almost forgot that both Jirachi and Ampharos were here with us as well. Then again, these two got originally invited to come here before we got added to the list.

“My, my, my, what a unique looking room indeed. I wasn’t even aware that water could… do that.” The chief stated, looking quite perplexed by this as well as Jirachi floating next to him.

“Chief, you know very well what Palkia has stated. This stuff isn’t just your run of the mill water, but a water lookalike substance which exists only within the void that separates our world with countless others.” Jirachi stated.

“Well, it looks like water to me, so what do I know.”

“Anyway… Miss Rosette, was it?” The chief began, looking to his left where Rosette stood.

Rosette nodded, giving him her full attention.

“Well, according to the information and history you gave us about this place before we came here, this place, or rather this whole island, is actually existing within its own pocket dimension separate from ours. Isn’t that correct?” The chief questioned, luring both mine and Nava’s attention almost immediately.

“Wait, what?!” both me and Nava shouted.

“Why, it's true.” A very familiar voice replied.

We all turned our heads towards its source, and wouldn’t you know it, it was none other than the big dude of this rose themed island himself.

Well, I say big dude, even though Roserades don’t really grow that much larger when evolving from Roselias. But don’t let their lack of size fool you, especially the ones living here and even more so the one casually strolling down the stairs.

Pericles himself, or better, Peri, as he is really likes to call himself sometimes. Also known as the Silver Rose by the inhabitants of the isles. Curiously enough. But outside the Isle, and to me and my partner personally as well, he is simply known as Pericles, or even Peri for some.

He can be quite...the funny feeling character at times. I could personally try and explain him in this diary at much better detail, but that would obviously mean rambling on with needlessly big level expositions which I am too lazy to do right now.

I will write more about him as my stories continue onward. Because I know for a fact that he is going to eventually show us again why he can be so...unpredictable.

But anyway, as I said, we all turned ourselves towards him as he made his way down, holding his trademark grin. A grin which can mean everything or nothing. It really is up to him, which obviously doesn’t help either.

But, to be honest, he is really fun to have around, though. Especially when things do tend to get serious around us and he gets the chance to truly show us why he is perhaps the most perplexing pokemon I have ever known.

Just proving how little we know about our surroundings, world, and just how everything really works or exists.

Well, that is what the Pokemon Expedition society is for. Exploring new places and solving new mysteries.

Gosh, I really am a complete tattletale, aren’t I?

I am wasting so much ink right now.

Anyway (for the last time, I swear), Audacity took his place by Rosette’s side as he peered into the room as well. Though, with a curious look, strangely enough.

“Rosette, where is all stuff?” He asked before looking back at her.

Rosette perked up at that.

“Oh, yeah, about that…” She began awkwardly. ”I moved them up to the eastern bailey temporarily so that these visitors here can have a much better look at the Room of dimensions. Would kinda ruin the mood and overall esthetic if the first thing they all see was a large collection of crates, boxes and whatnot.” She added, rubbing the back of her head and giving him a sheepish smile.

Both the Chief and Jirachi himself where fairly confused by this, same for us before Ampharos decided to ask.

“Um… excuse me, but my I ask what the two of you are talking about?” He asked what we were all silently asking ourselves as well.

Rosette turned towards us with a smile. “Well, simply, this room is actually being used as a storage basement whenever the room isn’t being used to hop through worlds or dimensions.” She casually replied, which again shocked us all. Though for completely different reason than before.

“What? You mean… you are casually using a room, which is capable of creating links to different realities and worlds as a simple storage basement? Wh-why?” Jirachi asked, completely baffled by this.

Pericles just shrugged. “I don’t know, seems kinda appropriate for most of the time. Plus, this entire Citadel itself actually lacks a proper underground chamber for storage, thanks to the fact that we are literally standing on top a massive flower. So at some point I personally proposed the idea to just use the void water room for this very purpose whenever it’s not really in use. Which is not a lot, by the way, besides allowing this whole Isle to appear or disappear somewhere else. So converting it into a knick-knack storage pit does at least give it some practical use for us whenever we are not changing position or location or whatever. Plus…” He gestured towards the room with his blue right rose. ”…this place is super spacious, too, just perfect to start safe keeping all the junk which we have managed to collect over the decades from hopping in and form world to world. It’s overall a very great use for this place.” He added, flashing us all a huge smile while resting his rosey arms against his hips like how he always does whenever trying to be clever.

Kinda like me whenever I am trying to look proud or clever myself. Which is way too often for me, or at least according to our friend Espurr.

Well, to say that we were… flabbergasted by this would have been an understatement. I mean… here you have a room, a room dedicated fully to ripping holes through reality and capable of transporting a person or an entire freaking island to a new location or world… and it is casually being used as a storage room for most of the time.

These Rose themed Pokemon are crazy, I tell you, but then again, who am I to judge them? Even we at the Expedition Society can be complete nutheads at the best of times… or even the worst.

“Well, anyway… now that this little problem is out of the way, let’s see if we can power this thing back up again, shall we? I am sure you all came here with the prospect of peering into a new world after all.” Pericles suddenly announced, snapping us all from the perplexed trance.

Me in particular, as this pretty much confirmed the hopes I was… well, hoping for. Though one very important question quickly entered my mind when I saw both Pericles and Rosette stroll past us into the room.

“Just one question, is this place even capable of creating a connection to the human world, and if so, have you all already been to the human world yourself?” I questioned loudly, which again got pretty much everyone’s attention almost immediately.

Especially my partner Nava’s, as he perked up at that.

Both Rosette and Pericles stopped on their tracks as the latter looked rather thoughtful.

“Well, yes. Yes, this place CAN connect directly to the human world, and YES, I have personally been there a couple of times over the decades.” He casually answered before pausing and turning his gaze towards us. Primarily at Nava next to me.

This was… strangely confusing and certainly not the first time now that I think back to it. Though I never really saw it as anything noteworthy. Even now. I mean… he can’t possibly be from the human world as well… right? Right?

“Anyway, let’s just get this thing powered up then, shall we?” He announced before tapping his chin. “Um… wait…” I paused for a while. “How does this go again?” He questioned while looking at Rosette to his left.

She just tilted her head at him. “Really, you already forgot?”

Pericles shrugged. “Well… the last time I was here when we made active use of this thing, I was actually outside, drowning myself in carrots as usual. I am pretty sure it involves member of the Rose Guard, if I am not mistaken.” He responded, looking upwards to the ceiling while and crossing his arms.

“Well, yeah, but there was also Victini who is psychically connected to the energy orb above us that is necessary to help focus the collective energy at the center point.” Rosette responded, gesturing with a flower up at the glowing ball of liquid at the center of the domed ceiling.

I perked up at that. “Ah, yeah, Victini is from here, too. Forgot about that.” I thought to myself at the mention of his name.

Though personally I never knew that Victini actually had such a role until now. I, or rather we, always knew him to be Pericles’s personal assistant as he usually was always by his side whenever he was skirting around outside the island, while Rosette was actually more like the steward of this place whenever Peri was outside doing… ”whatever” as he always calls it.

“Oh,yeah, really forgot all about that. I guess, after living for so many decades nonstop, I am finally showing my age with a bit of memory loss. Man, I must be old and wise now.” Pericles stated with a smile, which in turn made Rosette just roll her eyes, funnily enough.

“No, no, you’re not growing old, neither of us does on the isle. You’re just have been chewing on too many carrots again lately, which, you should know, does kind have a tiny negative side effect on you by messing up with your memory and your sense of focus a bit.” She replied nonchalantly.

“Yeah… maybe… but at least it's giving me some very sharp vision and very quick reflexes. A decent trade, if you ask me, especially now that I can see EVERYTHING, thanks to that.” Peri responded, widening his eyes with his vines in a rather comedic way.

Rosette again just shook her head, while the rest of us were awkwardly standing on the sidelines, unable to really say or do much on the matter. To be honest, this is pretty much typical wherever Peri is around. Awkwardness just seems to follow him wherever he goes, even when things start to get serious.

“Fine, fine… I’ll stop snacking on so many carrots for a while. Just stop lecturing me constantly in just how messy it tends to make me inside my already messy patch of cotton of a head. Let’s just go get the necessary things down here so that we can start moving all of the junk back afterwards. I am a guy for esthetics, after all, and the eastern bailey is not a place to store crates or boxes. It’s actually a garden.” Pericles announced, which in turn made Rosette smile.

“Sweet, because we are kinda running low on carrots anyway.” Rosette casually stated, which made Pericles freeze in place at these news.

He kinda reminds me of Swirlix a bit, but instead of overfeeding himself on perfect apples, Pericles over here seems to enjoy snacking on as many carrots as he can get his vines on.

Overall a funny comparison, and also one of the reasons why both him and Swirlix understood each other quite well during their first meeting. That is, until they started to argue what was better for you - A perfect Apple, or a Perfect Carrot.

The debate was pretty silly, but… surprisingly, quite… suspenseful, too.

“Anyway. Mister Ampharos and Jirachi. Is it okay for the two of you to wait just a little bit longer while I go back up and get a few members of the Rose guard down here? It won’t take too long, I promise.” Rosette stated with a smile.

The chief just shook his head. “Not at all, and please, just call me Ampharos, I am still single, after all.” He stated with his own smile.

“Same for me. Just call me Jirachi.” Jirachi added, which Rosette acknowledged with a nod.

“Alright, let me just quickly go back upstairs then, so that I can get everything done and organized to re-activate the void waters. Though…” She began, tapping her chin. ”I am not sure where Victini could be right about now. He usually never naps in his room during the day, which means that he could literally be taking his nap anywhere on the island. Only Pericles here might have an idea where he might be, but…” She looked over her shoulder at the still shell shocked form of Pericles. Which was again kinda silly, but also slightly worrying. ”…as you can see, he won’t be able to recover from the fact that we are truly running out of carrots down in the kitchens.” She then sighed. ”Guess, I have to send someone out into the closest town to get some more then. What good is a leader when he is unable to move?” She more or less muttered that part out before again giving off a sigh.

“Actually, both me and Nava can help in getting Victini for you. We actually saw him napping on top of one of those stall curtains at the market when we came here.” I announced, which Nava next to me confirmed with a nod.

“Really? That’s great, would certainly save me a lot of time and for you as well. I mean, the faster we can get everything collected - the faster we can try to reactivate the void water and make a connection to one of the realms we personally haven’t even set foot on outside of our island. So this would certainly be first for everyone. If it will work, that is.” Rosette stated, making both me and Nava smile at the offered prospect of being one of the first to step into a never before explored world where no Pokemon has ever set foot on yet.

Both me and Nava saluted. “Aye, aye, ma’am, we will complete this task faster than you can assemble the Rose guard.” I stated before looking over to my friend. “Come on, the faster we find Victini, the faster we can write history, quite literally in fact, since I just started jotting down diaries about our adventures.” I announced, smiling.

“Race you to the marketplace, then?” Nava suddenly challenged with a smirk, which I quickly returned.

“Ha, you’re on, slowpoke.” I dared back.

And with that we were off, racing up the stairs and towards the island’s market on the western bailey of the citadel.


(In a faraway world)

“Yes, I swear, brother. It’s not a joke. I found it right over here, if I am not mistaken.” A young little filly said, as she was taking the lead through a heavily overgrown and somewhat dark looking forest.

The forest itself wasn’t that particularly large, especially when it was overshadowed by a formidable mountain range on the other side. But what the forest lacked in true size, it easily makes up in just how overall dense and thick its layout really was.

Massive trees, thick undergrowth, and dense foliage, and not to mention large overgrown stone pillars and other structure looking formations which has made this particular piece of nature almost impassable by anyone. Well, anything larger than a foal, to be honest, which is why these two were able to duck and weave through the bushes, vines and roots littered ground, keeping a very modest pace while trudging through the forest grounds.

A few cuts a bruises were still had along the way, thanks to the aforementioned sharp branches of bushes and thorn covered vines here and there, but nothing truly serious and nothing that their mother couldn’t easily patch out when they made their way back to the village once his sister has finally shown him what she had been spouting about for a couple of days, ever since she went into the nearby forest alone, much to their mother’s worry and annoyance.

Because, technically, none of the kids were ever allowed to go into the forest, because the adults think that it was cursed or whatever in just how dark and foreboding it looked. Not to mention, those illusive ruins as well that could be seen deep within the woods only at a specific time of the day. And only if the weather was clear.

But bans and silly grown up superstitions were never going to stop curious little youngsters from exploring anyway. Especially managing to trudge through this forest all alone and coming back to tell the tale to her older brother, much to his annoyance.

“Here it is.” The little filly suddenly called out after she pushed herself through the final bush, her brother close behind.

His large crystal blue eyes widened in both surprise and awe at the very sight which was presented in front of him.

“Whoa, what are those things?” The little colt asked out loud.

“Don’t know, which is why I wanted to show this to you. It looks… so mysterious, doesn’t it?” The little filly responded as both him and her were standing in front of a massive overgrown arch flanked by two statues depicting strange looking creatures which these two foals have never seen or heard about before.

Bipedal looking creatures, with oversized spiky heads and rose looking flowers on their arms and forelegs.

Whatever these things were is anyone’s guess, but what was clear to these two foals was at least that something clearly used to be here that must have built these ancient structures before they were inevitably abandoned and overgrown by nature.

Maybe it was these two looking creatures that originally constructed this place. Would certainly make one heck of a mystery if that was the case.

What a big and mysterious world they are living in.